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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 枫下钓鱼 / westport镇竟然立法禁止夜钓!这不是公然挑衅是什么?

    • LZ 的心情可以理解, 但立法是对所有族裔, 就像许多公共停车场所 2:00-7:00am 禁止停车一样, 还是从好的方面想一下心情会好点.
    • that is why discriminations will never go away because here, we are minority, not majority!!!!
    • and that makes me feel uncomfortable, because next time when you go somewhere, a different town, then you will have to read all their city by-laws first, otherwise, would possibly get into some kinds of trouble!!!!! kind of ridiculous!!!
      • 祖宗说,入乡随俗。
        • so many 乡 and too many 俗, that would only increase the barriers evreywhere!!!!
          • 当然你觉得不爽也可啸聚山林,对抗官府。
            • the natural resources only belongs to the local people??? so many questions here and there, that is why I do hope many of our next generation should get in the law schools!!!!
              • 进入魁省难见英文标志,这就叫入乡随俗。
                • so, it is not convenient at all!! now, you won't talk about the laws!!! English is also official language, why show no respect on that????
                  • 因为那是人家的地盘,“强龙不压地头蛇”--祖宗又说。
                    • fortunately, your 祖宗 is gone forever....
                      • “爷爷们都留在中国了,走到___的都是孙子”借用一高人语录(祖宗与爷爷同义)。
                        • that I agree, I feel sad about the reality, for the immigrants, they have extra burden on their shoulders beside making living in 人家的地盘
          • Yes, you are right. When the abusing of good will become often, finally there will be more limits.
            • fishing at night abuses anything????? How???????????
          • 抢银行的劫匪,总觉得保安门窗都应拆除,对他们来讲太不方便侵犯了他的方便权。
            • are you insane???? I am not fishing man at all, but apparently, it is not so reasonable somehow, do not pretend you are perfect!!!
        • 祖宗???? what is that???? another GOD???? that is so sunny!!!!
        • fights for your rights are always needed!!!! no way just simply say YES to the gov. Gov is being fed by our ordinary people including you!!!
        • This is CANADA, wake up, MAN!!!! if you want to 入乡随俗, then you have to learn from the local people, either fight for your rights, or just do whatever they have to say!!!! Why would you want to 入this 乡 and 随 this 俗????
    • 可能这是人权委员会和当地居民之间能达成的最好方案了. 这个新的地方附例禁止夜钓, 而不是说禁止某个种族的夜钓, 所以不涉及种族歧视. 非亚裔钓客也必须遵守.
      • any rules from fed or provincial gov that this kind of by-laws can be made locally by the cities??? just wonder, how far they can go in this direction.....
        • That's for sure. Within the boundary of the town, they can enact any by-laws not conflicting with the constitution.
          • I am not fishing man, just feel that it is kind of strange, this type of things came out under this kind of circumstances!!!! it sounds to me fishing rules are from pro. gov,
            not local; nothing in my city bylaws about fishing, all rules re. fishing listed on prov. gov web site.
          • what does the constitution say re. this type "laws"?????
    • 当初报道说夜钓客喧闹扰民的时候, 我就想到这个可能性, 居然真的这么做了. 说不定将来还会有更严格的钓鱼限制成为法律.
      • not just about fishing, more ridiculous ones would be possible,
        • Well, long time ago,people did drink-and-drive, or even drive-and-drink, and they regarded these behaviors as nothing. Now, no way.
          • what are you talking about???? so, where is the freedom???? according to you, more and more restrictions on US???? we feed the govs and what they do just impose more and more rules to US????? No way!!!
    • none of the councils in that commit y is Asian fishing man for sure, I guess; so, that is so typical , majority will make laws to restrict the freedom of the minorities!!!
    • 支持立法。起码这样能防止进一步的种族冲突。在现在这个文明阶段,完全消灭所谓种族偏见(歧视)是不现实的。本人对部分亚裔钓友的行为也很不耻,收拾得好。
      • they are taking away the freedom from all people outside that small town by doing so to benefit themselves!!!! where is the 好????????????
