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Suggest 赛 制

Everyone will have a Prize .....

Suggest 赛 制 :

Double ....If Have 24 Team

3 Team per Group X 8 Group ( A .... B ... C... D. .. E... F... G... H... ) 抽签分组 。

Each Group will have East 2 Team ... West 1 Team or East 1 Team... West 2 Team

If have more people E...F...G...H maybe sent to Mavis/ Courtneypark Court ( 4 Court )

小组赛 : 小组循环 Each Team play 2 ....

The 1st ... 2nd go to the Next Round 1set ( 6 Games)

复赛: 1set ( 6 Games)

A 1 --- B 2 A 2 --B 1

C 1 --- D 2 C 2 --- D1

E1 --- F 2 E 2 -- F 1

G 1 --- H 2 G 2 -- H 1

半决赛...... 1set ( 8 Games )

决赛 ....... 1set ( 8 Games )

Championship Plate .....Runners Up Plate
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 北京奥运 体育活动 ---- 东西部 网球 对抗赛 (Aug 17 Sun 欢 迎 参 加 )
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛北京奥运 体育活动 ---- 东西部 网球 对抗赛 (Aug 17 Sun 欢 迎 参 加 )

    北京奥运 终于来了 , 为加强友谊,提高网球技术 ,一些朋友 建议 奥运期间 搞一个 东 西 部 网球 对 抗 赛


    男子单打, 女 子 单打 .( Aug 17 Sun ) Double ( Aug 23 Sat )

    迎接 奥 运, 锻炼身体, 切磋技艺 ,共同提高……一快乐乐......

    在 加拿大 有我们 网球 健身的矫健身影 , 让我们一起来打 网球 吧 !!!



    以球会友..... 锻炼身体...... 切磋技艺..... 共同提高..... 以娱乐为主.....竞技为辅.

    欢迎 各类 网球 高 手, 中 手, 低 手, 怪 手 参加 ....... 特别欢迎上次比赛的高手。

    [i]家 住 Yonge 街 以 东 为 东 部 ( Scarborough , East York , Markham , Pickering .....)

    Team Leader : Clarkgao ..... RichJohn .....Michael

    家 住 Yonge 街 以 西 为 西 部 ( Mississauga , Brampton , Oakville , Milton , Etobicoke .....)

    Team Leader : Cary Luo ...Heaver ....Kmtaotao[/i]

    [b]When : Single ...8 月 17 日, 2008 ( Sun ) 11 :00 AM --- Finish

    Where : Meadow Green Tennis Court, 6611 Falconer Drive, Mississauga L5N 1R3 [/u][/b]


    Drive Direction: 401 West Exit Mavis south , turn Britania to the west turn Creditview to the North . turn Falconer Drive to the west, the first stop sign turn to south . In the right back of the Mall. There are 4 tennis Court there.

    Cost: 10 $ / person ( We need use 20 Bottle new Tennis Ball .. 5 Championship Plates ....Some water ... )

    报名: E-mail: [email]Caryluo@hotmail.com[/email] or

    or Phone : 905-890-1026 or leave a message if you are interested....

    East Team please PM Clarkgao

    Men Single , Women Single 。

    建议 规则 : 1 Game ( 6 Sets )

    East Team ( Arrording to Level ) West Team ( Arrording to Level )

    E 1 W 1

    E 2 W 2

    E 3 W 3

    E 4 W 4

    E 5 W 5

    E 6 W 6

    E 7 W 7

    E 8 W 8

    E 9 W 9

    E 10 W 10

    E 11 W 11

    E 12 W 12

    E 13 W 13

    E 14 W 14


    E 1 ---- W 1

    E 2 ---- W 2

    E 3 ---- W 3

    E 4 ---- W 4

    E 5 ---- W 5


    E 1 --- W 2

    E 2 --- W 1

    E 3 --- W 4

    E 4 ---- W 3


    E 1 --- W 3

    E2 --- W 4

    E 3 --- W 5


    Each people can play 3 --5 Games


    男 子 Team 冠 军 奖 盘

    男 子 Team 亚 军 奖 盘

    Best Player --- East Team 奖 盘

    Best Player ---- West Team 奖 盘

    女 子 冠 军 奖 盘

    This is our Tennis Tournament ..... Welcome good Tennis players from last Tournament

    这是 我们 网球 球友 的聚会, 是我们互相了解 ,交流切搓, 共同提高 网球技术的机会,

    冠军不是太重要的, 重要的是我们能在一起因打网球而快乐, 锻炼身体, 共同提高……一快乐乐......

    在 加拿大 有我们 网球 健身的矫健身影 , 让我们一起来打 网球 吧 !!!

