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How to restore your credit rating(from MSN, just forgot the writer's name)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OK, say your credit rating is ruined -- perhaps your business failed or your spouse/partner defaulted on some debt and, although you had signed as a guarantor, you were unable to repay and the financial institution (lender) had to write off the balance.
First, you can easily find out how bad it really looks by checking your credit file with either of the two credit bureaus in Canada. Simply contact them and request a copy of your file.
Generally, the credit rating of your debt falls into a simple pattern based on a zero-to-nine coding system. For example, a credit card debt, known as 'rotating' credit (since, in theory, you charge to the card and then repay it, and then charge again, thus rotating debt on and off the card) may carry a rating of R1. This means that the credit is paid as required (either in full or the minimum payment) as it is billed every 30 days. An example of a poor rating on a credit card would be R3, meaning that your payments are about three months behind.
Instalment debt is rated using an I-code. I1 means the loan is paid properly, while I3 means you are three payments overdue. Both R9 and I9 are the worst possible ratings in these categories, and indicate that the debt has been written off. Even showing a history with a couple of R3s or R4s is often enough to cause many lenders to decline a loan, insist on additional security or ask you for a co-signer.
And, yes, we Canadians certainly do run delinquent balances on their credit cards. According to the Canadian Bankers Association, at the end of 1999, about 333,000 bank credit cards were overdue 90 days or more. Further poor payment patterns can also be seen with retailer-sponsored credit cards such as The Bay and Canadian Tire.
While there are often extenuating circumstances surrounding a poor payment record, the system does not necessarily take this into account. Much of the information you will find is automatically generated and reported to the credit bureaus regularly. So if your credit card is running at R6 because you have been in the hospital, only the debt lag will be reported and recorded on your bureau -- the circumstances are left for you to explain. It is important to maintain a good credit rating, and if yours has fallen victim to catastrophic job loss or some other such influence, it makes perfect sense to try to repair it.
Of course, if you were one of the 75,000 Canadian consumers who declared bankruptcy in 2000, then you will need to wait until your bankruptcy is discharged before you can start borrowing again. On the other hand, many consumers may not have declared bankruptcy, nor does it make sense for them to do so. Rather, they have simply been chronically late with payments and now have trouble qualifying for another loan or a credit card.
First, beware of the frequent ads for 'instant credit' or 'credit rescue' -- there have been many instances where desperate consumers have applied through one of these ads only to find the 'administration fee' or 'application fee' of $200 or $300 is lost, and no loan or credit is forthcoming. Most direct lenders do not charge for an application. As the saying goes, there is no free lunch -- no one can wave a magic wand and absolve the credit history you have established. You are the only one who has the ability to fix your problems. Here are some tips to help you do so:
* Talk to the lender at your financial institution to see specifically what steps you can take, together, to rehabilitate your credit-worthiness.
* Pay off any credit cards you still have and re-establish a 'current' footing with them.
* See if your bank will give you a credit card with a very low limit ($300 to $1000); if it will, use the card wisely and make sure it is always paid on time. This will indicate that a trend has passed and a good credit history is being established.
* You may be able to obtain a credit card from the bank or even a small bank loan by having a friend or relative co-sign for the application. Repay the loan quickly to begin showing positive reports to your file.
* Perhaps you could get a credit card from the bank by providing the bank with cash equal to the amount of the credit limit they will grant you (if you think a bank credit card is unnecessary, try arranging a rental car or hotel accommodations without one).
* Learn about the most common 'credit criteria' that lenders use to grant credit, and attempt to position yourself as well-established as possible. For example, stability factors such as how often you move or change jobs are quite important.
* If you are married or in a partnership relationship and have a spouse or partner with poor credit, you can insist that your credit bureau files be kept separate so that your good credit rating does not become tainted. In this case, assuming you did not sign for any of the delinquent debt, it is important to keep a close tab on your credit bureau file to ensure that none of the credit problems get moved into your file by accident. You may also wish to confine your future borrowings and credit cards to your name alone, rather than setting up any joint debts.
