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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Citizens of the countries listed below who are landed immigrants in Canada or permanent residents of the United States do not need a visa to travel to Mexico as tourist. However,

Landed Immigrants in Canada / Permanent Residents of the United States

Citizens of the countries listed below who are landed immigrants in Canada or permanent residents of the United States do not need a visa to travel to Mexico as tourist. However, they require a tourist card that may be obtained at Mexican consulates, during direct flights to Mexico or at the port of entry by presenting the following:

A valid passport

A landed immigrant certificate /permanent resident's alien card

Round-trip tickets

Proof of economic solvency (credit card, cash or traveller's cheques

Citizens of other countries not mentioned here and any person with a Canadian travel document will need a visa and are asked to please contact the Mexican Embassy at (613) 233-8988 or check our site for requirements.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 中国移民从加拿大到墨西哥旅游要不要签证,要什么条件,多长时间可以办得下签证?
    • 如果是短期旅游, 不用签证, 填一张入境表格就行. 不过你还是DOUBLE CHECK一下, 我有点记不清了(95%准确)
      • 多谢,顺便多句嘴,有没有从墨西哥或古巴直飞回中国的飞机
      • sorry, 饺子,我问过旅行社,去墨西哥和古巴,持中国护照的移民都要签证(或是办旅行证)。
        • 我问是说墨西哥要,但古巴不要
          • 古巴是办旅行证,不是签证。不管什么证,反正都得去办,不能直接去。:-(
            • 听说是落地签哦.
              • 这是古巴住加拿大的使馆网址,上面说需要Visa ("Tourist Card"). 我也听说有落地签的,但是万一不给签,岂不是白跑一趟。
                The requeriments and documents required by the Cuban immigration authorities for those who wish to visit the country are the following:

                AS TOURISTS:
                . Valid passport or equivalent document.
                . Visa ("Tourist Card"). Entry in Cuba will be registered with a stamp on the "Tourist Card", not on the passport.
                . Embarcation- disembarcation card for citizens from countries with which Cuba has signed a visa exemption agreement.
                . To declare his/her whereabouts while in Cuba, at the frontier control.
                . Return or continuation ticket.
                . Economic solvency.
              • 有个旅行社可代办
        • 打个电话去确认一下 199 Bay St., Suite 4440 Commerce Court West Toronto, Ont. M5L 1E9 tel. (416) 368-8490 fax (416) 368-8342
    • I just had a trip to Cuba recently. No matter which country passport you hold, you do not need VISA for travel. 填一张入境表格就行. You can get all information about this from any travel agent.
      • 好玩吗? 推荐推荐?
        • Cuba looks like a picture, it is so beautiful. It is very clean and safety. The service in hotel is very good too. I very much enjoyed my trip in Velorodo Cuba. Recommend you go to Cuab for your vacation in winter.
          • Last year I went to Cayacoco Cuba, also very nice there.
          • 谢谢, 有空的话详细介绍介绍?
      • 那张好象就是visa,虽然你自己填好就可以了,不用再去哪里签.
        • 入境表是入境时再填还是到使馆填
          • 如果你是去旅游,那张纸就由旅行社和机票一起给你了.自己在进古巴海关前填好就可以了.我的感觉是那里的海关不查人,只查有没有带植物(食物),倒是出关很严,要问你一问.(类似好不好玩啊,然后冷不防再问一下你护照上的内容)
            • 如果我是自己单独去,如何拿入境表呢
            • 在使馆填入境表要35$的手续费呢。从网页上看的。。是吗?
      • 古巴有哪几个值得玩的地方,推荐推荐
    • Citizens of the countries listed below who are landed immigrants in Canada or permanent residents of the United States do not need a visa to travel to Mexico as tourist. However,
      Landed Immigrants in Canada / Permanent Residents of the United States

      Citizens of the countries listed below who are landed immigrants in Canada or permanent residents of the United States do not need a visa to travel to Mexico as tourist. However, they require a tourist card that may be obtained at Mexican consulates, during direct flights to Mexico or at the port of entry by presenting the following:

      A valid passport

      A landed immigrant certificate /permanent resident's alien card

      Round-trip tickets

      Proof of economic solvency (credit card, cash or traveller's cheques

      Citizens of other countries not mentioned here and any person with a Canadian travel document will need a visa and are asked to please contact the Mexican Embassy at (613) 233-8988 or check our site for requirements.
    • 听很多人说墨西哥很好玩,我也想去,不知道整个旅游所有费用加起来是多少钱?(包括机票,吃,住,购物,景点门票,导游小费等等.)还有要花多少天?多谢!
      • I want to know too
      • 周末下午的电视节目,最近狂做古巴、墨西哥的广告。这里是电视广告的网址。如果你在加拿大,最好是去travel agent问问,什么都清楚了。
        • THANKS
          • You're welcome.
    • 网上哪位发现有墨西哥和古巴旅行的中文资料或游记。我先讲一个 http://moon.tkcna.tku.edu.tw/~aqua/ser-rutamex/chsmain.htm