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Angel -- 什么时候,我也能写出这样优美的英文? Next life, if I could have.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There’s always one reason
To feel not good enough
And it’s hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memory seeps from my veins
Let me be empty
And weightless and maybe
I’ll find some peace tonight

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there

So tired of the straight line
And everywhere you turn
There’s vultures and thieves at your back
And the storm keeps on twisting
You keep on building the lie
That you make up for all that you lack
It don’t make no difference
Escaping one last time
It’s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / Angel -- 什么时候,我也能写出这样优美的英文? Next life, if I could have.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Spend all your time waiting
    For that second chance
    For a break that would make it okay
    There’s always one reason
    To feel not good enough
    And it’s hard at the end of the day
    I need some distraction
    Oh beautiful release
    Memory seeps from my veins
    Let me be empty
    And weightless and maybe
    I’ll find some peace tonight

    In the arms of an angel
    Fly away from here
    From this dark cold hotel room
    And the endlessness that you fear
    You are pulled from the wreckage
    Of your silent reverie
    You’re in the arms of the angel
    May you find some comfort there

    So tired of the straight line
    And everywhere you turn
    There’s vultures and thieves at your back
    And the storm keeps on twisting
    You keep on building the lie
    That you make up for all that you lack
    It don’t make no difference
    Escaping one last time
    It’s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
    This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

    In the arms of an angel
    Fly away from here
    From this dark cold hotel room
    And the endlessness that you fear
    You are pulled from the wreckage
    Of your silent reverie
    You’re in the arms of the angel
    May you find some comfort there
    You’re in the arms of the angel
    May you find some comfort here更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • City of Angels

      • we are born innocent, ok? hehe
        • Adia
          Adia I do believe I failed you
          Adia I know I let you down
          Don’t you know I tried so hard
          To love you in my way
          It’s easy let it go...
          Adia I’m empty since you left me
          Trying to find a way to carry on
          I search myself and everyone
          To see where we went wrong
          ’cause there’s no one left to finger
          There’s no one here to blame
          There’s no one left to talk to, honey
          And there ain’t no one to buy our innocence
          ’cause we are born innocent
          Believe me adia, we are still innocent
          It’s easy, we all falter
          Does it matter?
          Adia I thought that we could make it
          But I know I can’t change the way you feel
          I leave you with your misery
          A friend who won’t betray
          I pull you from your tower
          I take away your pain
          And show you all the beauty you possess
          If you’d only let yourself believe that
          We are born innocent
          Believe me adia, we are still innocent
          It’s easy, we all falter, does it matter?
          Believe me adia, we are still innocent
          ’cause we are born innocent
          Adia we are still innocent
          It’s easy, we all falter ... but does it matter?

          • a little bit tired,but angel
      • sarah是爱尔兰人?
        • Rolia.net --> 乐韵书香 -- > 加拿大人的著名艺人简介 -- Sarah Mclachlan是加拿大最红的三大歌坛巨星之一。
          • ooooooooooooh,my godness!you knock me down
          • 天啊,我最喜欢的两个女歌手居然都是卡拿大的,可惜了可惜了,屈才
          • 这就对了,总觉得萨拉的english稍微那个一点,ha
            • 那天在电视上第一次看到萨拉,就感觉象卡拿大滴,只不过没敢信,哎哎哎,一点点遗憾
              • What is your point?
    • another one from Sarah McLachlan:
      I will remember you
      Will you remember me?
      Don’t let your life pass you by
      Weep not for the memories

      Remember the good times that we had?
      I let them slip away from us when things got bad
      How clearly I first saw you smilin’ in the sun
      Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one

      I will remember you
      Will you remember me?
      Don’t let your life pass you by
      Weep not for the memories

      I’m so tired but I can’t sleep
      Standin’ on the edge of something much too deep
      It’s funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
      We are screaming inside, but we can’t be heard

      But I will remember you
      Will you remember me?
      Don’t let your life pass you by
      Weep not for the memories

      I’m so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose
      Clinging to a past that doesn’t let me choose
      Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night
      You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light

      And I will remember you
      Will you remember me?
      Don’t let your life pass you by
      Weep not for the memories

      And I will remember you
      Will you remember me?
      Don’t let your life pass you by
      Weep not for the memories
      Weep not for the memories

    • Angel is a song written by Sarah McLachlan to memorize keyboard player Jonathan Melvoin, who died during his band's worldwide tour for heroin overdose.
      • ooooooooooou,萨拉真是大才女啊
    • 老哥真的看懂了歌词了么? 如果是恐怕就不会用优美来形容了,难道当情歌来听了?这ANGEL就是。。。

