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Tearful story.

In the past one year and 3 months, my wife and were together only for 1 month. And I don't know when she would come because of background checking. Really really missing her now!
If everything going as I think, I would go back this May. But who knows what can happen. Hopefully I would meet her soon.
But tell you the truth, I really reliaze how much I love her when we are apart. Maybe get used to the life together and sometimes bored a little.
Loving and Being loved is just so wonderful. Even the feeling of missing somebody! Really wish you good luck and hope you can find the one belonging to you!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 你是我心中的他吗?身高>1.7m
    而我,容貌虽算不上美艳绝伦,但也决不是恐龙再生;身材虽算不上魔鬼,但也称得上窈窕;气质虽算不上超凡脱俗,到也自成一派,别具一格。知书达理,富有情趣,自信将会成为你的好朋友——好情人——好妻子——好搭档。email: catcan51@hotmail.com
    • 推荐道明寺,>1.7m :-))
      • Why not try him yourself first? :-)
        • 不幸的是,我老公高出道明寺太多了。所以,暂时用不着。呵呵。
          • How?? Show some examples here.
            • 今天天气不错啊,就是冷了一点。。。呵呵,哈哈,嘿嘿。
              • Wo......... Yuan1 Lai1 Ru2 Bi3.
          • 听说言承旭1.8m,萝卜秧姐夫好高呀 :D
            • 真是小KGB啊。
              • 看你跟贴的速度,你才是专业KGB!
                • 哈哈!拜年。
            • 估计怎么也得有2.0 m吧。比Vince Carter略高一些.
    • 1.68 ok? Just little 2cm la. You can not reject someone just because his height, can you?
      • certainly, if i am satisfied with your character : )
        • Sorry to give you misunderstanding. I am not avaible la. Have to ask my wife's permit. Just don't want anybody lose the chance. :) Good luck!
          • why do you want to cry, i mean your name
            • Tearful story.
              In the past one year and 3 months, my wife and were together only for 1 month. And I don't know when she would come because of background checking. Really really missing her now!
              If everything going as I think, I would go back this May. But who knows what can happen. Hopefully I would meet her soon.
              But tell you the truth, I really reliaze how much I love her when we are apart. Maybe get used to the life together and sometimes bored a little.
              Loving and Being loved is just so wonderful. Even the feeling of missing somebody! Really wish you good luck and hope you can find the one belonging to you!
              • Thanks. u r a good husband and lucky man. Happy new horse year!
    • 寻工作难; 找搭挡易。 :D
      • 此话怎讲?我倒觉得是倒过来的.
        • 关键看什么样的工作及什么样的搭挡。
          • 一生中,工作要换好几次,而老婆还是希望一步到位.Don't you think so?
            • 慢慢试吧!在战争中学习战争。OK。
    • 曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。缘分是可遇不可求的:-)
      • don't be too pessimistic, as long as you keep on looking for : )
    • 候选名单,不按姓氏笔划排列:
      • 小吃一惊。
      • 风筝姐姐帮助初选?!咱内定算了!
    • 呜呜呜,我只满足第一条"身高>1.7m",看来这回我又没希望了.呜呜呜...
      • 我也只满足第一条^^。其它:模样犹如青蛙再生;身材90x90x90;从来没人说我有气质;偶一般除了看七龙珠外,不看带字的书;看来第一轮就被out了 :-)
        • 8-D.乐死我了.和你握手,俺模样不象青蛙,但身材象... 8-DDD.
    • Why you name yourself " WILD CAT "? I think " House Cat " is better. "WILD" is too scary.
      • maybe man prefer wild thing than mild one, for example flower. further this name sounds cool, are you really so scared? :-(
        • Are you really " WILD " as you are saying?
          Not every gentleman is like what you are saying. I am a little bit scared by that " Wild Cat ".
          Do you think more men who like " WILD cat " than those Who like " MILD Cat" ?
        • I'm scared of wild cat too....
          • your names seems better than hers. Happy new year!
        • agree, "wild" sounds saxy
    • 好男儿多的是,千万别给自己定个框,担心把好姻缘给框出去了!
      • 这话还差不多
    • Cool! One of a kind - ad.
    • 呵呵,好玩好玩。有这种好玩的事情怎么没人通知我呢?只不过,这身高的要求真的那么重要?我以为只有我比较在意这个。我一直很委屈的说,我只不过是不想男朋友比我矮罢了。呵呵, 看来有人和我一样哦!
      • 好象老邓及拿破轮你们都看不上啊。。。
        • 从古至今,高个子的伟人不断涌现,而个子矮的却寥寥无几,拿破仑之辈才因此以身高闻名。由此看来,个子高的成功机会应比矮的大嘛!
        • 当伟人的老婆没什么好啊!只是想要个人疼,他那么厉害做什么?
      • 男朋友比你矮又怎么啦?不要管别人怎么看,关键是你自己怎么想。
        • 关键不仅仅是我怎么想,还有他怎么想啊!我想,如果人好,他不介意,我也就凑合着不介意了。不过,国内的时候,和一个比自己矮不少的男孩子一起走(保持一定距离),可回头率极高,几乎每个走过去的人,都要回头看看。那感觉,好好玩!
      • 其实我也试过<1.7的,只是总找不到那种安全感,不知是个别现象还是.... 至于邓伟人、拿将军,几百年才出一个,比中头奖的机会还低,估计我是轮不上了。
        • 其实我条件应该可以。但却为你的名字--野猫吓坏了。我可不敢养野猫。。
    • haha, 俺条件都符合!
      就是LP不让应聘. :-(

      • 都是单身的话题,你瞎搀和什么?