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Reply to Godfather's post "请问四川赈灾的时候, Dr. Benson Lau 刘秉纯在哪里? "

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Benson has made personal contributions to the disaster relief effort in Sichuan. I remember way back in mid May, shortly after the quake, Benson and I have already started talking about volunteering to go to Sichuan to provide urgently needed medical relief. As many of you know, both Benson and I have very busy medical practices here in Toronto, and it was very difficult for us to drop the patient case loads we each have at short or no notice at all, as it would not be fair to our existing patients. We need time to re-arrange pre-booked appointments and commitments. The immediate thing we could do was to support two other friends Dr. Charles Jiang and Haibo XU, as the first wave of medical personnel to go to Sichuan. Drs. Jiang and Xu were still residents at that time; they are freer with their schedules than Benson’s and mine.

Drs. Jiang and Xu quickly reported back to friends in Toronto that The Chinese Army and medical community has done such a great job of caring for the wounded in Sichuan, to a point that foreign medical missions are not really needed there. Our attention quickly turned to provide much needed psychological support for the victims of this earthquake. Friends at CIER and I quickly organized a volunteer team called WEPAT, 汶川地震心理救助队 Wenchuan Earthquake Psychological Assistance Team, to go to the disaster zone. As the Team Leader of WEPAT, I think I am qualified to come to Benson’s defence that he has made personal contributions to our WEPAT operation with thousands dollars of his own money, so does Dr. Joseph Wong and his friends. You can read our WEPAT's work in Sichuan at link: http://www.rolia.net/f/list.php?f=50

Benson is not a person who likes to attract spot lights. He prefers to get things done quietly without the fanfare. He is very different person than Jim, his Liberal party opponent. I know Jim, and supported him in the past elections as well. But this time around, Benson will have my support. Don’t get me wrong, I still like Jim, and think of him highly. But I don’t think he is the one to bring Agincourt’s voice to the next Federal Government. We all know it is going to be a Conservative Government in Ottawa, minority or majority. Jim will not have the ears of next Federal government simply because of his party affiliation; therefore, Jim will not be able to bring the concerns of voters and community to the policy makers and power brokers in next Cabinet. If we can help to elect Benson to represent Agincourt riding as our MP, we essentially will have a direct link from our community of both Chinese and non-Chinese to the centre of next Federal government. Benson knows and is committed to better relations with China. More importantly Benson is Capable of doing that after winning a election with his deep ties to the Conservative establishment, yet Jim with his Liberal tires could not.

Someone has also questioned Benson’s commitment to Chinese new immigrant community. Let me again come to his defence. First of all, I don’t want come across as bashing Jim. Jim as a sitting MP, he has to do what he has to do representing his riding by going to community events, parties etc etc. We all see Jim’s pictures in the news and photos sections of media reports. That is his job. But, while Jim is busy cutting ribbons and toasting cheers at cocktail party, Benson is actually, and physically caring for the new immigrant community behind the scene. Let me back it up for you. Anyone, who has visited Free Medical Clinic on Lawrence East Ave while waiting for the 3-month rule of OHIP coverage to pass, would know a Chinese doctor there looking after new immigrant’s medical needs for zero pay. This doctor is Dr. Benson Lau. He has contributed to our new immigrant’s community by doing things for us. Someone talk the talks, but Benson walks the walk with us. As his friend for many years, I can testify that.

Many friends at Rolia will certainly disagree with my choice of supporting Benson. I respect you views and political affiliations. What I would like to argue is the fact that Dr. Benson Lau is a better choice for Agincourt voters, and better choice for our Mandarin speaking community. Thanks!—Stan Zheng更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Reply to Godfather's post "请问四川赈灾的时候, Dr. Benson Lau 刘秉纯在哪里? "
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Benson has made personal contributions to the disaster relief effort in Sichuan. I remember way back in mid May, shortly after the quake, Benson and I have already started talking about volunteering to go to Sichuan to provide urgently needed medical relief. As many of you know, both Benson and I have very busy medical practices here in Toronto, and it was very difficult for us to drop the patient case loads we each have at short or no notice at all, as it would not be fair to our existing patients. We need time to re-arrange pre-booked appointments and commitments. The immediate thing we could do was to support two other friends Dr. Charles Jiang and Haibo XU, as the first wave of medical personnel to go to Sichuan. Drs. Jiang and Xu were still residents at that time; they are freer with their schedules than Benson’s and mine.

