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Dear girl, don't get bothered.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sometimes, we met someone, we fell in love, we were betrayed, and we said good bye. It has nothing to do with nationality. Trust me, there are so many Chinese behaving the same way, exactly the same way.

I understand you want to get an answer and a reason: what he wants to do ,and why he disappeared. But dear, things cannot happen always as we have expected.

Maybe he just wanted to have fun with some attractive girls, like you, for couple days, and he was not serious at all. Maybe he tried to find the sense of achievement by pursuing a girl and catching her heart. When he did it, he simply left. OR maybe he was so lonely that period of time and just wanted to hold someone's hand at the night.

We have thousands of reasons to explain why a man will leave the girl, but we only need a reason to convince ourselves that a man does love the girl: take your example: if he loves you, he will never ever ever ever leave you alone when you needs him so far, and will never ever ever make you wait and find a way to find him. If he does love you, he will find a way to get you!

So, don't worry about it too much. If you thought you got hurt, gave yourself a cry, with your girlfriends, parents, or someone you trust. Then look forward. He doesn't deserve your love. You will waste your time to pursue something that never belongs to you.

The last but not the least important thing: when you have sex with anyone you like/love/interested, protect yourself in a good way. Enjoy the relationship and be serious, you will be rewarded.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / Hit and run- he disappeared on me, what should i do?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛a canadian guy , 24 yr old, he showed his interest to me first, we had couple of dates in 2 months, and I started falling for him and all of sunnden he didn't show up as he promised, so I went to his company to find him and he told me it was because he broke his cell phone, so he couldn't reach me, actually he knew where I live, it was true his cell was bit borken , I saw it before that. so i tried to believe him once. he said that day he would call me at 7pm, but he didn't until the next day in the afternoon after he was off from his work. so we met that night, and it was good, and he said he was going to see me in 2 days, but it has been 2 months I haven't heard from him,.one month ago, before christmas, i went to his company again to leave a letter on the windshield of his car and to tell him to call me. I know i was stupid but I was not over him.
    I thought time will heal ,but I still can't get over him and is tpying in the midnight. i only know where he works and no contact phone number now since I didn't get the chance to ask for the new number, I also know his car plate, It's driving me carzy, I want to stalk him but was worried to be found out. is there anyway I can't find his home address by his old cell phone number and plate ? don't laugh at me, I was stupid, but I need to get over it, so I need to find out why he isnot seeing me out of blue.
    how do you think my behavir? any advice? It was like a hit and run, and it is really no fun.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • I happened to see your post. If you are serious, I advise you to forget him and enjoy your own life from now on. Life has to move forward, with pain or happiness, and you will meet someone who is serous about you. That guy is just not the ONE.
      • I feel the passion for him, i even want to die without him, how can it be ending like this?
        I am older than him and we were good together, but i just didn't get it why he just disappeared, he could have told me and given me a closure, that will be easier for me to move on. is canadian like this or some men like this? he is afraid of facing me to tell the turth? he is a very good guy when he visited me. how could a good guy can turn into a person like this? no manner at all? what is the problem? I just want to find him in a proper way and then ask him, such as bump into him in a grocery store after i knew where he lives, or when he walks his dog, (he brought over his boxer to my home on the last date).what's the proper way to see him again?
        • Dear girl, don't get bothered.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sometimes, we met someone, we fell in love, we were betrayed, and we said good bye. It has nothing to do with nationality. Trust me, there are so many Chinese behaving the same way, exactly the same way.

          I understand you want to get an answer and a reason: what he wants to do ,and why he disappeared. But dear, things cannot happen always as we have expected.

          Maybe he just wanted to have fun with some attractive girls, like you, for couple days, and he was not serious at all. Maybe he tried to find the sense of achievement by pursuing a girl and catching her heart. When he did it, he simply left. OR maybe he was so lonely that period of time and just wanted to hold someone's hand at the night.

