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My suggestion is to wait for a couple of months. ..., It is a high risky time to buy a house now. see reasons inside.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛As the saying goes "the proof is in the pudding" and you can't argue with facts.

Here are the facts:

1) In January, sales of pre-owned homes across Canada fell 6%, or an annualized rate of more than 70%, says the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA)

2) In February, sales of resale housing units in Canada's major markets fell a further 6.4 per cent from the January, says CREA

3) The number of people trying to unload their houses has suddenly mushroomed. Listings soared to a new record in January across Canada, up 9% in a single month, says CREA.

4) The number of people saying they are very likely to buy a new home within the next two years has hit the lowest point in 15 years, says a poll conducted by the Royal Bank.

5) Home resales in Toronto last month crashed by 14%, says the Toronto Real Estate Board while price appreciation slows to 2% year

6) Stats Can reported that building permit applications plunged a third month in a row, stunning economists.

7) Canada will most like be in a Recession this year. Canadas economy stalled in December as its GDP shrank. Last time we had a recession we had a major Real Estate Correction in Canada. Would You Buy Now?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 我已经够省了,大家帮我算算吧,这房应该买吗?一家老小,不买也不行,买了太难过
    RESP 210

    孩子服装,尿不,游泳及其他 $200
    地岁290 总计4280,

    • 不买你住哪?
      • 还是看工作情况吧, 要是工作稳定,月月光也没事,就怕不稳。那真麻烦了。另外租房可以租个离单位近的地方,这样汽车上省点。要是为买房子把整个生活和青春都搭上了。不值
    • 先买个CONDO住住吧
      • we are livning in a codo now. It is too small, 5 people at home
        • then townhouse or small detached house
          • 买个raise bunglaow, 类似这样的:http://www.51.ca/house/showhouse.php?s=&houseid=319555 ,下面出租750,RESP可以缓两年再买,上网电话100,地税200,这样可以在你的数字上减掉1000左右(考虑到房客的水电开销)
            • 下面700包给你出租吧,现在的租房市场,出租地下室的多如牛毛.
    • 出了幼儿园费用不清楚且比较大,其它真不算多。不知道如何才能省了。从今天起我要存钱了。
    • 现在的房子没法买啊,两夫妇都工作家庭收入超过120k每个月的cash flow差不多也就是6000多,怎么可能afford起啊。如果租一个3beds的apt大概你的开支能减少一些。
      • 只是买不起名校区双车库之类吧, 按能力买房, 都能买的. schabough, marham 这些地方的twon house也就30万吧. union ville谁都买得起才是不正常
    • 供得起就买贝。你现在是最困难的时候。等有一个小孩上学了就缓解一点。等两个小孩都上学了就轻松多了。到那时你老婆也可以挣点且补贴家用。
    • 买RESP而不买RRSP,这是严重错误。
    • 把还款时间拉长,或者买个小一点。另外不要买RESP了。以后宽裕了可以补。
    • 大家也都是这么过来的,没什么过不去的沟沟坎坎,就看你是否愿意“摸着石头过河”。
    • 买房后,每月在房子上支出2300块。拿这个钱去租房子,轻轻松松,每个月还能富裕近1000块钱。买房子理想情况升值5%,贷款利息5%,基本抵消干净。所以,你家租个3 bedroom的就挺好。
      • 坚决同意, 特别是在现在这样的房地产形势, 不要被虚荣心和经济们误导
        • 现在是怎样的房地产形势?
          • 兔子尾巴,秋后蚂蚱
            • 强弩之末, any more?
          • 如果您是经济,请不要生气。经济们总喜欢用不同的比较方式,用不同的借口来营造形势大好,虽然他们自己可能都不相信,谁会和钱过不去嘛!
            • 我准备8月买房,请问到时候房价会如何?我个人觉得选择好区买房,价格不会受太大波动。
              • 个人建议是没必要一定是8月,可以是10月,11月... Heehee, 选择好区买房,价格不会受太大波动,这是事实,但是如果总体向下,有利于买家。
                • 嗯,其实我现在就想买,按你的意思,是否拖时间越长,越好呢?
                  • 见仁见智啦,我是看跌的,但不是短期。个人可以根据自己的情况作出决定,不可能把好处都站全了
                    • 多谢。
      • 你有没有算过贷款是分25年还的,如果房价升5%,30万的房子10年后净升21万,如果你贷款20万的话这10年你需要还的利息加本金只有不到15万,加上地税也不到18万,这里面有杠杆效应。
        • 30万全贷的话10年后你本金+利息+地税总共需要花24万左右,与房子净升值基本差不多。
          • 这也是我看不惯jj们天天鼓吹买房保值,买房享受生活的原因。可以理解楼主的苦闷,说出了房奴和购房者的两难的境地。
          • 房子不维护还要贬值的。
        • 谁能保证将来10年房子就肯都年年升值?那30万的房10年后就到51万了,你的工资会涨那么多吗?98年来加拿大的,他们工资是7万是普通工资的话,在2008年,他们都会涨到11-12万吗?谁给他们涨那?这现在11-12万还是普通的工资吗?这人说话是害人的!
          • 98年7万--2008年11-12万 is very normal. I did better than that. Besides, the interest is much lower than 98 and the made-in-china stuff we buy are cheaper now.
            • 就你一个是代表所有的人吗?新来的一下就能赚到11--12万?有进水吧!牛这里也不是你牛的地方!鸡蛋咯窝一个!
    • 只考虑花在房子上的费用是2240,租房三房一厅中间价大概1300,停车60,少花880元,这个差价才是你应该比较的地方。
      • 按现在的通胀水平,相信5年后你花在房子上的费用会涨到2500元(还贷款不变),房租涨到2000元左右,差价会缩小到500元,8年后基本相等。
        • 你的首期和你的支付能力就不涨吗?
          • 有时候我觉得很可笑,有的人住地下室筹钱多付首期,而房奴是出租地下室支付房款,你觉得哪个精彩?有肉吃谁不想?条件限制而已,犹豫不决好处都想占结果都占不了!
            • 现在的房子可不是那么好租了哦!就楼主的实力,可以租aparment,没必要住地下室多省35百嘛!
    • must buy , you can save much more, we can help you, we bought a few so we know.
    • 只要负担得起,当然是买。用还贷款来做储蓄,月月光也无所谓。
    • 建议买一份人身保险。
    • 经济困难时还是租房省。。
    • 当然买了, 住在自己的房子里多舒服呀,算急那么多干什么。
    • 还能省不少吧
      RESP去掉 -210
      上网电话90够了 -60
      交通,车保,房保如果都买月票了,油钱肯定不会太多总共500差不多了 -160
      戒烟 -50
      顾个住家保姆,据说800一个月够了,在幼儿园1100的基础上 -300