    Drs. Jiang and Xu quickly reported back to friends in Toronto that The Chinese Army and medical community has done such a great job of caring for the wounded in Sichuan, to a point that foreign medical missions are not really needed there. Our attention quickly turned to provide much needed psychological support for the victims of this earthquake. Friends at CIER and I quickly organized a volunteer team called WEPAT, 汶川地震心理救助队 Wenchuan Earthquake Psychological Assistance Team, to go to the disaster zone. As the Team Leader of WEPAT, I think I am qualified to come to Benson’s defence that he has made personal contributions to our WEPAT operation with thousands dollars of his own money, so does Dr. Joseph Wong and his friends. You can read our WEPAT's work in Sichuan at link: http://www.rolia.net/f/list.php?f=50

    Benson is not a person who likes to attract spot lights. He prefers to get things done quietly without the fanfare. He is very different person than Jim, his Liberal party opponent. I know Jim, and supported him in the past elections as well. But this time around, Benson will have my support. Don’t get me wrong, I still like Jim, and think of him highly. But I don’t think he is the one to bring Agincourt’s voice to the next Federal Government. We all know it is going to be a Conservative Government in Ottawa, minority or majority. Jim will not have the ears of next Federal government simply because of his party affiliation; therefore, Jim will not be able to bring the concerns of voters and community to the policy makers and power brokers in next Cabinet. If we can help to elect Benson to represent Agincourt riding as our MP, we essentially will have a direct link from our community of both Chinese and non-Chinese to the centre of next Federal government. Benson knows and is committed to better relations with China. More importantly Benson is Capable of doing that after winning a election with his deep ties to the Conservative establishment, yet Jim with his Liberal tires could not.

    Someone has also questioned Benson’s commitment to Chinese new immigrant community. Let me again come to his defence. First of all, I don’t want come across as bashing Jim. Jim as a sitting MP, he has to do what he has to do representing his riding by going to community events, parties etc etc. We all see Jim’s pictures in the news and photos sections of media reports. That is his job. But, while Jim is busy cutting ribbons and toasting cheers at cocktail party, Benson is actually, and physically caring for the new immigrant community behind the scene. Let me back it up for you. Anyone, who has visited Free Medical Clinic on Lawrence East Ave while waiting for the 3-month rule of OHIP coverage to pass, would know a Chinese doctor there looking after new immigrant’s medical needs for zero pay. This doctor is Dr. Benson Lau. He has contributed to our new immigrant’s community by doing things for us. Someone talk the talks, but Benson walks the walk with us. As his friend for many years, I can testify that.

    Many friends at Rolia will certainly disagree with my choice of supporting Benson. I respect you views and political affiliations. What I would like to argue is the fact that Dr. Benson Lau is a better choice for Agincourt voters, and better choice for our Mandarin speaking community. Thanks!—Stan Zheng更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 头疼,有么有哪个兄弟用中文提炼一下?
      • Someone please help me out to translate into Chinese, as I can not type Chinese here, Sorry :(
      • 一句话,请投Dr. Benson Lau一票,不要投Jim。有人说Benson地震时说要去四川,后来没有兑现,信誉比较差。楼主的解释是,当初楼主和Benson手头病人太多,正在重新安排已预约的病人,做前往四川的准备,但是先期到达四川的另外两人传回来消息,说

        • 坚决支持Dr. Benson Lau当选
      • 加多一句,Jim当选后就有很多例行公事的工作,比如到处剪彩,而当Jim到处剪彩并在鸡尾酒会上举杯时,Benson正忙着为新移民服务。他为落地未满3个月的新移民提供免费医疗服务。我的问题见内:
        • Dr. Lau是挺可怜的。他被保守党安排在这个地方当炮灰。这个选区自从20年前被创建以来,国会议员一直是Jim Karygiannis。
          • 一直是Jim? 很没劲嘛。给他捣捣乱。
        • agincourt选区. Jim Karyxxxxxxx是liberal怕题的。
        • That free clinic is funded by our Scarborough doctors group. Some of us chose to support it with monetary means to cover overhead cost; others chose to donate time to voluntary working there for absolutely NO pay at all.
          Benson is the one chose to do the latter. Everything from this clinic is donated by physicians and some drug companies donated drug samples for patients to use free of charge. There is No government funding as far as I know.
        • 看来以后当医生的都可去参选,不论是否具有治理国家振兴本地经济处理公共事务的知识才干,起码曾以医术帮助过别人。只是把Jim的工作说成仅是剪彩和举杯,给人感觉是为拔高医生,刻意贬低对手。查一下网就知道,Jim很早就在帮助大陆新移民,并对移民和对华政策提出很多见解。
    • 帮你翻译了一下, 不准确的地方再纠正
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Benson 在四川的救灾安抚工作中做出了个人的贡献. 我记得早在五月中旬, 地震发生后不久, Benson 和我就开始讨论如何志愿去四川提供当地急需的医疗救援. 大家都知道, Benson 和我在多伦多的诊所都很忙, 很难仓促地放下现有的病人或者通知都不给, 这样做对现有的病人也很不公平. 我们需要时间重新安排已经有预约的病人. 我们即刻能做的事情是支持另外两个朋友 Dr. Charles Jiang 和 Haibo XU 做为第一波医疗人员进入四川. Drs. Jiang and Xu 那时还是居民, 比Benson和我有更多时间上的自由.

