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the value of house negtively correlated with the real estate tax

the higher the price of house, the lower rate of tax, which applies across all counties and states in US, because the governent of county need charge more on the cheap house which all are located in the poor communities to meet the ends meet, for example, the lowest tax rate in NY state is kings county (0.43%) which the median house price is $407000, while the highest rate in Niagara county(2.8%) which the median price is $90500, across the US, Texas and Wisconsin have the highest tax rate, which median house price is much lower than the nation's average level, you can get more from google search engine.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 可能又是老问题,如果在Buffalo有个offer, 地点离边境很近,是否值得把家搬去?各位有了解这个城市的么?治安,教育等怎么样?谢谢
    • one of the best city in US
      • 老工业基地,像中国沈阳?在那工作,把家安在加拿大的Niagara Falls,是否好主意?税务上是不是划不来?
        • 像中国沈阳? No! Not that large
          I think buffalo is more like Shijiazhuang or BaoTou. A middle size, industry city
    • 哪位前辈在那呆过或工作过,给些建议,pls.
    • 反正离边境很近,你要不先自己过去体验一下好了。buffalo城市看着是相当老旧的,随便开开能看到不少废弃的地区。
    • 二线城市,住了一年,感觉更像hamilton, 税高,房价低,生活倒也自在, 只是工作机会少,想在那安家倒是不错.
      • 谢谢各位。税高?和加拿大相比?在这边有房,里边境也不很远,不知把家安在哪边更合算?
        • some info
          Easy..., You just need to go and live there 3-5 months, if you like it then settle down
          For some work reasons, passed by buffalo a number of times. I knew and heared some info there:
          1. The northeast of the city is pretty good while the bad areas (crimes, drug dealer..) are in western side.
          2. Don't know income tax there, consumer tax is 8% or 9%.
          3. House prices are very low, it is very common buying a detached house there just around 15w
          4. The city looks some kinds of depressed and job market is weak.Read local newspaper, it seems to have more chance for mechanical/manufacturing engineer.
          • 谢谢你,主要想知道和加拿大城市(如toronto或hamilton)相比怎么样。
      • 消费税年年在涨, 看来很快要赶上加拿大了, 房价便宜,但地税很高.
        消费税年年在涨, 看来很快要赶上加拿大了, 房价便宜,但地税很高. 和hamilton 一样, 工业城市为主,但工业不景气,又要保护环境, 还关了不上工厂,象楼上说的, 到处都有废弃的地区. 城市收入不够, 只能砍预算/加税. 还要在DOWNDOWN开赌场.

        两边住要两边报税, 看个人收入了, 一般不合算. 冬天雪多, 开车也不方便.
      • 很烂的城市
        • 倒也没那么差, 是美加的门户, 两边办事都方便. 小地方生活方便, 更不堵车, 嘴馋了随时可以回多伦多. 主要还是看工作性质.
    • 想去的话就全家搬去,不然补税会很亏。
    • 就比Detroit强一点点, 除了破就是烂.
    • 据说有“鬼城”的美称,比较Niagarafall两边的情景就知道了。
      • “鬼城”是美国Niagara city. Buffalo not on Niagarafall边.
        • 彩虹桥一过不就是buffalo城吗
          • 彩虹桥一过是美国Niagara city.
            • 哦,俺没知识了
    • 果然各位所言不虚, 刚 查了一个 在 "最好"学校附近的house, 25万不到的价格,地税7-8千!! 各位知道的能否告诉我, 这美国地税怎么定的? (5公里外25万房子地税只要5千??)
      • 在NY是按county来的,Buffalo一带地税在assessment的2%和3%之间,niagara county相对最高,2.91%,全美排行第二。地税高是人员流失的最大原因,但那里IT的机会不是一般的多,特别是在金融业里。
        • 谢谢.看来你是专家, 请问在哪能查到美国(或纽约州)地税税率? 另外你是在纽约州吗? 谢谢
          • 美加常年来回跑,开车时在电台里听到的,google一下niagara county 2.91%应该能找到进一步的信息。
          • the value of house negtively correlated with the real estate tax
            the higher the price of house, the lower rate of tax, which applies across all counties and states in US, because the governent of county need charge more on the cheap house which all are located in the poor communities to meet the ends meet, for example, the lowest tax rate in NY state is kings county (0.43%) which the median house price is $407000, while the highest rate in Niagara county(2.8%) which the median price is $90500, across the US, Texas and Wisconsin have the highest tax rate, which median house price is much lower than the nation's average level, you can get more from google search engine.