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Question: Mr. Secretary, when are these measures going to be actually implemented? I know this is a final rule, but is there a time - is there a timeline, a waiting period?

Secretary Chertoff (secretary of homeland security): The no-match regulation will be effective in 30 days, and then what will happen is the Social Security Administration will begin to send the letters out. They will not send all of them out at once, they'll probably send about 15,000 out a week, over a period of probably about eight to 10 weeks. So it will flow over a period of time.

The new contractor regulation actually has to go through a regulatory process. That's going to be a few months. But we at Homeland Security are going to put the - what I call the positive point element in as quickly as we can.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / really good news for TNer: TN visa will be extended to 3 years soon. (ZT from canada2twincities. Hope this is a true news.)
    • Cool.
    • This news is from white house, see the link ->item#20:
      • This regulation will extend the TN visa duration to three years – the same term as other popular professional visas.
        20. The Department Of Homeland Security Will Extend The Visa Term For Professional Workers From Canada And Mexico To Attract More Of These Talented Workers To The United States. The United States must compete for foreign professional workers, and those who elect to lend their talents to the U.S. economy should be welcomed with open arms, not given a bureaucratic runaround. Yet the roughly 65,000 workers who enter the United States each year on the TN visa must go to the trouble of renewing their visa every year. This regulation will extend the TN visa duration to three years – the same term as other popular professional visas.
    • Hi friends, do you know when this policy will start?
    • my guess is that it'll take effect in 30 days. same as the no-match policy
      • 手里现有1年的TN怎么办?自己改成3年的成么?
        • 成啊。记得要用涂改液,打字机,不要手写。
        • NIU GE
    • 很好啊. 不过你们有没有注意到"STREAMLINING EXISTING GUEST-WORKER PROGRAMS" 下面的几条都是没有commitment date 的? 具体什么时候实施就很难说了.
    • 刚才没事给POE移民部打了个电话,问有无此事,人家楞没听说过,way to go...
      • 等官僚们把文件发下去怎么也要一个月
    • We have to see if they allow TN holder to apply GC. If not, then 3-year TN is nothing!
      • 3-year TN 足够时间办EB2 了.
        • not 100%.
          • 至少少了一部分TN人士去抢H1B.
    • 就是不知道什么时候生效。看来这TN签证是渐入佳境了,老夫不禁捻须微笑。
      • 是淫笑吧?
        • 延长到3年,就和Temporary的定义相违背。因为续签一次就是6年,续签两次就是9年了,那么,TN 改为dual intent似乎就顺理成章了。另外Lion这孩子平时要注意身心健康,没事不要看那么多porno。
          • leo
          • 有道理,看上去象是给加墨的H1.
          • 如果允许移民倾向,再无限制次数renew,好象不需要办绿卡也行了
            • 目光短浅啊。你退休住哪?
              • 回加拿大呀,有免费医疗嘛,希望那时候还没变啊
                • 行,不过你要把以前的所有欠税全补齐了再说。
                  • 胡扯。美国有战乱加拿大还得张罗穿梭机撤侨呢,补税?赫赫
                    • 你难道不申请non-tax resident?
                      • 申请了还是canadian,撤侨还得带上俺们,补税的没门,回安省等3个月医疗卡生效是事实。
                        • 小伙子,加拿大政府再nice,税还是要补滴。
          • 成,没问题。有好消息,大家高兴就成。
    • this is great news!!! frankly renewing TN every year is really painful.
    • Question: Mr. Secretary, when are these measures going to be actually implemented? I know this is a final rule, but is there a time - is there a timeline, a waiting period?
      Secretary Chertoff (secretary of homeland security): The no-match regulation will be effective in 30 days, and then what will happen is the Social Security Administration will begin to send the letters out. They will not send all of them out at once, they'll probably send about 15,000 out a week, over a period of probably about eight to 10 weeks. So it will flow over a period of time.

      The new contractor regulation actually has to go through a regulatory process. That's going to be a few months. But we at Homeland Security are going to put the - what I call the positive point element in as quickly as we can.
      • I think TN should be one of these positive point elements
        so we might heard the further good news soon . ... my wish
    • 看来离绿卡成为鸡肘,用TN骑墙头的日子不远了。
    • 刚给神童薯打电话,他老人家说,你们canadian全民公绝加入america,然后我们国会通过,不就行了,搞那么多劳杂子干嘛?不过你们赶快啦,过了这村就没这店啦,等加元汇率比美元高,我们就不干啦。
      • 可最近加元在跌,美元反升呀
        • 所以神童薯这么着急嘛,我才不care呢
      • 你以为美国会要加拿大。 现在的情况很好, 加拿大高级一点的做廉价劳动力, 随 叫随到, 萧条的时候先开路。 低级的一点的跟墨西哥人一样做黑工。 只要加拿大 的税继续高下去, 两国的差距还会大(2006年美国人均GDP42000加拿大人均32000)。
        • you跟墨西哥人一样做黑工?! 一样黑face
          • 我举报,有加拿大人打黑工,白的黄的都有。
          • 那是加拿大媒体不报导而已。 加拿大人在美国打黑工的到处都是, 加拿大人在美国 的人口已经超过了1百50万人, 至少有几十万是黑的。