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APPS DBA-- Oracle EBS Application Database Administrator

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛APPS is the application super user in ORACLE EBS, guess that is where APPS DBA originated.

The link from below (talk2you) brief what ORACLE EBS can do for an enterprise in one single system, from order entry, to inventory, to purchase/procurement, to financial management, to HR/payroll.. you name it.
Basically it touches almost all the business areas in an enterprise.

It is a very powerful system, my opinion( i have no experience with SAP) with lots of potencials.
If you want to learn by yourself, it will be overwhelming at begining.
But, computer system is, at the end, a system with clear architecture and logic. If you able to grab the architecture and logic, you will be close enough.
Business knowledge will be a great asset to support this system as APPS DBA, because you will be able to communicate with all the different interest groups/users groups, and help them understand/utilize the system better.
By saying all this, does not mean you have to know the detail operational business process, but you should know at high level, what is invocie/payment/checks.. what is gl, what is FSG..how they related to each other, for instance

Functional development ( i am not 100% sure about this term here), probably refer to function support(BA). Oracle EBS is a packaged application delivered with certain default/standard business process, which may not 100% cater the customer's requirement. So it is very normal BA will be involved heavily during the design/implementation/testing phase to make sure the system deliveres the results as the organization requires.

Form Developer/Application developer mainly responsible for interface design/development/support, and customization as an extention. This mainly fulfills organization's specific requirement for reports/interfaces.. to run from this system

hope this helps!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / Oracle ERP自学资源介绍
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛常看到有人在Rolia上问如何自学SAP,尽管Oracle是SAP在全球范围内最大的竞争对手,但好像从来没人关心过,大概是因为它不属于“人傻,钱多,速来”的范畴吧。

    先自己纠正一个错误,Oracle有3个ERP产品,自己开发的Oracle eBusiness Suite(简称EBS),收购来的PeopleSoft和JD Edwards。准确地说,俺在这里只介绍EBS,只是用ERP来吸引一下眼球。






    1. 找台电脑直接装。
    2. 在一台电脑上装一个Virtual Machine,然后在Virtual Machine里再装。



    CPU: 2GHz
    内存: 2G

    下载并安装 VMware Server(Optional,只用于第二种安装方式)

    下载 R12 文档, 通读 Oracle Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install

    下载并安装 Enterprise Linux 4 Update 5 (New License) Media Pack for x86 (32 bit)

    下载并安装 Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Release 12.0 Media Pack for Linux x86 (Part Number: B35903-03)
    安装时选Vision Demo database。那个环境有完整的设置,装完直接就可以用。

    Oracle Applications User's Guide
    Oracle Applications Concepts

    如果想做 APPS DBA,读
    Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures
    Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities
    Oracle Applications Patching Procedures
    Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12
    Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Configuration
    Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance
    Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Security

    如果想做 Technical,读
    Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide
    Oracle Applications Developer's Guide
    Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products
    Oracle Supply Chain Management APIs and Open Interfaces
    Oracle Order Management Open Interfaces, API, and Electronic Messaging Guide

    如果想做 Functional,读各模块的Implementation Guide和User's Guide,模块的先后顺序有一定讲究:
    For Financial, 先学Genernal Ledger,然后Payables, Receivables, Fix Assets, Cash Management etc.
    For Procurement, Purchasing > iProcurement > iSupplier Portial > Sourcing > Procurement Contracts
    For Manufacturing, Inventory > Bill Of Materials > Costing Management> Work In Process > Engineering > Quality
    For Distribution, Order Management > Shipping > Advanced Pricing > Configurator

    其它领域,如HR, Projects,CRM等,俺一窍不通,就不再这里瞎说了。

    Key username/password in Vision demo environment:
    For database:

    For Applications:

    Oracle R12 Installation
    Oracle Application Clone更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 谢了!
    • 好!
    • SAP ERP自学资源介绍
      3、几个主要论坛SAPFANS,SAP SDN等都不是很友好,新人过去问问题经常被冷嘲热讽,而中国那边没一个有实力的SAP论坛(如果有想chinaunix,itpub之类的就好多啦)
      4、含金量没你想象那么高,250/h那些工一般独立consultant是接不到的,那些是IBM/HP/SAP/Accenture/CGI等Charge客户的价格。个人的市场价格,被中介剥层皮以后很少高于100/h,甚至差的连50/h的都有;SAP consultant做长工的话是种浪费,给你20万一年的可能性基本上等于0,要赚钱的长工除非当售前吃黑单,或者你已经财务自由,把工作当消遣