          We have thousands of reasons to explain why a man will leave the girl, but we only need a reason to convince ourselves that a man does love the girl: take your example: if he loves you, he will never ever ever ever leave you alone when you needs him so far, and will never ever ever make you wait and find a way to find him. If he does love you, he will find a way to get you!

          So, don't worry about it too much. If you thought you got hurt, gave yourself a cry, with your girlfriends, parents, or someone you trust. Then look forward. He doesn't deserve your love. You will waste your time to pursue something that never belongs to you.

          The last but not the least important thing: when you have sex with anyone you like/love/interested, protect yourself in a good way. Enjoy the relationship and be serious, you will be rewarded.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • thank you , Jenny, I appreciated your input, and I read it more than 1 time. I was fine at one point and I was insane at the other point. it feels like a fire in my body it can' t find a way out, it pushes me
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛me to get the answer. I am a very straight forward person, I like things to be done properly, If I were him, I would tell no matter how hard it was, I waited 1hr in my car to wait for him to get into his car in his company to ask why first time, I had numerous sleepless nights and got up in 4am to get ready to drive to his company to leave a letter to his car in a Saturday morning second time but got no answer. I was totally insane. the problem is I can't find other people attractive anymore, I just wanted him, he is attractive physically and spiritually. I know what you meant, if he does love me, he would find me just like I can find him. but how can i survive this without seeing him one more time, if I just want to do that, how do you feel? he will think i am too cheap? i sometimes care about nothing, my life is ruined during this period, I had no interest for anything. in the last 2 months, i have been thinking of him every single day.

            how do i control my feeling? it is a problem for me now, can any one share your experience ? how to survive a breakup, a broken breakup? thanks更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • Your life is for your parents, sister, brother....all the people who love you. Remember!!! You even can face death, why can you face the pain of life?! Go to die for the guy who hurt you?
              • can men in this website who disappeared on someone tell me why????
                why can't just be a man and tell the truth, you leave us wondering what is going on, are you in a trama in a hospital? can men did the same thing tell me why?
                • Nobody will stand out.
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear, I totally understand your pain and your questions. And I know the reason behind all your questions partly because we share the similar personality. We are all straightforward and crystal frank to people we like. That's why we will easily get hurt if someone betrays us.

                  We all the time tell ourselves to treat people sincerely and seriously, giving them our hearts and our true thoughts. But for love, it's different story.

                  I admire you because you have the courage to love someone you appreciate, and willing to sacrifice yourself to make it happen. But love is two parties' responsibilities. If the other one disappears, how can you bury yourself in the affection without looking up the outside world? It's not worth at all.

                  Even if he gives you an answer finally, what kind of answer you want to get? No love? Playboy?Fun?Death? So what? The result is he left you forever. Period!

                  You are such a great lady! If you cannot forget him, then let it be. You might wake up at the midnight, remembering all the sweet past with him, it's OK. As long as you know the relationship is already over, you can do whatever to remember him. Don't get confused about memory and reality, always forgive but never forget, and avoid making the same mistake next time.

                  Find something else to do, such as volunteer, having party, eating, making food, etc, let this guy step out of your life slowly, no rush, but give back yourself a beautiful life. Couple months later, you will find you even couldn't remember his name. You have to prove to yourself and to him, you are such a successful woman even without HIM in your life!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • I won't look for him again at least after all these msg, let it be. I just can't get it why men are so cowrardly.
                    • Don't say that. Men are never coward. Sometime, they just don't know how to choose a right way to treat women they don't like or they like. It's the same
                      Trust me, someday, when you meet the right one, you will enjoy all the security and happiness that you are looking for. Mr. Right will make you believe Man is Brave!
                      • 顶一个!
          • ls分析得极有道理
            估摸着应该有过不少hit and run的经验...
          • Jenny, the guy who has relationship with you or married you is a very lucky guy. Hitandrun, don't say hate, he's not worth it.
      • he disappeared, because he wanted to give himself an excuse in the future to get back to me? is that a case?
        • Not sure. Even if it's the reason, I don't think he fits you no matter right now or in the future.
    • You went to his companies? This is called stalking... scary woman... No wonder he doesn't want to see you anymore...
      • I did it the least impact to him, I just sit in my car until he showed up and stopped his car before he left, you only see scary no my passion for him? since that is the only way I can find him.
        • I didn't see anything wrong for this activity.
          If it's the law that a lady cannot approach a man that she loves so much by waiting outside of his company, then there is an ethical law that a man should not leave without a reason after initiating this relationship!
          • unfortunately stalking is a crime if he chose to file police report against her.
            • 多谢。不过这种事情俺已经早就不干了。老了。
    • 你很象我,属于比较执着的那类人。你做的事情一点都不可笑,用情很深的人都会那样做的。我也做过类似的事情。

