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重贴一下老帖。Evaluating Harper's economic performance

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Evaluating Harper's economic performance
Prudent spending, he says? The Conservative leader may have the right ideas, but he's not delivering on all of them, writes Randall Denley.
Randall Denley, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Sunday, September 14, 2008
People worried about Canada's economic future and their own jobs have been offered complex election promises by the Liberals and NDP, but so far the Conservatives have come up only with broad principles. The two opposition parties imagine an active, interventionist government pulling on the economic levers to create jobs. The Conservative approach is much more modest.
Conservative leader Stephen Harper says he places his faith in free enterprise, free markets, and free trade. "We can't guarantee your job," he said in response to Ford's announcement of another 500 job cuts in Oakville this week. NDP leader Jack Layton is promising to spend $8 billion over four years to help create 40,000 jobs and an "energy economy." Liberal Stéphane Dion claims that his Green Shift policy will create jobs, keep the budget balanced, cut taxes, put money in your pocket and build the "strongest, greenest economy in the world."
These competing claims can't be properly weighed in the space of a single newspaper column, but the economy is the critical issue in this election campaign. Let's start by looking at what Harper has done in office and then return to a fuller examination of the parties' plans.
"Our plan is low taxes, debt reduction, prudent spending and positioning Canada in a competitive global economy," Harper said this week. The Conservative leader's prescription is the correct one, but he's not really delivering on it.
Harper refers to prudent spending, but that's hardly the case. Harper's budgets have forecast big increases in government spending, then exceeded those targets. Their first budget called for a substantial 5.4-per-cent spending increase. The actual figure was 7.5 per cent. The next budget forecast 5.6 per cent more spending and came in at 6.9 per cent. That's faster spending growth than under Liberal Paul Martin. So far this fiscal year, federal spending is growing at an 8.4-per-cent rate. Where's the discipline?
Harper has lowered the GST by two points and created various small, gimmicky tax breaks, but he hasn't made any significant progress on cutting personal income taxes. Harper did get the lowest tax rate down by half a percentage point, but that only reversed an increase he had made the year before.
The top federal rate of 29 per cent is hardly what one would call low. In a report to clients this week, BMO Nesbitt Burns economist Michael Gregory linked Canada's sagging productivity and high taxes, saying that they discourage people from working harder and longer because so much of that extra money goes to the taxman. This is a self-evident point that politicians are afraid to make. High taxes on the so-called rich are popular with those who earn less, but they discourage extra effort on the part of society's most economically productive members. That's bad for all of us.
Harper has done better on debt reduction, trimming the national debt by $27.4 billion while in office. Unfortunately, the shrinking surplus has reduced projected debt reduction to just $2.3 billion this fiscal year. Liberals are casting the diminished surplus as an example of bad economic management, but the criticism is off the mark. Taking in far more than a government needs each year is simply over-taxation, not good management. Harper was right to reduce the surplus, even if his particular tax cuts were not the most effective.
Harper does deserve credit, though, for introducing the $5,000 tax-free savings account, which kicks in next year. It's important for government to encourage saving and investment and the current policy of taxing even puny interest from Canada Savings Bonds did just the opposite.
Positioning Canada in a competitive global economy is one of the most important things a government can contribute to, but in Harper's term in office, it has been difficult to discern any direction for the economy. What kind of economy should we have, besides resource extraction?
So far in this campaign, Harper has announced a cut in the tax on diesel and jet fuel. If it has any effect, it will be to lessen the pressure for new, fuel- efficient technologies. Dion keeps stressing the point that his economic policies are right for the 21st century while Harper's are better suited to the 19th. The diesel tax cut supports that point.
Both Dion and Jack Layton are asking the right question. What should Canada's economy look like in the 21st century? We don't know Stephen Harper's answer to that question yet.
Be wary of political parties claiming they can "create" jobs. Businesses create jobs. What government can do is set direction, work with business, use the tax system to give incentives for hard work and risk-taking, and help Canadians understand what they need to do to compete and succeed in the world. Those are fair measures by which to evaluate the competing economic plans.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 抉择:平稳健康的经济政策还是高大空的危险政策
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛梁英年 保守党中文博客www.cconservativeblog.ca