      Memory SEEPS from my VEINS,
      Let me be EMPTY

      From this DARK COLD hotel room,
      And the endlessness that you FEAR,
      You are pulled from the WRECKAGE
      • 这几句话都在暗示毒品。我认为SARAH写的好的原因,她用很美词汇,表达了她对Jonathan的 理解,并希望他真正地躺在了天使的怀抱。还有谁,能将一个因吸毒而死的灵魂写 得如此放松。It is a beautiful release。你可以站到作者的角度,如果你来写, 你如何能写的更好?
        • 哎呀,我还以为作者是因为思念恋人呢!原来是渴望毒品了。
          • 表达了她对Jonathan的理解和同情。这是一首哀悼之歌
            • 写得如此之美,像是留连和毒品的恋爱。。。
              • 你以前的帖子文学功力很深的,以为你喜欢这些诗词歌赋的。其实这只歌曲的音乐本 身就是一只挽歌,怎么会是恋爱歌曲?你不应该因为一个艺术家吸毒就鄙视他的作 品。比如猫王也吸毒。艺术家的神经不同于常人,他们成受的压力也很大。理解和 同情(当然不是支持)是应该的。
                • 他们作为公众人物更是要对自己负责呀,要不然会对喜欢他们的人带来负面影响的!反正我就是没有办法尊重有不良嗜好的人。不过我依旧欣赏他们的才华和演绎技巧:)但对于他们人则只能做到同情,真的很难去深刻理解啊!
                  • "So tired of the straight line and everywhere you turn. There’s vultures and thieves at your back and the storm keeps on twisting. You keep on building the lie." 普通人的生活不也有这样的困苦?
                    • 是,所以艺术的价值在于令常人释放痛苦,让痛苦羽化成蝶飞出心灵之窗,看更多的风景,渐渐忘却烦恼:)
                      • 你不要认为我现在很烦恼或为情所困啊。我很好很好。我不为谁困,很自在逍遥舒服。 Do not go there. 你的方向错了。
                        • 你简直就是心虚胆怯越描越黑!:)开玩笑的,泛泛而谈而已,你还真像有诗人的敏感的呢!LOL!
                          • 可人可人,终于让我找到一个说出自己心事的帖子了。这个人的想法和我一模一样。 明白了吗?我的烦恼不是女人。你怎么会认为认为我会为女人烦恼?那时少年维特。 “我混吃等死的加拿大生活和割舍不断的中国情结" #3674693@0
                            • 少年维特的烦脑 :P// BTW, 加拿大的文化障碍很严重吗? 它到底是个移民国家 …
                              • 这个人的经历跟我也象。看来我的想法不奇怪嘛。我很正常。我以为我眼高手低,不 知足,不自量力。原来英雄所见完全相同啊。我要行动了。
                                • 你要怎么行动啊? 好奇!
                                  • 我已经写好了给我们这个DIVISION销售VP的信,希望转到亚洲去做销售工程师。要求 驻扎澳洲的悉尼或中国的北京。明天下午就发出去。不能再等了。时机已经成熟。
                                    • 为甚么要等到明天下午?
                                      • 因为我们这个部门的SVP,VP,DIRECTOR明天早上全在现场见客户。我不想Blow off the roof.
                                        • 你不是用email发?
                                          • Within half hour, this email will be forwarded to them. I just do not want to upset them.
                                            • Perhaps they will get shocked, and shut down the work!!
                            • 一直了解#3667590!我也因同样心事才会到唱歌之际突然崩溃泡网一月。喜欢出人头地扎堆热闹的男人其实并不适合在加拿大生活。记得我赌你〉80%会回国吗?国内做教授的那种众星捧月的感觉会比“做销售工程师”更好。我相信那是你退休前的归宿。祝顺好!
                              • 洋装虽然穿在身,我心依然是中国心。不管身在他乡也改变不了,我的中国魂。
                          • 我可以很负责任地说,这次是我最后一次做瑞士的项目了。我的生活,就要改变了(好 坏不知道))。
                      • 有道理. 似乎唯有如此,有这种光景才能产生一般人所谓的艺术. 艺术为愉乐世人, 但它的本质多半来自痛苦?
                        • 看人家河马MM每次只笑呵呵地领会精神,从不跳警!:)
                          • Sorry, 我可是GG :)
                            • 你不知道河马哥哥从来不笑的吗?:(
                              • 妳一定不怎么看卡通吧!
                            • 好吧,卡通可以把你归到GG的队伍,那PM以后不认你MM就不理你乐!:)
                  • "Spend all your time waiting for that second chance, for a break that would make it okay. There’s always one reason to feel not good enough and it’s hard at the end of the day. I need some distraction."
                • 说到艺术家的神经,我认为应该是更强壮于普通人的!因为他们感知爱恨情仇的能力更敏锐!那为什么他们又恰恰是最脆弱的人群呢?因为缺乏人文关怀,一方面他自己把自己区别于常人,另一方面公众不负责任地强化他进误区。这都不是对艺术真正负责热爱!真实坦率认真负责关怀


