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* Hedy Fry linking crime and immigrants: Vancouver Centre MP Hedy Fry says surveillance cameras in downtown public spaces should be part of a multi-pronged effort against violent crime … And Canada needs to look at its immigration policies, she added. "Do we have people coming in illegally, who are running drugs?" (The Province, January 22, 2008)

* Garth Turner: "The present system is not fair. Fairness means we don't put the queue jumpers ahead; criminal refugees are deported quickly. We try not to burden our schools with English as a second language" (Edmonton Journal, May 19, 1993).

* Keith Martin: “The fact is our immigration minister has been allowing terrorists and criminals to enter Canada through our porous and faulty immigration laws” (Hansard,, October 18, 2001).

* Keith Martin: “On the issue of criminality, individuals who have committed crimes in this country should be sent back to their country of origin” (Hansard, February 27, 2001).

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / calgary保守党MP LEE RICHARDSON把城市犯罪归咎于移民,看看移民在保守党议员心目中是什么样吧。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Liberal and NDP candidates in Calgary are calling on a Conservative incumbent to resign for connecting crime with immigrants in an interview with a local weekly newspaper.

    In response to a question about recent shootings in the city, Calgary Centre Conservative Lee Richardson told an FFWD reporter that Canada has been too soft on crime.

    "Particularly in big cities, we’ve got people that have grown up in a different culture," he said. "And they don’t have the same background in terms of the stable communities we had 20, 30 years ago in our cities … and don’t have the same respect for authority or people’s person or property."

    He later added: "Talk to the police. Look at who's committing these crimes. They’re not the kid that grew up next door.”

    Several NDP candidates held a news conference Thursday morning and called on Richardson to quit.

    Tyler Kinch, the NDP candidate in Calgary Centre, called the remarks disgraceful. Kinch said Richardson should resign.

    "I'm hoping he will," he said. "If he doesn't, I hope Mr. Harper will fire him. And if that doesn't happen, I hope the voters of Calgary Centre will fire him and hire a new MP that will bring communities together."

    'I stand by my retraction. Those who have known me through my long time in public service know that I have always supported immigration.'—Lee Richardson

    Liberal Calgary Centre candidate Heesung Kim, an immigrant from South Korea, denounced the comments as "disturbing."

    "To say that if you weren't born and bred in Canada then you're more likely to be a criminal is completely unbelievable," she said.

    Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion weighed in Thursday afternoon, saying if Richardson did not step down, then "Mr. Harper must fire this man right away. He cannot be a candidate anymore."
    MP regretted comments

    In an interview with FFWD the day after the initial interview, Richardson said he regretted his comments, the paper reports.

    "I just don’t want [my comments] to be torqued out of context," Richardson said. "We see anecdotally — and through our experiences here — the differences from the Alberta that I grew up in. And that’s the same in a lot of big cities across the country. That’s really all I was trying to say … I regret having said that yesterday.”

    Richardson did not return calls from CBC News, but issued a statement late Thursday afternoon: "I stand by my retraction. Those who have known me through my long time in public service know that I have always supported immigration, have worked closely with our cultural communities, and have regarded diversity as one of our greatest strengths."

    Richardson was first elected with the Mulroney government in the 1980s before being defeated. He returned to politics when he took Calgary Centre in 2004 and was re-elected in 2006, winning 55 per cent of the vote.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 看来归咎于移民的话,你很不满; 如果归功于移民, 你满意吗?
      • 你也有功劳。你带头回流吧,改善治安。
        • 就不要回去添乱了, 温总哭得够多了。 还是在这里受害吧。 呵呵
          • 我欲因之梦寥廓
        • 哈帕的移民政策: 亚裔入侵和亚裔贫民窟, 反华历史悠久!
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛哈帕的移民政策: 亚裔入侵和亚裔贫民窟

          今年通过的保守党提交的C-50移民修正法案备受争议, 修正后的移民法使移民部长大权在握, 有权限制或减少已经由国会通过的移民配额人数, 有权打破时间顺序, 优先考虑甄选部分申请者。 同时, 对不同国家设置移民限额(QUOTA)等。 保守党称这个法案可以有助于快速有效地清除积案云云。 但广大加国华人不禁会问, 把如此重要大权, 交给劣迹斑斑的哈帕保守党, 大家放不放心呢?

