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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Canadian banks ranked soundest in the world
U.S. has fallen to No. 40 in World Economic Forum list
Last Updated: Thursday, October 9, 2008 | 4:40 PM ET Comments196Recommend183
Reuters, special to CBC News

Canada has the world's soundest banking system, closely followed by Sweden, Luxembourg and Australia, a survey by the World Economic Forum has found as a financial crisis and bank failures shake world markets.

Britain, which once ranked in the top five, has slipped to 44th place behind El Salvador and Peru, after its government pledged the equivalent of $97 billion Cdn this week to bolster bank balance sheets.

The United States, where some of Wall Street's biggest financial names have collapsed in recent weeks, rated only 40th, just behind Germany, at 39th, and smaller states such as Barbados, Estonia and even Namibia, in southern Africa.

On Thursday, the U.S. was considering buying a slice of debt-laden banks to inject trust back into lending between financial institutions now too wary of one another to lend.

The World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report based its findings on opinions of executives and assigned banks a score between 1.0 (insolvent and possibly requiring a government bailout) and 7.0 (healthy, with sound balance sheets).

Canadian banks received a score of 6.8, just ahead of Sweden (6.7), Luxembourg (6.7), Australia (6.7) and Denmark (6.7).

U.K. banks collectively scored 6.0, narrowly behind the United States, Germany and Botswana, all with 6.1. France, in 19th place, scored 6.5 for soundness while Switzerland's banking system scored the same in 16th place, as did Singapore (13th).

The ranking index was released as central banks in Europe, the U.S., China, Canada, Sweden and Switzerland slashed interest rates in a bid to end panic selling on markets and restore trust in the shaken banking system.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 保守党的又一政绩:9月份新增107,000 个工作。昨天加拿大银行被评为世界上最稳定的银行。再加上Haper的沉着稳健,这些都是他带领加拿大渡过金融风暴的基础。Dion没有这个能力。
    • 美英德法家家都要bailout,冰岛国家都要破产了,加拿大到目前为止金融系统还没有出问题,在发达国家里应该是罕见的了。Harper政府其实经济掌控是不错的。
      • RESP in RBC lost more than 30%, but they can still say: Canadian bank system is strong.
        • How does your RESP correlates with Canadian banks?
        • 这位同学,自己不会投资,不能乱怪别人。
      • 事实是:Chretien当年阻止了五大银行间的合并,当时Bay Street怨声载道,说银行太小不能跟美国的银行竞争。现在知道了,多亏当年没有合并,再跑到美国去搞这些玩意,否则加拿大的银行业死得不会好看多少
    • 自由党最近发了很多负面广告(要败的人都这样,黔驴技穷!美国的共和党也这样)。小人伎俩,但是老百姓比较不聪明,所以Poll又说变化。过几天,冷静了,还得投保守党。
      • look at here
    • 9月份新增工作岗位的消息我听到了,能否给出我国银行被评最稳健消息的连接?
      • http://www.cbc.ca/money/story/2008/10/09/wef-canada-banks-rating.html?ref=rss
        • 看来做GIC的人不用担心了。:-)
          • 恭喜
        • Thanks.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Canadian banks ranked soundest in the world
          U.S. has fallen to No. 40 in World Economic Forum list
          Last Updated: Thursday, October 9, 2008 | 4:40 PM ET Comments196Recommend183
          Reuters, special to CBC News

          Canada has the world's soundest banking system, closely followed by Sweden, Luxembourg and Australia, a survey by the World Economic Forum has found as a financial crisis and bank failures shake world markets.

          Britain, which once ranked in the top five, has slipped to 44th place behind El Salvador and Peru, after its government pledged the equivalent of $97 billion Cdn this week to bolster bank balance sheets.

          The United States, where some of Wall Street's biggest financial names have collapsed in recent weeks, rated only 40th, just behind Germany, at 39th, and smaller states such as Barbados, Estonia and even Namibia, in southern Africa.

          On Thursday, the U.S. was considering buying a slice of debt-laden banks to inject trust back into lending between financial institutions now too wary of one another to lend.

          The World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report based its findings on opinions of executives and assigned banks a score between 1.0 (insolvent and possibly requiring a government bailout) and 7.0 (healthy, with sound balance sheets).

          Canadian banks received a score of 6.8, just ahead of Sweden (6.7), Luxembourg (6.7), Australia (6.7) and Denmark (6.7).

          U.K. banks collectively scored 6.0, narrowly behind the United States, Germany and Botswana, all with 6.1. France, in 19th place, scored 6.5 for soundness while Switzerland's banking system scored the same in 16th place, as did Singapore (13th).