                  • 艺术家不是常人。画家能画出让你赏心悦目的画,是因为他们有比常人更敏感的眼睛, 能看到更多的颜色。诗人能写出打动你心灵的诗篇,是因为他们有比常人更细致的 感觉,能感受和观察的内心世界的微妙活动。
                    • 艺术家的不凡在于他的作品所展现给世人的震撼!绝非作为自命不凡的非 常人而鹤立鸡群,那样只会令艺术家自己活得很辛苦!并令欣赏他们的人爱莫能助。
                      • Why and how 他的作品can 展现给世人震撼? Why my 作品 can not 震撼世人? Because I am a normal person. I can not feel and touch more than ordinary people.
                        • 遥兄又在累人自累了。。。如果你当真认为自己不具备这样的天赋,自然就不必承担震撼世人的重担!完美主义很美但太辛苦,当你真正在心里把自己放到很低很低的位置或许会找到高于常人的突破口。否极泰来,创作瓶颈长存,生活低谷常在,享受云淡风清的日子什么时候都不太晚。
                          • I am not a writer. I never want to 震撼世人, We are talking about Sarah McLachLan and her friend.
                            • 遥兄,我觉着男人要么就真狂,要么就真不狂!反正哪种活法都是他自己在承担责任和后果。而你好像有点不够坦率:)你的心总要想飞翔,而你的人却还在地上:)
                              • 不要误解我啊。

                                • 对了, 你的那篇’松树’写完了吗?
                                  • 没有时间。是<<松果>>。我准备放到50岁后写。现在太忙了。其实很多人不明白,业 余选手怎么能写小说?其实都能。你知不知道,最早UNIX是由两个非数学也非计算 机专业的人写出的内核。BILL GATES是学法律的却搞了微软。只要爱好,就能写。
                                    • 哇, 等你写完那还得等十几年? Gosh!
                                      • 你别说,我看<<松果>>的前六章的时候一点都不烦,总有写下去的欲望。但是,写人 的心理活动,要钻到角色里去想心事,非常耗费体力和精力。然后看看口袋里的钞 票不够鼓,就忍住了。
                                        • 哈哈, 人之常情. 那六章先借我们看一下吧?
                                          • 难道前几章你都没有看到?
                                            • Nope! // PLS, 给个联结吧! Thanks! :)
                                • 你的那首《心甘情愿》很好,简单真挚。贴回来估计会令更多人了解你。不是为了赚钱而码字的人不是很多,当然误解有其他福利的声音也就可以理解了:)
                                  • 我想起来了。那个不是原创,是改编。我不喜欢。我从来就不喜欢自己以前写的东西。 写完了当时欣赏几天,从来不超过三天,再看就觉得特别烦,恨不得掐死它。然后 就再也不看了。只是觉得自己的东西是自己的孩子,总得收好,就收到某个地方。 有得都丢了。丢了又可惜。
                                    • 作个collection吧.
      • 我等到晚上值班的时候,我给你分析一下这首诗,你就会明白,SARAH不仅歌唱的好, 而且是个真正的才女。她的写作技巧和手法,实在不同寻常。ANGEL是1997年单曲CD销 售之冠。在听众心目中产生的共鸣可见一二。
        • 并非对Sarah的才艺有任何异议,只是觉得"优美"两字大有歧义。此词美则美矣,但我只能说,好比同人一般耿美。 不认同者大可一笑置之,老哥大可不必以抛书包为荣。
          • What is 以抛书包?
      • 毒品的效果是比较深度的兴奋或抑制,日常生活里也有(感情,生理上,不是那么激烈吧了)或多或少大家都在追求。不同的是毒品的效果是用药来的--成本不可控制啊.
        • 嫌毒品的成本高?那就去写诗嘛,功能一样都可以让你意淫并梦遗
          • right, YY means no interactive that drug does to bring to very high, and drop u from the very high.
            • 而且目的都是是人不知所云。。。药的用途本是医治人结果DRUG是害人,语言的用途本是让人明白结果是骗要让人糊涂,梦吟啊
              • drug/medicial is for making the change. language is for communication. both of them a just a tool or media, depend on purpose and how to use it, the result may various depend on the role
                i was 兽医, still wait for getting certificate. some medicine l can be used for cure human being indeed. but not all.