          Asian invade 与 University of billion chinks

          2000年临冬, 选战正浓, 为保守党前身的加人联盟党有一个候选人名叫背缇格兰葛(Betty Granger), 背缇跑到温尼伯大学演讲拉选票, 演讲中竟指亚裔在温哥华唯多利亚上大学念书, 买楼买地为“亚裔入侵”(Asian invade), 这些人不是我们要招进这个国家的最好客人。 背缇这段话是这样说的:

          "Have you been to the West Coast? Oh about five years ago I was out there actually on school trustee business and found myself staying with friends that live there. I call it the Asian invasion, but that might not be the best wording, but nevertheless, the Asian students that have come over to Canada pressured the university system. Our own Canadian students actually could not even get into some of our university programs in Vancouver and Victoria. The land prices, apparently they're buying up blocks and blocks -- a well-monied population buying up blocks and blocks of real estate, building ... like there's a whole economy that (U of W political science department chair) Alan (Mills) was referring to that could occur in Manitoba that is occurring there...We've actually interred some Asian peoples for a year before they were sent back to their homes. I think that problem has been addressed to some degree, but this is problematic not only for immigration, but also for justice issues because there was a realization that what was coming off these boats was not the best clientele you would want to come into this country.”

          当时为电视直播, 引来轩然大波。 事后, 背缇为她种族歧视的言论道歉, 但是她却并没有退出大选。 最后, 背缇仅获该选区8%的选票败选。 加国称之为“亚裔入侵事件”。 又是象Betty Granger这样的西部右翼份子, 蔑称有许多华人子弟上学的卑斯大学(UBC)正变成一所"University of a Billion Chinks"。

          2002年, 哈帕在两次评论“亚裔入侵事件”时候都不但没有谴责Betty Granger, 反而反咬一口, 称她是“低级层次的麦卡锡主义的牺牲品”。 他在电视上是这么说的: “Betty Granger is party president in the Winnipeg area and one of a large number of party presidents that are supporting this campaign. So, I think this kind of thing is just kind of a low-level form of McCarthyism.” (CTV ”Question Period”, February 10, 2002)。

          其实, 现在我们再回过头看, 哈帕挺背就一点不奇怪了。

          Asian ghettoes 与 NCC

          2001年, 记者Kevin Michael Grace问哈帕怎么自由党会在温尼伯以西地区能赢得14个席位, 都是谁投他们票, 他们为什么投自由党? 哈帕说: 因为那里亚裔移民和东加来的移民占多数, 那些住贫民窟和不为西加社会容纳的群体。 他的原话是这样说的:

          ‘West of Winnipeg, the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from Eastern Canada; people who live in ghettos and are not integrated into Western Canadian society.’

          事实上, 哈帕背缇并没有脱离保守党的移民路线, 哈帕对亚洲移民充满种族主义的思维, 主要来源一个叫 National Citizens Coalition (NCC), 哈帕曾在98-02年间担任该组织的主席。 该组织是在六十年代末由一个叫Colin M. Brown的安省南部富翁建立, 以反对加政府的公共医疗政策。 该组织歧视黑人和妇女, 大亨到美国南部度假的富豪俱乐部至今仍然是禁止黑人和妇女进入的。 七十年代又以反亚裔移民而臭名昭著, 反对亚裔移民的加拿大著名记者 Diane Francis 是NCC的常客贵客。

          90年代, 哈帕对NCC十分信服, 他曾称“NCC的日程是对我的一个指引...(the agenda of the NCC was a guide to me)。 NCC主席David Somerville回应称 改革党(Reform Party, 哈帕当时领导的党)剽窃了我们的政策书可能有三分之二(“cribbed probably two-thirds of our policy book.”)。

          1997年, 哈帕宣布放弃议员身份, 去接手NCC。 他称自己是NCC的长期支持者。 1998-2002年, 哈帕当了四年NCC主席。 2002年, 哈帕离开NCC去竞选加人联盟党主席, 他解释这样做的原因是因为害怕国会里没有NCC的声音。 他是如是说的: “feared that if I did not do this, the NCC would find itself again alone or at least without any allies in the Parliament of Canada.” 的确, 如果我们看保守党对公共医疗, 社会福利等政策, 基本上就是NCC主张的那一套。