* If you can afford to do it, you might even consider borrowing a small loan at the bank (say, $1,000) and repaying it over a year. You can use the borrowed money for an investment and pledge the investment vehicle (term deposit, Canada Savings Bond, mutual fund, etc.) as collateral for the loan. Most bankers are quite approachable with this strategy, and some or all of the interest cost on the loan will be tax-deductible for you, depending on the nature of the investment purchased.
Once you have re-established a credit-worthy name, continue to use credit wisely and cautiously -- remember, a good credit rating is a valuable component of your overall financial health. Your credit rating can be the key to that new home, new car loan or lease, the renewal of some forms of insurance, and in some cases, it can even determine your status for a new job.
Demonstrating a lack of credit-worthiness can ultimately be very expensive, as you will be categorized as a higher risk by the lender, and likely be charged a higher interest charge. Conversely, a good credit rating can save you a lot of money in the long run.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请问: 为什么信用卡(more than 4)太多可能会降低信用分数?
    • Because they wonder if you are fraud.
      • 如果我想cancel 掉其中2个, 是否就像cancle bank accont一样方便?
        • Yes, but you have to pay off your debit first.
      • 您误解了,如果您的卡数多而使用率低的话,卡数无关紧要,卡少也不能提高您的信用分数,关键是使用率,如果您有20万信用卡限度,您用20%算正常,用百分之一不到就会有很高信用
        • You mean the limit, not the # of credit cards, right?
          • 是啊,有很高LIMIT不用怕降低信用只要您平均使用率低。其实您做为银行,从债主角度看,卡的数目和卡的LIMIT都是表面现像,关键在看您如何使用信用卡
        • 是不是这样: 张三:limit 2K, 每月花400刀(20%), 李四:limit 500, 每月花200刀(40%). 但李四的信用分数高于张三?
          • 张三:limit 2K, 每月花400刀 只用了20%属正常。 李四用了40%多了点,信用分数一定不如张三。
            • 哦,敢情percent 越少信用越高! 那我的limit 2k, 我每月只买块 gum,我的信用岂不是很高? 怎没以前听人说信用卡要多用才对?
              • I think he is misleading.
              • 误导. if you like, try...
                • 哪一点是误导?信用分数是各家金融机构自行评定。但考虑个人信用程度的方法是很简单清楚的。其实那个例子中张三和李四都只用了几百元,不会替银行生财
            • Don't think so. It depends on how soon and how much debit you have paid.
      • 谢谢! 还有几个有关 credit card 的问题.
        1.我的credit card和发卡的银行有什么关系吗?
        我申请大银行的credit card, 要deposit, 而且limit 少
        而一些小银行(连名字都没听说)的credit card(同样是visa, or master), 不
        要deposit, 而且limit >1.5K, 其中有何奥妙? 对于我以后使用中, 如信用, 方
        便程度上, 有何不同?
        2. 有主卡后申请副卡, 原先那一卡上的limit 是2张卡的总和,还是副卡也具有
        credit 是如何算的, 个算个的?
        3.如果我在英国买了10 英镑的书, 是否我在收到 credit card帐单时, credit card公司已经按照汇率转换成CAD了? 如果不是,我没英镑, 怎没办?
        • 1。美国运通直接发行不通过银行,所以能摸透顾客心理。 2。 副卡的限度不超过主卡,副卡使用的是主卡的限度。 其他的问题太大,太复杂
          • thank, honda 同志, 但我我的credit card和发卡的银行在以后使用中有什么关系吗
        • 1. 有关系, 也没有太大关系. 主要认清VISA, MASTERCARD. 区别在ANNUAL FEE, INTEREST RATE等, 根据你的需要选择卡2.主卡的LIMIT, 对副卡累计信用作用不太大. 3. CAD
          • 谢谢饺子, 张三李四的问题可否给个答案!