      说走题了,呵呵 :)
      • salute to 饭得志, you tell the truth.
        • 赞一个,这是真实的情况,oracle erp consultants (technical / functional) 也一样, 但是还是希望国人能多加入这行,合伙组个公司(散兵游勇,总是身单力薄),盼着我们也可以一起在北美打单子的时候
          • implementation?
      • 老饭终于出马了,呵呵。一直在想办法进入SAP领域,不过看这意思,进去了也未必好到那里去了?如果一直在J2EE里混到Architecture,应该也不会比SAP赚的少多少了?
      • 呵呵,上次偷你的SAP for AIX没偷到,账户就被关了,HACMP5.4也没机会传给你,需要的话PM。
      • 遇见道中之人, 甚是高兴. 我瞎猫碰到死老鼠, 正正式式一天SAP都没摸过, 接了个SEM合同. 也许因为我多年财务及COGNOS, BO运用之经验, 加上三寸不烂之舌. 现在在三叉路口, 是搞FI/CO呢还是向BI发展, 两者都是FUNCTIONAL, 望不令赐教.
        • Cong!
      • SAP软件资料还是能搞到的
        - 看本论坛的用户有多少是买了正版windows的?非法的事情,咱不是第一天做了。
        - 网上什么资料都有。软件能不能用,还没试。PDF资料一大堆。
        - 其他都是大实话。

    • 赞一个. 希望Oracle ERP发展壮大 (任何限制developer的技术, 终将失去市场.)
      • 做Oracle ERP Developer也有好多分类,不简单
      • up!. Let's do it.
        • You can do it, we can help.
          • Home Depot takes Peoplesoft
            • actually Siebel
      • hi, all, i just got an Oracle HR offer, with no previous experience, want to talk to someone who is intrested in HR R12
        • Cong first!. What is HR?
        • Developer?
          • technical developer
        • HR比其他模块简单,没经验也行,R12还用Forms, Reports吗?
          • the boss asked some questions about Forms/Jdeveloper, I am not sure which tool to use
          • HR 那块可不简单。几乎所有的HR 数据都是date track的,写query要小心, payroll 里面的计算挺复杂的,员工多点的公司的payroll register, 我见过做的烂的要run 一天半!OTL self-service如果有customization, 请人做挺贵的。HR一般有很多Interface。
    • Great!
    • 谢谢。 这些自学资源用来考证书够用吗?有没有证书方面的资料啊?比如说练习题什么的?
      • 如果是为了考试而考试,看这些东西显然效率很低。在俺看来,证书的作用是锦上添花,而不是雪中送炭。
    • Oracle同时还买了CRM老大 Siebel
      • 你在做oracle吗?
        • 做IT的,都要懂點
    • 我做了十几年的DBA, 感觉针对各个客户不同需求开发软件的时代快过去了。例如像oracle/sap这样的大公司的模块化产品符合发展趋势。 成本少,周期短, 质量高。 大家有精力就快上吧。
      • 话是这么说, 可是绝大多数公司都有旧系统在运行着, 一天都不想停, 一点变化都不想要, 这样就只好自己做了. 所以现在middleware挺红火的.
        • 是的, 这些legacy system符合成本低, 周期短的特点, 能保留就尽量不改动。 但是退役是迟早的事。
          • 倒也不是留着legacy, 是要保证功能一一对应, 无缝过渡, 所以只能自己implement, 成本比用现成的ERP系统贵很多, 周期也长很多, 但是只要对生产的影响降到最小, 还是有人认为划算的
      • 猴哥,我是高令新手。你的文字看懂了,但内容没看懂。“大家快上”什么呀?学什么具体的?
        • 说的意思是oracle的ebusiness suite/erp/crm 比传统的dba更有前途。 根据你的背景知识, 选择一个方向, 比如apps dba, 或function developer/support, etc. 按照楼主提供的线索资料学习。
          • 这东西没法自学,没有机会在工作中接触就很难懂
          • 再请教,apps dba的全称是什么?Function Development 和 Form Development 难到不同吗?
            • 这里有篇短文对ORACLE APPS(ERP) 有个很基本很直观的解释
              • Thank you for spending time to find the link for me. Actually I know all these stuff already because I was accountant and small business owner. The problem is how do I link this to my job prospective.
                When I tried to find my first job, I was only dear to try the junior position. However, all junior positions requests coding skill and regardless my knowledge in business process. I failed two tests in interviews on SQL. From what you suggested, I think what I need most now is DBA experience. Am I right?
            • Here
              • 见过对oracle EBS一窍不通的developer,没见过同样水平的dba,所以从developer入门容易,
                见过对oracle EBS一窍不通的developer,没见过同样水平的dba,所以从developer入门容易,国内的情况好些,入门容易,项目来了,是个人就可以用,canada这边很保守,的确很难入行,除非运气特别好,没有3-5年很难做到同国内一样的位置,而且由于oracle EBS的认证资料很少,反而对找工作帮助不大,面试的时候,假的简历很容易漏馅,劝想入行的人,踏踏实实地学和干是关键,而且其实任何一种行业和工作都没有比其他更高级的,是高手收入都不错.
                • What is Developer, then?
            • APPS DBA-- Oracle EBS Application Database Administrator
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛APPS is the application super user in ORACLE EBS, guess that is where APPS DBA originated.

