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Actually, there is a severe flaw in her company's workflow procedure and formal definition of how to handle internal email in an appropriate manner in order to protect employee and company from possible negative litigation issues. Big Problem !

(1) First, I suggest you talk to your supervisor or department manager about this questioning issue.

(2) Management should act quickly about this matter to layout a ploicy for more strict restriction of email usage to prevent their employee from being at risk of meaningless lawsuit at work.

(3) Your IT department must implement reliable solutions to avoid any email from sending out without any policy and security scrutiny. For example, there should be a warning window pop-up when any internal email is being forwarded.

If I were in your company, I will schedule department head meeting immediately !

My 2 cents.
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 在战斗中成长
    • (1) Many people think Email is like a memo, NO, email is a legal document. If you believe your email is company-wide confidential, choose option: High Importance. (2) Your employer takes legal responsibility, not you, for work issue. (3) ....
      Important! -> Talk before Write.

      Do you do anything important? Talk to your people first, then make judgement whether or not write it down in a piece of email. Government requests that for any company, emails must be archived for ten years for any auditing or legal jurisdictional purpose, for instance: FRCP ( Federal Rules of Civil Procedure )
      • 我看像你这样整天不务正业的领导终有一天会被炒鱿鱼!
        • 那你还是停留在给人打工的层面上,你的思维方式还是局限在那里。
          • 即使是director 也是在为资本家打工,难道你就是万恶的资本家?
            • 资本家怎么就万恶了,人家也不是什么都没有出,人家也不是非要在投资你的啊,人家只不过是比你多赚一点而已。
              • 咋的一点幽默感都没有呢?
        • 这牛哥可真行,随便说个什么都有一堆回复,把我的帖子都顶成热点了。
      • 亏你还号称在MS混过,居然说得出 -- If you believe your email is company-wide confidential, choose option: High Importance -- 这种话.......
    • Well, 不知道P.Eng的Code of professional ethics怎么写, 但会计师协会确实有类似规定, 不能随便review, 质疑其他持牌会计师的工作, 不能损害其他会员声誉. 他确实有权利向协会投诉你的. 同专业协会发生纠纷和惹官司一样麻烦, 以后措辞还是小心一点吧.
      - not act maliciously or in any other way which may adversely reflect on the public or professional reputation or business of another Member
      • 没看懂这句话,adversely reflect on the public or professional reputation 这里的reflect应该是affect,还是什么?
      • 很明显的错误都不能指出吗?那不成了互相包庇了吗?
        • .
          同一专业协会的会员, 你们不是对手而是战友, 他的面子就是你的面子, 确有互相包庇的义务 :-)

          人人会犯错误, 但有损协会声誉的错误要特别慎重对待. 即使发现了也应该尽量低调, 私下解决, 知道的人越少越好. 讨论技术问题就事论事, 万万不可轻易质疑对方的integrity.
          对方确实过激, 你也是用词太重. 越老的专业人士越容易刚愎自用, 没办法, 只能少惹他们. 法律问题不用担心, 这点事太小了, 万一他真去协会告状, 私下道个歉也没什么.
          • 你这个写得好,有道理。就是标题小了,点都点不到。哈
          • well spoken.. your posts are generally very intelligent except those on men/women relations..... :-)))))
            • Case study for everybody in male/female one-on-one relationship
    • 对你在整个事件中的表现表示赞赏!但你对别人设计中的失误的处理亦有不妥。如果是我,我会指出错误,让他重新考虑我的建议是否更妥,而不是一棒子将它封杀,那无疑当众煽他耳光。
      • 是。我很少接触外接项目,根本没想过对方看到我的email会怎么想。本来就是给项目负责人提醒,叫他不要接受图纸的,所以就没细说有那些错误。谁知道他就那么转发出去了。如果是自己公司的同事,我肯定不会发email去说。所以我说在战斗中成长呢。
        • 你们同事真不会做人,他怎么能把自己家里人跟他说的话,一字不漏散出去
          • 就是说嘛,怎么也该包装一下,把我的名字去掉呀。不过不能指望别人做事都稳妥,77说得对,以后发email要小心,不要以为是公司内部的就可以随意一点。
            • 说句老实话,你的同事做的不地道,以后你要小心。内部的email应该被认为是informal and confidential, should not be forwarded to outside world without any examination or investigation.
              • Agree with you.
                • Actually, there is a severe flaw in her company's workflow procedure and formal definition of how to handle internal email in an appropriate manner in order to protect employee and company from possible negative litigation issues. Big Problem !
                  (1) First, I suggest you talk to your supervisor or department manager about this questioning issue.

                  (2) Management should act quickly about this matter to layout a ploicy for more strict restriction of email usage to prevent their employee from being at risk of meaningless lawsuit at work.

                  (3) Your IT department must implement reliable solutions to avoid any email from sending out without any policy and security scrutiny. For example, there should be a warning window pop-up when any internal email is being forwarded.

                  If I were in your company, I will schedule department head meeting immediately !

                  My 2 cents.
              • 很多时候还是当面说比较好,email这东西容易被翻老账。
        • 这也跟每个人的处事有关,你可能觉得只要对项目负责是第一,你所做的是对事不对人,但别人往往不这样认为。
    • You faced a typical dilemma situation. Based on Code of Ethics 77. 7: (i) act towards other practitioners with courtesy and good faith. (iii) not maliciously injure the reputation or business of another practitioner, your words sounds not adequate.
      However, based on same requirement 77. 3: A practitioner shall act in professional engineering matters for each employer as a faithful agent or trustee...your actions sounds reasonable, If I were you, I'd rather send a more euphemistical email to address my thought 。。。