            • 信用卡的信用和你怎么花钱关系不大. 和你的1. 收入 2. 现有的CREDIT LIMIT(比如你还有MORTGAGE, 其他卡) 3. 是否按时付款 4. 持卡时间 有关
              • 信用卡的信用和你的收入关系不大. 收入和CREDIT LIMIT有关,信用卡的信用和现有的CREDIT LIMIT. 是否按时付款. 持卡时间和你怎么花钱有关
        • In my opinion:
          1) Big banks usually provide better services than small banks so that they need you have a job or deposit and the limit is less. There is no
          difference on how you use your credit card.

          2) The credit is on the primary card user only, any additional card users don't have any credit. So your credit won't be doubled if you apply an additional card.

          3) It depends on what kind of account associated with your credit card.
          If it is CAD account, your bill will show CAD$, if it is US account, it shows US$ on your bill.
    • yeah, it will affect you negatively since they are available cash to you, thus when you negotiate new credit(eg mortgage), the amount available to you would be lower
      • What you said is true while the credit balance used to be > 50% of total limit of all credit cards . it won't be considered available cash to him if the credit balance is always less than 1% of the total limit
        • Your understanding is flawed
          • I agree. Just a kind of idea. It maybe doesn't work somewhere
          • what you said is right
          • People prefer secured or unsecured credit line instead of credit card. such as you can get 2500K secured credit line if you have $3000K IPO
    • 鬼知道
    • How to restore your credit rating(from MSN, just forgot the writer's name)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OK, say your credit rating is ruined -- perhaps your business failed or your spouse/partner defaulted on some debt and, although you had signed as a guarantor, you were unable to repay and the financial institution (lender) had to write off the balance.
      First, you can easily find out how bad it really looks by checking your credit file with either of the two credit bureaus in Canada. Simply contact them and request a copy of your file.
      Generally, the credit rating of your debt falls into a simple pattern based on a zero-to-nine coding system. For example, a credit card debt, known as 'rotating' credit (since, in theory, you charge to the card and then repay it, and then charge again, thus rotating debt on and off the card) may carry a rating of R1. This means that the credit is paid as required (either in full or the minimum payment) as it is billed every 30 days. An example of a poor rating on a credit card would be R3, meaning that your payments are about three months behind.
      Instalment debt is rated using an I-code. I1 means the loan is paid properly, while I3 means you are three payments overdue. Both R9 and I9 are the worst possible ratings in these categories, and indicate that the debt has been written off. Even showing a history with a couple of R3s or R4s is often enough to cause many lenders to decline a loan, insist on additional security or ask you for a co-signer.
      And, yes, we Canadians certainly do run delinquent balances on their credit cards. According to the Canadian Bankers Association, at the end of 1999, about 333,000 bank credit cards were overdue 90 days or more. Further poor payment patterns can also be seen with retailer-sponsored credit cards such as The Bay and Canadian Tire.
      While there are often extenuating circumstances surrounding a poor payment record, the system does not necessarily take this into account. Much of the information you will find is automatically generated and reported to the credit bureaus regularly. So if your credit card is running at R6 because you have been in the hospital, only the debt lag will be reported and recorded on your bureau -- the circumstances are left for you to explain. It is important to maintain a good credit rating, and if yours has fallen victim to catastrophic job loss or some other such influence, it makes perfect sense to try to repair it.
      Of course, if you were one of the 75,000 Canadian consumers who declared bankruptcy in 2000, then you will need to wait until your bankruptcy is discharged before you can start borrowing again. On the other hand, many consumers may not have declared bankruptcy, nor does it make sense for them to do so. Rather, they have simply been chronically late with payments and now have trouble qualifying for another loan or a credit card.
