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good point. I think...

I think 'logic reasoning' does not apply to the relation of female & male -not always have a answer for question like why this girl like that guy. Girls could be categorized in two group based on the way of selecting guys. Those in first group, care more about 'feelings', like you said that 'bad guys' are able to bring to them, the relation is closer what we called love; Girls in the second group have more concern on realistic things, always related to money more or less, they usually get more stable marriage.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / I don't understand why girls always love " bad guys ", but not " good guys ".
    • you are neither a good guy nor a bad guy, hehe
      • I am a very very good guy.
        • really? But I didn't find it from your posts.
          • 需要先统一标准的。
            • 哈哈,这个问题比较难,100个人可能有100种标准哦。
              • 嗯,不过我支持你的标准。。。。。。
                • 那就是说,你也同意he is not so good as he thought.
          • From what post you found that i am not a good guy? Speak out.....
    • Excitment.
      • this is a male cat.
        • 我来翻译:这是一支雄猫
          • 这是一只熊猫
            • this is a bear cat
              • 知道什么是无聊了吧
                • 那还不赶紧说点有聊的来听听?!
                  • 呵呵,有聊就不会在这里灌水了。
                  • 爱看电影吗?俺喜欢看战争片,正在琢磨为啥国内拍的都不好看,没有象虎,虎,虎那样的,连PEARL HABOUR都赶不上。你看过好看的吗?
                    • 地道战、渡江侦察记、小兵张嘎什么的多好看
                      • 都不够有气势。
                        • 那是因为没钱拍,我记得参观完长影后最大的感觉就是原来所有的电影都是这么这么骗人的,没一样是真的
                          • 俺觉着三大战役应该花钱不少了吧,题材也不错,就是不好看。其实有些电影未必花钱越多效果越好.
                            • 古代四大名著被中国人拍坏了,一点都不好看,不如让香港人来拍,看起来还热闹一点。那么好的题材,国内的导演就是排不出来,真是太叫人伤心了。看四大名著的电视剧不如看香港的武打片。
              • 这是一只象熊一样的猫
            • :D
              • 我想半天也没想出更珍希的动物,郁闷。
                • 小熊猫
                • 懒猫。
                  • 猫一般都是又懒又馋的,算不上珍希吧。:-)
                    • 还能灌水的就比较珍稀了
                      • 又严重跑题了。:P
    • I think all people who answered must be girls. you must think it is not true, right? But you know it by yourself, i can understand you don't want to admit it.
      • 先学会如何接纳不同想法再谈good, bad吧。
    • "会叫的鸟儿有食吃", 放诸四海皆准. 所谓BAD BOY 大多能说会道, 有会来事儿, 当然机会较多喽
      • 俺觉着这位DD有些自以为是耶,被一个女孩子骗了就觉得全加拿大没一个好女孩,这不,又一相情愿的认为JJMM们都喜欢BAD GUY,只不过俺们自己不承认。:P
        • Different definition, could be
        • Hi, thank you for remembering me. I don't say that there is no good girls in Canada, that is what you said, not what i said. For example you must be a good girl, right?
    • 在其他竞争的环境下也是一样: 上周我的LEADER才暗示我应该主动申请内部一高级职位 ---- 那么多眼睛都盯着, 你不叫不闹充好人, 怎么能指望人家主动示爱?
      • but whining is bad, very bad, hehe.
        • Not whining but out-crying
    • 所谓“bad"guy,其实是指那些幽默,风趣,时不时地冒点儿"坏"水儿的男孩/人, 他总能带给女孩子/女人一些惊喜和新鲜感,所以比那些“循规蹈矩”的good guy更吸引女孩子/女人。
      • good point. I think...
        I think 'logic reasoning' does not apply to the relation of female & male -not always have a answer for question like why this girl like that guy. Girls could be categorized in two group based on the way of selecting guys. Those in first group, care more about 'feelings', like you said that 'bad guys' are able to bring to them, the relation is closer what we called love; Girls in the second group have more concern on realistic things, always related to money more or less, they usually get more stable marriage.