    为了改善迪安輭弱无力的领袖形象,他们绝无仅有的抛出了集体领袖。安省前新民主党省长Bob Rae要扮演半个领袖作用。安省居民对该君的恐怖执政还记忆犹新:在90年代,他全面提高收税,创造了北美的最高个人税收,导致1930年以来都没有过的大量的工作流失。更可悲的是,安省的财政赤字却达到安省历史最高点,安省的债务当时每小时增加1百万。我们由此可见自由党和新民主党在经济不稳定时刻是最不能依赖的政党。他们只会像从前般苛徵税项、浪费金钱。


    在目前世界经济动盪的时刻,保守党政府充分展现了优秀的治理经济的能力。而没有人搞得懂自由党和新民主党的经济政策。他们除了提出一些像「绿色转移」等一类高大空不切实际的口号外,毫无想法。自由党人甚至宣布代表了「自由人权」,理所当然地拥有我们的选票。但选民的眼光毕竟是雪亮的,定能把神圣的一票投给值得大家信赖的政党,一个真正的为国家的未来考虑,为国家的经济发展考虑,并能帮助国家平稳渡过世界经济金融难关的领袖。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这篇文章没有把事实的全部呈现给大家。举例说,没有告诉大家七月份新增就业已经降到1992年以来最少的一个月。新增就业只出现在食品和住宿accommodation行业(低收入行业)。这篇文章的作者是经济学的外行,完全没有谈到现在经济发展的趋势。趋势才是经济学最重要的课题。
      • 世界经济的形势加拿大是无法独善其身的。
        • 好事就往自己脸上贴金,坏事就是世界形势,无耻逻辑。
          • 除了攻击外,看不出你的逻辑。
            • same here. 牛皮灯笼,点不明。
              • 凡事都要看国际大气候和国内小气候。经济有其自身规律。政客及其支持者门通常利用经济议题相互攻奸或自我贴金,其实他们和wall street 的经理们一样,碰运气的多,真懂的少。
    • 对保守党盲目乐观。保守党的政策我倒觉得还不如green shift对加拿大经济更有针对性。看看日本德国西班牙就知道green shift是什么回事了。我是自由党领袖我也不会再具体了,在具体就泄密了。理解不了就说人家大空,政客的套话而已。
      • “在具体就泄密了”翻译成英文,就是“Hidden Agenda”吧?:)你已经替 Dion 泄密了。这两天Dion 不再提Green Shift,今天声称Green Shift 不是自由党主要政纲。人家都准备压一压,上了台再搞,这个秘密算是叫你给泄了。
      • Green shift 的结局一定是加税用于自由党的各种福利计划。目前自由党开出的承诺是最庞大的。
    • 经济会下滑,这时再把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里才是白痴---转贴来自BC的反对意见。同样适用于其他省。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛全世界都知道经济会下滑,这时再把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里才是白痴。


      要知道,真正地回顾历史,当保守党对经济束手无策时它会干什么---- GST 7% --- 现在减了2 %,它说是它的 “功绩”。在此经济如此不明朗的时候,最需要的就是---制衡。

      自由党因为DION的领导----带向一条错误路线,这届几乎无执政的可能性。相反,保守党一旦成为大多数执政的政府,以后4年就可以为所欲为,这时我说的 当保守党绝望时就会又向人民开刀了。但如果它只是一个小数政府,就只能夹着尾巴好好干。

      上次联邦大选,保守党在大城市全部落败,但这次有机会是魁省获得更多席位,而在大城市多争议席的机会。所以,要真正有平稳健康的经济政策,在大城市的 你 我 要力争不让保守党有机会增加这里的议席------请投---自由党或NDP。




