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Despite the derisive references that continue even today, Al Gore did not claim he "invented" the Internet, nor did he say anything that could reasonably be interpreted that way. The "Al Gore said he 'invented' the Internet" put-downs were misleading, out-of-context distortions of something he said during an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN's "Late Edition" program on 9 March 1999. When asked to describe what distinguished him from his challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey, Gore replied (in part):

"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system. "

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Goer这种过气的政治人物,加拿大还挺欣赏。这人自恋,夸夸其谈,不选他作总统对了。加拿大是个躺在资源上睡大觉的国家,什么事情都是照抄,还美名其曰慎重选择。疯牛症,软木协定,重视环保,闹了半天,都是政治人物在选秀。怪不得Goer美滋滋的来,加拿大很对他的路子。
    • 多伦多不是加拿大.很多加拿大人甚至认为多伦多很异类. 很多过气明星都愿去多伦多过过隐,如同县剧团下乡一样作作明星梦.
      • Well, Toronto is not for you HALF YANKEE for sure. Go back to TX, Baby. Ride on your horse on BUSH's ranch.
      • 呵呵。估计卡尔加里不异类,有好多没过气的明星。问一下,卡尔加里有多少非县城剧团?估计都是村,乡一级的巴。
    • 这点俺倒是同意你说的,对加拿大来说, 美国放的p都是香的, 更别提过气的政治人物了.
    • 没逻辑,gore过气和他宣扬的环保有什么关系? 这种夸夸其谈的人又不是只有他一个?你宣传绿色革命的时候,rolian也欢迎你的。
      • Flip over nicetomeetyou(牛哥)'s postings on this site, can you find anything that really has a logic or consistency?
    • If Canada is not your cup of tea why did you move here and stay? What's the logic behind your thinking?
    • hehe
      -- who said that, what evidence you can say that average canadian really appreciate his visit?

      -- what's that to do with us? it is american's business, and they elected a Bush jr, I don't see any smartness came out of that.

      -- I don't think you can justify ur statement like this.

      -- Can you tell me where polictians did not use these topics to show off?

      -- What the heck is wrong for Gore being happy showing his ass here in Canada, is he supposed to be sad to be here? Gosh, last time he went to China and he was happy as hell too. and he has been happy touring around the world, btw, including the States
    • 政治人物(不管过气与否),就是要“自恋,夸夸其谈”,这是他们应具备的从政素养。如果非政治人物,也“自恋,夸夸其谈”就有些可笑了。:)GOER作为一个名利均不愁的政治人物(看看他的家族历史就知道了),能够投入这么多的精力来做这件事,值得尊重。。。
      • 作秀罢了
        • 同意,作秀是政治人物的Job,不作秀他们吃什么?不过这种Good intention的作秀,还是应该鼓励的。。。:)
          • 高尔还是需要用钱的,高尔是好几个新能源公司的董事, 握着一大把原始股等着来 一次GREEN HOUSE BUBBLE了, 上次INERNET BUBBLE没赚到这次可不能错过。
            • did u check the same for Bush jr's family/relatives and the members of his previous gov? is that gonna be a surprise for you?
      • 衣食不愁又自恋的人最需要的是Attention, 所以GORE 在多伦多很满足.但看过”Great Global Warming Swindle”的人都知道他所做的对非洲穷人致命的伤害. 另外, GORE的自恋可不是一般的.他曾说过他Invented Internet.
        • 在”Great Global Warming Swindle”中, 非洲人称GORE这类人”环保帝国主义者”
        • http://www.snopes.com/quotes/internet.asp
          Despite the derisive references that continue even today, Al Gore did not claim he "invented" the Internet, nor did he say anything that could reasonably be interpreted that way. The "Al Gore said he 'invented' the Internet" put-downs were misleading, out-of-context distortions of something he said during an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN's "Late Edition" program on 9 March 1999. When asked to describe what distinguished him from his challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey, Gore replied (in part):

          "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system. "
          • Huh, his explanation reminds me of the well-known sentence from his boss, Bill Clinton, “Oral sex is not sex”, simply incredible.
    • "这人自恋,夸夸其谈" -- 你介不是在说你自己麻。。。
      • 我不过是聊天罢了,他来可是来收钱的。
        • “自恋,夸夸其谈”还能收到钱,这样的人才是牛哥。。。:P
          • 没错,向他学习,要玩就甩开了干。