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Canadian broadcasters cover overlapping elections

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛By Etan Vlessing

TORONTO (Hollywood Reporter) - Welcome to the North American election season.

Canadians will mark ballots for a new federal government in two weeks' time. But local coverage of the Canadian election campaign is being swamped by an increasingly dramatic U.S. presidential election beamed into Canada via U.S. networks and 24-hour cable channels.

Just how much overlap is there? A debate this Thursday night by Canada's five political party leaders will air at the same time that the two U.S. vice presidential candidates tangle in St. Louis.

"It's a big issue for us," Jamie Purdon, director of newsgathering for the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., said. "We don't report with the same volume on the American election, but we still report on it."

The CBC has employed the Internet as a way of amplifying coverage of the Canadian election via a dedicated site. Reporters on the planes and buses of party leaders continually blog or report online, in addition to preparing traditional TV and radio clips.

But the blogosphere recently got the public broadcaster in hot water when columnist Heather Mallick's scathing critique of U.S. vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on the CBCNews.ca Web site angered right-wing media on both sides of the border.

"Mallick's column is ... viciously personal, grossly hyperbolic and intensely partisan," and should not have run on the CBCNews.ca site, CBC publisher John Cruickshank said when issuing a formal apology this week.

CTV News president Robert Hurst insisted that he's drawing Canadians to coverage of their own election by focusing on properly gathered and vetted TV coverage.

"Because of the speed of telecommunications, we have these online, new-media activities. That's new. But at the end of the day, (election coverage) comes down to journalism, to a reporter finding a story and presenting a story with editorial oversight," Hurst said.

Canadians go to the polls October 14.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 加拿大的电视台真是不会挑日子: What are you more interested in watching on TV Thursday night? Canadian leaders' English debate or U.S. vice-presidential debate (Palin vs. Biden).
    What are you more interested in watching on TV Thursday night?

    Canadian leaders' English debate
    60% 3396 votes
    3396 votes

    U.S. vice-presidential debate (Palin vs. Biden)
    40% 2269 votes
    2269 votes
    • I wish I could watch both.....
      • Picture In Picture
      • I have better things to do, like porn.
    • Palin一定要看,每次她公开露面都非常有趣。
      • 每次都是洋相百出.实在是服了她.
        • 智力比较低,上阵又仓促。照本宣科还混的过去,接受采访就露了陷,作秀关过不了,她就是负资产。老麦这个赌棍看了CV就下注,看来是赔了。
          • 英雄母亲培养出英雄母亲. 多生多养好
          • 这年头, 智力低的又是选美, 又是州长, 又是副总统候选人; 智力高的只好刷网, 顺带说一些不咸不淡的, 关于智力的话题。 呵呵
            • 刷网也很辛苦。注意休息
      • 非常喜欢Palin,希望共和党能赢
        • Really like her show too. Very interesting to watch. Funny to see she is always in the position being teased and joked by people.
          • 嗯,她的随机应变的经验确实略显不足,不如奥巴马那只老狐狸。
            • 约翰比奥巴马还老啊.太看重外壳了.Palin 漂亮ma.
              • 当然漂亮啦,说实话,她给我的印象分很大,再加上她第一次演讲时的真挚和诚实,让俺对她印象好。重要的是她有自己的原则,并愿意维护自己的原则
                • Of course. Not one-child policy.
                • 确实, 真诚最可贵, 虽然不喜欢共和党, 但佩林真的赢了不少分, 奥巴马和麦凯恩都政客味太重, 太假了!
        • Really? You want a person with this kind of qualification as your VP or P? Wondering where she will lead the nation to?
          • 这个,我是希望共和党赢,赢了是老麦当总统,不是佩琳,副总统管的事情很有限吧?
            • 她很有可能继任, 这种可能性很大, 而她是太无知,所以特让人担心。
              • 实在是地地道道的花瓶亚
            • 选佩琳当VP, 说明老麦的判断能了有问题,或者是赌徒心理在作怪. 再加上一些不真实的广告,这些都使他变得不合格了.
              • 约翰可是哈巴心中BUSH继承人阿
                • 美加两国政治没有必然的联系。国情不同。
                  • it's hard to imagine that's your thinking about U.S and Canada relations. Totally silent.
                    • Well, I had said numerous times, I support Obama in US, and Harper in Canada. It’s good for the country.
                      • Yes, you have said.
        • 提醒一下,选举和看毛片还是有区别的。:-)
          • How about: "提醒一下,选举和选美还是有区别的。:-)"
        • 是人都戴眼镜的. Palin是以选美成名的,以调刺为职业的新闻界和政客圈自然会给她贴上花瓶的标签. 比如她说alaska近俄国,所以她懂国际关系,那明明是个joke,结果适得其反,被反面运用了
    • Canadian broadcasters cover overlapping elections
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛By Etan Vlessing