              The link from below (talk2you) brief what ORACLE EBS can do for an enterprise in one single system, from order entry, to inventory, to purchase/procurement, to financial management, to HR/payroll.. you name it.
              Basically it touches almost all the business areas in an enterprise.

              It is a very powerful system, my opinion( i have no experience with SAP) with lots of potencials.
              If you want to learn by yourself, it will be overwhelming at begining.
              But, computer system is, at the end, a system with clear architecture and logic. If you able to grab the architecture and logic, you will be close enough.
              Business knowledge will be a great asset to support this system as APPS DBA, because you will be able to communicate with all the different interest groups/users groups, and help them understand/utilize the system better.
              By saying all this, does not mean you have to know the detail operational business process, but you should know at high level, what is invocie/payment/checks.. what is gl, what is FSG..how they related to each other, for instance

              Functional development ( i am not 100% sure about this term here), probably refer to function support(BA). Oracle EBS is a packaged application delivered with certain default/standard business process, which may not 100% cater the customer's requirement. So it is very normal BA will be involved heavily during the design/implementation/testing phase to make sure the system deliveres the results as the organization requires.

              Form Developer/Application developer mainly responsible for interface design/development/support, and customization as an extention. This mainly fulfills organization's specific requirement for reports/interfaces.. to run from this system

              hope this helps!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • Thanks a lot for writing so much words. Both of them seems not very technical.
    • If want to be a APPS DBA,
      it is very important to grab (in the sequnce of importance in my opinion):

      system architecture concept
      application management knowledge
      business knowledge
      traditional dba skill

      There are certificates (for BA, APPS DBA. Developer), but not sure how much it will help.

      It is definitely a direction to go....
      • cross business knowledge, it is not necessary for a DBA
        • partially agree, but that is truly what makes an excellent APPS DBA because you are able to communicate with business and your user group
          • 看不出來他們需要有business背景 user group自然有他們相應的support. DBA是不需要跟他們溝通的
      • 如果一个独立contractor能够做到这些,$250/h是底线.
        • agree that is what the technical competency worth
          in reality, you will need to cook it with a lot of marketing skills, soft skills, networking and luck.
    • 得罪之处请Ye 兄包涵。说实话,如果没有在工作中真正用过或做过,我觉得根本不可能通过自学进入这个圈子。大部分人怎么入行呢?是幸运,公司实施ERP, 保留原有技术人员加以培训,这部分人就得以入行。这个圈子很小,转来转去就那么几个公司,有哪些项目大家都知道。
      • 我觉得, 自己要有一些ERP的概念, 了解基本的流程, 然后照YE兄的说明, 自己装套系统做做玩玩, 至少可以算knowledge, hands-on什么的吧, 再后面就看造化了...
      • 难肯定是难,但是不试一试的话,怎么知道行不行?
        • 我想这是维一的方法。这种职位从来没招过Junior的。一招就是Senior的。
    • Please help with career direction
      I graduated 7 years with degree of computer science, major in database system. However, I had never worked in IT field until recently. My current job is my first IT job (?) which using Ms Access to generate reports. The database is SQL Server 2005, but I do not have privilege to touch it. What I want to do is to find right direction enable me to get relative high pay in future. I know Oracle DBA is way to do, however, no one will hire “junior” DBA. SAP is a way either. However, I would not have to chance to touch the system at all.

