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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

请读一下这篇文章:并注意这句话:these senseless assaults on Asian Canadian fishermen are racially-motivated

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛> Harmony Movement Condemns Racist 'Nipper Tipping' Attacks
> TORONTO September 26, 2007 -
> Harmony Movement today condemns what it sees as racially-motivated 'nipper
> tipping' assaults on Asian Canadian fishermen in the Sutton area on the
> shores of Lake Simcoe. These assaults, mischief and thefts, often carried
> out by local youths, were reported in today's edition Toronto Star under the
> headline "Bizarre assaults hit quiet town."
> "Countless people have worked tirelessly in our country to educate our
> youths on respect for other cultures and races," said Cheuk Kwan, the
> organization's executive director. "These recurring racially-motivated
> attacks point to the fact that much work remains to be done in our schools
> and communities."
> "The fact that these assaults are called 'nipper tipping' tells me that
> these senseless assaults on Asian Canadian fishermen are
> racially-motivated," Kwan adds. "'Nip' is a derogatory word for Japanese
> and is usually used in the context for anyone of Asian descent."
> "We urge our police forces to take these incidents seriously," says Lois
> Tori, co-chair of Harmony Movement, "and not to dismiss them as mere
> youthful pranks. An attack on any racial groups is an attack on us all."
> Harmony Movement was established in 1994 to combat inter-racial intolerance
> and to confront the "us versus them" attitude prevalent in Canadian society
> at that time. Since 2003, Harmony Movement has carried out youth diversity
> and leadership training in more than 60 schools in nine school boards in the
> GTA and Southwestern Ontario.
> - 30 -
> For further information, contact Cheuk Kwan, (416) 804 1527,
> ckwan@harmony.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 枫下钓鱼 / 明天上午人权委员会要讨论钓鱼受伤害的事情,请在钓鱼中受到歧视,伤害的朋友和 Joanna Qiao联系! 6478395228, 详情见内。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛TORONTO: September 26, 2007
    A coalition of community groups is asking for action from police and political leaders to stop hate crimes in response to a Toronto Star report of assaults on Asian Canadians in Lake Simcoe area fishing spots. Chinese language media have reported several incidents involving assault and destruction of personal property but the latest is by far the most serious and potentially tragic.

    Media conference will be held:

    DATE: Thursday September 27th, 2007

    TIME: 10:00 am

    PLACE: Toronto City Hall Committee Room C

    Despite the fact that Asian Canadians are targeted and that locals refer to the long standing practice of pushing the fishing hobbyists into the water as “nipper tipping”, York Region Police have not charged anyone with hate crimes.

    “The category of hate motivated crime was created for just such circumstances.” said Avvy Go of the Metro Toronto Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic. “The sad part is that the locals clearly recognize the racist intent by using such an offensive term but just laugh about it. However, we should be able to expect the York Region Police to be more conscientious about fighting racism.”

    “York Region likes to promote itself as Silicon North. Maybe it is really Jena North.” said Zanana Akande, past President of the Urban Alliance on Race Relations, referring to the recent controversy in Louisiana where nooses in trees recalled the horrors of the lynch mob in slavery days. “The municipal leaders need to show some leadership and denounce both the long standing practice and the community’s silent acceptance of it. Only then will the police reflect public values by charging the attackers with hate crimes.”

    “Everybody is after the so-called "ethnic vote" and the issue of religious schools in the Provincial election campaign has been the proxy for a debate over tolerance for racial and religious differences – with both sides arguing for inclusion and shared values to appeal to the diverse communities. Rather than wait for the next generation to acquire these virtues, it is time for today’s political leaders to tell us what they will do to stop racism at its source.” said Susan Eng of The Reference Group, a community action group focused on equal access to the political process. “What racialized communities need is real protection against racist attacks that destroy their sense of safety and well being. That’ll get their vote.”

