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佩林明日战拜登 麦幕僚为她特训免出丑

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛综合通讯社30日消息:共和党副总统候选人佩林,将于10月2日与其民主党对手拜登进行首场副总统候选人辩论。只有不足两年州长经验的佩林,面对拥有36年政坛经验的老手拜登交锋,对佩林本人以及共和党来说,可谓有点勉强。为免佩林出丑,共和党已安排她到麦凯恩的牧场,接受多名幕僚恶补,进行模拟辩论特训。












  事实上,民意调查亦发现国民认为拜登较为适合当副总统。《华尔街日报》上周发表的民调结果显示,认为佩林胜任副总统的受访者只有四成九,而拜登的支持率则有六成四。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 美国大选:OBAMA 已经在3个最关键的州领先Folrida, Ohio, Pennsylvania,都在50%以上。Palin 已经成了美国人民的开心果,希望周四辩论有更精彩的节目。FoxNews让人很反感。
    • “Palin 已经成了美国人民的开心果.”. What a wonderful expression! Did you watch the news a female anchor was slashing a Canadian Journalist of CBC for her blog downplaying Palin? That was really harsh.
      • Yes I saw it. I don’t want to comment on the language she used, as I am not good at that. But you can tell the feeling a Canadian is trying to express. This means, not only Americans, lots of foreigners don’t like her so much.
        • "Her"? Are you talking about Heather Mallick , Palin or the Fox blue-faced anchor (angry) lady?
          • Heather Mallick, who on her blog, called Sarah Palin supporters “WHITE TRASH”.
            • The same way you feel about FOX. People making the news are just like us. See some people on Rolia use extreme language?
    • The current circumstance will be the best chance for Obama to grab president seat. Add oil Obama!。。。
    • 那是你没看cnn他们是怎么偏向民主党,尤其是obama的,做人不能太cnn,已经有这话了吧
      • 最偏向民主党的是NBC. 民心向背,没有办法,大多数的媒体都是偏向民主党的。但是做事方式不同,办实事讲道理,或者幽默笑话。FOX 主要是主持人讲一气(有许多不真实的东西),然后被邀请来的Panel 都不让说话。
        • Glad to see you are telling some truth.
          • That's the same tone from those FOX guys. FYI, I am always telling the truth.
            • I could tell that.
        • 应该说世界各国自由媒体都是偏向左派的,中国解放前也是如此。文人气质,做事理想化,愿意唱高调的当然都去媒体发展了。要不老嘲笑保守派是红脖子没文化呢。这跟民意关系不大
    • The US media are controlled by the same group of people who control Wall Street. From the begining, they favored Obama over Clinton, and now favored him over McCain. Does this tell you something?
      Despite their control of both houses of Congress, the Democrats never advanced their own plan to deal with the financial crisis. They never called for tougher regulation of the banks and punitive measures against the multi-millionaire architects of the financial meltdown.
      They did nothing of the kind. Now it's the Democratic who voted in favor of the bailout, while most Republicans rebelled against their own President and voted No.
      Obama may win, but don't place any high hope on his 'change'. It will probably be just business as usual.
      • Lack of fundamental basics. Media in any country is being controlled by big corps, government directly or indirectly. Wall Street does not have the power to handle. Wall Street works for the big guys.
      • I am not sure whether there is a group who can control media and wall st. If they had control over both houses, how come the bill was not passed.
        • I can see you are telling truth here.
        • The ties between money and politics in US is nothing new. Most of the congressmen are millionaires who collect millions of dollars of campaign funding from the big corporations.
          The only reason so many voted no is that they were bombarded by the people in their constituents who threaten to vote them out of office in Nov if they vote yes to the bailout plan. In order to continue collecting money, they need to keep their jobs first, right? The corruption in the US shows that a previously well-functioning
          democracy can turn bad if the people don't keep an close eye on their politicians, and severe the ties between money and politics.
          • What you have said is a good proof that those congressman need to listen to the people in their constituents. However, I don’t see any thing prove that they are working for certain groups.
            Agree with you about "keep an close eye on their politicians".
            Don't agree about "severe the ties between money and politics". These situation is more often happening in non-democracy counties, i.e. China. Because nobody can keep an close eye on them.
            • I don't necessarily believe every thing on the wsws website, but articles like this provide some good info on the 'pay structures' of US politicans.
              It will be naive to think the congressmen want this job just for the $100 K something paycheck government gives them. They simply can not avoid using their political power to help their 'rich clients' who pay them the good money. This is not much different than in China where the politicians gain wealth from their ties to business. That's why I say severing the tie between money and politics is necessary to cleanup corruptions. Does Obama have the courage to do this? I doubt
              • There some politicians who has strong believes and want to implement them. Somebody want this job just for the $1 paycheck government gives them.
                Not all of them a rich, for example, Joe Biden. And lots of them are already millionaires before they become senator or congressman.

                I have to say Chinese officials have the tradition to make money from their power.
              • 政治和利益勾结是社会的基本模式,没什么奇怪的。如果社会上层结构还需要通过贪污受贿这种模式来获得财富,那这个社会不是太贫穷就是太不稳定。执政者急于套现。
                • I think the bailout is certainly wrong and make the problem worse in the long run. They need to let the market sort itself out, to cleanup the mess, squeeze out the excess and bubble.
                  The government has to increase regulaion and oversight of the market, hold those responsbile for the failure accountable for their mistakes. For some people, properties can be forfeited and jail time handed out if wrongdoing is found. CEO pays must be curbed.
                  All these will restore fairness, discipline, trust and confidence in the system and gives everybody a chance to start anew.
                  But in the short run, the bailout can buy them time. And for the political and corporate elite, short term gains are all they care about. This gives them an opportunity to escape with their billion dollar golden parachute. The bailout will not solve any of the structural problem, it will only make the problem worse and we can know for sure the next crash will be much harder and there will be no way out. But for Bush & friends, they won't give a damn since they will no longer be there anymore. The blame is left for somebody else in charge at that time.
                  • 我完全同意你的观点。救市将破坏规矩。继续等待,看下一次投票是否会被通过。
                    • 看来应了一句老话。出来混始终要还的。不管如何,事件还没有结束。动作有了。等着看结果吧。
    • The US elite circle want to elect someone who can be easily manupilated by them, and also can talk big to fool naive people. Bush fits their profile, and Obama fits their profile.
      Is there anything Obama did in the past that can prove he has the capability and courage to implement the tough changes he's talking about? Nothing. All empty promises and liberal idealogy. "We want to help Wall Street, also help Main Street, We want to provide public health care, also cut taxes and deficits. We want to keep troops in Iraq, and also expand them in Afgan"
      Where will all the money come from sir?
      • Your tone is not right! Anyway, I belive he can get the money by taxing the rich corporate and rich people, and creating green industry, and reducing expense from Iraq, and encourageing community services,
        and helping unemployed people back to work, so that they can contribue tax to the pool....
        BTW, he won't keep troops in Iraq.
    • 佩林明日战拜登 麦幕僚为她特训免出丑
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛综合通讯社30日消息:共和党副总统候选人佩林,将于10月2日与其民主党对手拜登进行首场副总统候选人辩论。只有不足两年州长经验的佩林,面对拥有36年政坛经验的老手拜登交锋,对佩林本人以及共和党来说,可谓有点勉强。为免佩林出丑,共和党已安排她到麦凯恩的牧场,接受多名幕僚恶补,进行模拟辩论特训。












        事实上,民意调查亦发现国民认为拜登较为适合当副总统。《华尔街日报》上周发表的民调结果显示,认为佩林胜任副总统的受访者只有四成九,而拜登的支持率则有六成四。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net