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新年随想:Happiness is a choice instead of a result.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛以上的话其实是我的牧师说的。以下我以第一人称的方式展开,并不得不做大量删节(那可是一个多小时的布道呀)。

快新年了,又是time to make new years resolutions!这个网页(http://www.squidoo.com/newyears)列出了十大New Years Resolutions,

1. Stop smoking
2. Get Fit
3. Lose Weight
4. Enjoy Life More
5. Quit Drinking
6. Get Organized
7. Learn Something New
8. Get Out of Debt
9. Spend more time with the Family
10. Help Others

为什么我们总是在新年之际列出一些愿望呢?这是一个值得深思的问题。如果笼统地概括一下,我想大家无外乎都希望自己新的一年里更happy吧。戒烟,戒酒,减肥,维持健康,还清债务,等林林总总。追根究底,不就是希望达成之后我们会更happy,不是吗?如果说New Years Resolutions目的是为了让我们自己happy的话,那么,我要说的是,我们大错特错了。Happiness is not a reuslt (of achievements or changes),instead,happiness is a choice。


(1). Change myself
(2). Allow God to search our hearts


1. 某某 always makes me mad! If it wan't because of 某某,my life will be happier!
2. 我想如果我真能成功戒烟/戒酒/戒毒的话,我想我会快乐很多。
3. I am not an alchoholic!
4. I don't have an "anger" problem, just that those people always pick on me.
5. It's not my fault, it's xxx's fault!
6. Why do you think I have a problem? I don't think I have a problem, what is your problem!



我知道你们对我以上的言论很困惑,但请仔细想一想我说的话有没有道理。还是那句话,你或许会快乐上一阵,如果你先生体贴你多一点,或某某某不再老找你麻烦。但真正的持久地快乐并不是从那些而来,真正的快乐是你的choice!Start making that choice now。

第二个愿望又是什么意思?Allow God to search our hearts?如果你在圣经中搜索Search,你会发现无数类似于以下的两个例子,

. Psalm 139:23 "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts."

. Revelation 2:23: "...Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds."

到底是什么意思呢?神知道我们的心思意念,哪怕是我们隐藏得极深,或甚至不为我们自己所知的。举个例子,每当我太太收拾屋子的时候,我总会upset。为什么?where is my screwdriver? I remember I put it here last time! 是的,每当我想找却怎么也找不到东西的时候,我发现无名火很容易烧起来。这时候,我总会躲到秘室里祷告。我会跟神说,神呀,calm me down first。然后我会跟神说,Heavenly Father, please search my heart and reveal to me what my problem is。神总会启示我真正的问题所在。原来我的问题不是在于找不到东西了,我的真正问题是在于我不是一个orgnized的person,太太的organized nature使我感到了压力。问题找到了,解决方法是什么呢?难道是让我太太跟我一样mess吗?当然不是!Instead, change myself, change my way of thinking! 做一个organized的人难道不是一件好事吗?既然是好事的话,那么让我开始吧,我相信我的太太会帮助我的。

新年了,我希望你们每天都能这样祷告:Heavenly Father, please search my heart, reveal the problems you found, and help me to change, so I can do things right to make you happy.

你想做一个快乐的人吗?真的吗?那么change yourself (change your way of thinkings)吧。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 新年随想:Happiness is a choice instead of a result.
    • it is too long to read through. If GOD exits above us, HE should simply make everybody happy, why so many prayers etc. needed??? wasting time???
      • In short, He did, but man sinned.
        If you want to know more, please spend about half an hour to read the following link (Genesis 1-3) http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Gen%201-3;&version=31;
        • just want to make it simple, HE has superpower, why would he allow the mankind to sin???
          • I answered that question before, please see if this link helps.
    • 这标题似乎太唯心
      • 这个标题对于基督徒是显见的。看起来唯心,事实上不是,因为神与我们同在。先不论神,我想请你思考一个问题,物质真的能给你带来(长久)快乐吗?
    • Can I understand "change yourself" is meant to change your weakness by yourself? I deeply felt it is so hard for me to conquer myself cause the Evil knows exactly my weakness and try to utilze it to defeat me.
      It's so tiny and helpless to overcome my weakness without Lord's love, I just try to put all myself to Lord's hand, to change myself
      • "Changing yourself" goes hand in hand with "Allowing the Lord to search your heart".
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It's true that it's hard to change ourselves on our own alone, we need Jesus, His Grace, His love and His guidance, like always.

        In order to change yourself, the first thing you have to do is to find out what needs to be changed. For example, there are a thousand sins in my life, can I possibly change myself to get rid of them at once and be happy? No way! We need Jesus to tell us which ones He sees deserved more attention.

        Now, what we think our problem is doesn't always reflect the real problem, this prevents us from changing. Take myself as an example, whenever I have some must-to-be-done things to do, I find myself ended up doing something else. A more concrete example, I have an due exam next week, I am supposed to go over the reading materials for the coming few days. Before I know it, I am playing games. Procrastination!

        Why did I do that? Well, I guess study is boring. Is it really what it is? When I searched my heart and prayed about it, somewhat it was revealed to me that it wasn't because study is boring, but I was just avoiding the demanding responsibilities or tasks because they are tough, and I wasn't sure if I could handle it.

        Now the real problem has been revealed, a solution can come accordingly. Whenever I have something must be done, instead of finding lame excuses for procrastination, I have to tell myself that it's hard, but I can do it if Lord strengthens me.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Thanks Lord for sending HIS word to me. I might find my problem I can't resolve. I am not happy cause I am piling up my sadness, I didnt relfect on myself, I wanna Lord fix my problem, but did not cooporate with HIM
          Change myself need big courage, cause it's gonna paiful to overcome laziness, greedy, arrogant, proudness, selfness and sensitivity
          • We all have our own problems. So you are not alone. Don't take on many problems at the same time, it's a recipe for sadness. Instead, one little step at a time. God knows what you can do and what you cannot do, and He will guide all your ways.