      Drs. Jiang 和 Xu 很快就向多伦多的朋友汇报说中国的军队和医疗界在照护四川的伤员方面做得相当好, 以至于并不需要来自国外的医疗组. 我们的注意力迅速地转向向地震受灾者提供更为需要的心理支援 . CIER 的朋友和我迅速地组织了一个叫做WEPAT, 汶川地震心理救助队的志愿组, 进入四川灾区. 做为WEPAT的领队, 我认为我有资格证明Benson个人向 WEPAT 捐献了几千加币, 同样Dr. Joseph Wong 和他的朋友也是这样. 大家可以通过下列的链接了解WEPAT在四川的工作: http://www.rolia.net/f/list.php?f=50

      Benson 并不是一个喜欢张扬的人, 他更注重实干. 他与他的竞争对手, 自由党的Jim是完全不同风格的人. 我了解Jim, 并在过去的选举中支持过他. 但是这一次Benson 会得到我的支持. 不要误解的我意思, 我仍然喜欢 Jim并且给他很高的文件评价. 但是我不认为他能把Agincourt的声音带到下一届联邦政府. 我们都知道不管是多数也好少数也好在Ottawa 仍将是一个保守党政府. 由于党属的原因, Jim 在下一届联邦政府不会有其耳目;因些, Jim 不能够将选民和社区所关心的问题传达到下一届内阁的政策制定者和实力所属者.如果我们能够选举Benson 代表Agincourt 做 MP, 我们一定会有一个将我们这个同时拥有中国人和非中国人的社区与下一届联邦政府的中心良好沟通的通道. Benson 了解并致力于建设良好的中加关系. 更重要的是, 以他与保守党的之间的紧密联系, Benson 赢得大选后更有能力做到这一点, 身在自由党的Jim则做不到.

      有些人质疑Benson对中国新移民社区的关注. 请让我再为他说几句话. 首先, 我不想贬低Jim. Jim 做为现任 MP, 他必须参加社区的各种活动和聚会等等做在他的位置所必须做的一些事情. 我们在新闻和媒体报道上都是看到Jim的照片. 那是他的工作. 但是, 在Jim 忙于各种剪彩活动及在鸡尾酒会上举杯祝词的时候, Benson 却在实际地在这些光环之后设身处地地关怀着新移民社区. 任何一个曾经在三个月的 OHIP 等待期间到过Lawrence East Ave 上的Free Medical Clinic的人, 都知道那里有一个中国医生免费为新移民医病. 这个医生就是Dr. Benson Lau. 他通过实际行动向我们的新移民社区做出实际的贡献. 有些人喜欢说了再说, 但是Benson 则真正与我们走在一起. 做为他多年的朋友, 我可以为此做证.

      许多Rolia 上的朋友不赞同我支持Benson的选择.我尊重你们的观点和政治选择. 我想说的是, 对于Agincourt 的选民以及对我们讲普通话的选民来说, Dr. Benson Lau都是更好的选择
      . Thanks!—Stan Zheng更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 译得不好,再译过
      • Minor Correction: Residents=physicians in training, not fully licensed yet in Canada. Drs Jiang and Xu are fully licensed physicians in China, and still hold valid certifications from Chinese Ministry of Health.
        • 不懂这个, 所以翻出来也别扭, 不过, 总会有人纠正的, 谢谢纠正
      • Thanks for the translation!
    • Question: China is so rich!!! Everybody see it from the luxury Olympic!!! Why they can't allocate some money to rescue her own people? Why they request donations from other countries?
      • 不同意, 中国什么样我们都知道, 再说受灾纳捐是人文关怀, 你再富有, 受了灾都无人问, 那是一个什么世界?
      • Please search and read the news and history from May 12 around the internet before you ask this question, if you have not already done your homework
      • Good but not enough - Everybody sees the luxuriouS Olympic Games
    • drz: I am not challenging the truth that Dr. Benson has donated a couple thousands bucks. I am anticipating his leadership in Community Affairs such as China earthquake relief, which might make him stand out as an election candidate.
      People are more familiar with Dr. Wong to Yee Hong Centre as well as Joseph K. Wong to "Smile China" project.
    • 那个JIm绝对是加拿大一景,属于说话不负责的主。自由党时代,没受过什么重用。听过他很多次讲话,绝对是哗众取宠的类型。我们还是多些实干型的议员为好。
      • 是成天跟华联会泡在一起的那位吗?
        • 看来你也见过他。正是此君。
      • 你讲话从来就是主观主义,没有任何事实根据。用保守党的党纲强奸普罗大众。