    • 人家的地方又不是有义务让你去钓鱼,当然可以这样做了。
      • 问题是,你怎么知道每个小村子的规矩,你怎么知道你就踏进了他的村子
        • 处罚不会严的,无非就是赶走了事。你担心什么呢?
          • without this law, they always attacked the Asian fishmen!!! with this law out, what would they do to them????
        • 我觉得肯定得有标识啊,象什么地方不能parking一样。如果没有标识你钓了恐怕你也可以找理由不交罚款。
      • 人家的地方???????? then where is your 地方????????
        • 一个town的公共地方就像你自己的私人领地一样,当然是人家的地方。华人去把那里的房子都买下来就是华人人家的地方了。
      • 人家的地方???有点像月球是美国的一样。
    • 如果我是这小镇上的人,我也赞成这个法案。我可不喜欢有人在晚上因为钓鱼而欢呼而不顾别人!如果碰到一次钓鱼十几条回家当饭吃的主,我也会找几个人把他扔水里!!当然,不包括文明钓鱼者。
      • now, everyone got the freedom of fishing at night taken away by this stupid by-law!!!
    • 简单, 大家都往那儿搬, 等到在镇议会里中国人占大多数了, 取消该法案, 各族人民就都可以自由地夜钓了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
    • 我赞成这个法律,夜钓不安全,也难以管理违法的钓鱼者。
      • now, I do understand why the Americans do not want the gun control, they do not want the gov to take away all their rights!!!
      • 夜间外出不安全,出事的概率很大,因此赞成在大多实行夜间宵禁
    • 说吧,你想煽动点啥?
    • 楼上各位看官,对不起,小的将帖子发错地方了。你们就先慢慢“随俗”尊纪守法吧,你们就漫漫坐享类似抗议人头税人士为你们创造的好环境吧。
      • 果然义士也!!
      • no every 看官, body, I did show my support for the fights!!!
      • 说的好,我顶一下.虽然我反对夜钓,但我支持夜钓的权利,只要它不影响到它人的利益.法律应该是保护大多数人的利益,资源也是所有公民共享的.有些人是很恶心
      • 支持. 我当然反对非法钓鱼, 但这个立法明显针对亚裔, 是一种公然挑衅和对nippertipping的默认和支持.
      • 立法的初衷是大家都知道的,但是这是人家的权利,没有这个法律的时候钓鱼的人的法律权利受到了侵害当然受法律的保护,如果他们可以立法保护他们的利益,我觉得任何正常人都会这么做。
      • 非常支持你。 在此为这么多在此苟且偷安的人士默哀。 立法是他们的权利,当初人头税立法的时候,也是人家的权利啊。 真不知道这些人如何想。反正我感觉很心寒。
        • 我倒是认为我们很多国人的国内当个顺民的惯性思维+事不关己则无动于衷使然, 如果加以提醒一下:权利不是等来的,而是靠团结争取来的, 反而有正面意义.
          • 再看看最近另外一个事件的反应,就是那些小孩学生打架的事情,我们大多数老移民的反应就知道了。
    • 想开点儿吧,这是加拿大,law你就得遵守,地头蛇惹不起呀。
    • 这就是狗屁加拿大, 看到加拿大人极为丑恶的一面了吧??
    • 就是不让你Chinese钓鱼,你想怎么样?
      • 豁,知道你是洋人,你的口气让我好怕怕。我再也不敢了。
      • 支持,这种LAW应该多立,有针对性地立!!
    • 你的信息不准确,他们还是容许在晚上钓鱼的,不过只能钓一种鱼,名字叫做
    • 建议去镇政府门口裸奔!
    • 可以去那儿坚持夜钓, 然后打官司, 直到最高法院。
      • make some sense actually!!! even lose it finally, would make a BIG noise in Canada!!!!
        • 真干的话,就应该是有组织抗议性质的夜钓活动。不吵不闹,就是表明立场那种。
          • good, support, not far from that town, if your guys come down this way, will join in!!!