          NCC和华人的第一次交手是79-80年NCC一手策划的“反击越南船民入侵案”, 试图阻止因越南排华而出走该国的越南华侨留在加国。 那你是不是以为他们仅仅不希望加国接收太多难民呢? 看官你又错了, 因为他们对50年代的匈牙利难民潮的态度却截然不同。 NCC的创始人Colin M. Brown的讲话正好为他们的移民政策作了最好的注脚和为哈帕的贫民窟说法找到根源: “I think the Hungarians have made marvelous citizens,” Brown declared, “but the bloodlines run the same way. We all come from Europe so they fit in. You wouldn’t know if the people next door to you are Hungarian or not. They don’t all go and gather in a ghetto.” (大意是匈牙利人能成为很好的公民, 我们有相同的血缘, 都来自欧洲, 他们不都聚集和居住在贫民窟)。

          西方有一句话用来形容一种选民, 叫做“给肯德基上校投票的小鸡(Like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders)”。 你要不要做这只愚笨的小鸡呢?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 不错。其实保守党骨子里就有种族歧视的思想,只是不敢公开而已。
            • 完全同意上面两位的看法。 这次大选, 保守党推出了最多的华裔候选人, 严重歧视其它非华裔种族, 让人义愤填膺, 人神共愤
      • 一口一声,叫得这么甜,白叫了吧。可惜人家还是不认你啊,还是不如人家自家儿子亲。
        • 你只要把票投给他, 他就是你儿子。 你们成天在网上跟保守党过不去也就罢了, 还造谣生事, 应证了卡佛蒂的重要讲话。 说的太经典了
          • 长岛人歌动地诗
          • 这么说,哈帕就是你儿子了?
            • 小平同志自称是人民的儿子, 你信吗?
              • 你投票给哈帕, 他就是你儿子,你信吗?
                • 选民就是父母, 这句话听过吧?
      • 保守党说的就是你,你满意吗?
        • 保守党说的不是我, 是有人造谣说保守党说的是我。嘻嘻
    • 这个让我想起了在国内的时候,把社会治安不好归于外来人员。sigh
    • 具体得分什么类别的移民
    • 对城市居民来说最大的问题是贫穷。没有足够的机会(教育,工作,医疗,社会福利)。这个系统一定会出问题。作奸犯科的人多了,社会风气下降,机会更加少,当年的芝加哥,现在的底特律就是这样。根本问题还是增加机会。
    • 保守党上次选举胜利部分因为他们上次管好了嘴巴。而这次保守党候选人连连失言,对他们的选情有很大的负面影响。加上本周保守党的anti-crime和art政策在魁北克受到了强烈的反弹,保守党组多数政府的可能性越来越小了。
      • 所以几可以放心选他了,不用担心成为多数政府啦,不用做策略性投票啦hoho
        • 策略性投票只适用于选战激烈的摇摆选区。GTA里,大约只有East York, Oakville, Mississauga South,Oshawa属于摇摆选区。其中East York没保守党什么事,是NDP和Liberal的战场。
      • 红脖说的心里话,不是失言。哈伯的PMO对部长们发表言论一直约束的很紧,就是怕这些人不小心说穿帮。这些social conservative坐大,对少数族裔是最糟糕的事。根本就不能用钱来衡量。
        • 对于媒体和政客来说,很多观点和想法只能心照。一旦说出来,就变成失言。
        • 只能说明右翼更诚实些而已,那几个党哪个不是白人为主?像那些说话高调的党你以为骨子里就多尊敬中国人了?幼稚。左翼就是嘴上说的好听。像林顿激烈反对医疗私有化,自己有病倒找私人机构,怎么看都不老实。
      • 说得在理, 赞一下.
    • 看看自由党的议员的言论.如果不能讨论这些问题进行反思,加拿大的移民制度是会烂下去.目前保守党的态度非常明确,加拿大需要移民。但要根据加拿大就业市场制定移民计划。从2月到现在由于计划还没出来,有些积压。但政府上台后,积压会迅速减少。
      * Hedy Fry linking crime and immigrants: Vancouver Centre MP Hedy Fry says surveillance cameras in downtown public spaces should be part of a multi-pronged effort against violent crime … And Canada needs to look at its immigration policies, she added. "Do we have people coming in illegally, who are running drugs?" (The Province, January 22, 2008)

      * Garth Turner: "The present system is not fair. Fairness means we don't put the queue jumpers ahead; criminal refugees are deported quickly. We try not to burden our schools with English as a second language" (Edmonton Journal, May 19, 1993).