      • for 5 people, 600 for food? impossible.
        • 奶粉尿布已经有200单算了,600只要注意不要吃馆子肯定够,当然买菜别不看价就买。
          • 600 for 2 is not enough, all groceries, not enough at all.
      • 老人不帮带孩子?
        • 对哦,又能省800,我也正觉得哪里不对呢,这么算下来应该家庭年收入5万养起来没问题,楼主多虑了
    • 经济进入类似70年代的滞涨状态,未来的房价是涨是跌,请大家思考 -deen(修罗王); 3.6 16:53 (#4312905@0)
    • 加拿大二手房元月份成交量下跌了6.3%, 多伦多2月份的房屋成交量已经比去年同期下滑了18%----ZT -haihaoma(还好吗); 3.14 23:11 (3156 bytes. #4332272@0)
    • don't buy. The house market is going down
    • My suggestion is to wait for a couple of months. ..., It is a high risky time to buy a house now. see reasons inside.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛As the saying goes "the proof is in the pudding" and you can't argue with facts.

      Here are the facts:

      1) In January, sales of pre-owned homes across Canada fell 6%, or an annualized rate of more than 70%, says the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA)

      2) In February, sales of resale housing units in Canada's major markets fell a further 6.4 per cent from the January, says CREA

      3) The number of people trying to unload their houses has suddenly mushroomed. Listings soared to a new record in January across Canada, up 9% in a single month, says CREA.

      4) The number of people saying they are very likely to buy a new home within the next two years has hit the lowest point in 15 years, says a poll conducted by the Royal Bank.

      5) Home resales in Toronto last month crashed by 14%, says the Toronto Real Estate Board while price appreciation slows to 2% year

      6) Stats Can reported that building permit applications plunged a third month in a row, stunning economists.

      7) Canada will most like be in a Recession this year. Canadas economy stalled in December as its GDP shrank. Last time we had a recession we had a major Real Estate Correction in Canada. Would You Buy Now?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net