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这主儿也够惨的:查尔斯王子。60岁了还是太子。 Prince Charles, who turns 60 today, has been waiting a long time for the job he has trained his whole life to have. He is now the oldest Prince of Wales in history.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Now the oldest heir apparent in the monarchy's history, Charles shows no sign of slowing down in either charity work or private life

He is the man who would be king, still.

Prince Charles, who turns 60 today, has been waiting a long time for the job he has trained his whole life to have. He is now the oldest Prince of Wales in history. Earlier this year, he overtook Edward VII, the son of the longest-reigning British monarch, Victoria, to claim that place in royal trivia.

But for a man who has had to wait for the top job, Charles has never been one to twiddle his thumbs. With his variety of interests, many of which have turned out to be prescient, and his extensive charitable work, he has been engaged in a way that his great-great-grandfather, Edward VII, never was when he was waiting his turn for the throne. In fact, the years Charles has spent on the sidelines have given him time to come into his own.

Far from being frustrated, he is full of plans and ideas. Reportedly proud that he can still fit into his RAF mess dress, first worn at 23, Charles is a poster boomer, an exemplar of his generation who is redefining what it means to be 60.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 这主儿也够惨的:查尔斯王子。60岁了还是太子。 Prince Charles, who turns 60 today, has been waiting a long time for the job he has trained his whole life to have. He is now the oldest Prince of Wales in history.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Now the oldest heir apparent in the monarchy's history, Charles shows no sign of slowing down in either charity work or private life

    He is the man who would be king, still.

    Prince Charles, who turns 60 today, has been waiting a long time for the job he has trained his whole life to have. He is now the oldest Prince of Wales in history. Earlier this year, he overtook Edward VII, the son of the longest-reigning British monarch, Victoria, to claim that place in royal trivia.

    But for a man who has had to wait for the top job, Charles has never been one to twiddle his thumbs. With his variety of interests, many of which have turned out to be prescient, and his extensive charitable work, he has been engaged in a way that his great-great-grandfather, Edward VII, never was when he was waiting his turn for the throne. In fact, the years Charles has spent on the sidelines have given him time to come into his own.

    Far from being frustrated, he is full of plans and ideas. Reportedly proud that he can still fit into his RAF mess dress, first worn at 23, Charles is a poster boomer, an exemplar of his generation who is redefining what it means to be 60.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 就是,这试用期够长的。
    • 他是我最敬重的一个老人家了,嘿嘿,当年他娶卡米拉的时候,几乎全世界都在笑话他,但是他还是执著地走自己的路。我看到他六十岁生日的部分片段,在生日会上,他公开赞美自己的妻子,而卡米拉也憨憨地笑着,嘿嘿
      • 我打赌,接替女王的很可能是威廉王子,嘿嘿
        • 卡米拉怎么了? 我看过唯一一本关于戴王妃和卡米拉的书, 好象叫"卡米拉传", 看了那本书你会觉得她比王妃要好很多, 所以有些东西真的是看谁的宣传力度大, 真的谁怎么样我们隔这样远的人如何能分得清
          • "Great women" have the same mind. Having many affairs with men is a common thing for them.
            • 是呀,也不能怪她们了,有些男生以和她们交往为荣,比如以前拿破仑的皇后也是这样,嘿嘿
          • 我觉得以前媒体对她的歪曲很多,一个管家写的书说,人们以前就以为卡米拉风骚性感什么的,但私下呢,她博学多才,非常喜欢看书,比王子还爱看,和王子有很多共同语言,嘿嘿
            • 没错, 她个人生活是那样, 不过很有才, 而且要说个人生活, 以通常的标准, 王子本身更不怎么样
              • 我觉得王子本人没有她成熟,连当初娶王妃都要她来决定,嘿嘿,不过他们现在那么幸福美满,就足够了
                • 嘿, 代代世袭, 能成熟象他那样已经不容易了
                  • 也是呀,当初他娶卡米拉的时候,好多人说,那样的人坐背后的情人就可以啦,何必结婚的,所以,他确实有自己的方式和头脑,嘿嘿
                    • 他不是那些"好些人", 所以说他有王子气质, 也算不落尘俗了
    • 做太子比做英王"惨"????, 我怎么觉得比做英王滋润多了? 也不用负什么责, 操什么心, 每天就ENJOY LIFE, 最操心也不过是自己的AFFAIR 而已, 好日子
      • Indeed there are many Camilla second out there.
      • 不是不是。这个太子经常要代表他妈去各个地方给人捧场,干的是国王的活,只是没有国王的名分。
        • 嘿嘿, 还是你理解他啊,
          • 半斤八两
        • 嘿嘿,他代表一部分,但多数时候他去的都是他自己慈善事业和基金的场合,是代表他自己的。女王那个本人喜欢身体力行,被说是英国历史上最勤奋的君主之一,嘿嘿ie
      • 女王在生日会上表扬了王子为慈善事业作的贡献,那个报道也分析说,王子也不失落,因为他自己有自己的事业和天地,嘿嘿,我也觉得
        • 失落啥啊, 我一点不觉得王子失落, 光是卡米拉这一件事他就不失落, 不是说这段姻缘有什么特别, 而是这段姻缘所经历的千辛万苦实在是不一般, 是我们一般人不能想象的.
          • 是啊,他有爱自己的女士,自己爱的女士,嘿嘿
            • j哈, 不是这样简单了, 一般人恋爱无阻, 反而没什么特别, 对于这种千辛万苦型的, 他们会觉得是完成了一个工程一样
              • 有成就感