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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

it's ok...did you listen to the song "uptown girl"? :)

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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / 我愿意
    • does not work ....
      • 你不是曾经是沙发吗
        • I sat on sofa, not I AM a sofa, buddy
          • 没有本质区别,反正躺在你身上感觉很
            • 早啊,泡菜。
              • 早啊,菜豆
              • good noon, 豆泡菜:))
            • 躺在你身上感觉很 ...... please, no talk like this between two guys, ok ? I am having lunch
              • 让我想起 friends 里面有一集 Ross 躺在 Joey 身上两个人睡在长沙发上的场面 LOL
                • he he, me too, later they even agreed to do it again! LOL
                  • oh yeah, it's even more funny when they did it again
      • how come? works on my computer...
        • can i come to try on your computer?
          • sure, as long as you don't mind the long traveling...:)
            • your address please? i will catch next jet plane .....
              • you may ride on wings of the song, it's free...
              • by the way, i love this song by Denver although saddened by the tragedy of him...
                • 不知道 Denver 怎么样 tragedy 了,my sympathy to him anyway ... 其实我平时听的不是他的,是那个女声的,名字忘了
                  • Chantal Kreviazuk?
                  • he was killed in a aircraft accident
                    • "aircraft accident"? whose fault? did the insurance cover it?
    • It Does Work.
    • 很好, 很强大! :P
      • thanks! long time no see...where have you been?
        • I have been...
          just under the water :)
          • troubled water
            • r u the bridge? :)
              • "bridge OVER troubled water" ........... please, no talk like this between two guys, ok ? I am having lunch -win(秋天的菠菜); 11:38 (#4733953@0) Reply
    • 俺还是比较饭你唱小邓的歌,good try tho:))
      • 谢谢鼓励, big hug my beauty :))
    • 啵啵啵啵,浮出水面给MM鼓掌。:)))
      • many many thanks!
    • did not know that song, but a very sweet rendition... who is 王菲 anyway?
      • so you got my computer?...you don't even know who 王菲 is? this is outrageous...
    • 粉丝顶达利先。 刚换了电脑没音箱,只能回家听了:( 期待...
    • 啵啵啵啵,浮出水面给MM鼓掌。:))) -maer(马儿-小资岛主);
    • very nice.... I am a fan
    • 为达利油画《永恒的记忆》配诗:我愿意



      • 有才。:)))
        • xiexie,感觉自然释放,呵呵
      • 好棒啊
        • 这幅画好像非常有冲击力,所以想写点句子,你一夸的我都觉不好意思,要不你也以此图为题写点?
          • 呵呵,我写首诗要想很久,没能力下笔如神,要不我们把这幅画搬去开个看图写诗,记得程尚也为这幅画写过一首,我找找
            • :)))
      • WOW! I say thank you on behalf of Dali...
    • 真好听啊,很有特色
    • 好, 好听! 向MM投诉一下, 楼上"啵啵啵"的声音, 听起来不大像掌声哦.... 有人不厚道...
      • 哈哈,他们好像是在吐泡泡:)
    • 鼓掌。。。我还以为王菲唱的呢。。。你可以以假乱真了。。。
      • 还是x888拍得响亮
        • 看来 x888 除了拍党还拍 Jess ....
    • 凑和,共产味没去干净.
    • 这个评上2008年十大劲歌进取木问题
      • you never got the words right : 劲歌金曲
        • 禁歌禁曲
    • 图美歌靓! 太有味道了! Jess越来越有明星相了...
    • 有口音哦...唱到第2句的时候觉得还可以乱原唱,第3句就出现发音问题了,唱腔就出现很浓重的口音...现场想挑战我也是可以的
      • 口音是重了点,感情也没进去。
        • 是啊,感觉有点硬GIN上去的,在感情上没什么历练那种,很冷.
      • 赫赫,来加拿大多年了,与来自祖国各地的同胞打交道,以为我的北京口音早丢掉了,没想到还这么重啊?
        • 呵呵~~其实满好的,只是技巧跟对时间上令自己太过紧张了点,没有BREAKTHROUGH啊.我也自己录过这歌,对时间轴对得我都快疯了,最后干脆清唱,那音色的发挥才会像泉水般涌出.
          • 那就贴上来给我们景仰一下嘛:)
            • 不知道怎么帖...
              • do you have a MP3 file ready? i can walk you through the posting procedure, once you did once, it is easy....
                • 重装后没有鸟....
                  • 没有鸟有鸽子也行啊。 你有经纪人没有? Jess经纪人 Bill,你这里我就毛遂自荐一下,成不?
        • 在国外还见拿北京话开玩笑,想起过去常听北京人说过的一句话:开国际玩笑。多半意味着ridiculous and ironically。
    • 这不是传说中的好老婆为老公做饭时候唱的么?另外号召一下:老婆们清洁时候请唱:我喜欢。// 我是她的粉丝,10年几年前就跑到香港的演唱会上,在众多的刚刚刚的粤语中用普通话大声疾呼:我爱你,王靖雯。
      • i thought you were to say 我爱你jess
        • i thought you were to say 我爱你jess -win(秋天的菠菜) LOL
          • why 虚拟语态? LOL
            • 有进步哦,知道虚虚实实。玩暧昧是可以美容滴 -uptowngirl(若初: 开到荼蘼花事了); 09:44 (#4736293@0)
              • 玩暧昧确实有美容功效,但是据说副作用是对心脏不好:P,不要害菠菜同学 LOL
                • 好好的帖子,被楼上几位毁了,sigh...
                  • oops, sorry Jess...
                    • it's ok...did you listen to the song "uptown girl"? :)
                      • sure sure. one of my favorite real life romantic uptown/downtown story, passionate lyrics. And, again, very impressed by your interpretation of 我愿意, though personally, i prefer you remake more of Teresa's.
                        • "though personally, i prefer you remake more of Teresa's." i second on this ....
                        • thanks, I'm taking notes...
                  • oops, sorry Jess...
                    • #4736674@0
                  • 我不好我检讨 :(
                    • #4736674@0
    • 鼓掌鼓掌,很少听你唱王菲的歌,很好听,而且录音效果也好很多了。我再点一个,野百合也有春天吧。 :)
      • Good!
      • 谢谢火姐,野百合以前录过,现在一听,简直是没法听了,呵呵
    • 喜欢喜欢,鼓掌鼓掌!可不可以下次翻唱李文的歌?记得你好像唱过,不记得名字了。
      • 谢谢妹妹。以前录过“月光爱人”,她的其他歌不怎么会,有空我去找找还有什么适合的:)
    • Thank god, 你终于不唱邓丽君的歌了!我也终于可以好好完整地听一首歌了:-)) 真的很好听!感觉你在高音的时候就用假声一带而过,少了一点味道。。。