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US economy is in deep trouble. And it's totally caused by its own policy mistake. If KFC posts its chicken recipe on the internet, what will happen? The company will be history in one week. And that's what US is doing to itself.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The free trade policy encouraged US companies to transfer technologies, capital and production to developing countries seeking lower cost. The only competitive strengthes US has (or I should say 'had') were advanced technologies and access to capital, if they allow companies to move these freely to other countries, it has no way to compete with China and India due to its high labor cost. And the end results are huge losses of middle-class jobs and declining living standard as we see now. Recession is guaranteed, Wall Street won't be able to any trick this time, because it's burning itself.
The only way to save the US economy is probably a wider war that could potentially destablize the rest of world, In such a situation, the capital will move back to US in seek of safe heaven and the West will reunite around America for its leadership, similar to what happened in World War I, II and the cold war. If this does not happen, the days of US as a superpower are numbered, and the economic consequence will be painful更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / Subprime和美国借贷经济的终结
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛zt
    Search for buzzwords of 2007. One of them’s got to be Subprime. As some have put, Subprime is a lending practice that aims at credit-impaired customers. The outbreak of subprime crisis in early 2007 inched the economy into a recession. And the hike of oil prices and increasing import prices may have double bite economy into stagflation, a symptom that haven’t been characterized the US economy since 1970s.

    Subprime at a glance

    次贷市场的高速发展,始于90年代。在这之前,市场上存在的次级贷款微乎其微。80年代美国有三项立法从立法角度放开了次贷市场,这包括1) depository institution deregulation and monetary control act,2) alternative mortgage transaction parity act以及3) tax reform act of 1986。这可以称为housing finance的deregulation。前两项立法去掉了以往加在房贷上的利率上限和很多条款限制。第三项立法,则给与房贷利息以免税待遇。这让放贷方和借款方都有利可图。除了贷款买房外,很多借房贷cash out并用以retire其他消费贷款的交易成了潮流。1994年,全国次贷规模已经达到400亿美元,1999年达到1600亿。而2006年,新售的次贷规模达到6000亿美元,并使得美国次贷市场存量高达13000亿美元。

    What’s happening to the economy

    关心经济的人都知道最近媒体已经炒得很凶的recession。By definition,recession就是美国GDP连续两个季度的负增长。依赖出口增长,三季度的GDP增长达3.9%。然而四季度的消费统计和库存统计却是美国经济已进入衰退的证据。12 月份零售缩减0.4%,失业率升高到5%,说明消费者在高失业率的压力下不得不减少消费。这是自2002年以来月消费减少最多的纪录。更加雪上加霜的是,2007全年消费价格增长了4.1%,其中三分之一的增长来自能源产品和服务。现在人们所等待的是BEA公布四季度GDP 统计数据,来证实衰退是否真的到来。这次衰退如果不出意料将是美国20多年来第一次滞胀-stagflation。最早的那次在30年代,我们大概还记得国内教科书中关于倾牛奶入海的描述。

    What’s the difference of this recession?


    联合国世界投资报告公布,2006年美国获得FDI净流入为1750亿美元,同时美国的FDI总存量为1亿8千万美元。2006年中美国市场销售的次贷总额超过当年的FDI净流入的250%,而相同的计算在1999年时,年度次贷销售额仅为当年FDI净流入的50%。这样,市场次贷存量在2006年时已经高踞FDI存量的70%;而这一比例在1999年不超过20%,在1994年则不过10%。这样每年高速增长的次贷在FDI速度减慢条件小,逐渐吃掉以往的FDI资本存量。资本进出的失衡,次贷市场就会出现cash flow问题。这样就容易理解次贷危机了。

    Can US get out of this crisis?



    1) home purchase and refinance。指贷款给credit score 550-650之间的借款人。这类贷款占次贷总量的80%。其中有80%是用以cash out 的refinance。也就是说,达到或超过房屋价值的再贷款,从而拿出现金支持其他的消费。
    2) Alt-A房贷。指贷款给credit score 700+,但文件不齐的借款人。这类占次贷的15-20%。也存在大量的cash-out refinance交易。
    3) 高LTV房贷。指贷款额达到房屋价值的150%甚至更高的贷款。这类交易总量很少,其贷款对象是credit score在670-680左右的人。


    投资到美国的资本,不得不寻找次贷这样的不理想方式投资。这与亚洲等其他地区高速增长的经济给投资人呈现的高回报形成鲜明的对比。这样的情况下,当新的市场规模已经大到可以满足sizable amount of foreign investment的时候,它对美国形成的竞争压力就不可逆转了。这正是目前全球经济所面临的新形势。

    这样的形势下,美国的高借贷经济面临严重的资金短缺。美国人必须开始转变生活观念,从寅吃卯粮转变成精打细算。这种转变,意味着美国当前的衰退,很可能是一个permanent recession,而不是以往的那种cyclical recession。

    美国人能从次贷危机中走出来吗?答案是肯定的。美国人历史上经历过不只一次全面性的金融危机了。但是这次的结果很可能不同。次贷危机导致的衰退,是美国借贷经济发展已到尽头的第一个显著征兆。这一次,也许是中国人,能够帮助美国减缓病症,但是高借贷所导致的病理根源,还要美国人自己解决。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 想起来07年年初, 去听多伦多FINANCIAL FORUM有个老头的SEMINAR(忘记叫什么名字了), 他有提倒CREDIT BUBBLE, 那时候还没SUB PRIME CRISIS这回事呢。
    • 我记得有一期的Economist 讲的非常好
      • 哪一期?
        • I'll have to look it up. It's nice to see a different viewpoint from Europe.
          • 您这lookup了也好几天了,还没找到?麻烦您找到了会个帖子,谢谢。
    • US economy is in deep trouble. And it's totally caused by its own policy mistake. If KFC posts its chicken recipe on the internet, what will happen? The company will be history in one week. And that's what US is doing to itself.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The free trade policy encouraged US companies to transfer technologies, capital and production to developing countries seeking lower cost. The only competitive strengthes US has (or I should say 'had') were advanced technologies and access to capital, if they allow companies to move these freely to other countries, it has no way to compete with China and India due to its high labor cost. And the end results are huge losses of middle-class jobs and declining living standard as we see now. Recession is guaranteed, Wall Street won't be able to any trick this time, because it's burning itself.
      The only way to save the US economy is probably a wider war that could potentially destablize the rest of world, In such a situation, the capital will move back to US in seek of safe heaven and the West will reunite around America for its leadership, similar to what happened in World War I, II and the cold war. If this does not happen, the days of US as a superpower are numbered, and the economic consequence will be painful更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 启人忧天
        • If your family has to borrow $1000 a day just to survive, will you be worried? If so, why you think there's nothing to worry if your country borrows billions of dollars a day, and everything you buy from the malls are made in China or other countries,
          Except maybe orange and brocolli. The sinking of US$, the stock market as well as the housing market are just an indicator of a world that has lost confidence in a nation that move all industrial production to other countries, and then rely on borrowing from these countries to survive another day.
      • 又是一个瞎扯的。 KFC的鸡配方并不是什么秘密。那么多FRANCHISE的店, 店老板难 道不知道? KFC靠的是牌子赚钱,而不是炸鸡的配方。 你对经济的认识, 整个就是 一个马列主义的想当然。