      但是请注意一点, 你即便把他的情况都打听清楚了,他也还是不会理你的。你注重感情,但有的人是把感情当成儿戏的。这样的人,无论男女,都有N多。 你不幸碰上了,只能自认倒霉了。
      • he didn't say the word to hurt me so that he have an excuse to see me anytime he wants in the future? do you think it is possilbe. like your post, it makes me feel I wasn't alone at least. how did you get over him and moved on?
        • 以我类似的经验, 你们根本没有future. 他的两种行为已经伤害了你: 1.无缘无故的突然消失. 2.明目张胆地撒谎. 千万不要小看这两件事. 这说明了: 1. 他人品有很大的问题, 以后做出同样事情的机率是100%. 2. 你在他心目中根本没有份量. 也就是说, 他完全不care你的感受.
          你要做的, 就是尽快从这种情感中摆脱出来. 方法可以有多种. 最有效的, 是找你信任的异性朋友倾诉一下. 把你的苦恼, 沮丧, 失望, 痛苦都说出来. 说一次还不够, 因为你在一段时间内会有多次心情很低落的时候. 要多说几次才行. 同时要使自己走出去, 多参加些集体活动, 这对调整心态也很有效果.

          再次警告, 象他那样的人根本就是shit, 一定要远离!
    • call cops. did not read your post in there though.
    • 现在30-40岁的都不稳,20多岁的晃的更厉害啦,别这么当真嘛!觉得他也不错,一直和你逗下去,吃亏是你呀!
      • 是啊,强扭的瓜不甜。
    • Pat, pat, girlfriend. But really, you need to let go. What you want from him, if he agrees to see you one more time? Love, or a closure?
      Love, right. He doesn’t love you, you know that already. A closure? The cruel reality out of his mouth that he did not (or did, but should’ve not) fall for you, like you did? Don’t you think it’s even worse to face that? It’s a big crush which hurts badly, but you’ll get it over. U just happened to fall for a wrong guy.
    • It is too late when you know.....
      You are stupid....
    • I lived with a man for 2.5 years, dating for 5 years, not hit and run, but at the end, this is what I discovered, this is just a one possibilities, he might love you, but you are not the one he want to have long term relationship.
      I know it is hard to believe, only when you go through it, you will understand.

      My ex, he loves me, even now, he still wants to talk to me, knows how I am doing, tells me how much his family miss me. But if I ask him, do you want to get me back? he will hesitate, he loves me, but I am not the one he wants to married, I am more like his arm, his hand.

