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The difference between Obama and Palin is that Palin never promise people anything that she know she can not deliver, never give people a false sense of hope to get elected, and then disppoint them later,

never flip-flop all the time and telling different people different things. In other words, this is a straight-talk, no-nonsense lady who means what she says. That's called integrity, honesty. On Energy independence, on cut to government spending, on support for troops, on tax reduction, she is doing these things everyday in the governor's office and at home, not just talk about these to street crowds to get their applause. She sticks to her belief and work her butt off for the campaign. Yes, she needs to make up on the foreign policy knowledge, but when it comes to leadership, character and personality are the most important. Those lowly attacks and insults on Palin from the Liberal media are plainly disgusting

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 哈哈,今天大小媒体都在宣传McCain的人如何爆料Palin如何不行.进去一看,全篇都是那些功击Sarah的老话,而来源只是一个"匿名人士",而媒体的标题却把这当成事实来写.一个身无背景的女子,让这些Political establishment怕得要死,选举结束后还不敢放松.可见Sarah的影响力.
    • 媒体可真够酸的, 举几个标题LA Times"Sarah Palin returns to a chillier Alaska", NY Times"Palin Returns to Snow and Cold of Home ",可惜的是,再酸也不能挽回LAT,NYT等媒体越来越少的读者, S&P将NYT的信用级别定为了"Junk".
      • HAHAHAHA.... Fox News, A+++
    • The funy lady Sarah Palin may be like this in your eyes " “真挚、诚实,为国鞠躬尽瘁”. HAHAHAHAHA
    • 为什么“大小媒体都在宣传”,难道美国也进行新闻审查吗?千夫所指的感觉很不好受啊。
    • The difference between Obama and Palin is that Palin never promise people anything that she know she can not deliver, never give people a false sense of hope to get elected, and then disppoint them later,
      never flip-flop all the time and telling different people different things. In other words, this is a straight-talk, no-nonsense lady who means what she says. That's called integrity, honesty. On Energy independence, on cut to government spending, on support for troops, on tax reduction, she is doing these things everyday in the governor's office and at home, not just talk about these to street crowds to get their applause. She sticks to her belief and work her butt off for the campaign. Yes, she needs to make up on the foreign policy knowledge, but when it comes to leadership, character and personality are the most important. Those lowly attacks and insults on Palin from the Liberal media are plainly disgusting
      • An uneducated hero mom of course. "Palin never promiseS people anything that she knowS she can not deliver, never giveS people a false sense of hope to get elected, and " What? A JOKE.
        • Give me some examples of her 'empty promises'. To me, the things she says are pretty concrete and doable. In fact, she is already working on those issues in the governor's office and has proven record.
          Not like Obama, promise everyone changes and dreams, but never give much details. All up to your
          imagination just like 天马行空
          • All I know is Sarah is such a figure that has been amused by many. And she has no way even close to O8. She is nothing but a HERO MOM, with so many kids and out of those one has a baby boy when she is only 16…
    • 从这次大选看,美国平权还是任重道远。两个女候选人都没戏,而且反对她们的还是女权领袖还很多。为啥?如果女人都当总统了,不再是第二性了,女权运动还有什么用?还有那些特殊照顾么?她们还上哪去弄这么好处?女人们不要被黑人当选迷惑,以为社会更平等了
      • Different people have different point of view about this. Hillary should blame herself for her loss due to failed campaign strategy. Palin is unqualified for VP.
        • 你要知道确实有很多女权领袖跳出来号召妇女反对女候选人。民主党一些女人甚至说palin当了总统没法照顾家庭了,这不是歧视是什么?
          • I don't think it is sexism when women are against women. It is their own business.
    • 从这次竞选的结果看,Palin更多的是吸引了眼球但并没有拉来选票。作为一个远离美国本土不到70万人的小州州长,她的才识和能力都相当有限,更可怕的是很多事情她不懂就敢张嘴就来,很多美国人之所以不敢选麦肯就是因为怕其在任期中万一有三长两短,轮上Palin就危险了。
      • Agree that she may not be a very qualified VP candidate at this time. But this is not her fault, this is the fault of the people who picked her and now trying to blame their defeat on her.
        Palin certainly does not deserve all the insult and attacks thrown upon her by simply being who she is. If she is interested, she can just pick up a few books on global politics and watch more evening news, and get ready to run for higher office later, this will not be a daunting task for a woman who already achieved so much in her life. And then we may have a new Margaret Thacher a few years later, who knows?
        • this campaign reviews her more limitations than potentials. 麦肯选她初衷是可取的,但对她的能力还是不了解,结果不但没帮上忙,还是倒忙,成为liability。她的决断力是个很大问题,有些事情她不懂没关系,大家可以理解,但她不懂装懂,就显出浅薄了。
          • If a woman has too many kids her IQ would likely be LOW as she would have no time to learn expect feeding babies and changing dippers.
    • 我的直觉告诉我,如果我做美国副总统一定会比PALIN好。:-)
      • 没有根据的知觉。
        • 至少我不会说,我可以望见俄罗斯土地,所以什么什么的。也不会说非洲是个国家。也不会说错北美自由贸易包括哪些国家。:-)
          • Obama说过他访问过美国57个州,我当美国总统,肯定比Obama好。
          • If you deliver speech after speech, interview after interview everyday, you are bound to make many mistakes.
            Hillary said she was shot at by fighters while arriving at the Bosnia airport while nothing like this ever happened. You may not make the mistakes Palin made, but you will make the mistakes that Palin wouldn't make. We are just human beings, and human beings make mistakes. I am a bit scared of those people (like lawyers) who are shrewd enough to avoid mistake while they take, and who promise you things that are too good to be true.