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regarding house price

Regarding the house price, you need to think it this way. If you buy a $500 K house in Toronto now, 10 years later you can probably sell it for $650 K+. If you buy a $200 K house in Iowa, after 10 years you can sell it for $210 K maybe. Which one make more sense financially? Of course, it's a different story if you live in Iowa for the rest of your life, but I can hardly believe this will be the case. I have also lived in a small town, USA for 1.5 year, the first few months feel good, life is slower, easier and environment is better than big cities, good place to concerntrate on your study. But after a while, you will probably feel bored.
Those small towns will probably be the same 50 years from now no matter what happen
in the rest of world. In the end, it's a personal choice, if you enjoy simpler life in the countryside, these small towns will be great place to live.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / Does anyone know anything about IOWA? I got an offer from a small city. Just wondering what the life there looks like.
    • 什么生活? 去了就知道了,收入怎么样? 公司怎么样?小声问一下您是学什么专业的?
      • Would be easy if I have made my decision. It is an Electrical Engineer position.
    • 如果是几万人的小town, 会boring死的
      • Thant's my main concern. I have a school age boy. It would be nice if there are some chinese.
        • 我住的小镇才1,600人口,但是也活过来了,虽然寂寞和冷清,那也是一个小镇风情。。
      • 以前在一个6万人的美国小城住了3年,现在怀念死了。
        • 我曾经在德国的一个小城(五万人)住过半年,没有一个中国人,甚至没有几个说英语的。那生活简直让人想自杀。
          • well, if you HAVE to live in a place where chinese are more than a few, don't go to iowa.
            • Not necessarily. Otherwise I would just stay in Toronto. I was just scared by the fact that there is no Chinese at all, but it looked like there are quite a few in IOWA CITY. I would like to visit some Chinese friends once a while.
            • With western people, you can still make friends, but not "friend" type of friends.
        • 是不是仅供怀念?
    • 还不错,房价特便宜,生活节奏慢,Des Moines, Iowa City, Ceder Rapid 有不少中国人。就是冬天有点儿冷。
      • Thanks. I took a taxi tour around the city (Cedar Rapids) before I left. The driver told me there is no Chinese here. The population is about 150,000.
      • Have you been to or living in IOWA before. If so, could you tell me more about it? I am making a hard decision. Thanks
        • 我在Des Moines呆了半年,刚离开那儿一个月。总的来说,IOWA 是典型的中部州,一马平川,有些丘陵。经济以农业为主,不过最近几年,Des Moines的保险业,Cedar Rapids 的工业发展很快,都有大公司入住。
          • 能不能请你到PUB喝两杯?看来我是想去了,想找你聊一聊那的情况。如果有空的话,请赏脸。
            • 我不在多伦多,谢了。
    • 如果在多伦多有工作,就不要折腾了.那地方一定不比多伦多,而且现在加币贵过美元,真想不出还去那种地方折腾干什么.
      • 你说的有道理。如果我是计算机专业,也许根本不会考虑这个问题。我在多伦多都快六年了才挣扎回一个跟专业占点边的职位,山姆大叔这边频频诱惑。实在难以抗拒。对这个职位感兴趣的原因还是多伦多:那里平均房价¥100,000,我在多伦多还没有买的起房子。
        • 而且那些才叫真正的detached,不像多伦多,一排独立屋远看就像townhouse。
        • 如果是这样,那就意味着你必须这样做,优先级已经在那儿放着了,那就不要考虑生活质量的问题了.
          • Does this mean the quality of life has to be sacrificed? After all, I have an acceptable job here, even though not a ideal one.
      • 我不在多伦多,不过还是谢谢了。
    • 比较牛的人找工作的标准是起码20万以上人口的城市,这才有一定生活质量。几万人的小地方劝你还是别去。
      • 自认为还不能列入牛人队伍。今年的机会多源自市场空前好,退回2003,难以想象会有这末多机会。我没有往加州纽约投简历主要是因为房价和孩子的教育(私校)费用太高。IOWA的公立学校名列前茅,房价又奇低。
        • regarding house price
          Regarding the house price, you need to think it this way. If you buy a $500 K house in Toronto now, 10 years later you can probably sell it for $650 K+. If you buy a $200 K house in Iowa, after 10 years you can sell it for $210 K maybe. Which one make more sense financially? Of course, it's a different story if you live in Iowa for the rest of your life, but I can hardly believe this will be the case. I have also lived in a small town, USA for 1.5 year, the first few months feel good, life is slower, easier and environment is better than big cities, good place to concerntrate on your study. But after a while, you will probably feel bored.