      * Keith Martin: “The fact is our immigration minister has been allowing terrorists and criminals to enter Canada through our porous and faulty immigration laws” (Hansard,, October 18, 2001).

      * Keith Martin: “On the issue of criminality, individuals who have committed crimes in this country should be sent back to their country of origin” (Hansard, February 27, 2001).
      • 还是希望保守党加快家庭团聚移民的速度,特别是父母依亲团聚。尽管我不需要。觉得家庭在任何时候都应该是很基本的价值观。
        • 经过我长期观察,保守党的家庭价值观不是口号。对于团聚类移民一定很快会改善。目前受到移民申请积压严重影响。不过已经比2004年快很多了。
          • 还是要好几年哦。
            • 唉,历史包袱。同情ING。
    • Media's Game: producing news sometimes.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sliming of Tory a typical campaign crock
      Calgary Herald
      Friday, September 26, 2008

      In the latest campaign sliming, Calgary Centre incumbent Lee Richardson is accused of being an anti-immigrant racist -- a bizarre allegation against a man who does more for immigrants than any federal politician in the city.

      In an interview with a Calgary weekly newspaper, Richardson is quoted as saying that immigrants don't have as much respect for the law. "Look who's committing the crimes," he said. "They're not the kid who grew up next door."

      Richardson now says he was talking about youth gangs and recent shootings, not immigrants and crime in general.

      But Liberals and New Democrats instantly demanded his resignation and tried to paint the whole Conservative party as anti-immigrant, still seething with Reform Party prejudice.

      It's a typical campaign crock. Richardson has always been a moderate Conservative of the Peter Lougheed school -- a Red Tory, as they used to say -- who opposed the wilder elements of the Reform movement.

      Richardson is as close as you get, in Stephen Harper's Conservative party, to a sophisticated, wine-sipping, tolerant urban politician. Like that style or hate it, he's no racist.

      Here's what former Premier Lougheed says about Richardson, who worked with him in Edmonton and Calgary from 1974-83.

      "That's completely false. There's no foundation to it at all. I've worked with Lee over many years and I know from his statements and his actions that it's not the way he thinks."

      The allegations also surprised Henry Mandelbaum, from Colombia, whose family's Canadian citizenship approvals were expedited by Richardson's office.

      "He helped us so much when we had long delays in getting our citizenship," Mandelbaum says.

      "Anything they say about him like that is not true. I'm shocked to hear anybody say that about him."

      Richardson employs an assistant who spends most of her time solving problems for immigrants.

      This week alone, Robyn Turner tells me, she sent questions on behalf of applicants to the Canadian embassies in Kenya, Egypt, Pakistan, India, China and the United Arab Emirates.

      "He's not a racist!" says Turner. "Lee gives me free rein to do as much as I possibly can. We have even gone before the federal court and immigration tribunals to support applicants."

      Appalled by the article, Richardson says:

      "I was talking about the youth gangs in the city -- the people doing the shooting. The article made my views seem general about all immigrants and all crime.

      "Look, my office and my personal efforts are broadly known in the immigrant community in Calgary.

      "I get the majority of immigration calls in the whole city, more than any other MP. We deal with them because we care and we have the expertise."

      Ward 8 Ald. John Mar, of Chinese descent, supports Richardson.

      "Lee has been representing Chinatown for years as MP," Mar says. "He has a lot of friends in the Chinese community, including my father, Allan Mar. He represents the very best of Calgary in terms of support for multiculturalism.

      "He is not a racist or a bigot, and anybody who knows him knows that."

      Mar sits on Richardson's riding board and sports a big Conservative campaign sign on his lawn.

      Richardson's accusers surely know he's not hostile to immigrants, if they know anything at all about Calgary.

      But the goal here isn't to take down Richardson, who's virtually unbeatable in the riding anyway. The hope is to create a national furor that hurts the Conservatives in immigrant areas elsewhere.

      As usual in this campaign, the truth has nothing to do with it.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net