      There has no shortcut to forget about this, only time heals. But don't get back or call him or ask him why, this will only make him want to avoid you.
      • 西人吗?
        • 希望你现在心情已好了。
        • 估计她不敢回答你。。。。
      • We all meet someone who loves himself more than ourselves. This is human being.
      • 别迷惑了!你的EX对你不是有爱情!!!他对你只是一种:恩或信任(说不清),所谓:一日夫妻百日恩.他可以对你很好,实惠都给你,衷心祝福你,但绝对不想和你再走到一起,对他来说,那是恶梦(不知为什么)---.因为我就是这样的.
        • 什么夫妻作长了,不是恩情?爱情一般存活期据说只有12个月。
          • 应该说是责任,责任心!
            • 应该是吧!还是你脑子行.
          • 你这定点定量的是不是有点教条?
            • 看贴不仔细:“据说”,俺哪能这么精确。欢迎考证。
    • try to catch him and ask the reason, no matter what he says, u'll get hurt; whatever he says, he will not give u the exact reason cuz he is nice. Its just a simple hit-and-run case
      for a 24-year-old boy, relationship is all about get-laid and walk-away, its not a surprise just for u, its life!
      • u probably wanna die in the first month after ur break, and cant get over in the next 3 month.
        Then u meet a another attractive guy in the sixth month, u fall in love, 8 month later, u figure out he is not the one, he get betrayed, and he want to die for this...then 2 month later after this, he moves on looking for some other gal...it is the circle of life
        • 有趣有趣
      • I have same experience like you except i am married and 17 older than that boy, he is the delivery guy. don't blame me, I know i am bad, but he jumped on me and started first, I didn't have sex wit him until
        a few time later. he was too kind when delivering the appliance to my house, and he offerred to help me to install the dryer vent after his spare time. so after i treated him for dinner , he wanted for sex, and I didn't at that time, since he was too young comparing to me enen though he looked older than his age. but after he left 3am, I just can't stop thinking of him( my husband is in China), so I calle dhim and he came back 2 days later and we had sex that time,it wasn't good, but I was attracted by him. so we saw eachother a couple of times and sometimes he called sometimes i called, but after 3 months, he just never showed up, too sad, i am still missing him and I am thinking to stalk him ,what should i do? I can't forget him.
        • 很多A片都喜欢用这样的桥段:家庭主妇 / 熟女+水管工 / 快递员。算了吧,这只是lust, 不是love。有过快乐玩过火,并且又没有出事,不错了,见好就收吧。退一步讲,他都不想见你了,你如果去死缠烂打,只会惹他厌烦,连一点美好回忆都会被ruin掉的。
          • 小云,怎么在这里遇到你呢?状元啊,快去心潭写小说去。
            • 到俺们这挖墙脚哈.写小说需要生活素材,让小云先谈两场恋爱再回去吧
              • 原来小云来自情爱悠悠啊?失敬失敬
              • 你真笨哦,一定要谈了恋爱才可以写恋爱啊?爱情故事可以编的嘛。
            • 哎呀,开小差给社长抓到了......你再出个好玩的题目啊,我一定捧场。
        • " 好好活就是做有意义的事"
          try another guy and find out who can bring the really happiness to you .
          life is simple , everyone has the right to enjoy it .
          time past so fast .
          there are so many nice men here .
          the only mission in our life journey is finding the happiness.
      • 拜托写中文,E文看这忒累
        • 还是想见他,又是一个不眠夜。我是件。好心jm, 舍姆理由比较合适,不太丢面子。当然黑得去他公司,等他下班,他周六也上班,人会少些。我是没有报希望和他好下去,只是想渐渐间 地 ,见一面是一面,只要他愿意和上次一样兼辽我, 哪怕是第二天。 谢谢
          • 看在你终于写中文的份上,就再回你个帖。嘻嘻。。。如果你真想见他,你要问自己,你想见他是为什么。为了满足你自己的心愿,还是为了让他开心?如果是前者,你不觉得自己也很自私么?如果你是真爱他,不如学会放手,大家都洒脱点开始新的生活。你觉得呢?
            • 谢谢你得回铁,我是为自己。我是个很任性的人,我无法就这样让他过去,但上次主动去找他 还是有
              但上次主动去找他 还是有点难看的,他说车要加油,7 点打电话给我。虽然他第2天下午才打电话给我。我觉得他还是不讨厌见我。那天,他在电话里问我可否再我那儿洗澡,应为他直接冲GYM 过来,还问我想吃蛇么,他来的路上带来,我说只要你来。后来他第一次把它的dog , 带来了。还带来dvd,
              marijuana, 我第一次smoke weed , 香烟一样。很有趣的夜晚,order pizza, 说好2天后再见,没想到在美来,所以我还想在。
              • LZ, 我对你的遭遇很同情

