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实际上跟WEB SERVER关系不大. PERL可以是UNIX的一部分, 或者是一个ADD ON(你可以在PERL的网站上找到很多). PERL的WEB应用一般通过CGI实现, 你的PERL程序要放在WEB SERVER的CGI-BIN目录下, 后边的事情就全由你的PERL程序负责了.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 请问一般Perl 在Unix , Web Sever 用的是什么?急! 面世问题
    • 这都不懂还敢去面式? 真的服了咱们中国人,拿脑袋撞墙吧,说不定还真撞出来一个大窟窿.
      • 不懂才问那. 墙是撞了不少, 头是越撞越硬, 墙上的窟窿的确越来越大
        • 有时间乱撞墙, 没时间练铁头功?
          • 铁头功练的再强, 也有致命处. 我倒看看你老没有不懂的. 有本事回答以下 Yukon 关于C on Unix 的问题.
            • Don't you afraid it might be busted if you lucky to be hired? You suck!
              • 火气好大啊. 你怎么知道别人什么都不懂呢. Just stop speculating.
                • "火气好大啊"-- No! No! No! I went far beyond that, I have interviwed couple of Chinese and It end up they get fired and I get flamed.
                  • But how could you failed to tell they were not good? Are you one of them?
                    • Yes I'm one of them for we are all Chinese but the commonness just ends here. They appeared weak compare with others but I already made up my mind when I got their resume...
                    • ..and I just assumed that the weakness has most to do with their lack of language skills, but their resume was rather well written. You see how that Chineseness that deeply rooted into us made me forgot to get my rear ass covered.
              • 这里不是厕所.
                • This is repled for #44430. why here?
              • 这里不是厕所
    • Spend one hour on Perl's web site and you can get it. good luck.
      • Thanks
    • 我还真没明白你的意思,你是不是问Perl在Unix里面的作用?
      • 我的意思是一般在Windows NT下用 MS IIS or Apache as web server, 但在UNIX下, before Perl integrated in Unix, 一般用什么做 Web Server? 是 Apache? 很早以前写过几个很简单的Perl's code, 但从没关心过Server 之类的事.
        • Yukon讲的很明白了,呵呵
    • I have already got answer.
    • 实际上跟WEB SERVER关系不大. PERL可以是UNIX的一部分, 或者是一个ADD ON(你可以在PERL的网站上找到很多). PERL的WEB应用一般通过CGI实现, 你的PERL程序要放在WEB SERVER的CGI-BIN目录下, 后边的事情就全由你的PERL程序负责了.
      • thank you very much. Because there are a lot of warm-hearted guys like you, I am not afraid of ask some stupid question that I don't know. 咱们中国人才最大的问题不是 Stupid问题还敢问, 而是 死要面子活受罪, 不懂装懂.
        • 问不问到不是问题, 问题是为什么问. 平时都干什么去了? 象这种基础问题都搞不清楚, 面世前一天你能学到多少? 真的希望你面式的时侯他们只问这种问题.
          • 平时摆弄别的去了呗。比方说,你是搞VC的,有一份工作要求懂C++和Perl,可是Perl你懂的不多,那你是投简历还是不投简历?
            • Send the resume and put every thing on the table, don't cock up.
              • Yes. You are right. Put every thing on the table. So before I put every thing on the table, I can prepare something. It's no cheating. right?
                • It's called learning.
                • Right but...prepare this!..? comon we all know what's going on here. I have some interview to do next week hope it's not him.
                  • maybe you will hire him .who knows? Hahaha
                  • Maybe you are right. But sometimes I just think the employers here are stupid.
                    My buddy want to be an entry level Unix admin. He received the trainning in U. But the hiring manager just reply him that he has no experience so that they won't hire him. Oh my god! Is there any one born with experience? It's just an entry level position. It's not a senior one. How can they expect a beginner has experience? Well, sorry. It seems that my story has nothing to do with your case. hehe.
          • 饱汉不知饿汉鸡啊!
            • I feel sorry for his starvation but by doing so it's not only makes him look bad but also every other Chinese.
          • 我学别的技术呐, 不行吗? 这只是我根据我简历自己突然想到也许人家会顺代问这种问题呐. 我写过Perl code 难道还不许写到简历上吗?你老简历上的东东别人要借题发挥你都精通吗?你可是真是大那. 何不也出本百科全书让兄弟我学习学习.
            • 一般而言高手喜欢刨根问底,对这些问题平时都在自己的脑子了考虑的,信不信由你
              • 100%? 没一个漏网的? 哇! 好厉害
              • 并不是每一个位子都需要高手,中手和低手一样有他们在就业市场上的位置。面试的目的是找一个fit的人,不是找一个top的人。
                • You are right. 但是有些高手非要把所有人当"高手+敌人"对待, 然后在出手+脏话 教训这些"高手", 看到他们被羞臊无地自容时, 自豪感油然而生. 简直一个中国人的救世主.