    嘿嘿更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • URL
      • 老罗,业余比赛我觉得主要以双打为主。起码应该设男双和混双比赛,这样参加人会多点。真正能参加单打比赛的人不多,而且双打多乐趣,参加人比较多。
        • Suggest : Single ,August 17 ( Sunday ) ....Double (Men's Double and Mixed Double ) August 23 (Sat )
      • 热烈响应, 积极参与
      • 怎样联系东部网球俱乐部? 谢谢
      • 按照以前的经验, 水平相当的一盘8-10局, 耗时(包括5分钟练习)30-45分钟. 单打一般1-2set可以承受, 但是3 个以上就会影响技术发挥(牛人除外), 双打基本4set都可以承受.如果4片场地同时开单打,就会出现有人刚下场就要上场了.
        • 东区的球友双打比较多, 能不能改成一半的单打一半的双打
          • OK
    • 谢谢老罗组织比赛。Tom说他们的League月底才结束,时间上是不是可以照顾退迟一下。我们这边组织零散,一些香港台湾的选手还要花时间联系一下。以前东西部比赛也是以Young街划分的吗?是不是可以考虑设双打+混双+单打?呵呵,知道你们那边体力都呗好
      • But Olympic Games will finish about Aug 24 ..... So we need quick action.....
        • 庆祝北京奥运圆满结束-东西部大陆华人网球邀请赛,改个名字就行啦.....希望大家踊跃发言一起商量着来定下时间、场地、比赛选手、比赛形式等。
    • 个人意见,以公开报名为主。。不要自己人带自己人的玩法,认识更多新朋友,新高手。比赛结果重要,但如果能吸收更多朋友近来,会使活动更加有生命力。
      • Since the game is between east and west, and yonge street is the center. Shouldn't we choose a location that is colse to both yonge street and 401?
        • 众口难调阿 。 So far We will have 6611 Falconer ( 4 courts ) + Mavis ( 4 courts )
          • 上次Chris问过,我们可以包下一定场地,例如四块,不过我建议我们可以到Jane 和eglinton的那个俱乐部去定场地,一是地点适中,二是场地很多,很好,大家一起摊一下费用,不会太贵。至于组织,我觉得还是应该轮着来,东部一次,西部一次。这样大家都可以体会一下。
            • 好主意, 你老大比老高光忽悠强多了.
      • Yes....
    • 支持老罗!俺报名当拉拉队员!场地是free public courts。为吸引更多高手低手怪手参加,建议参赛费用降低,比如$5。不用提供水。选手自己带水。
      • If want the Tennis Tournament good...It is hard to cover the expense for 5 $ ....
      • 老罗别理Heaver,他砍价砍习惯了呵呵呵
        • 职业病,没办法啊。。。
          • Buyer?
            • 回答准确加十分!
    • East Team ( Please follow the Post )
      • East Team Leader : Clarkgao ..... RichJohn .....Michael
        • If you want to play the Tennis Tournament ( From East ) Post follow here
          • Rick Liu & David Lao will play Men's Double...Contact# (647)818-1822
    • West Team ( Please follow the Post )
      • West Team Name List so far ( Mississauga Tennis Team )

        West Team Name List so far ( Mississauga Tennis Team )

        Cary Luo

        Jack Li

        Chris Chen

        Qi Lu

        Zhou Wei


        • Mississauga Team , Peter Zhong .... John Zhong
        • 老罗,加上我.谢谢.
          • Yes....
    • Suggest : Single ,August 17 ( Sunday ) .... Double (Men's Double and Mixed Double ) August 23 (Sat )
    • Tom,您老人家是不是给东区牵个头?
      • East Team Leader : Clarkgao ..... RichJohn .....Michael
    • bump.....呵呵
    • The clud at Jane & Eglinton is a pretty good one. Courts are fairly good. We can try to book the whole 8 courts from 11:00am ~ 6:00pm. The admission fee could be higher to cover the cost.
      Players from East can submit their registration to richjohn and West to luoyukai. I think this is fair to both side. Players can define their own level. Just my thought.
      • Thanks ... But now is important to Find the Tennis Players first ....
    • Sorry, I should have said " The club..."
    • 2.0能报名吗?
      • If you can serve and play .... Welcome.....
    • another suggestion is ..since we mostly player double in east..(at least from my experience.) can we play mix double competition first?
      It sould attract more player to join the game first..we could discuss single games on the court later.
      At least if double ,me and Superman gao ,Mark Michael and me,think Weihan would be in as well.
      Kent here;)
      • Ok.... If you all agree and come .... But the problem is some guys maybe can not find partner.....
        • How to contact the easten team?
          • 东部队伍可以由markliang同志组织。。。。老luo我已经pm你,你可以电他。。。他有组织经验。当然少不了东北同学的共同忽悠和协助,毕竟大家比较分散
        • yes ,we will come ..I might also ask Rick Liu see if he is available as well..
          • Welcome ....
        • I think we can mix double and single together...?count the total score to decide the winning team.
        • markliang 电话6473088855,老罗你电他
    • After discussion with East Team ....The New Update Tennis Tournament Information ...
      北京奥运 体育活动 ---- 东西部 网球 对抗赛 (Aug 17 Sun 欢 迎 参 加 )

      When : 8 月 17 日, 2008 ( Sun ) 11 :00 AM --- Finish

      Double ( Mens Double ... Mixed Double ) Some 男子单打, 女 子 单打

      Where : Meadow Green Tennis Court, 6611 Falconer Drive, Mississauga L5N 1R3


      Drive Direction: 401 West Exit Mavis south , turn Britania to the west turn Creditview to the North . turn Falconer Drive to the west, the first stop sign turn to south . In the right back of the Mall. There are 4 tennis Court there.