      关键词-----制衡。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 经济不稳的时候,最糟的就是政府也不稳。少数党政府天天吵架,效率非常低。大家很难专心干活。百姓也难过安稳。安省车厂被关,恐怕没有那个政府敢托一个将被市场淘汰的工厂吧。 政府不能过多干涉经济和市场力量,这是加拿大现状。油价的管制还不是那么简单的。
        • “被市场淘汰的工厂”,我看保守党是被市场淘汰的政党更准确。
        • 政府确实不能托一个将被市场淘汰的工厂, 但有120%的责任去支持有竞争力的产业。安省的汽车业就是有竞争力的产业。
        • 在此经济下滑之时,小数党执政才更符合大多数人的利益。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛你上面所说的正正是显示出了 保守党 理财的 “本领”。






          这种现象,GCD---你就无机会看了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Please DONOT spread lie here!
    • 你乐此不疲地贴你们保守党的东西来误导大家。 你以为白的能说成黑的???
    • 重贴一下老帖。Evaluating Harper's economic performance
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Evaluating Harper's economic performance
      Prudent spending, he says? The Conservative leader may have the right ideas, but he's not delivering on all of them, writes Randall Denley.
      Randall Denley, The Ottawa Citizen
      Published: Sunday, September 14, 2008
      People worried about Canada's economic future and their own jobs have been offered complex election promises by the Liberals and NDP, but so far the Conservatives have come up only with broad principles. The two opposition parties imagine an active, interventionist government pulling on the economic levers to create jobs. The Conservative approach is much more modest.
      Conservative leader Stephen Harper says he places his faith in free enterprise, free markets, and free trade. "We can't guarantee your job," he said in response to Ford's announcement of another 500 job cuts in Oakville this week. NDP leader Jack Layton is promising to spend $8 billion over four years to help create 40,000 jobs and an "energy economy." Liberal Stéphane Dion claims that his Green Shift policy will create jobs, keep the budget balanced, cut taxes, put money in your pocket and build the "strongest, greenest economy in the world."
      These competing claims can't be properly weighed in the space of a single newspaper column, but the economy is the critical issue in this election campaign. Let's start by looking at what Harper has done in office and then return to a fuller examination of the parties' plans.
      "Our plan is low taxes, debt reduction, prudent spending and positioning Canada in a competitive global economy," Harper said this week. The Conservative leader's prescription is the correct one, but he's not really delivering on it.
      Harper refers to prudent spending, but that's hardly the case. Harper's budgets have forecast big increases in government spending, then exceeded those targets. Their first budget called for a substantial 5.4-per-cent spending increase. The actual figure was 7.5 per cent. The next budget forecast 5.6 per cent more spending and came in at 6.9 per cent. That's faster spending growth than under Liberal Paul Martin. So far this fiscal year, federal spending is growing at an 8.4-per-cent rate. Where's the discipline?
      Harper has lowered the GST by two points and created various small, gimmicky tax breaks, but he hasn't made any significant progress on cutting personal income taxes. Harper did get the lowest tax rate down by half a percentage point, but that only reversed an increase he had made the year before.
      The top federal rate of 29 per cent is hardly what one would call low. In a report to clients this week, BMO Nesbitt Burns economist Michael Gregory linked Canada's sagging productivity and high taxes, saying that they discourage people from working harder and longer because so much of that extra money goes to the taxman. This is a self-evident point that politicians are afraid to make. High taxes on the so-called rich are popular with those who earn less, but they discourage extra effort on the part of society's most economically productive members. That's bad for all of us.
      Harper has done better on debt reduction, trimming the national debt by $27.4 billion while in office. Unfortunately, the shrinking surplus has reduced projected debt reduction to just $2.3 billion this fiscal year. Liberals are casting the diminished surplus as an example of bad economic management, but the criticism is off the mark. Taking in far more than a government needs each year is simply over-taxation, not good management. Harper was right to reduce the surplus, even if his particular tax cuts were not the most effective.
      Harper does deserve credit, though, for introducing the $5,000 tax-free savings account, which kicks in next year. It's important for government to encourage saving and investment and the current policy of taxing even puny interest from Canada Savings Bonds did just the opposite.
      Positioning Canada in a competitive global economy is one of the most important things a government can contribute to, but in Harper's term in office, it has been difficult to discern any direction for the economy. What kind of economy should we have, besides resource extraction?
      So far in this campaign, Harper has announced a cut in the tax on diesel and jet fuel. If it has any effect, it will be to lessen the pressure for new, fuel- efficient technologies. Dion keeps stressing the point that his economic policies are right for the 21st century while Harper's are better suited to the 19th. The diesel tax cut supports that point.
      Both Dion and Jack Layton are asking the right question. What should Canada's economy look like in the 21st century? We don't know Stephen Harper's answer to that question yet.
      Be wary of political parties claiming they can "create" jobs. Businesses create jobs. What government can do is set direction, work with business, use the tax system to give incentives for hard work and risk-taking, and help Canadians understand what they need to do to compete and succeed in the world. Those are fair measures by which to evaluate the competing economic plans.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • "保守党政府善於管理经济",我看到这句就不想再看下去了,无视历史啊
      • Don't expect anything true from him/her or alike.
      • 保守党说的与做的经常相反,“善于管理经济”实际上变成最善于花钱,善于隐藏财政赤字,“花积累的大钱,减两个税,让后来的政府去操心平衡财政问题去吧”;对于“来自南方邻国的经济问题的衝击”(这里边又有简体字又有繁体字?),

