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恐怕医生认为你目前只需要"这招"而已. 你没听说过的不代表没有....rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy injection, infrared photocoagulation, laser ablation, carbon dioxide freezing, Lord dilatation, stapled hemorrhoidectomy, and surgical resection...

1, conservative treatment includes increasing fiber and liquid intake and retraining in toilet habit

2, lubrication

3, sitz baths

4, Avoid aggressive treatment in patients with Crohn disease, especially if the rectal mucosa is acutely inflamed. Drain abscesses as soon as possible, despite active disease elsewhere.

5, Numerous methods to destroy internal hemorrhoids are available; they include rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy injection, infrared photocoagulation, laser ablation, carbon dioxide freezing, Lord dilatation, stapled hemorrhoidectomy, and surgical resection.

All of these methods (except stapled hemorrhoidectomy and surgical resection) are considered nonoperative treatments and should be the first-line treatment of all first- and second-degree internal hemorrhoids that do not respond to conservative therapy.
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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 十人九痔,有绝招
    • 痔疮在现代医学里是非常小的手术,直接打个结,慢慢就萎缩了。没事最好不要乱治。
      • 楼主是医生,写出来是为了大家好
        • 有些"医生"害的人可能比治的人还多.
      • 可是在艰难大,即便10男9痔,但是10痔8不给治,你说的非常小的手术,多数人也享受不起。公费医疗,小病都得忍着。所以楼主的方法,还是有必要分发学习的。另外我感觉文革时的医书,哪怕是中医,也比现在的中文医书可信。
        • 不要造谣,不给治?哪个人得病不给治啦?慢是慢,但没听说不给治的。
        • 此法,来自赤脚和工人医生的培训教材,用后朋友家人病都痊愈了,不花钱,人又不受伤,我觉的挺好,主要是原理没参透。
          • so-called dr, 你这里说的痔疮是如何诊断、分期的?痊愈的标准是什么?
          • 非常感谢, 我也听母亲讲过此法,她曾经做过次方法,很好,是由老中医做的, 但不知,自己做是否安全.你是自己做的?
    • 山寨版,多情的疗法
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛十人九个多情?其实不止,可能超过十一个,因为有人多得数不胜数。人不分男女,不分老少,特别是有些人,如合伙的日子久了,煮饭老煮干饭或老煮稀饭,时间长了无味,总打听邻居吃什么,以为人家的饭特香,或老出去吃,总希望有新的口味和不同的吃法,或家里的那位不喜欢煮饭,或干脆没人可煮,有一顿没一顿的挨着。。。以前在电线杆上看过跟多情有关的知识,一说每晚鼓楼的舞厅十点后有瞎摸摸,一说车站路旅店几楼有退休的军医可以手到病除。也曾有朋友极度困惑,一度发作就抓头发,扯床单,这毛病实在不知从何而起,一往而深。其实这些和纯粹的多情没有多大的关系,纯粹的多情是生理的疾病,在左边肋骨第三根和第五根之间。由于某根曾经被拔过,变得不再那么结实而松动,所以常常发作而疼痛,而且容易挫折,大街上你都可以看到许多骨折的患者的真实的有名的痛苦。由于骨折过更加易碎而重创,所以一旦有了创伤后就会时刻提防着,在落雨的夜晚经常风湿痛醒,喂灯数伤痕,一辈子都很痛苦。


      1, 不爱红妆爱武装,这种疗法据说贼有效,不过单独操作估计效果不好,需要组织患者一起治疗,大都市如多伦多有群众基础,同病相怜者建议使用。
      2, 吃啥补啥。猪肋骨若干,要整根,灌水,加半夏,绝情草,因人因症状而量,文火不停。夜深发作时吃肉喝汤,汲骨髓,痛苦因无情而顿减。
      3, 预防为主,治疗为辅。每日练俯卧撑三十八次,从轻到重锤击第三根到第五根肋骨N次,量力而行,然后风湿贴膏(大块的)一张,平时上网出门多穿上衣,带件马甲。
      4, 根治。有人说在脊椎上某处有个多情腺,挑掉就好了,怀疑,所以不敢写。

      心得:没有。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • hehehehe
        • 原来你也会生气。嘿嘿。
          • 你自己,多保重
        • 小心眼。
          • ,
            • 唉,门也造得这么小。
      • 缠小脚最治多情。
    • 这种玩笑开不得, 会害人的.
      • helpful link
    • 据我所知,手术的复发率仅为2-5%。所以,不知道这位的高论“割了还会长”是从哪里来的?
    • 痔疮的有关知识:http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic2821.htm
      • 槐角丸,多吃粗粮。
        • 我大BIAN带血好多次了,先进发达的加拿大西医,也是这招,还有多吃水果蔬菜,回家吧
          • 多吃红薯,玉米棒子,全麦面包,芹菜。白菜豆腐保平安。尽量不吃白面,细米。
            • 吃苹果也很大好处。
          • 恐怕医生认为你目前只需要"这招"而已. 你没听说过的不代表没有....rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy injection, infrared photocoagulation, laser ablation, carbon dioxide freezing, Lord dilatation, stapled hemorrhoidectomy, and surgical resection...
            1, conservative treatment includes increasing fiber and liquid intake and retraining in toilet habit

            2, lubrication

            3, sitz baths

            4, Avoid aggressive treatment in patients with Crohn disease, especially if the rectal mucosa is acutely inflamed. Drain abscesses as soon as possible, despite active disease elsewhere.

            5, Numerous methods to destroy internal hemorrhoids are available; they include rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy injection, infrared photocoagulation, laser ablation, carbon dioxide freezing, Lord dilatation, stapled hemorrhoidectomy, and surgical resection.

            All of these methods (except stapled hemorrhoidectomy and surgical resection) are considered nonoperative treatments and should be the first-line treatment of all first- and second-degree internal hemorrhoids that do not respond to conservative therapy.
            • 是啊,我不反西医也不反东医,治疗方法都在那里了,技术足够了,即使没听说我也相信这些招数都对头,就是 (#4828454@0) ,体制不允许你实施,如果有自我保健的办法,还是值得一试的。
          • 没做过肠镜检查吗?