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激辩:拜登就金融危机连环发炮 佩林难招架 ztb综合新闻

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛距离美国大选投票尚余一个月,副总统候选人唯一一场辩论2日晚(北京时间3日上午)在密西西比州圣路易斯的华盛顿大学举行。






副手辩论民调 逾五成人指拜登更胜佩林




佩林和拜登阵营 均声称在辩论胜出





  不过,麦凯恩阵营却认为佩林才是优胜者,指佩林在辩论期间,质疑对手何谓“改变”,又逼得对方要为能源、外交及税务各方面作出辩护。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Biden 大胜。到底是老手,很有气势,也很有礼貌。借回答问题之机,大力打击McCain。 Palin 总算没出大错,看来前几天的培训起作用了,但是有许多问题都没有正面回答。如果再出个笑话,她肯定被剔出局。这次辩论,对Obama有一定的帮助。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Debate poll says Biden won, Palin beat expectations

    (CNN) -- A national poll of people who watched the vice presidential debate Thursday night suggests that Democratic Sen. Joe Biden won, but also says Republican Gov. Sarah Palin exceeded expectations.
    Poll respondents give Sen. Joe Biden the edge over Gov. Sarah Palin in ability to express views.

    Poll respondents give Sen. Joe Biden the edge over Gov. Sarah Palin in ability to express views.

    The CNN/Opinion Research Corp. said 51 percent of those polled thought Biden did the best job, while 36 percent thought Palin did the best job.

    But respondents said the folksy Palin was more likable, scoring 54 percent to Biden's 36 percent. Seventy percent said Biden was more of a typical politician.

    Both candidates exceeded expectations -- 84 percent of the people polled said Palin did a better job than they expected, while 64 percent said Biden also exceeded expectations.

    How Palin would perform had been a major issue for the Alaska governor, who had some well-publicized fumbles during interviews with CBS' Katie Couric leading up to the debate.

    Respondents thought Biden was better at expressing his views, giving him 52 percent to Palin's 36 percent.iReport.com: Tell us who you think did best

    On the question of the candidates' qualifications to assume the presidency, 87 percent of those polled said Biden is qualified and 42 percent said Palin is qualified.
    Don't Miss

    * Biden, Palin face off
    * Election Center 2008
    * Full debate transcript

    The candidates sparred over which team would be the better agent of change, and Biden came out on top of that debate, with 53 percent of those polled giving the nod to the Delaware senator while 42 percent said Palin was more likely to bring change.

    Respondents overwhelmingly said moderator Gwen Ifill was fair during the vice presidential debate, repudiating critics who said that Ifill, of PBS, would be biased because she is writing a book that includes Biden's running mate, Sen. Barack Obama.

    Ninety-five percent of those polled said Ifill was fair.

    The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

    Obama was selected as a winner over Republican Sen. John McCain in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll on the September 26 presidential debate.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 啊,嘿嘿,也夸张了一些了哦。我觉得CBC今天早上的评价比较客观,说BIDEN比对方大20岁,但没有咄咄逼人,只是如他一贯在国会的表现那样,提出自己的丰富经验,给了对方应有的尊重。也说本来媒体期待一场CAR CRASH,PALIN会一败涂地,但她表现有进步,没有被CAR CRASH
    • Obama Launches iPhone Application to Help Recruiting Efforts
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛WASHINGTON — Barack Obama's campaign is reaching out to iPhone users through a new application that will make it easier for them to call their friends in battleground states and encourage them to vote for the Democratic presidential candidate.

      The application's "Call Friends" function organizes the user's personal phonebook by swing state, such as Virginia or Colorado. It gives each contact a status, telling the caller whom he or she has dialed.

      The campaign launched the application Thursday. It said no contact information will be stored as a result of using the feature. "Only the total number of calls you make is uploaded anonymously," says the feature's description.

      People can compare their number of calls with others who are contacting their friends.