        • 加拿大统计局的最新统计显示,加国7月份制造业销售额增长2.7%至541亿元,为连续第四个月上升,也是2002年以来的最长上升期间。
        • 我指的是几个美国车厂。市场不接纳,政府难道要干涉?
          • 市场不接纳,一句就把大家打发了,那可是几万人的饭碗呀。人家饭碗不管,福利也不想管,要你个保守党有P用。
            • 这是这个国家基本的经济问题。自由党也没敢说管什么。NDP天天忙着搞工会?他们管了么?
              • 保守党在台上,什么都不管,问台下人家管什么了,这不是笑话吗?谁是执政党,搞清楚。
      • 看历史不要看表面。自由党政府赶的都是好时候。就说这个马丁吧,保守党加了税,他来收,又赶上90年代世界经济大发展,不是个傻子,就能管的很好。那个特鲁门,当年下台也是搞出了巨额赤字。当年上台也是保守党政府开始渡过经济危机后,才上台的。
        • 这是您自己把自己装进去的哈,咱就话论话--为什么自由党政府“赶的都是好时候”?自由党上台就“经济大发展”;保守党就总倒霉,上台就赶上哈帕不愿意承认的经济下滑?看历史,如果统计上自由党和经济发展相关系数大,而保守党和经济下滑耦合?

        • 就当你说的运气理论成立,不说谁运气好。现在的保守党不是原来的保守党,这个你要承认吧。现在的保守党人才匮乏,也是不争的事实吧,一个不到十年的新党,在组织上干部上都无法胜任艰难时期执政党的任务。哈珀没人才,不得不自己做发言人,这是事实吧。党内独裁也是事实吧。
          • 人才不人才,是可以培养的。政府的运作又有公务员在那里。自由党的人才好?马田赶走多少自由党的老臣。Dion身边有几个人才?难道是那两个天天要上位的副党魁?一个是美国教授,一个是安省的败家子。
            • 保守党连个美国教授都没有呀。美国哈佛教授,好歹也是教授呀。说保守党有人才,加拿大人都笑了。
    • 哈泊下台.上台也兔子尾巴长不了.