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复习一下:9月16日的媒体透露,行政官员已经完成一份报告,记录阿富汗战争的费用。a big number that could blast the Afghan war debate back into front-page headlines。但是他战战兢兢怕这一巨额数字影响选情,表示要征得所有四大党领袖的同意才会公布于世。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛三党领袖当天同意,哈帕拖了一天后也同意了。但是两个星期过了,至今还是没有出来。


Cost of Afghan mission being kept secret

By Martin O’hanlon, THE CANADIAN PRESS

OTTAWA - On a desk in a bureaucrat's office sits a big number that could blast the Afghan war debate back into front-page headlines.

But voters may not get to read those headlines until after the Oct. 14 election - unless Prime Minister Stephen Harper gives his OK to release a report on the true multibillion-dollar cost of Canada's Afghanistan mission.

Kevin Page, Parliament's budget officer, says he would like to release his report but he needs all-party consent. He's worried about interfering with the election.

Opposition parties were tripping over themselves Tuesday to give their approval - and to press Harper to do the same.

NDP Leader Jack Layton quickly penned a letter to the prime minister.

"The parliamentary budget office has been able to analyze the total actuarial costs extending beyond your stated 2011 end-date; including the ongoing costs of equipment and veteran's care," he wrote.

"I believe it is imperative to release this information immediately. I request you inform the parliamentary budget officer of your party's consent to release."

Layton said the public has a right to know how taxpayer dollars are being used.

"An election is no time to start shutting the doors on important public information on a key issue that's facing Canadians as they make their choice," he said at a campaign stop in Welland, Ont.

Liberal Leader Stephane Dion accused Harper of "hiding" the cost of the war.

"Canadians need to know the truth," he said. "We have the most secretive government in our history trying to hide these kinds of facts. We need to have that before the election."

Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe said it would be "immoral, indecent, irresponsible" for Harper not to allow release of the information.

"It's always important that we know what we're paying, especially when we see that a large majority of Quebecers - and I would say also a majority of Canadians - are opposing the mission in Afghanistan as it is," he said.

"An election is a time to discuss serious questions. War and peace, that is a serious question. The Canadian mission in Afghanistan is a serious question."

Harper wouldn't comment on whether he would give his consent, saying only that the budget officer is independent and "he can make his own decisions."

When pressed by reporters Harper spokesman Dimitri Soudas said Harper doesn't oppose the release but refused to say if he would give his consent.

"But I can tell you that we have very significant provisions for Afghan war and we are not over budget for those," Harper added in Kitchener, Ont.

The minority Conservative government has estimated the cost of the six-year mission at under $8 billion. If the new figures - believed to be more complete and accurate than previous estimates - are much higher, it could be bad news for Harper.

Polls have repeatedly shown that Canadians are lukewarm to the mission, especially in the key electoral battleground of Quebec where Harper must make gains to have any chance of winning his coveted majority.

And critics suggest cost overruns in the Afghan mission could erase the government's shrinking surplus and put the country into deficit, especially given the economic slowdown.

While Canadians have been left confused about the real cost of the mission, Americans have been bombarded with information about what their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost.

Money aside, the Afghan mission has been a heavy burden for Canada with 97 soldiers and one diplomat killed.

Canada has more than 2,000 personnel based in the dangerous Kandahar region.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 哈帕不敢回答问题!在今天法语辩论讨论国际/阿富汗撤军问题,辩论人要求哈帕财务透明,主持人要求哈帕回答阿富汗军费到底是多少,哈帕避而不谈,反过来跳出限定讨论范围,回到已讨论过的环境问题,指责别人的二氧化碳排放。阿富汗战争到底消耗多少银子,至今没有明确数据。
    • I would never expect Harper's truth.
    • 哈哈哈, 总理法语不灵光, 装作听不懂
    • 开玩笑吧.这政府预算是保守党一家整出来的? 他不谈,我觉得是有理由的,有些开支和战争有关,可入可不入,一旦开谈,这个数字会节节升高.
      • 实际上是一个辩论的策略。把火引向他人
        • 对总理的诡计了如指掌呀
      • 复习一下:9月16日的媒体透露,行政官员已经完成一份报告,记录阿富汗战争的费用。a big number that could blast the Afghan war debate back into front-page headlines。但是他战战兢兢怕这一巨额数字影响选情,表示要征得所有四大党领袖的同意才会公布于世。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛三党领袖当天同意,哈帕拖了一天后也同意了。但是两个星期过了,至今还是没有出来。


        Cost of Afghan mission being kept secret

        By Martin O’hanlon, THE CANADIAN PRESS

        OTTAWA - On a desk in a bureaucrat's office sits a big number that could blast the Afghan war debate back into front-page headlines.

