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The Painted Veil



故事开始于二十世纪初的伦敦,Walter 是个沉默、清高的研究细菌学的医生,在一个社交聚会上对kitty一见钟情,并很快向kitty求婚。。。彼时的kitty美丽、虚荣、任性,虽然不爱Walter,却接受了他的求婚。Walter 把kitty带回上海。在发现kitty和外交馆Townsend之间的婚外情后,决然地带着Kitty到当时霍乱横行的梅潭府工作。他们本来就是那么不同的人,在战乱、瘟疫、贫穷的中国小山村,在生命的边缘,他们都在改变,并逐渐发现对方的闪光点。如果说Walter是由爱到恨到谅解,当他看到kitty给孤儿院的孩子弹钢琴时,他对她所有的恨都已经消散,却有了更深刻的爱。Kitty则从不爱到恨到了解,当Walter感染霍乱最后死去,她对他的爱亦是无怨无悔。


Edward Norton 为这部片子准备了六年,Naomi Watts 的演绎亦另人着迷。。。

The painted veil -1

Lift Not The Painted Veil Which Those Who Live
Percy Bysshe Shelley

Lift not the painted veil which those who live
Call Life: though unreal shapes be pictured there,
And it but mimic all we would believe
With colours idly spread,—behind, lurk Fear
And Hope, twin Destinies; who ever weave
Their shadows, o’er the chasm, sightless and drear.
I knew one who had lifted it—he sought,
For his lost heart was tender, things to love,
But found them not, alas! nor was there aught
The world contains, the which he could approve.
Through the unheeding many he did move,
A splendour among shadows, a bright blot
Upon this gloomy scene, a Spirit that strove
For truth, and like the Preacher found it not.


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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / The Painted Veil



    故事开始于二十世纪初的伦敦,Walter 是个沉默、清高的研究细菌学的医生,在一个社交聚会上对kitty一见钟情,并很快向kitty求婚。。。彼时的kitty美丽、虚荣、任性,虽然不爱Walter,却接受了他的求婚。Walter 把kitty带回上海。在发现kitty和外交馆Townsend之间的婚外情后,决然地带着Kitty到当时霍乱横行的梅潭府工作。他们本来就是那么不同的人,在战乱、瘟疫、贫穷的中国小山村,在生命的边缘,他们都在改变,并逐渐发现对方的闪光点。如果说Walter是由爱到恨到谅解,当他看到kitty给孤儿院的孩子弹钢琴时,他对她所有的恨都已经消散,却有了更深刻的爱。Kitty则从不爱到恨到了解,当Walter感染霍乱最后死去,她对他的爱亦是无怨无悔。


    Edward Norton 为这部片子准备了六年,Naomi Watts 的演绎亦另人着迷。。。

    The painted veil -1

    Lift Not The Painted Veil Which Those Who Live
    Percy Bysshe Shelley

    Lift not the painted veil which those who live
    Call Life: though unreal shapes be pictured there,
    And it but mimic all we would believe
    With colours idly spread,—behind, lurk Fear
    And Hope, twin Destinies; who ever weave
    Their shadows, o’er the chasm, sightless and drear.
    I knew one who had lifted it—he sought,
    For his lost heart was tender, things to love,
    But found them not, alas! nor was there aught
    The world contains, the which he could approve.
    Through the unheeding many he did move,
    A splendour among shadows, a bright blot
    Upon this gloomy scene, a Spirit that strove
    For truth, and like the Preacher found it not.

    • I like Naomi. The tune of this movie is dark, but i like it.
    • who是人间惆怅客......
    • remind me "The Sheltering Sky"
      • 假知音惺惺然,哈哈
        • 你咋老搅和我跟天晴妹妹套瓷阿~~ 哼哼
          • 连名字你都记错?
            • 天天心晴,简称天晴,哪里错了?
              • 那你知道为什么天天心晴改昵称为心晴?
          • 你妹妹好像从来没有正面反应过你的热情。。。
            • 好!哈哈,解气
              • 吃果果的嫉妒阿
                • 所谓善魔,就是说一个人凭着自己的感情用事、感觉行事,不顾及周围亲人朋友的感受,总是一厢情愿地认为自己的思路想法是正确的,唯我是从,更不懂得换位思考,于是不知觉中直接或间接地伤害了许多人。
                  • 倒。。。心晴MM肯定比你大方多了~~
            • 润物细无声,我有耐心。。。。
              • 扫盲---1。润物细无声--是指农民伯伯给农田施农家肥
                • 海市泪人一般,农家肥一般指我师傅的废弃物~~~什么校长~~~~太黑
                  • 小新, 你真会搞笑。 真是享受啊, 在这里看高手过招。
                    • 嘿嘿,不好意思暖心,我眼看着海市的美好情怀被践踏替他抱不平
                      • 小新~~~ 555, 我就知道,你对我最好了~~~
                        • 你知道就好,说什么都往好里想就对了。。
                      • 没事,践踏多了, 露草更露, 鲜花更鲜
                        • :))))你不知道吧,海市喜欢被虐待的感觉。。
                          • 555,小新你尽情地践踏我8。。。。 校长就免了!
                            • 收到!!
                            • 没问题,每次小新践踏完你,我给你掸掸土,再一个背口袋把你轻放地上,对小新说:请继续。。。
    • 看过这部片子,美好永恒了因为失去了~~感觉男主角在另一部片子里更出色
      • he performed so well on that movie, i rewatched again, but still cannot figure out how he could cheated the lawyer. just not any clues to show that he was lying. very inteligent movie.
        • 他厉害就厉害在看起来很无辜实际上却相反
      • BS you ah, since you seems watched all Richard's movies.
        • 我过去很喜欢他啊,你难道不是?为什么BS?
          • 也许因为很想你吧, 也许因为你好色啊。呵呵。hugs
            • 同好色同好色,hugs
    • 视觉动物
    • en. beautiful pictures
    • 这副配图让我想起桂林的山水。
    • Lift not the painted veil