      报名: 905-890-1026

      West Team Leader : Cary Luo .. ( 905 ) -890-1026

      East Team Leader : Mark Liang ....( 647 ) - 308 -8855
    • Update Information
      • 大家开始共同忽悠。让喜欢网球的中国朋友更多一起活动,享受网球,享受加国生活!
    • The 20 Bottle Tennis Ball....Championship Plate ....Water ... Water Melon is ready
    • Suggest Tennis Schedule
      Suggest Tennis Schedule

      Hope SUN do not rain .....

      10:30 AM --- 11:20 AM Aug 17 SUN

      Tennis Warm Up ..... Know each other ....Registration

      20 Bottle of Tennis Ball .....One Plate for the Championship Team .... One for 2nd place ......2 Plates for Best Player in each team ....Water Melon ... Water is ready

      Omni 14 TV and a Professional Sports Photographer will take a video about the Community Sports Event

      11:20 AM --- 11:30 AM

      Tournament Opening .....Canada .. Chinese ...Beijing 2008 ....Flag ....Also have Beijing 2008 T-shirt ...

      11:30 AM Double Game Started .....

      We also need a guy to check the Score ......

      If have more people ... In order to let everyone play .... Some guys will sent to Mavis / Courtney Park ( 5 minters Drive ) ( 4 Brand New Courts )

      About 1 PM Some Single

      About 3:00 -- 4:00 PM Tournament Finish

      See you on the Court
      • 建议每场比赛设裁判.我经常是打着打着就不知道比分,也不知道球是界内还是界外.
        • 裁判 will be done by the 3nd person in the Group ...
    • Suggest 赛 制
      Everyone will have a Prize .....

      Suggest 赛 制 :

      Double ....If Have 24 Team

      3 Team per Group X 8 Group ( A .... B ... C... D. .. E... F... G... H... ) 抽签分组 。

      Each Group will have East 2 Team ... West 1 Team or East 1 Team... West 2 Team

      If have more people E...F...G...H maybe sent to Mavis/ Courtneypark Court ( 4 Court )

      小组赛 : 小组循环 Each Team play 2 ....

      The 1st ... 2nd go to the Next Round 1set ( 6 Games)

      复赛: 1set ( 6 Games)

      A 1 --- B 2 A 2 --B 1

      C 1 --- D 2 C 2 --- D1

      E1 --- F 2 E 2 -- F 1

      G 1 --- H 2 G 2 -- H 1

      半决赛...... 1set ( 8 Games )

      决赛 ....... 1set ( 8 Games )

      Championship Plate .....Runners Up Plate
    • Suggest 种子
      We need Suggest 8 种子 组合

      Suggest :

      A Rich John / Ming Yuan ( East )

      B. Frank Hong / Chris ( West )

      C Rick Liu / David Lao ( East )

      D. Peter Zhong / John Zhong ( West )

      E. Mark Liang / John ( East )

      F. Chris / xxxxx ( Mississauga East Team ... West )

      G. Superman Gao / Kent ( East )

      H. Cary Luo / Jack Li ( West )

      Or some Team is really good .... Can Recommond by himself ......
    • Mississauga Team Warm up .... 9-11 AM Sat .... 6611 Falconer Drive
    • Name List ....West Team
      West Team Name List so far ( Mississauga Tennis Team , Mississauga East Team welcome....

      1 . Chris Chen / Frank Hong

      2 . Cary Luo / Jack Li

      3. Peter Zhong / John Zhong

      4. Chris / Frank ( Mississauga East Team )

      5. Qi Lu / Lao Huang

      6. Heaver / 99k ( Mississauga East Team )

      7. Tao Tao / Tiger ( Mississauga East Team )

      8. Lao Qi ( Redmasion ) / Jeff Zhang

      Single :

      Cary Luo

      Jack Li

      Chris Chen
    • According to the Idea the East Team ....
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛建议 规则 : 1 Game ( 6 Sets )

      East Team ( Arrording to Level ) West Team ( Arrording to Level )

      E 1 W 1

      E 2 W 2

      E 3 W 3

      E 4 W 4

      E 5 W 5

      E 6 W 6

      E 7 W 7

      E 8 W 8

      E 9 W 9

      E 10 W 10

      E 11 W 11

      E 12 W 12

      E 13 W 13

      E 14 W 14

      E1 -- W1

      E2 -- W2

      E3 -- W3

      E4 -- W4


      E1 --- W 2

      E2 -- W 1


      E1 -- W 3


      Each people can play 3 --6 Games更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 东西部 网球 对抗赛 赛 果
    • Pictures