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what would we do with domestic violences that man shot his wife and children.
if same logic goes, shall each member of the family go get a gun and to protect themselves from the abusing fathers or partners?
gun right/control and ban are different topics, some people want gun-free, some want gun-control, some want gun-ban.
The balance in Canada at this point is good, I don't want any sides push this issue in any directions. that's why I support gun-control instead of either one of the other two.
if that makes me a leftie, heck, I have been in China for so many years, I will say I am just staying true to myself.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / VT枪击案的启示:当一个疯子持枪向你和你的家人冲过来时,真正能保护你和你所爱的人的不是警察, 法院和禁枪法,而是在你手中的一只枪.所以,持枪和用枪的训练,不仅是权利,而是一种男人的义务,和养家保护儿童一样.

    相对比的是在今年二月, UTAH的Sulejman Talovic持枪在MALL中随意杀人,他也是新移民,几分钟内就杀死了六人.但好在MALL不是禁枪区,一个下班的警察和他对射,他才没有杀更多的人. “禁枪”只不过是让人无法反抗迫害而已.

    澳大利亚1996年开始禁枪,三年后,人民无法保卫自己. 犯罪率大升.两年后,武装抢劫上升了73%,

    “Two years after the ban, there have been further increases in crime: armed robberies by 73 percent; unarmed robberies by 28 percent; kidnappings by 38 percent; assaults by 17 percent; manslaughter by 29 percent, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
    And consider the fact that over the previous 25-year period, Australia had shown a steady decrease both in homicide with firearms and armed robbery --- until the ban.”
    • 可以用绷弓子
      • 如果绷弓子伤了人,也得禁!
        • Has your Harper been trying to scrap the gun registry?
    • 青蛙的听觉器官在后腿 - zt.

      • 至少这些学生们想通过实验来求证.VT事一出就跳出来要禁枪的就像干想得出青蛙的视觉在背上一样.
        • The little half yankee is such a J E R K. You must hide many guns including your HARPER's.
          • Be honest with you, after the rampage in VT, I am going to get myself a gun at home. Of course, after a month or so. Right now, an Asian holding a gun is not such a good idea.
            • WOW, are you Asian? I remember that you did claim you are half yankee.
        • heck, two wrongs don't make a right, enough said.
          • 你的青蛙寓言和two wrongs,看起来很有哲理,其实什么也没有说。价值接近于零。
            • hehe, 可能对很多人来说,价值的确就是零, ;)
              10 secs of your precious life has gone because of reading this and it will never come back. don't claim that I ruined ur life for that.
              • I guess just want you to make yourself clearer. Being overly subtle sometimes is close to standing for nothing, speaking nothing, which is typical among lefties.
    • 当一个疯狗张牙舞爪向你和你的家人冲过来时,真正能保护你和你所爱的人的不是警察, 法院和禁狗令,而是在你嘴中的一口牙.所以,咬人或咬狗,不仅是权利,而是一种男人的义务,和养家保护儿童一样.当然前提是你要比疯狗更疯,否则你咬不过它.
      • 虽然我不觉得楼主的说法很有说服力,不过你的说法更糟,倒像是在为楼主做证明。功力太低啊
      • 那种情况下, 你准备怎样保护你的孩子?给疯狗上一堂普法课
        • 可怜,你生活在疯狗堆儿里。
    • hmm
      what would we do with domestic violences that man shot his wife and children.
      if same logic goes, shall each member of the family go get a gun and to protect themselves from the abusing fathers or partners?
      gun right/control and ban are different topics, some people want gun-free, some want gun-control, some want gun-ban.
      The balance in Canada at this point is good, I don't want any sides push this issue in any directions. that's why I support gun-control instead of either one of the other two.
      if that makes me a leftie, heck, I have been in China for so many years, I will say I am just staying true to myself.
    • 不要在那里含混地说事。你就直接地说,到底要怎样。是不是无论走到哪里,都要随身携带一把手枪?
    • 看来是不是该人手一枪啊。比如上班带枪,上学带枪,逛商场带枪,下馆子带枪。
      • 要么限制,要么就可能变成这样。
      • 干脆发展到国家级:每个国家都大量制造造原子弹,洲际导弹。看哪个国家不爽就先炸过去。
      • 上面的俩位左派都是一根筋,你如果想”金兵有狼牙棒,我有老婆孩子的天灵盖”,请便.只是不要用禁枪区等让别人也用天灵盖来顶狼牙棒. VT的学生老师在生命受到威胁时应有机会用枪来保护自己.但”禁枪区”让他们只有被屠杀.
        • 金兵要是有原子弹呢?你的狼琊榜咋用?
          • CHO先生能买到原子弹吗?
            • 所以说嘛,不禁止就可以买得到啊。偶好怕啊。
        • 怪可怜呢。昨儿个还说身边有疯狗呢,今天又多了金兵了。
    • 持枪并不是一个简单的对错的问题. 因此才在美国陷于长期的争论. 楼主当然代表了一方的观点.并不是没有道理, 而且也很容易理解.对社会和人身造成的损失和枪只的关系也不好简单下结论.
      • 李同学说的有理,枪支在美国是个历史问题,也是个文化问题。但是楼主的意图却简单的很,可以用”凡是保守的东西都要支持的“来概括。这位卡尔加里人是”屁股决定脑袋的“。
    • What you say might be true. But I feel you always try to put things into a black and white way. But I believe 99% of world is gray,not black and white. I feel you are not neutral, thus your opinion.
      • Principles are black and white. I believe people should stand for the principles they believe; however they might act practically. Besides, there are enough left propagandas for gun control. I was just trying to balance the debate.