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看OCAA对于westport的看法,就是一个字 === 贱


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 枫下钓鱼 / 国移们选举投票是否该选自由党?保守党很排外啊! ZT 保守党议员:亚裔钓者被袭与非法钓鱼有关
    • 原来是有汉奸: "仑西曼称,安省华人钓鱼协会(Ontario Chinese Anglers Association)也认为如此。"
      • Ontario Chinese Anglers Association就是那个说一天60条walley的那个家伙,真让人气愤。
        • 那个主席就是那天上CBC radio和westport的人讨论的那个,一听他说话,我就知道是汉奸:)也不知道怎么拉的山头,成了一所谓钓鱼协会的所谓主席:)
          • 真tmdsb。
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Raymond Lee is chairman of the Ontario Chinese Anglers Association, a group of Asian-Canadian fishermen formed in 1999.

            He also doesn't agree with assumptions made by Hall. Lee, who immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong in 1973, has never fished in the Rideau Lakes himself, but knows many members who have, some for more than 10 years. "They all gave me the input that they never had problems, and that the people [in Westport] are really friendly and helpful. For this incident to have happened there must be something that triggered the local fishermen. Somebody did something that finally upset the local people so much. Too bad that the ministry and the OPP didn't act before and have let this slowly build up," Lee said.

            "Either way, this doesn't give people the right to act like that. They say this is racism or discrimination, I told them, from my own point of view, I don't think they are really targeting Asian people," Lee said. "I won't be calling it a hate crime. I guess it could be if you say they hate the fishermen, but it is not racist. That is a really fine line."

            Lee goes on to describe he has been concerned about the sale of live crappie in Toronto stores for years. Fishermen from Westport have suggested publicly that fish caught in the Rideau Lakes are sold live in the Toronto area. Lee says he believes that may be true and adds he has tried to alert the ministry about it. He says live crappie, walleye or smallmouth bass bring in anywhere from $7.99 to $10.99 a pound.

            Says Lee, "There is a high profit right there. If that fish is so profitable, and if they get it from the farm, how come we don't see it on the shelves all year round? We only see it in the spring and fall time when the fish come in spawning or migrating. "If I had a supermarket, and this fish is selling good and everyone is buying it, I would have it all year round. It is obvious someone is fishing and selling it to them. Those are not farm raised, but I can not prove it," said Lee. Lee says he will be criticized from within his own community.

            "When I say something else, I already get people calling me to say I am not a Chinese, and that I am on the white side. I am not. I am here since 1973, if people ask me who I am I would tell them I am a proud Canadian. Originally, yes, I am from Hong Kong," Lee said. In his efforts as the chair of the Ontario Chinese Anglers Association Lee feels education is needed on both sides of the issue. When he speaks with Asian-Canadian anglers he explains it is not always necessary to keep all the fish they catch. It is also appreciated if a fishing location is left behind as clean as it was when they arrived. "When you really want to fish at night, keep it quiet and pick up your garbage when you go," Lee said.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 原文:http://www.review-mirror.com/regionalnews/index.html
          • Did you truly pay any attention to hear?
        • Not really. OCAA is 渔樂會. http://ocaa.smartanglers.com/introduction.html
    • 爱好钓鱼的朋友们应该站出来,给这个议员写信,告诉他这就涉及种族歧视,并要求他道歉。
      • 有非法钓鱼,就能纵容鼓励暴力?何况非法之说有否证据?
      • 看哪位能找到这个议员的email,并将抗议他的信写成英文,供大家一起给他发信用。
        • 你这做法合适嘛?
          • 给议员提意见,表抗议,有什么不合适的?
        • 这个议员的email是 bob.runciman@pc.ola.org, 但我建义大家向Stephen Harper, John Tory 以及你所在选区的议员 写抗议信,而不是Runciman,他主要是代表他所在地区的选民的权益。
    • 就算是非法钓鱼,当地人也不能动用暴力。仑西曼明显是歧视
    • 我个人觉得,向警方施加压力,尽快查明真像,抓住打人凶手,才是正道。只有打人凶手得到应有的惩罚,正义才算是得到申张。
      • 在警方正在破案的时候,这个鸟议员出来这样说,实际上是在影响警方的侦破工作。其实,真正应该道歉的是打人凶手而不是平权会主席!议员这样说,可以说是是非不非啊
    • 看OCAA安省华人钓鱼协会的会员们还都支持他们的汉奸
      • 公布这个吃里排外的函件组织信息,扔到口水里面淹死
        • 汉奸组织
      • 这个鱼会CASCC立场鲜明,也做了实事,值得称赞。
      • 大家搞错了,真正的汉奸组织和汉奸是:安省戶外漁獵協會會長Danny Leong OCAA在今天的记者会上的发言很是精彩!顶一个!
        • 是我弄错了。我顶的是CASCC而不是OCAA!
      • 不要搞错,OCAA和那个论坛是两回事情/
      • 嘿嘿,告诉你一个事实。。。那个论坛上发言的人,95%都不是OCAA的会员。。
        • 好象ocaa注销了讨论他们老大帖子的几个用户,是不是害怕了
      • 哈哈哈哈,ocaa把我的IP封了!祝贺一下!
    • CASCCAA会长的发言
      女士们, 先生们,早上好!
      我是Andy Zhang, 加华渔友会(CASCC)会长。

      Andy Zhang
      • 掷地有声,言简意赅。这个会长不简单。
    • 看OCAA对于westport的看法,就是一个字 === 贱
    • 从这件事情当中,使我想起小学语文的一篇课文:狼和小羊的故事。
      狼来到小溪边,看见小羊在那儿喝水。 狼想吃小羊,就故意找碴儿,说:“你把我喝的水弄脏了!你安地什么心?” 小羊吃了一惊,温和地说:“我怎么会把您喝的水弄脏呢?您站在上游,水是从您那儿流到我这儿来的,不是从我这儿流到您那儿去的。” 狼气冲冲地说:“就算这样吧,你总是个坏家伙!我听说,去年你在背地里说我的坏话!” 可怜的小羊喊道:“啊,亲爱的狼先生,那是不可能的,去年我还没有生下来哪!” 狼不想再争辩了,龇着牙,逼近小羊,大声嚷道:“你这个小坏蛋!说我坏话的不是你就是你爸爸,反正都一样。”说着就往小羊身上扑去。

      westport 的那些人是狼也就罢了,现在更掺的是有一些羊也帮着狼来吃小羊。

      • 这个故事好简单,可是理解起来好难!我的理解是:

        • 哈哈哈,精彩精彩。两个都精彩。
      • 不顶不行了
    • 我理解为: 保守党 PC 下次落选将与它的议员宣扬和支持 racists 有关!