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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / how can you do this to me? who gives you this right?
    你怎么可以这样对我?口口声声说已经离婚了,可还是当着我的面通过电话帮你前妻解决问题,你说就当是一个朋友有问题,怎么当,那个女人和你生活了十年, 我怎么当。我知道那天接电话的是谁?所以我不吵不闹的和你分手,因为她比我更需要你。 母亲打电话来, 我在电话里哭得不行, 我到底做错了什么?我比她年轻,比她漂亮,比她温柔,比她有学问,比她会疼你,可你还要这样对我。每一次听到你前妻打电话来,我颤抖的手,盈泪的眼,你看到没有。你只会在事后哄我,可你为什么不在事前拒绝她呢?母亲在电话里哭了。我告诉妈妈:“原谅我,给我一些时间,我会走出来的。”挂了电话,我下了决心,把你忘掉,请你不要再进入我的生活。
    • 可怜的人!
    • 同龄人不好嘛? 找个老东西干啥用...
      • 他与他前妻会有一辈子的联系, 看你受得了受不了. 闪为上策.
        • 也不一定,看那个男人和前妻感情如何,我一个COUSIN和一个离婚带孩子的男人结婚几年了,孩子归男人在中国的前妻,一次性给了扶养孩子的费用,结婚到现在生活还好
          • 钱是一切嘛? 人都是有感情的啊. 那男的关系处理的好还可以, 不好的话接着离.
            • 钱当然不是一切了,但离婚了就还是有点离婚的样子,应该尽量把新成立的家放在首位吧,我的COUSIN婚前和男方有约,到底什么约我们不详细知道,但现在他们结婚好几年,日子过得还顺,估计不会有这样前妻的问题还要我COUSIN帮忙处理的情景出现了,
    • 把这些都记下来吧,当老了的时候,温习一下,感叹年轻时候的一往情深
    • Human's brain is not a harddisk that you can format.
      • 哈哈, 差点把你当成牛哥...还纳闷怎么跑这溜达来了呢
    • if it doesn't kill you , it only makes you stronger. you will be fine
      • It seems you are so rational and mature.
        • 每个人都会经历过这样的阶段,都疼过,很疼很疼,也许很快就忘了,也许一直埋藏在心里。但是生活总要继续,如果你还想生活下去,想快乐的生活下去,就只能变得坚强。每次都会更坚强一点,总有一天,勇者无敌。
          • LOL...."勇者无敌"? 过了过了,女人么,无论多勇,最终还是有个打不过的"敌"爱你宠你才幸福滴。
    • 你不觉得烦啊?!让一老男人把你搞的成一怨妇,值吗?
      • it's not because of age, it's because she loves the man
        • 建议LZ去听一下....张爱嘉的..."爱的代价"....:)))
          • 刘若应的为爱痴狂
            • 奶茶的歌都好好听额~~~~~~~
              • 哦....
    • 你"比她年轻,比她漂亮,比她温柔,比她有学问,比她会疼他",可是你没她成熟会来事呀!
      • 哪个女人不觉得自己比别的女人漂亮温柔?除了年令是硬指标,其他都是胡扯。就算学历高,也不一定就有学问。
        • it's his words rather than mine. i didn't see his ex, but i know his ex always calls him and adk for help.
    • most of the advice given here sounds too "Chinese". In North America divorce does not mean severance of all connections wtih one's ex-spouse.
      the two parties are still tangled together with financial, parental and social responsibilities and obligations, etc. a decent man will cut off emotional ties with his ex-spouse. however, he cannot and should not cut off his financial/parental responsibilities and obligations, unless it has passed the time line of the divorce/separation agreement.
      if you want a 100% man devoted man you should avoid a married man. a decent man will never cut his kids loose. therefore you will never have his complete attention. a man who can easily throw his kids away is probably not someone you want to deal with anyway.
      • Hardly can a self-centered understand the rule of life. In my point of view, she is not ready to keep a relationship. The lack of knowledge and experience may cause the failure. The one who is willingly to learn will eventually succeed.
        • ohh, u two r toooooooo experienced for the marriage life. good for u
          • Anyone can be experienced by learning from self, material, others or from all.
          • the divorce rate is 50% in this part of the earth. do you think all the divorced people are lonely losers? they are probably living a healthier life than you are.
            • :) i admit it. and i'll try to live healthy too. thx
    • If you were more mature and more considerate, you would give him a hand to help his ex- as well. I would say he is a responsible man, the one who helps others can also help you in need. Are you a bit short of kindness?
      • totally agree.
    • 送给你的.....
    • 宽容一些不行吗?
      • 怎么宽容?对其他可以,但对于他和他前妻,不行,爱情本身就是自私的。
        • 看得出你很爱他
          不敢妄加猜测你和他之间发生了什么。但从你斩钉截铁的回答“怎么宽容?对其他可以,但对于他和他前妻,不行,爱情本身就是自私的,”你是不是经常就这事与他闹别扭。 觉得你要先搞清楚他是游离在你和前妻之间,还是把EX只当作朋友看待。如是前者,那他就不是善者,也不值得留恋,坚决弃他而去。 如果是后者,那则说明他是一个值得珍惜的有情有义的好男人。
          经常闹别扭除了把你爱的人推离你的身边,而没有别的任何作用。谁都希望两人在一起和和美美,如果天天闹别扭又有什么意思哪。Good luck!
    • 呵呵
    • 生命不息, 挖坑不止。
    • 看到男友跟前妻耦断丝连的,心里不舒服可以理解.如果你真在乎他,多点忍耐,换种方式让他多接受你,多理解你,及把前妻从心里满满淡出去.吵闹只会让他疲倦和厌倦,及觉得你太坎坷,不肯给时间他. 有的人离了婚,不再回头了,可是对对方还有些感情--可能是同情,可能是亲情.
      • 结婚十年,人非草木,总有些感情的,哪能要他一下子全放下呢.看来他是个不错的男人,所以即使离了婚,他前妻可能还想跟他复合呢.你这么一放手,就中了她的计了. 如果是他主动放下的感情,总有原因令他坚决放弃前妻.他不一定会跟她复合的.