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Green Party releases platform, includes GST hike


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 本人不反对同性婚姻(反正不碍我事),不反对堕胎(3个月以内),不反对为环保多交税(相信全球环境变化与我有关), 本性极liberal, 但这次不会选自由党。
    • 看上了伊丽莎白●梅?眼光不错。女人让战争走开。
      • 这是老照片了。她现在换了一幅新眼镜,看上去好多了。
      • :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
      • 不要这么歧视。Hamsters have rights too!
    • You are not alone...
    • 其实这些都不是liberal的本质特征,你也可能是Red Tory。有一个区分点是大福利和努力自力更生。
    • 现在的政治两极分化,不论左右有鲜明政治理念的吃香,自由党一直捣浆糊,逐渐式微是趋势。
      • 自由党的根本问题,是 1)Paul Martin造成的党内分裂, 2)执政13年导致的人才枯竭,3) 整个西方世界政客素质的总体下降
        • 自由党13年执政导致官员腐败。上次选举如果不是内线交易案被RCMP正式调查,自由党还是可以连任的。当时选举都临近了,他们还在搞钱,怎么能不输。
          • 腐败只是个借口,确切地说是在"民主国家"用来制造Publicity的口实,而真正的原因不在于此。要说腐败在这个国家只不过用了另外一种形式而已,比如Lobby就是一种制度性腐败
          • 呵呵,那个所谓的内幕,无非就是事主得罪了公安,让公安摆了一道,事后查出了什么事实?
            • 财政部的前高级官员Serge Nadeau被起诉了。
              • The RCMP income trust investigation exonerates the Liberal Party of Canada and shows that the Conservative and NDP allegations of a politically-motivated leak were false. 还是我说的那句话:有人故意制造Publicity
                • 这不关Conservative and NDP的事,如果政客们不发难,那就不叫政客。关键是RCMP,当时市场上,大部分人都知道是投资者猜透他的意图,但是不妨碍RCMP顺势高调进场。只能感叹的说,有印证了政治的黑暗。
        • 他们的竞选纲领根本就不吸引人,中间路线患得患失。开支票比不过NDP,减税比不过保守党。一边开Green Shift,一边减税,两头不讨好。
          • 这还是归于我说的那三条,歪嘴以后自由党就没有人才了,本来John Manley还可以,但是被阴谋家Martin给搞下去了
            • 你说的不错。歪嘴 + Martin 是打左灯向右转。Martin上来后在党内搞小动作,把这个左右捣浆糊的组合搞散架。党内整合不好,中间路线就很难走。
              • 实际上最近一次党魁的选举就看出来了,Ignatief是Martin的代理人,最后输在了歪嘴提拔上去的Dion的手上,但是我不认为Dion是歪嘴的代理人,总的来说那四个没有一个是块料
          • right on ...
    • 选绿党不如选NDP,选NDP不如选自由党,选自由党不如选保守党。。。
      • 选保守党不如咱自己整个党.....
        • 君子群而不党,小人党而不群,俺还是当君子吧。。。
        • 菠菜党?政府出钱鼓励大家吃蔬菜,怎么样?
          • 大家全吃绿了,于是就有了绿党。
      • 每个人屁股坐的位置不同顺序也不同。例如LZ年薪3万(紧紧举例啊)4个娃娃天天坐公车,那么这个顺序要倒过来,一定要支持加狠税加多税幼儿园公寓看病吃药一律报销最好倒找钱,整S那帮挣3万以上的(不含3万)
      • 有些道理
    • if not because of 伊丽莎白●梅, i would vote for Green Party for sure. She looks too politician like. I don't like Layton eather. Dion lacks leadership.
      I have no problems with conservative's policy, except for the war effort and some of their ideology, but don't like the idea of a conservative majority government. what can I do? seems I can only for Canadian Communist Party.
      • haha.... support........maybe we can set up a Canadian communist party on july 1st, then make it a party holiday and a bbq day..........
        ... :-) democracy means it is impossible to have a good policy because it is impossible to cheer every body up...............so, that is why we look around, all parties are kind of a mixture of good and bad.............
        • by the way...i do not have any faith in canadian politicians......
          if you look back at 1930's... in the great depression, US had new deal, Germany had hilter (a big mistake but the economy policy pulled germany out of the mud), UK did not do too much, but at least, UK has a churchill, a good writer.... Canada had nothing.........and did not do anything .......until WWII started in europe and canada got pulled out because of the WWII in europe..................
          lacking of vision and competition..............probably Pierre Trudeau can count as a good one, at least, he has characters.........
      • even liberal party sucks on the economy.........but conservative wants to have a war......... there is a big difference over there.............
      • You might as well stay home instead of wasting your time and vote. I did in last Ontario Election, after John Tory's religious school shenanigan.