          Those small towns will probably be the same 50 years from now no matter what happen
          in the rest of world. In the end, it's a personal choice, if you enjoy simpler life in the countryside, these small towns will be great place to live.
          • 500k 的房子你需要贷款350k吧, 200K的房子你只需要贷款50K, 美国的房子已经跌了很多了,即便TORONTO的房子不跌价,上涨的空间也是有限了.

            从个人角度来说,也不喜欢美国的小城市,但是美国其实还 又很多房价便宜的打城市,象HOUSTON, DALLAS等等。工作好找,华人社区很大,房子便宜。
            • Housing prices are determined by market forces. It's high or low for a reason
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Housing prices are determined by market forces. It's high or low for a reason. Toronto's housing price are popped up by two factors, 1. vast number
              of immigrants coming from the rest of world, and other parts of Canada. Immigrants from China, India, Russia, and Middle east used to be poor, now
              they bring tons of cash to pump into real estate because of the rapid economic development in their home countries. 2. Canada is a resource rich country, which
              has a huge repositories of oil, minerals and other commondities which are in hot demand in China, India and other developing countries. This attracts hugh inflow of capital investment from the world which is why the Canadian dollar is so high. Eventually, the central bank has no option but lowering the interest rate to control the dollar which will of course add more fuel to the housing prices.
              At the same time, the importance of the US economy is declining because of the war, huge deficit, offshoring of jobs and technology, subprime crisis among other things. Because of the tight immigration policy there, most immigrants to the US are the poor from Mexico and other Latin America countries which offer little help to the real estate market. As for Houston and Dallas, the housing prices are low because the climate there is so hot and humid, thus not a comfortable place to live更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Thanks for your kind comments. You are right. House value in small towns is not likely to go up a lot if at all.
            if I can afford a 500k house in Toronto, I will probably stay. What I can afford are those 300k houses that aren't likely to go up much either. It is a good offer with a good relocation package, so I would like to give it a try.
            • 去吧,去吧,年轻的时候不折腾,什么时候折腾呀?要是真的不喜欢,n年之后去大城市就是了.人生的意义就在于折腾
            • Whatever your decision is, Good luck.
              What I am trying to say is that don't let cheap house price be a major factor in your decision. Most time, even if you have to stretch your finance to buy a more expensive house, as long as it has potential to go up more, it's worth the value. House is an appreciating asset not a depreciating one like a car, so we need to treat it as an investment not an expense. Again, whether you want to go depends on your preference of life style, career opportunity and family situation, etc. No one can make the decision for you, but yourself.
              • 楼主其实已经说的很明白了,如果他能负担500K的房子,他不会走的。我知道很多朋友不想折腾了,因为他们500K以上的房子,几年前买的,已经付得差不多了。
          • I was in Minneapolis for 1 year. Its population is over 2Mil. I felt bored after 6 months and had to retreat back to Toronto shortly before 1 year was up.
    • Wow! Thanks, guys! I believe I have made up my mind. If I may ask, does anyone have any idea how to use the relocation package? I haven't got the policy in paper yet, but just in case any of you have experience to share.
      • relocation
        In my case, the company arranged and paid for everything (moving, hotel, meals, etc). If they pay you a lump sum of cash to cover everything instead, then you need to arrange the moving yourself. Call them to find out if you can't wait.
        • Thanks. You are right, I will get a lump sum of cash on my first pay check.
    • I lived in Cedar Falls for 2 years and Ames for another 3 yrs, any specific question?
      • You are the man!!! Thanks. Are you in Toronto right now? If so, I would definitely like to invite you for beer. There are just too many questions I am going to ask. I guess the important ones are:
        where to find the Chinese community? Any information on school (middle and high)? I am also sending you my contact through PM.
      • 大虾,帮忙啊?谢了。