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subprime 绑在一起的MBS 是CMO (Collaterized Mortgage Obligations). CDO 主要有两种: 早期的CASH CDO 和 现在的SYNTHETIC(合成) CDO ( POOL OF CDS).

银行的信用危机导致了INLIQUIDITY OF CREDIT MARKET.使各种CREDIT PRODUCTS非常滞销.加拿大最头痛的是ABCP(ASSET BACK COMMERCIAL PAPER),这是一种原本相对安全(评级较高)的短债.投资者不管你是什么ASSET BACK.只要评级高就买入.但是,信用危机发生以后MOODY'S 和S&P 撤消了原来的评级.害死了发债者和投资者. BMO 和NATIOANAL BANK 是5+1大里面最惨的(总共有1B).


从目前美国的通胀看,减息空间还很大,明年至少还有50-75PS空间.难免CIBC 的分析师会产生股市见新高的言论.现在嘲笑这个理论还为时过早.
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / Age of Turbulence - 近期的credit crunch分析。
    • .
      Thanks for sharing!
    • What is the impact to CIBC?
      • CIBC has written off at least 1 billion dollars.
        • more than that
        • There might be 2 Billons more write-downs in 1st Q 2008
    • The real problem is those rating agencies have lost their credibilities. How come those AAA bonds have so many defaults? The fears dominate people's mind, then the liquidity dries up and big SIVs default.
      • To regain credibilities, those rating agencies have been forced to downgrade those bonds which induces huge losses in the mark to market process according to accounting rules. That's terrible.
        • Well, not even rating agency knew what's in those SIV before rating was giving out.
          Over-collateralization, waterfall scheme, plus subordination, give junk status assets some upgrades to AAA, AA or A etc investment grade ratings.

          Plus the pyramid scheme of CDOs (resecuritization of any debts possible on planet earth).
    • 美国的资本主义,资本家最痛恨政府对市场的干预。这也是为什么,bush/paulson对subprime市场干预遭到了这么多的反对意见。
      • I might disagree with you on that. most bank could not survive without politic connection.
      • when wall street lost a lot money, they will go for Federal Reserve to borrow more money
    • Hope you are not from CIBC, they suck.
      • be more specific?
        • CIBC: The bank that wouldn't grow. For years CIBC has plunged headlong into ventures that promised easy riches at the expense of long-term stability. Whenever there was a bubble about to burst, you could be sure CIBC would be right at the center of it.
          John Hunkin sucked. Gerry McCaughey is no good either. $5.4 billions has been written off so far for the bad investments, especially for crisis for subprime mortgage sector in the US. CIBC has slipped to last place among Canada's big five in terms of maerket value.
          • all banks are the same. CIBC is just more aggressive. The question is how government and other banks will help CIBC now.
      • Wherever there are messes, there is CIBC. Enron? Subprime? Amaranth? oh men. Even more funny, CIBC's economist Jeff Rubin predict this morning US market will rebound for good of Fed, then the Market went to hell today. CIBC SUCKS.
        • My 2 cents: Don't believe in anything from CIBC.
          • too bad, very likely he is from CIBC
    • 嗯,我顶。
    • 老大,RMB对内贬值,对外升值,是不是一样的道理涅?
      • econ 101

        • "物价飞涨,经济过热,引起通货膨胀"??? 通货膨胀无非就是因为 monetary supply >economic supply,
          假如你是外商, 你用 1 M美元换了 8MRMB, 买了一座价值8MRMB的小楼. 现在你要抽走资金, 你是不是希望把小楼买了, 得到8M RMB, 但是你需要换成USD回美国, 你是不是希望汇率变成 1:4, 这样你就可以得到2M USD, 开心回美国 OR 希望房价涨成 16M RMB, 即使汇率还是 1:8, 你还可以换成$2M USD? 房产热在一定程度上掩盖了monetary oversupply的作为.

          国际压力是有其自私原因的, 中央调控不容易着哪.
          • 这和有钱的加拿大人利用升值的加元在美国买房是一样的道理。人民币升值,应该对平抑国内物价有好处,因为进口货一定程度平缓了短缺,促进了价格竞争。货币对内贬值,对外升值,不可能长期并存。
          • You brought a good point here, when foreigner buy chinese property, chinese yuan appreciate, when they sell chinese properties, chinese yuan depreciate.
    • 有意思
    • if you have right to vote, who would be the next US president and why?
    • 解得好, 这是我听到的最形象的CDO的解释, 不过CDO的后盾,应该不仅仅subprime, A, B, Alt A, Alt B, 都有吧.
    • Comment? The Bank of Canada said today it will co-ordinate with other central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, to make funds available to banks to deal with the global credit crunch still gripping world markets.
    • subprime 绑在一起的MBS 是CMO (Collaterized Mortgage Obligations). CDO 主要有两种: 早期的CASH CDO 和 现在的SYNTHETIC(合成) CDO ( POOL OF CDS).
      银行的信用危机导致了INLIQUIDITY OF CREDIT MARKET.使各种CREDIT PRODUCTS非常滞销.加拿大最头痛的是ABCP(ASSET BACK COMMERCIAL PAPER),这是一种原本相对安全(评级较高)的短债.投资者不管你是什么ASSET BACK.只要评级高就买入.但是,信用危机发生以后MOODY'S 和S&P 撤消了原来的评级.害死了发债者和投资者. BMO 和NATIOANAL BANK 是5+1大里面最惨的(总共有1B).


      从目前美国的通胀看,减息空间还很大,明年至少还有50-75PS空间.难免CIBC 的分析师会产生股市见新高的言论.现在嘲笑这个理论还为时过早.