            • 这事情,明摆着,我们不能就此罢休,同时应该继续向人权委员会提出更强烈的抗议,唤起更大的媒体关注。
    • 当地居民不先考虑如何抓到暴力袭击的凶犯,而是立法禁止夜钓,有误导舆论的嫌疑,有明显针对性!但是无论他们如何立法,暴力袭击都是严重犯罪!严厉督促警方加强调查力度,抓住凶犯,杀一儆百,震慑当地暴力犯罪份子!
      • what is taking the police so long for getting those criminals in jail????
        • I'd like to know it as well. Is it possible to have a public inquiry into those two cases? It's important to know what police did.
    • 让我们记住这个臭名昭著的racists盘踞的小镇吧。这些红脖子的拙劣表演进一步让人权委员会,让以前被蒙蔽的善良加拿大人看清楚了:之前在此地发生的种族袭击绝对是有组织,有预谋,非突发性质的,一旦凶手被抓住,法官量刑的时候罪加一等。
      • who could raise this issue to CBC??? get it on the News World....
    • 我不钓鱼,8过呢,跟人斗要有点狠劲。。。要是文的武的都打不过别人,缩一下头也无妨。
    • What's our objective? Find a quiet place to enjoy the process of fishing [make sure release the poor fish afterwards]. If it is no longer fun, why bother? If we think the by-law is unfair to our Chinese, then fight it through legal system.
      If we think the fight is important because of the fear of losing other rights as a Chinese, pool the funds together and make much noises - call CBC and all the local medias .. Poeple of different color won't check it out on rolia.net and won't care a bit...
      • if anyone can organize this process, certainly I will make a donation to show my support!!!
    • SHUT UP. 人家也没有专门针对你亚裔,这是对所有的钓友作出的规定。别整天种族这个,种族那个。
    • 有些人太幼稚,让警察抓打人的,还是在学几年吧!
      • if the victims are white, local people... the police would respond quicker?
    • 会钓鱼的都知道某些鱼晚上上钩的机会大大高于白天正午.鉴于此小镇在几次发生针对中国人的事件后没有抓到凶犯的情况推出此法当然是别有目的
      我不是钓鱼爱好者,首先提醒中国钓鱼者适可而止的同时(因为我知道有些实在钓的太多), 建议颁布更严厉的限制鱼种和数目的法令. 处罚到那些滥钓者心痛害怕为止.

      另一方面, 这个地方的做法种族挑衅的意思非常明显, 很多中国人不要以为自己不钓鱼就可以做旁观者. 自欺欺人.

      同样举例, 如果你家经常炒菜有油烟味道, 结果一帮人把你家房子砸了还打了你一顿, 警察凶犯不抓, 过两天颁布ByLaw法令本地不许厨房煎炸炒菜, 因为污染环境. 也貌似公平有利, 众位看客是否就从此开始水煮,冷拌的饮食人生了?
    • 也不知道有没有立法禁止夜啼?亚裔钓鱼人是集体到westport镇夜啼吧。
      • 到不如组织一个2万人华人的到哪个westport小镇游行,一切通过合法手续, 让他们看到华人的团结,不要以为一小部分人可以为所欲为, 除非他小镇再立个bylaw说本镇不准游行.
        • 说吧,啥时候? 我在渥太华,是远了点儿,但为了华人的权益,我去!
      • they would call police for that, noise... just wish many of us would get rich enough to buy out all properties there...
    • All losers
    • 钓鱼协会要抗议一下了, 这明明就是宵禁嘛! 和平时期搞这个是违反宪法的. 我们Rolian要成立夜钓协会.
      • 支持成立Rolian钓手协会.
      • so many Chinese in toronto area ...no one can look into this????
      • 这个规定没什么不妥. 禁止夜钓, 易于管理, 避免了很多安全问题. 请问, 在国内你们去夜钓吗? 敢去夜钓吗?
        • 夜钓是人民的基本权利, 你管什么? "国内"是说哪个国?
      • 把这事往宪法,自由,基本权利 上扯就是胡扯了。 市政府有法律顾问,没那么容易 让人抓个违宪的小辫子。翻翻加国宪法,看看有没有fishing right 这一条。 hunting, fishing, trapping 都是 privilege不是 right 。