what is wrong with this website? a couple of small stuff can drive you crazy!
1: everytime you click on some article which need a userid and password, you need to input again., waste tons of time! is it necessary to make such a change so that the members can stay more time on the site?
2:the system comes out a window indicating that the my cookie is not enabled and i should follow the instructions in the window,but no matter how many times i tried , it pops the same windows again and again.
Really felt exhausted while wasiting time on such nonsense stuff here! Rolia used to be one of my favorite web,but, all the above shit can totally drive me out of the site.. Can anyone help?
1: everytime you click on some article which need a userid and password, you need to input again., waste tons of time! is it necessary to make such a change so that the members can stay more time on the site?
2:the system comes out a window indicating that the my cookie is not enabled and i should follow the instructions in the window,but no matter how many times i tried , it pops the same windows again and again.
Really felt exhausted while wasiting time on such nonsense stuff here! Rolia used to be one of my favorite web,but, all the above shit can totally drive me out of the site.. Can anyone help?