      Please direct me to right way. What should I concentrate on right now? Should I take any Oracle certification exemptions? Thanks a lot.
      • 我的观点,做哪行都可以拿到“高薪“。举个例子,有人做Access是60/小时,一般的Oracle ERP Developer也就是这个数。
        • 不会吧,ACCESS有60一小时?
          • 有人什么都不做,动动嘴皮子,也有100元/小时。
      • As far as I know...
        我所知道转入ERP SAP的,都是先投入再产出。从现有工作直接转的人太少了,多数人没有那么运气。他们都是先培训考证书,作模拟项目,编简历,找到工作。幸运的不到一年入行,也有人两年了还在找机会入行。


        • 非常感谢指点。请问,SAP ERP, Oracle ERP, Oracle DBA, SAS 工资那个高,就业前景如何?另外我今年44,合同工,工资才29一小时。这四中工作与Oracle Form Developer 有什么关系吗?
          • oracle dba的工资范围大概是6.5w到10w, form/report的寿命快到头了, 与oracle dba无关。
            • 要是刚入门学做Developer的话,学Framework 或者 Workflow, workflow赚钱最容易
              • Framework 和Workflow是什么啊?我怎么自查到如.NET有关的?
              • workflow那么火?你说的是用bpel 还是 workflow builder? technical还是 functional 还是admin?我客户这里有一个做self-service module 的customization (jsp + servlet + pl/sql package ), $100 / hr, workflow process不是他做的,他做了workflow 用到的package。
                • workflow builder, definitely, it requires business knowledge
                  • Really? I am using workflow builder. And put it on resume, never get any call for it.
                    • 请问,workflow builder的全称是什么?
                      • Oracle Workflow Builder. 现在一般用v2.6
                        • 谢谢
            • 请问walkthrough是做什么的
            • 沾着Oracle ERP 的 普通DBA, 起薪接近10万。
          • You can make it happen.
            你毕业才七年,我以为你30 左右呢。44 改行仍然是可能的,看你的决心和能力了。

            我只知道一些转入SAP的,Oracle ERP我不清楚,认识的人没有这个方向的。个人能力不同,付出的努力不同。我的一个大学校友,业余时间学SAP BW, 从听课到考出证书用了四个月,分数还不低。另一位年龄大于45的朋友,能力也较差。从结束课到考出证书用了约一年,后半年是全职学习。

            有database背景学SAP BW有优势。BW 是SAP中偏重技术的一个模块,其他的以business为主。
            • 谢谢你的鼓励!我的眼睛都湿了。过去都是我给别人鼓励,今天能听到别人对我的鼓励,心里特别感动。再次表示感谢。
      • 如果是俺的话,俺会做下面3件事:
        1. 精通Access
        2. 学学公司所在行业的Business knowledge
        3. 公司的SQL SERVER不让碰的话,自己在家装一套玩
        • Thanks a lot. I never think about install it in my own computer. I really need SQL Query Analyzer to do the SQL coding work. It is too bad to do code in ACCESS.
        • 很同意。 :-)
          • 看来(天拖南)说的是赠礼
        • Yesterday, I successfully got the understanding from the around to have my own notebook opened on my desk. The problem now is where can I get the SQL Server software. Can anyone give me some clues?
          • 各位大虾也不告诉一下,原来可在威软免费下载
    • 非常好的信息,但光一个Oracle ERP就要200G硬盘?VMWare用workstation应该也可以,server版似乎更占资源。
      • VMWare需要 Licence吗?用盗版太危险了吧?
        • 可以去注册试用版
      • 200G是这样来的...
        操作系统占几个G,安装程序要先拷到硬盘,约33G,安装后的Database和Applications的程序约28G,Vision Demo数据库约133G。安装后安装程序可以删除,但备份又需要空间。如果不装Vision Demo数据库,一个空白的数据库也要45G,而且没有任何设置,根本没发儿用。

        Vision Demo数据库了有一个假设的跨国公司,全球各地几十家分公司,包括各个行业,系统里有几十套帐,一百多个仓库或生产厂。一般Sales做Demo,Oracle University讲课都是用这个环境。
        • 我250G硬盘估计是不够用了
    • 谢谢! 我们公司准备装JDE, 本人以前参与过以前一家公司的JDE调试工作(作为财务部的代表), 这次可能作为主力, 但其实心里发虚, 不知大侠能否推荐点有关资料学习学习?
      • 俺不做JDE,不知道哪里有学习资料。
        如果你们公司请了外面的Consultant来实施,你作为Key User参与,没啥好担心的,关键是充分了解公司业务和需求,及快速从Consultant处学习的能力。