      TORONTO (Hollywood Reporter) - Welcome to the North American election season.

      Canadians will mark ballots for a new federal government in two weeks' time. But local coverage of the Canadian election campaign is being swamped by an increasingly dramatic U.S. presidential election beamed into Canada via U.S. networks and 24-hour cable channels.

      Just how much overlap is there? A debate this Thursday night by Canada's five political party leaders will air at the same time that the two U.S. vice presidential candidates tangle in St. Louis.

      "It's a big issue for us," Jamie Purdon, director of newsgathering for the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., said. "We don't report with the same volume on the American election, but we still report on it."

      The CBC has employed the Internet as a way of amplifying coverage of the Canadian election via a dedicated site. Reporters on the planes and buses of party leaders continually blog or report online, in addition to preparing traditional TV and radio clips.

      But the blogosphere recently got the public broadcaster in hot water when columnist Heather Mallick's scathing critique of U.S. vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on the CBCNews.ca Web site angered right-wing media on both sides of the border.

      "Mallick's column is ... viciously personal, grossly hyperbolic and intensely partisan," and should not have run on the CBCNews.ca site, CBC publisher John Cruickshank said when issuing a formal apology this week.

      CTV News president Robert Hurst insisted that he's drawing Canadians to coverage of their own election by focusing on properly gathered and vetted TV coverage.

      "Because of the speed of telecommunications, we have these online, new-media activities. That's new. But at the end of the day, (election coverage) comes down to journalism, to a reporter finding a story and presenting a story with editorial oversight," Hurst said.

      Canadians go to the polls October 14.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • neither
    • 说不定多伦多市长David Miller看了美国的副总统候选人的辩论,这样好决定把选票投给谁。
      • What do you mean?
        • 多伦多市长David Miller是美国人。他出生在美国,有美国国籍。
          • Dual citizenship is a complex issue. Anyway, I believe Obama's policy is close to NDP in some way, So, I would guess, he will vote for OBAMA.
            • 你分析一下看看:法国大选的时候,Stephane Dion会投票给哪个党?
    • 加拿大的电视台我一般只看CITYTV,主要是关心一下天气,交通,以及TORONTO发生的事.CBC是最恶心的电视台.简直就是在生产垃圾.他们在BLACK案件中的表现实在是令人作呕.
      • 我的看法和你完全相反:CITYTV就是些鸡毛蒜皮的小事. CBC是国家大事,Peter 是目前加拿大最出色的电视节目主持人。
        • 同意
        • CBC是谈国家大事.不过我认为那些国家大事对他们来说ARE TOO COMPLICATED TO UNDERSTAND.而且他们也让我觉得缺乏原则性.差不多谁给他们钱制造垃圾,他们就支持谁.
          • If you CITYTV is the only TV you are watching ("加拿大的电视台我一般只看CITYTV,"), how do you know "..缺乏原则性.差不多谁给他们钱制造垃圾,他们就支持谁"?
            • 呵呵,i never said i ONLY watch citytv.
              • generally is not exclusively. is it difficult to distinguish the difference?
                • Ok, understood. BTW, if you really want to watch 最恶心的电视台, I would suggest you try FOXNews. The worst guy, Sean and Bill....