                BTW, 如果你找到他了,可否代问:这里哪里有蛇吃啊?谢了!
                • 同问。多谢。:D
                  • sorry, my chinese typing was bad, he was asking me what I want to eat
                  • 呵呵,LZ想说的是吃“啥”? 被晃点了的说~~
                    • LZ = idiot ? 他是mixed canadian, 吃西人 的东西
                      • 你真可爱~~~
              • 其实你要是没那么天真,并足够勇敢的话,接受现实不是很难。这个事件不值得分析了,你一定是受伤害的那方,坚强点果断点,move on吧。
              • 说实在的,我很同情你的遭遇,但要知道世界上这样的事情实在发生太多了,而这些经历只是为了让你更加坚强更加清醒,知道自己究竟想要什么。你的任性让人叹息,但也是这任性让你这样去爱,又让人欣喜。
          • 他是一王八蛋。明明不想继续下去还给你希望。现在是你自己快刀斩乱麻的时候了。
            • 每个人都比我有头脑。 看来每人支持我去见他,即使是及时行乐也不行。我惊天太累廖, 的早点睡觉,谢谢大家
              • 不是有头脑,只不过旁观者清,真发生在自己身上未必作得到。
                • 其实真的事情发生到自己身上,就要好好反省究竟有没有认清楚对方,反省自己究竟想要从这段关系里得到什么,问自己究竟爱上对方什么。人们常说,误会使人相聚,了解使人分离。
                  • 能够冷静分析+反省是需要一定的阅历的。
                    • Guess what? He called me, on Tuesday, right after the day I posted and said I still want to see him.
                      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我正在睡觉,,8点,我应为鉴下雪,call sick , 打算昏头睡到中午,8:57迷迷糊糊找到cell, 却没sound, 就接着sleep.我想他以为我还没有到公司,就挂了。 9:50, another call, 我一听是个男的,(应为他从来都是晚上打我手机 )不熟悉,(可能睡觉迷糊辽),就气氛的say: wrong number", this is xxx, who is speaking?", then he said" sean", my god, I can't believe my ears, it is him. of course, I changed my tune right away. 是不是很巧?看来一定的停住,我只能说,是掉胃口 起的作用。 我11/8, 12/8looking for him for twice, maybe he thinks I would do the same thing on Jan. 8, but I didnt' . how do you think?

                      but Igot my period that day, that's bad.

                      anyway, I would not expect too much, my mood is good, I even didn't ask when Ican see him again wheleft, he borrowed my 3 DVD. 

                      thank you very much for your patience and kindness to help me though the rough time, Iam ok, will be fine no matter what. thanks again.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • No matter what will happen in the future, I wish you all the best. You are such an excellent girl, and you deserve the best. Take care. :D
    • POOR GIRL,请听我的分析,希望可以帮到你。

      • 说的真好。可惜人家男生已经主动打电话给她了。。。。呵呵。。。你说是好事还是坏事?
        • 他只不过把她当做游戏,呼之则来挥之则去,
          • 这话的确是直白了一点,也太残酷了一点。只是很多时候真相就是很残酷的现实。没办法,人总要在爱与痛里成长起来。是吧。:D
        • 她现在正是十月芥菜,一个电话就头脑发热,估计悲剧还会在延续,坦白说,我也玩过这种游戏,当时年轻,玩得起,不过害得人多终害已。
          • 能够冷静分析+反省是需要一定的阅历的。 -boredom(无所事事); 1.14 23:53
      • 金玉良言啊!希望lz听得进
      • 写得太好了. 恋爱中也是要有尊严的. 不过LZ正处于智商情商均为零的时期. 别人说什么都是不管用的. 非得碰个头破血流才会明白人心难测的.