          The ranking index was released as central banks in Europe, the U.S., China, Canada, Sweden and Switzerland slashed interest rates in a bid to end panic selling on markets and restore trust in the shaken banking system.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Canadian banks ranked soundest in the world
    • 的确如此!加拿大现在需要的是一个稳健保守的政府,而不是激进自由的政府,需要一个稳健保守的领袖,而不是连别人的问题都听不懂而只会说I have plan自由自在的书呆子,当然,更不能让那个NDP的好斗分子上台。。。
      • 等油价跌透,西部就稳健不起来了。
        • LOL 难道加拿大可以左右石油油价?
      • 说得在理。
      • "NDP的好斗分子", 同意这个说法,Quebecois也一样
      • 但我们也不能要一个连Speech都抄前澳大利亚总理的speech的总理啊...应该打击翻版.
    • 应该说全, "其中97000个工作是part-time的"
      • 那也是***增加***了一万个full time position。在现在这个情况下,不仅没有减少,还增加了,难道还不好么?
    • 加拿大的银行系统我觉得和加拿大的社会一样,缺乏活力,比较沉闷。但是却不容易发生危机。美国竞争过分激烈,活力太强,所以风险也就非常巨大。
    • 我虽支持保守党,但觉得不应盲目过誉现政府. 加拿大整体经济稳健是多年build出来的结果,大部分源于全球经济好和前自由党政府功劳,不是过去2.5年突然搞好的(连哈伯总理都没这样给自己贴金);
    • 同样,记得两三年前,BAY街有"精英"跳出来指责渥太华对金融界监管过于保守严格(害得他们不能象华尔街那样大赚特赚),前政府不为所动,坚持加国多年的稳健银行系统,才有了昨天世界经济论坛报告的"Canadian banks ranked soundest in the world".保守党政府只是延续了这一政策
    • 同意上面kxd(开心点)的观点。从另一方面讲,目前油价加币暴涨/暴跌,股市暴跌的局面是由经济的内在规律所决定的,除了上帝谁也没法控制操控。论坛上上窜下跳的自由党支持者把这归咎于哈帕政府太没道理了。
    • 嘿嘿,加拿大银行虽然稳健,就是太扣门,什么都要付费,人家美国那边,一半的支票一开户头,就免费自动给你寄到家,量多又大,真是方便
      • 方便是真, 就是不时来个倒闭什么的。 不过如果存款少于25方,又不买银行股,也不用怕。
        • 是啊,人就是这样的,有了呢不珍惜。以前我很烦那边的银行免费寄那么多支票。永远都用不完,简直是。到了这边,才敢到那个时候是多么不珍惜哦。一次我这边银行的支票用完了,著急去要一张临时用着,要CHARGE 5角,嘿嘿
          • 这就叫金融严管, 省得你乱开支票, 很快把钱花光了。倒是山姆大叔用心险恶啊
            • (#4756898@0)
              • 你知道我看见加拿大话就头晕, 你还专给老太整这些, 用心也险恶啊
                • 笑死了,确实狗险恶的,居然在加拿大说加拿大的话,嘿嘿
                • Does Harper speak Chinese? I thought he speaks Canadian English.
                  • 天呀,你们俩太逗啦,嘿嘿
                    • 他又捣鼓什么来着?
    • The Toronto Stock Exchange's main index plunged on Friday
    • I will vote for Harper!!!!
      • if you do that, seems you are going to kick your own ass.....
        • I'm going to kick your ass, don't move.
    • 真服你了..帮哈巴擦鞋也不能擦成这样啊! 9月份增加的都是Part-time的工作, full-time的工作自从保守党上台一直在减少! ..
      • 哥哥, 在全球经济大萧条的情况下, 保守党harper 已经作得不错了,等经济好了, 再考虑其他党派吧
        • 什么全球经济大萧条啊? 美国萧条不代表其他地方萧条..去巴西, 去印度, 去沙特,去阿联遒看看,去中国看看吧. 加拿大这么多资源的国家, 居然在油价高涨的这两年, 保守党做了啥啊? 在这么多产油国里, 比起沙特,阿联遒就不用比了,
          ..连委瑞内拉都比不上, 人家自己产油国的汽油在自己国家才相当于$0.30一升啊...你保守党怎么弄的? 基本加拿大的油的都给美国擦屁股去了..一点都不关心加拿大国内的平民百姓的生活, 在高油价的这两年, 保守党啥都做不了...应该说是他们无能为力, 既然无能为力, 那就退位阳萎吧!
          • 全球金融危机严重 加国明年增长率1.2%, 加拿大明年的经济增长有望在G7国家中排首位。虽然增长率可能只有1.2%,但是联系到目前严峻的全球经济大环境,这个成绩已算相当不错的了。
    • 2008年7月-10月,三个月内加元兑美元贬值20% - 30%,幅度超过1997年亚洲金融危机。
    • 加拿大的经济问题才显现了冰山一角而已. 哈勃搞经济的能力差得很, 好好研究加拿大历史就知道了.