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Understand Your Man's Strengths [zt]

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Understand Your Man's Strengths

Ladies, want to see your husband change from a sports-watching couch-rider into a household superhero? You just need to understand his strengths. So, here’s a list of his special MAN POWERS, courtesy of relationship expert Brenda Della Casa:

Super silence. ---
Why does your husband clam up when something’s bugging him?One scientific theory claims that men have a smaller cluster of nerves in the area that bridges the left brain, which controls language, and the right brain, which controls feelings. Since women have a bigger bridge, they can put emotions into words quickly, while guys struggle. Also, guys think expressing feelings is a sign of weakness. So if you want him to open up, DON’T ask questions or offer advice. Just tell him you’re there if he wants to talk. Once he knows you don’t think he’s a wimp, he’ll confide in you more often.

X-Ray vision that sees through dirt...
If you’ve ever wondered why men think something’s clean when it isn’t, consider this: Men and women see dirt differently. Since a man’s brain takes in less sensory detail, he’s not as aware of his environment. That could also explain why he doesn’t notice that you cut your hair or lost five pounds. The fix here is communication. You have to be really clear about what you expect when it comes to chores.

ESP. Extra SPORTS Perception...
If your husband has an easier time remembering last year’s championship game than he does your anniversary, don’t take it personally. Watching sports triggers a hormone surge in men that’s similar to the one experienced by the players. It actually makes them FEEL GOOD! In fact, a bright side to sports-mania is that die-hard fans suffer fewer bouts of depression than guys who don’t follow the games.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 新认识男友一个月,他每天都似乎深情的望着我,昨天我作了头发,他竟然没看出来,他到底是真对我有感情,还是假的?
    • 剃光可能好些。
    • 因为他每天都是用X-ray在看你
    • 你出钱帮他配副眼镜吧
      • 眼光毒到。。。LOL
    • 男人看女人的地方是不一样的,有的看头,有的看透
    • 通常,深情的时候看的是脸、眼睛,而不是其它附件,所以发型、服装、首饰、指甲等等的变化基本会被忽略。
    • 挺深的,因为对表面的东西已经视而不见了
    • 说明你们可以结婚了
      • agree
    • time to settle down with him
    • hard to say. what I can say is that 他你的头发没有感情.
    • 换一款BRA试试看。
    • 问一句,你带他看看眼科医生了吗?
    • lol. cute !
    • 让他顶榴莲,跪洗衣板
      • 应该反过来,跪榴莲,顶搓衣板!!!哈哈哈!
        • 最毒妇人心啊
      • lol....你狠
    • Most men are idiots, they don't pay attention to details, lol.......
      • Most women are idiots, they only pay attention to details, which men don't care. lol.......
      • Men only pay attention to real things...
    • 交女朋友真累。每天深情地看她还不够,还要注意她梳什么发型擦什么口红戴什么首饰穿什么皮鞋以及鼻子上的小包耳朵上的粉刺指甲上的鞋油脑袋后面的面包渣。唉,什么时候是个头呀?
      • 啊啊?原来男人是这样想的
    • 没人注意头发,通常是胸部以下
    • obviously, you two are not in the same page yet, in order to bring him up to speed, you need to work around the clock and come up with a more aggressive plan
    • 真是的,他爱的,望着的,都是你美丽的灵魂。我这个解释怎么样?
      • "灵魂"已经被男女国移们用滥了
    • 脱光了,上了床,那发型就没了,有什么好看的,有时间多看看三围,那东西才是硬指标。
    • Understand Your Man's Strengths [zt]
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Understand Your Man's Strengths

      Ladies, want to see your husband change from a sports-watching couch-rider into a household superhero? You just need to understand his strengths. So, here’s a list of his special MAN POWERS, courtesy of relationship expert Brenda Della Casa:

      Super silence. ---
      Why does your husband clam up when something’s bugging him?One scientific theory claims that men have a smaller cluster of nerves in the area that bridges the left brain, which controls language, and the right brain, which controls feelings. Since women have a bigger bridge, they can put emotions into words quickly, while guys struggle. Also, guys think expressing feelings is a sign of weakness. So if you want him to open up, DON’T ask questions or offer advice. Just tell him you’re there if he wants to talk. Once he knows you don’t think he’s a wimp, he’ll confide in you more often.

      X-Ray vision that sees through dirt...
      If you’ve ever wondered why men think something’s clean when it isn’t, consider this: Men and women see dirt differently. Since a man’s brain takes in less sensory detail, he’s not as aware of his environment. That could also explain why he doesn’t notice that you cut your hair or lost five pounds. The fix here is communication. You have to be really clear about what you expect when it comes to chores.

      ESP. Extra SPORTS Perception...
      If your husband has an easier time remembering last year’s championship game than he does your anniversary, don’t take it personally. Watching sports triggers a hormone surge in men that’s similar to the one experienced by the players. It actually makes them FEEL GOOD! In fact, a bright side to sports-mania is that die-hard fans suffer fewer bouts of depression than guys who don’t follow the games.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net