        • Thank you!
      • I have sent a PM to you about that.
    • 让我们一起拥抱Oracle App R12
      • R12都出来好久了,你这才来一拥抱,太晚
        • 多数11i用户还没升, 不晚
        • 这里谁在用R12,介绍一下开发工具与11i 有何不同? Forms是否不再用了?Reports也不用了?
          • 一样用! 我也没有怎么仔细看过,不过好像花哨了点,准备找个升级的contract
            • 有点区别, forms 6i -> forms 10g
              • 那还是用 Oracle Forms的东西,要说 比较的大的变化还是 10.6 字符终端 到 10.7 client/server 再到 11.0.3的多个JAVA窗口,然后又在11i的1个Java,那些变化还是蛮显著的
                • 看得出你是老ERP了。我计划三个月重新做回 Oracle App DEVELOPER, 两年转型Oracle App DBA. 恳请不吝赐教。
          • 好像Functional的变化更大一些。整个构架变了。Set of Books的概念没了,Subledger和Ledger Set取而代之。一个Responsibility可以access to multple Operating Units,更加适应大公司的Share Service Center。加拿大的第一个R12 项目这个月go live。
            • 是哪家公司?
              • TSSA
          • 据说现在加拿大还没有一个公司用R12。
            • 你们公司好像在Mississauga有个R12项目,明年6,7月go live,人手不够,向俺们公司借人来着。要求的俺还都会,特想去,可惜俺现在有活儿干。
              • which mentor can show me some skills about Jdeveloper? I will start my new job on Jan-02, I am waiting online and pay you, please call 905-281-8004, thanks in advance.
                • 天拖南是做functional的。
                  • 请问,什么是“做functional的”?
                    • functional consultant.
                      • Still do not understand. Do you mind explaining more? What system/software do they use? What is general duty? etc. Thanks.
                        • 实施阶段,他们收集业务需求,把需求对应该到系统的功能,系统做不到的就提出修改或开发的要求, 定义系统的设置。他们要做functional documents. 他们主要使用ERP 系统,用 word 作文档。 天拖南接着补充。:-)
                          有的项目用data loader 传数据,functional consultant 来做,不需要developer作data conversion.
                          • Thank you so much for the information.
              • 我现在的客户明年要upgrade到R12.
                • 要不要找人啊,千万不要忘记叫上我
                  • 你做哪块的?pm你的sametime id. :-)
                • "如果你是做oracle+ forms/report/pl/sql, 就这个数了,如果是oracle + java,比如作self-service module 的customization, 应该高很多。" R12的大部分旧功能仍用Forms, 新增功能用JDeveloper/OAF开发, 正确? ADF用不用?谢谢回帖
                  • 我还没做过R12 的 upgrade。 只是参加过一些web session, 看到过一些界面,我们的sandbox 也可以用了,我还没用过。 :-P 大部分旧功能仍用Forms, 新增功能或改动比较大的好像是 web 界面了。具体我不知道,没做过。请天拖南说说吧。
                    • 让俺说,有没有搞错,这应该是你的强项呀!俺知道的也不多。其实找个机会大伙儿当面交流可能会更容易一些。
                  • self-service module 在R11i就是web application. 比如iexpense, iprocurement, otl, ... 我知道的挣的多的就是customize这些模块的。
        • 发现国内上R12的比这里多
    • 请踊跃发言
      • 你说说你是做哪块的,什么skill set, 大家才好有针对性的发言啊。不知道你想听什么。
        • forms, reports, plsql熟练工,, 财务模块的API, AOL, Interface tables 都用过,在学self service开发,JDeveloper会用到OAF还是ADF? 做Reports现在常用什么工具? 作为一个Sr. Apps Tech Consultant或Developer哪些开发技术最重要最值钱?
          • 我看到的最值钱的,不是领导的,$100/hr, 作self-service开发. 这样的人很难找。一般的Oracle Apps tech consultant 都是熟悉forms, reports, plsql。
          • JDeveloper我没用过。 Reports还是以reports, pl/sql 为主, 对格式有要求的用 XML publisher了。 作Report 的不值钱。总的来说,Tech Consultant要提升自己的价值,还是要懂一些functional. Tech Consultant热点冷门要个高价我觉得是OAF里的应用开发,
            skill set 是 java (java , javascript, sevlet)+ oracle apps. 这方面的需求会越来越多,但是能做的人很少。oracle 自己, 基本上新的功能都不用forms了。但是forms还会存在相当长的时间,因为核心功能还是forms,这么多年做起来的,也不是一下子就能改的,仍然需要有人来CUSTOMIZE, MAINTAIN, ENHANCE, ETC。

            其实,我觉得web application 的开发,还处于初期,还需要突破,最后是什么样子,现在还不能定论。