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That's the point. I don't think that a strong leader is a one that relies on his advisors for suggestions and his sub-ordinators to do the work.

He needs to be a take charge leader who believe in doing what's best for his nation and has the experience to carry through the changes. He should be the one who has the courage to stand up to special interests and pound tables if necessary. IIt's hard to believe Obama is such a person despite all his big talks. And his lack of experience is not comforting either. As for his vision, I'm not sure if it really his or just what he thinks will win him votes. It's right there're people who provide advises, but there's only one captain of the ship, the one that guide and direct the nation, make final executive decisions and resolve serious crisises in a time of challenges.
The US does not need another lame-duck President like Bush.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 美国正在讨论暂停大选,讨论经济问题。加国照常,如果有兴趣可以观看今天Richmond Hill 的 debate.
    All Candidates Debate
    Langstff Community Center, 6:45pm.
    • 这个Coward作出此决定基本等于自杀
    • 这里的人比起对大选漠不关心的人强一些,起码有想法。但还是限于空谈。出去感受一下吧。
      • 辩论中涉及的范围很广:经济,外交(包括阿富汗问题),医疗,教育,艺术,环保,能源,交通,甚至还有人问同性婚姻。
        • 美中不足的是:据说这个区有50%的华人,但参加辩论会的连5%都没有。
    • McCain这一招又不灵,Obama可以参加讨论经济问题,但坚持继续 debate. 民意测验大幅领先。最高的一个52% - 42%。看来赢定了。
      • 现任政府出了这么大的漏子,中间派美国人的第一感觉就是共和党要负责
        • 这可是大逆不道, 怎么可能? Rep and C are Father and Son.
          • 大逆不道? 你以为在哪里啊
            • 无论美国还是加拿大 it's Harper's desire to being part of U.S. . GOD BLESS CANADA...
              • 没看懂
    • Agree that Obama may win but whether he has the political wisdom and courage to carry through the much needed the political and economic reform, to severe the ties between money and politics? I am not too opitimistic.
      His past experience and proven results are so limited, and all we hear is him talking rather than
      doing anything. His position on Iraq, health care, tax cuts keeps changing based on the voter preference which is not an indicator of a good, determined and strong leader we need at such a challenging time.
      McCain on the other hand, is a tough bone, his resolve, courage and determination are proven and tested during the 5-year as a war prisoner in Vietname and over 30 years experience as a Senator.
      And there's no doubt he has more experience, courage and wisdom to carry through the reforms that he believes the nation needs
      I hope Obama can be successful in implementing the change the US needs, but worry that the
      Americans may once again put their bet on a wrong person.
      • Compare to others, Obama’s experience maybe short, and this is a good point, as he will not be affected by those old rules. He already showed his leadership. MacCain is following him too, i.e. he is talking about changes now.
        I believe the most important thing for a leader is vision. When you point out the correct direction, you have lots of experienced people to help you carry out the mission.
        • That's the point. I don't think that a strong leader is a one that relies on his advisors for suggestions and his sub-ordinators to do the work.
          He needs to be a take charge leader who believe in doing what's best for his nation and has the experience to carry through the changes. He should be the one who has the courage to stand up to special interests and pound tables if necessary. IIt's hard to believe Obama is such a person despite all his big talks. And his lack of experience is not comforting either. As for his vision, I'm not sure if it really his or just what he thinks will win him votes. It's right there're people who provide advises, but there's only one captain of the ship, the one that guide and direct the nation, make final executive decisions and resolve serious crisises in a time of challenges.
          The US does not need another lame-duck President like Bush.
          • A good leader knows how to use resources. You know nobody is perfect, and it is impossible for one person to know everything, so he does need his people to provide needed information, i.e support document, background, then he makes the decision.
      • 不喜欢他,感觉上他就是个职业政客,在他的政治生涯中,没有明显的敌人,观点含糊。迎合选民博取上位的动机明显。没有大的执政经验,危机处理的能力也不得而知。话说得太漂亮。而且就伊拉克和伊朗问题,他也很难有大的政策改变。
        • totally agree with you. Hillary is the best choice. Sigh
    • 哪里的消息?哪里有得看?
    • 暂停大选不能解决美国当前的问题,McCain是想改变公众认为他不懂经济的印象,这是徒劳的。当然我并不认为Obama好多少
      • 直接选哈珀做美国总统吧,他也高兴,他的fans也高兴。
      • 搞不懂美国人为什么不选希拉里, 她厉害多了.
        • 这年头,搞不懂的多了。我还搞不懂为什么哈珀能当总理呢。
          • 哈珀说:我没想当,是人民选我当的.
            • 他老婆说,你不看看我老公迷死多少人。
        • H也不是什么好鸟
    • MaCain is playing a game. The bailout deal is almost done, before he went to Washington, but when he was there, his party changed mind.
      • The bailout plan will only make the problem much worse in the future, like giving an drug addict more drugs rather than forcing him to quit.
        The capitalist system rewards good performing, well managed corporations, punish those poor performers. These greedy Wall Street banks fail because of their
        reckless, selfish, irresponsible decisions made in the past many years. So killing them is exactly what the capitalist system should do. The government should not hand a blank check to save them, this is a socialist style approach to reward failures of massive scale, and will only result in a total collapse of the American capitalist system in the not too distant future
        • Exactly! Ron Paul is right on the money: "You can't cure the disease caused by creating money out of thin air, using more money created out of thin air."