      First, beware of the frequent ads for 'instant credit' or 'credit rescue' -- there have been many instances where desperate consumers have applied through one of these ads only to find the 'administration fee' or 'application fee' of $200 or $300 is lost, and no loan or credit is forthcoming. Most direct lenders do not charge for an application. As the saying goes, there is no free lunch -- no one can wave a magic wand and absolve the credit history you have established. You are the only one who has the ability to fix your problems. Here are some tips to help you do so:
      * Talk to the lender at your financial institution to see specifically what steps you can take, together, to rehabilitate your credit-worthiness.
      * Pay off any credit cards you still have and re-establish a 'current' footing with them.
      * See if your bank will give you a credit card with a very low limit ($300 to $1000); if it will, use the card wisely and make sure it is always paid on time. This will indicate that a trend has passed and a good credit history is being established.
      * You may be able to obtain a credit card from the bank or even a small bank loan by having a friend or relative co-sign for the application. Repay the loan quickly to begin showing positive reports to your file.
      * Perhaps you could get a credit card from the bank by providing the bank with cash equal to the amount of the credit limit they will grant you (if you think a bank credit card is unnecessary, try arranging a rental car or hotel accommodations without one).
      * Learn about the most common 'credit criteria' that lenders use to grant credit, and attempt to position yourself as well-established as possible. For example, stability factors such as how often you move or change jobs are quite important.
      * If you are married or in a partnership relationship and have a spouse or partner with poor credit, you can insist that your credit bureau files be kept separate so that your good credit rating does not become tainted. In this case, assuming you did not sign for any of the delinquent debt, it is important to keep a close tab on your credit bureau file to ensure that none of the credit problems get moved into your file by accident. You may also wish to confine your future borrowings and credit cards to your name alone, rather than setting up any joint debts.
      * If you can afford to do it, you might even consider borrowing a small loan at the bank (say, $1,000) and repaying it over a year. You can use the borrowed money for an investment and pledge the investment vehicle (term deposit, Canada Savings Bond, mutual fund, etc.) as collateral for the loan. Most bankers are quite approachable with this strategy, and some or all of the interest cost on the loan will be tax-deductible for you, depending on the nature of the investment purchased.
      Once you have re-established a credit-worthy name, continue to use credit wisely and cautiously -- remember, a good credit rating is a valuable component of your overall financial health. Your credit rating can be the key to that new home, new car loan or lease, the renewal of some forms of insurance, and in some cases, it can even determine your status for a new job.
      Demonstrating a lack of credit-worthiness can ultimately be very expensive, as you will be categorized as a higher risk by the lender, and likely be charged a higher interest charge. Conversely, a good credit rating can save you a lot of money in the long run.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 谁有确切、权威的证据说>4个信用卡降低信用?我有>4个美国信用卡,>4加拿大信用卡,而我的信用好得很 - 我申请过三家银行的mortgage,四家银行的line of credit,买新车financing,都极快地获得批准。
      • here...
        • 最后一点无非是担心您刷爆信用卡,消除这种担心的方法可以是取消所有信用卡,但是如果您有很高的CREDIT LINE经常不用,谁会担心您刷爆信用卡
      • 如果您的信用好的很, 为什么要四家银行的line of credit? 一家就可以加高LIMIT 呀
        • 如果他的CREDIT LINE在10万之内,还是有必要拿多家的CREDIT LINE,而且各家银行的CREDIT LINE 有上限,信用卡的上限更少,五到十万
        • 利率不同。
    • 我知道信用是如何减少的。
      • @@ cannot understand :((
      • 您常委托别人查您的信用记录的确有可能会影响您的信用分数,原因是如果您现有的LIMIT的使用率常常80%,那么您申请新卡实际目的是提高LIMIT,但如果您的LIMIT使用率只有5%不到,常申请常被查也没有影响
    • I assume we all are taking about the same things: 1) Personal Credit Card, not Corporation Credit Card; 2) Ordinary People, not Millionaire (If you are millionaire, who cares how many credit cards you have)