    For further information, please contact:

    Susan Eng, 647-988-3595

    The Reference Group

    Avvy Go, 416-971-9674

    Metro Toronto Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic

    Zanana Akande 416-482-2326

    Past president, Urban Alliance on Race Relations

    Lorne Foster, Professor 416-573-4966
    School of Public Policy and Administration

    Karen Mock, Chair 416-433-0343

    Hate Crimes Community Working Group更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 很多人已经开始关注这个事情了,是否是种族歧视,自有公论。
      • 行有行规. 以前见有的国移们连钓上的小鱼苗都不放过, 通通带回家. 旁边走过5岁左右的白人小孩都来说教这样做不对. 久而久之, 中国钓鱼爱好者的形象自然就不好了. 钓鱼是这边最普遍的一项活动, 守秩序是应该的. 这次事件不排除种族歧视在内.
    • This is a great opportunity for the victims to standup and express your feelings when you were being assaulted.
      I don't see any reason why the victims not showing up conference. No one should tolerate this kind of violence and crime or Racism, and the criminals should be brought into justice by the police force.

      Be brave and walk on the street with dignity; Please come to the conference, not only for you, not only for the fishman, but also for other minority, and also for our future generations if they are still have the same skin colour as ours.
    • 请读一下这篇文章:并注意这句话:these senseless assaults on Asian Canadian fishermen are racially-motivated
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛> Harmony Movement Condemns Racist 'Nipper Tipping' Attacks
      > TORONTO September 26, 2007 -
      > Harmony Movement today condemns what it sees as racially-motivated 'nipper
      > tipping' assaults on Asian Canadian fishermen in the Sutton area on the
      > shores of Lake Simcoe. These assaults, mischief and thefts, often carried
      > out by local youths, were reported in today's edition Toronto Star under the
      > headline "Bizarre assaults hit quiet town."
      > "Countless people have worked tirelessly in our country to educate our
      > youths on respect for other cultures and races," said Cheuk Kwan, the
      > organization's executive director. "These recurring racially-motivated
      > attacks point to the fact that much work remains to be done in our schools
      > and communities."
      > "The fact that these assaults are called 'nipper tipping' tells me that
      > these senseless assaults on Asian Canadian fishermen are
      > racially-motivated," Kwan adds. "'Nip' is a derogatory word for Japanese
      > and is usually used in the context for anyone of Asian descent."
      > "We urge our police forces to take these incidents seriously," says Lois
      > Tori, co-chair of Harmony Movement, "and not to dismiss them as mere
      > youthful pranks. An attack on any racial groups is an attack on us all."
      > Harmony Movement was established in 1994 to combat inter-racial intolerance
      > and to confront the "us versus them" attitude prevalent in Canadian society
      > at that time. Since 2003, Harmony Movement has carried out youth diversity
      > and leadership training in more than 60 schools in nine school boards in the
      > GTA and Southwestern Ontario.
      > - 30 -
      > For further information, contact Cheuk Kwan, (416) 804 1527,
      > ckwan@harmony.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 有没有人帮忙翻译一下?
    • 万分支持你们的行动!希望如果以后加拿大出现打砸抢烧中国人店铺的时候,中国人能拿起枪来。
    • 不论怎么说,无论内部对鱼友有什么不同的看法,现在是联合起来一致对外的时候,无论被定义为对中国人也好,对鱼友本身也好,都必须坚持自己的权力。如果这个时候有类似经历的人不能站出来说话,那么以后就永远闭嘴,欺负你也是理所当然的事!
    • 咱明天请俩小时去旁听旁听,希望看到更多的国人面孔出席。
    • good job! I would like to attend the meeting if I heard of this earlier - i am out of town tomorrow.
    • 为何不把kingston事件尽快翻译成英文,向人权讨论会强力反映呢? 我想那样比在中文媒体上和中文论坛上讨论要威力大的多。 感觉kingston的事件比其他地方的事件要严重的多,当然性质都是一样的
    • I am not a fisherman, but I am willing to be with you! we need to fight with those racial discriminators and protect our family, our future in Canada
    • 看看美国9月初的一个类似案子,受害人也是亚裔钓鱼爱好者,不会游泳,被推落水淹死。