        But voters may not get to read those headlines until after the Oct. 14 election - unless Prime Minister Stephen Harper gives his OK to release a report on the true multibillion-dollar cost of Canada's Afghanistan mission.

        Kevin Page, Parliament's budget officer, says he would like to release his report but he needs all-party consent. He's worried about interfering with the election.

        Opposition parties were tripping over themselves Tuesday to give their approval - and to press Harper to do the same.

        NDP Leader Jack Layton quickly penned a letter to the prime minister.

        "The parliamentary budget office has been able to analyze the total actuarial costs extending beyond your stated 2011 end-date; including the ongoing costs of equipment and veteran's care," he wrote.

        "I believe it is imperative to release this information immediately. I request you inform the parliamentary budget officer of your party's consent to release."

        Layton said the public has a right to know how taxpayer dollars are being used.

        "An election is no time to start shutting the doors on important public information on a key issue that's facing Canadians as they make their choice," he said at a campaign stop in Welland, Ont.

        Liberal Leader Stephane Dion accused Harper of "hiding" the cost of the war.

        "Canadians need to know the truth," he said. "We have the most secretive government in our history trying to hide these kinds of facts. We need to have that before the election."

        Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe said it would be "immoral, indecent, irresponsible" for Harper not to allow release of the information.

        "It's always important that we know what we're paying, especially when we see that a large majority of Quebecers - and I would say also a majority of Canadians - are opposing the mission in Afghanistan as it is," he said.

        "An election is a time to discuss serious questions. War and peace, that is a serious question. The Canadian mission in Afghanistan is a serious question."

        Harper wouldn't comment on whether he would give his consent, saying only that the budget officer is independent and "he can make his own decisions."

        When pressed by reporters Harper spokesman Dimitri Soudas said Harper doesn't oppose the release but refused to say if he would give his consent.

        "But I can tell you that we have very significant provisions for Afghan war and we are not over budget for those," Harper added in Kitchener, Ont.

        The minority Conservative government has estimated the cost of the six-year mission at under $8 billion. If the new figures - believed to be more complete and accurate than previous estimates - are much higher, it could be bad news for Harper.

        Polls have repeatedly shown that Canadians are lukewarm to the mission, especially in the key electoral battleground of Quebec where Harper must make gains to have any chance of winning his coveted majority.

        And critics suggest cost overruns in the Afghan mission could erase the government's shrinking surplus and put the country into deficit, especially given the economic slowdown.

        While Canadians have been left confused about the real cost of the mission, Americans have been bombarded with information about what their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost.

        Money aside, the Afghan mission has been a heavy burden for Canada with 97 soldiers and one diplomat killed.

        Canada has more than 2,000 personnel based in the dangerous Kandahar region.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 连长的法格丽是不错。。。。那个女的的法文是不是不咋地。。。怎么她一说别人就努力忍着不笑。。。
    • 当然不敢谈啦, 外间估计阿富汗的军费大约140亿, 保守估计也超过120亿!
    • 法语的我都不看的,尽管有现场翻译,嘿嘿。今天早上CBC的报导非常有趣,说HARPER SLEEP-WALKED 整个辩论,说他GOT TO WAKE UP FOR 今晚的英语辩论,我笑死啦。不过我不担心HARPER,他还是会胜利的,是定势了。迪安昨天北法语人士认为是第二好的,不过他还是不会被当选
      • 迪安是排在第一的, 40%, CBC, 哈, 18%。
        • 啊,我们看的是不同的CBC吗?嘿嘿,我看到的是BLOC QUEBEC的党魁是第一,迪安是第二,LAYTON第三,MAY第四,HARPER最后,MAY是23%,HARPER是18%,也说MAY的法语不好,但还是很好的把她想表达的明确表达了出来,嘿嘿
      • 电视辩论只是起一定的作用,大家还是看政治家过去的成绩。上次省长选举,麦省长当时电视辩论被评论为不合格,但是最后他还是被选,因为他给了民众甜头,民众知道怎么回事,所以,尽管当时的保守党省选人滔滔不绝,表现超好,还是名落孙山,嘿嘿