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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 今天看到帕瓦落第病危住院的不幸消息, 不禁感慨万千......
    Funiculi Funicula (缆车). 二十四年前, 有生以来第一次听到帕瓦落第的歌声是在国内买的他唱意大利歌曲的磁带,其中就包括这首歌

    歌剧"爱的甘醇"中的咏叹调Una furtiva Lagrima (偷洒一滴泪). 十六年前第一次去大都会看歌剧就是他主演的这部歌剧

    Caruso. 我在美国买的第二张CD里的一首歌(第一张是法兰克的A大调小提琴奏鸣曲),经常是开车去shopping 时在路上听

    歌剧"波西米亚人"里的咏叹调Che gelida manina(冰凉的小手).二十一年前,在北京第一次现场看歌剧,他在天桥剧场主演的"波西米亚人".可惜在门外买飞票耽误了时间,进场时这个咏叹调刚唱完,终身遗憾.

    Non ti scordar di me (请别忘记我). 还是二十一年前,还是在北京,听他在人民大会堂的演唱会时印象最深的一首歌
    • 顶!赞叹老迷的光辉历程,祈祷拍瓦落地安康吉祥。。。
    • 啊???pray!!!
    • 使劲帮你顶
    • Non ti scordar di me (请别忘记我)...... God will bless
    • 每一首都难忘,多谢。
    • 人一退休,无事可做,很快就完了。看来要不停刷网。
      • (会意地上前拍拍肩膀)哥,不要怕,迟早有天我会和你一样老的。
    • "燕子离开我那寒冷阴沉的土地,寻找春天的花朵和温暖的爱巢。我的小燕子离开我,没留一个她温暖的吻,没有告别。”
      Non ti scordar di me (请别忘记我 )

      The Swallows have left my cold, sunless country,
      In search of spring biolets and happy love-nest
      My little swallow left
      Without leaving me a kiss,
      Without a farewell

      Do not forget me
      My life is bound to yours
      I love you more and more
      In my dreams you are still mine
      Do not forget me
      My life is bound to yours
      There is always a nest for you in my heart
      Do not forget me.
      • 谢谢! 当时根本不知道歌词讲的是啥, 就想着他是要北京的观众都记住他. (好象是最后或加演时唱的).
    • 人生不过是一场戏,你方唱罢我登场, 唏嘘中。。。。
    • 谢谢老迷。。。你不遗憾了,至少在现场听过那太阳爆发一般的独一无二的声音。。。
      • 是, 我算是运气的了.
        没有CD, 但有DVD
    • “He felt the pain in the music and stood up from the piano, but when he saw the moon emerging from a cloud, death also seemed sweeter to him... Then suddenly a tear fell and he believed he was drowning.”
      • 很伤心, 生命之匆匆, 哀悼......这么动听的歌声, 将永恒于世.
    • 再无机会听现场了。。。
      • 其实他的声音早就走下坡路了。不听也罢。还是年轻的好,墙也抢不过的规律。
        • 不一样, 他可是世界级重量人物。看来我要赶紧看看yannide 现场,不然毁之晚以我。。。
    • why "Funiculi Funicula"'s chinese name is (缆车)? was there any story behind the naming?
      • .
        • still do not see anything about 缆车 there. anyway, suprised that the lyric I sing all the time is totally different from originall one.... I still prefer mine "..... joy is everywhere ...."
          • "It was composed to commemorate the opening of the first funicular on Mount Vesuvius."
            funicular = 缆索铁道
            • 敢情funicular 是一单词呀,孤陋了一把。。。还以为就是一声音词哦
              • 我也是在现做功课。
    • 啊?病逝了?挺突然的。好伤感啊。年纪不大的说,而且也没怎么享受退休生活。啥病啊?默哀!
      • all the RRSP wasted .... sigh....
      • 胰腺癌
      • 吃出来的病。。。
    • 再见了,白手帕...
    • 瓦落地了.叹息!
    • 鬼使神差,上周末拿出长久没听过的<蝴蝶夫人>........!哎,老帕就这么走了!
    • 一代大师走了,再也没有白手帕和钉子了,今夜无人入入入入入入入入入入入入入入入入睡!!
      • Nessun Dorma
    • Sutherland和年青时代的老帕(在1972年?)唱Lucia di Lammermoor:
    • Santa Lucia
      • .
    • TORNA A SURRIENTO(重归苏莲托)
      • “Sunlight dances on the sea. Tender thoughts occur to me. I have often seen your eyes, In the nighttime when I dream. When I pass a garden fair, And the scent is in the air. In my mind a dream awakes, And my heart begins to break..."
        • thanks for posting this. 一直都不知道这歌在唱啥。。。奇怪,我怎么就没点好奇心呢?
      • 《重归苏莲托》多种版本和创作动机讨论
    • 天堂唱诗班多了一位男高音
    • "Volare"
      • Lyrics
        Volare, oh oh
        Cantare, oh oh oh oh
        Let's fly way up to the clouds
        Away from the maddening crowds
        We can sing in the glow of a star that I know of
        Where lovers enjoy peace of mind
        Let us leave the confusion and all disillusion behind
        Just like bird of a feather, a rainbow together we'll find

        Volare, oh oh
        E contare, oh oh oh oh
        No wonder my happy heart sings
        Your love has given me wings
        Penso che un sogno cosi non ritorni mai piu
        Mi dipingevo le mani e la faccia di blu
        Poi d'improvviso venivo dal vento rapito
        E incominciavo a volare nel cielo infinito

        Volare, oh oh
        E contare, oh oh oh oh
        Nel blu, dipinto di blu
        Felice di stare lassu
        E volavo, volavo felice piu in alto del sole ed ancora piu su
        Mentre il mondo pian piano spariva lontano laggiu
        Una musica dolce suonava soltanto per me

        Volare, oh oh
        E cantare, oh oh oh oh
        No wonder my happy heart sings
        Your love has given me wings
        Nel blu, dipinto di blu
        Felice di stare lassu
        • .
          • 这两天超勤快啊?
      • 这个开头有点特别, 初听时还以为是没听过的歌
    • 今天一大早电台就在放他的歌,96.3, SO NICE
    • 他刚出道不久唱的威尔第"安魂曲"中的 Ingemisco......今天我一直在想的问题是: 假如他没有跨入流行, 而是专心致志地唱歌剧, 那样会少了上亿个今天的粉丝, 凭他的天赋, 也许他会留下更多传奇的演绎, 传奇的录音给后人, 那样是否对人类的贡献会更大呢?
      • 想了半天也想不出答案。。。也许他现在这样间接贡献更大?
      • 终于有空坐下来欣赏老迷给我们带来的听觉享受了。
    • 和李雨春比,他差远啦.春春才是最强的. 永远支持春春.
    • "爱的甘醇"后掌声经久不息。让那么多观众,鼓那么长时间,才能平静下来。这个人活得值了。