      By touching the phone's screen, users also can find out Obama's position on issues such as education, foreign policy and defense. They can watch videos, donate money, receive updates and check out local events.

      Republican John McCain's campaign did not immediately respond to a telephone call and e-mail request seeking information about whether his campaign also had similar outreach efforts.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • The major network polls are in -- CNN, CBS, ABC & NBC. Of course, people polled on all four thought Biden easily won the debate (CBS by over 20%). Even AOL, normally very right leaning, gave it to Biden -- as well as BBC, Router, Wall Street J. & Gallup.
      In other words, everyone in the world but Fox.

      The nightly polls show an overwhelming majority polled on the major networks and news sites still think Palin is unqualified to be VP. No surprise.
    • 和经验老道有36年参议员经历的BIDEN相比,PALIN昨天的表现说的过去。她诚实地表现出她的稚嫩,与精于算计的克林顿相比,我更喜欢PALIN的真诚(当然还有外表,但这不能当饭吃),BIDEN自始至终表现出的自信,与PALIN略带颤抖的语调形成鲜明对比,GO OBAMA GO。。。
      • 是呀,她很天然,没有掩饰自己的不足,二十绕过地雷,最后平安著陆
        • 绕过地雷==掩饰自己的不足. PALIN有许多问题都没有正面回答。
          • 之前,CBC报导说,PALIN喜欢在电视采访的时候大谈特谈她自己不懂的东西,应该避免那样,结果这次辩论,她改进了,绕道走,她表现的不错,我今天早上看了一些镜头,觉得她清新自然,很有亲和力,当然BIDEN的发光的银色头发象银色月光那么引人注目,也很有吸引力,嘿嘿
            • PALIN不懂的东西太多了!共和党这次辩论的策略是:不管你问啥,我都把预先准备好的答案贴上去,顶多是跑题,不会闹笑话。
              • 嘿嘿,OBAMA也懂得不多,但他们都可以成长的,可以懂得多了,随著年龄的增长
        • 她的确很天然,天然到一出场就给台下一个飞吻,在这个场合下的这个飞吻,不论从Governor的角度,还是从Vice president candidate的角度,都是不合时宜的,有些傻大姐的问道。。。LOL
          • 嘿嘿,这个你就不懂了哦,那个飞吻给她拿到了多少支持哦,她有那么多STRATEGISTS给她主意,叫她做什么不做什么,既然没有叫她把飞吻消灭了,那就是有用的,好多足球妈妈什么的都会被感动,更喜欢她,我被感动,喜欢那样,嘿嘿
            • 天啊,politic issue turns to lady's point of view, MSSD 嘿嘿。。。
              • 嘿嘿,你不知道好多政治家都拼命要争取我们妇女的分数吗,所以,我们的看法也是看法了
            • 松鼠妹妹很有见地, 支持
    • To be honest, 我对Paulin 非常失望。本来想看更多的笑话的。:)
    • 激辩:拜登就金融危机连环发炮 佩林难招架 ztb综合新闻
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛距离美国大选投票尚余一个月,副总统候选人唯一一场辩论2日晚(北京时间3日上午)在密西西比州圣路易斯的华盛顿大学举行。






      副手辩论民调 逾五成人指拜登更胜佩林




      佩林和拜登阵营 均声称在辩论胜出





        不过,麦凯恩阵营却认为佩林才是优胜者,指佩林在辩论期间,质疑对手何谓“改变”,又逼得对方要为能源、外交及税务各方面作出辩护。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Fox is so funny: the only media claims Palin won the debate. However, in their own website, 59% viewers say Biden won. So, not sure based on what they say Palin win?
      Question of the Day
      Who won the vice presidential debate Thursday?

      Sarah Palin 41%

      Joe Biden 59%

      Total Voters:220066
    • Biden did better in the debate. that is normal because all people expect him to do better. Palin did great job in debate too. I can feel the passion, nature in her speech.
    • so bad with the Bush administration! otherwise, McCain/Palin could win the election easily.