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You are in trouble.

The only advice I can give you is that don't ask those immigration companies to handle it for you. The immigration companies may make fake documents and get money from you, but you will have much bigger trouble in the future, maybe 10 years later. Almost for sure it will be uncovered by the government. You will be expelled immediately no matter whether you get citizen or not, plus a very possible criminal record. The immigration companies will not help you then but keep your money. Canada expels hundreds of people per year for that reason.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 去年2月份登陆加拿大后,去了美国,到去年12月份才回到加拿大,这期间来过加,但只是短期停留。请问:3年后申请国籍是不是有问题,因为第一年没有住满183天。
    • 应该是有问题,请知道的DX回答。
      • 新法中5年住满2年适用于这种情况吗?
        • 可是新法不是还没执行呀
          • 新法6月28日实行吧?在今后的4年多的时间里要是能够住满3年,还会追究第一年未满183天吗?
            • Of course. Your best bet is to tell government the truth, and prey for a nice judge.
    • 帮助你UP一次
    • 根据现行法律,你从现在起四年内在加拿大住满三年,就有资格申请公民。所以,只要你在这里住下去,三年后申请国籍没问题。
      • 错了。他第一年未住满183天,实际上已经失去了身份。
        • 那就再多等一年。公民申请表上,只问你过去四年中离开加拿大多久,而不问你以前的情况。只要没人取消你的永久居民身份,就没问题。
          • I don't think so. RCMP will investigate you for about a year before you are granted citizenship. The government knows everything you do, even driving cross the border.
            • I hear there are no stamp on passport when drive cross the boarder. Is that not right? why he can come back after more than 183 days?
              • They don't stamp because they are confident that they can catch you by other means. They let you in because Canadian immigration assumes people are honest. But if you abuse the system, you pay the price.
        • 问个低级问题:请问183天是指一年中必须连续住满还是累计?另外,如果我在中国待少于6个月,是否不许要申请反加纸。谢谢!
          • 累积。不需要。
    • You are in trouble.
      The only advice I can give you is that don't ask those immigration companies to handle it for you. The immigration companies may make fake documents and get money from you, but you will have much bigger trouble in the future, maybe 10 years later. Almost for sure it will be uncovered by the government. You will be expelled immediately no matter whether you get citizen or not, plus a very possible criminal record. The immigration companies will not help you then but keep your money. Canada expels hundreds of people per year for that reason.
    • 看你landing后的四年里是否呆了三年. 2/5是移民法, 你入籍是公民法. 但即使没有3年也有办法, 我请教过律师, 需要请个律师和移民局打官司, 律师费3万美金, 可以保证你入籍成功. 你可以在广告里找他们的电话询问一下.
      • 你这个冤大头! 3万美金?!疯了!
      • Be careful here.
        They may be able to get you the citizenship this time. But if the government uncovers the truth after no matter how many years, you will still be expelled.
        • 误会了.这是合法的, 不是搞什么小动作. 公民法规定, 可以请律师申诉. 当然费用较高, 所以在犹豫. 谁知道费用低些的律师?
          • 任何”保证成功“的话都是欺骗。没有人能保证。而且情况很清楚,违反了183天的要求,还能打出个什么?
      • 是不是加拿大所有的律师都是这样说的?
    • 如果你是从陆路出加拿大去的美国,在911以前,正常情况下,加拿大的海关没有你的出境纪录。从你实际开始在加拿大住算起,4年后申请应该没有问题。因为现在的移民法虽要求每年够183天,

      • 你把移民法和入籍法混为一谈了。你贴子说的是入籍法。在入籍的时候,即使你不够三年,也可以通过说明来入籍。但是保留移民身份,除了返加证,没有别的理由。
        • 我自己倒是没有把保留移民身份和入籍混淆,可能是没表达清楚.我提他的移民身份,只是为了说明他没有违法,当他在四年里住够3年入籍是没有问题的,不必担心当时违反了183天的规定.另外即使没有返加纸,超183天被发现也可经解释顺利入境.
          • 你理解错了, 超过183天违反移民法, 而公民法的执行是在你遵守移民法的前题下才有效. 看我楼下跟贴 #413451.
      • 911以后也没什么进步, 只是进美国时, 你的行李比你自己更受重视.
      • 你只有一句话对, 其他都不正确. 超过183天肯定违法
        你维一对的是要和政府交代清楚, 然后有法官决定你的名运. 有的法官比较好说话, 其他的法官对183天非常严格. 法官是否ENFORCE法律全看运气. 因为一旦超过183天你就自动失去移民身份, 以后的四年实际上是非法居留, 违反了移民法, 根本没有资格申请公民. 只有法官可以判你保持移民身份. 而且这种情况不受追溯时效限制, 哪天发现哪天赶你走. 记得好像三年多前有一个七十多岁印度老头已是几十年加拿大公民, 被查出当年违反移民法, 立即递解出境, 没有讨价还价余地. 加拿大每年有几百个这样的人被递解出境.

        183天是法律, 不是规矩. 但也不是铁板一块. 比如你183天赶不回来是因为碰到截机, 或是车祸躺在美国医院里, 法官一般会放宽这一限制.
        • 我听收音机里多个律师解释过多次,183天是活的.即使超了,法律上规定的是如果你自己确实以加拿大为家,比如在加有房,妻孩一直住在这里等,移民纸就可保留.但以后新法的5年中的2年却是铁板一块,不可违反,所以才有新法未必比旧法宽的说法.
          • 不对。183天是活的,这一点是对的。但你必须说出令法官信服的理由。有房子呀,妻孩在加拿大呀,都不是让人信服的理由。有房子的多了,只留妻孩在这里的也不少,难道都可以不顾183天吗?楼上Contact举出的理由倒很好,确实由于不可抗力。
            • 这种事情凭主观想象是没有的,要看法律条文!
              • 法律条文是no intension to abandon Canada。具体由法官掌握。但在加拿大有房子一类绝对不行。不信你试试。试成功了请你吃饭。
          • yes.agree
        • 您太刻板了.在旧法下,有问题.在新法下,成功率高,失败率小
    • Immigration will do the cross checking with bank,US INS especially for the guy who has US visa, record on the passport is just a reference.You must fill the exact days you stayed in Canada , otherwise.it is fraud.
      • 说得好。有(暂时)蒙混过关的可能。但如果政府想查,还是有处可查的。比如,银行有没有transaction,谁是房东。
        • I have the same case.
          I have appliy return permit. but in fact, I found that there was very loose check if you drove across gound border of US/Canada.

          in your passport, there is no proof to show that you have stayed in Canada less 183 days in a year, it's ok for u to apply for citizenship in 3 years.

          even if there is a proof to show that, you still have the 90% possiblites to get citizenship after 3 years stay in canada.

          Chinese are too careful to 183 restriction. in fact, in law, 183 days, you may lose your permant reside ship . but it hasn't stated that you must lose it.
          • 说的好.我也觉得中国人对183天太呆板,其实,我认识许多朋友都入籍成功了
            • 该说的都说了. 加拿大每年驱逐好几百人就因为当年违反移民法, 很多都已入了籍. 法律从来就说入籍后也要追究, 且不受追溯时效限制.
              • 同意。谁要觉得违法也没什么,就让他去吧。甜酒、苦酒都是自己喝。有可能是以点代面。但确实经常听到中国人想各种违法的事。信用卡账可否不付,可否不报海关,学生贷款可否赖掉一类。
              • 请教入籍以后再驱逐是往哪儿驱? 美国?中国?还是赶到太平洋里拉倒?反正俺知道中国肯定是不会收,美国要是愿收倒也不错。