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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛昨晚与父母通电话,得知他们已收到登陆纸,非常高兴。整个过程从头到尾历时三年零三个月,期间希望,失望,愤怒,抗争,盼望到最后成功,跌宕起伏,各位亲历者想必都有同感。在ROLIA上潜水多时,受益良多,无以为谢,在这里就把我们办理的进程记录下来,供后来的朋友参考。

2004.1.20 寄出担保资格申请

(2005.3.11 和 2005.6.5 两次参加示威,要求CIC立即恢复审理父母团聚移民申请;同年9月,参加以Mr. Richard Kurland 为代理律师的对CIC的团体诉讼。)

2006.2 担保资格审查要求更新材料

2006.5 担保资格获准

2006.6.13 移民申请表递交到北京大使馆;不久得到File Number。

2007.1.5 网上查询状态: 12 (审理中)

2007.3.7 父母收到体检表; 网上查询状态随后变成 7 (等体检结果)

2007.3.20 父母在国内体检;通过CIC网页交登陆费

2007. 4.2 网上查询状态变回 12 (审理中)

2007.4.9 网上查询状态变成 17 (结果寄出)

2007.4.11 父母收到签证 (实际是4月3日交发,快递)


1. 从哪里申请:我的理解,CIC 的政策是,如果在提交担保资格申请时老人已在加拿大住满一年,而且在担保资格批准之际仍然住在加国,则移民申请表可以递交到Buffalo; 两者缺一,则要回国申请。我曾经也想争取在BUFFALO递表,未准。现在看来,也没有多大耽搁。

2. 无犯罪公证:我父母几次来探亲,住了超过半年,所以我预先给他们做了 Finger Prints;在担保资格批准后,将Finger Prints寄RCMP,由他们搜寻后将结果直接寄北京大使馆(过程大概要几个月,不收费)。不过我从ROLIA 上看到,北京大使馆对这个在加期间的无犯罪证明现在要求得好像不太严,有人没办也OK了。

3. 交登陆费:北京大使馆明确要求,是要由担保人在加拿大交费。CIC网络付费系统也只接受在北美的几个Case Centre 的档案,对我们而言即处理担保资格申请的Missisauga CPC ;办理付费后,在收据内Payer Information 处注明你本人的信息(姓名,生日,Client Number ,etc。),寄给Missisauga CPC。 CPC会给你确认,并知会北京大使馆你父母的登陆费已交。不过我以保险起见,在给CPC的收据上也注明我父母的姓名,生日和他们在北京的File Number; 交款收据也电邮给父母,让他们连同护照等一并寄给大使馆。

回顾这一历程,我觉得大家当时团结抗争,维护父母团聚移民的权利,才直接促成了CIC重启审批程序。这其中 Sponsor Your Parents 居功至伟;我个人也非常感激Mr. Richard Kurland 律师侠肝义胆,主持正义的不懈努力。我将专门给他写封信表示感谢。

祝朋友们早日成功,共享天伦!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 父母团聚移民申请终于完成!与各位分享进程并几点经验
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛昨晚与父母通电话,得知他们已收到登陆纸,非常高兴。整个过程从头到尾历时三年零三个月,期间希望,失望,愤怒,抗争,盼望到最后成功,跌宕起伏,各位亲历者想必都有同感。在ROLIA上潜水多时,受益良多,无以为谢,在这里就把我们办理的进程记录下来,供后来的朋友参考。

    2004.1.20 寄出担保资格申请

    (2005.3.11 和 2005.6.5 两次参加示威,要求CIC立即恢复审理父母团聚移民申请;同年9月,参加以Mr. Richard Kurland 为代理律师的对CIC的团体诉讼。)

    2006.2 担保资格审查要求更新材料

    2006.5 担保资格获准

    2006.6.13 移民申请表递交到北京大使馆;不久得到File Number。

    2007.1.5 网上查询状态: 12 (审理中)

    2007.3.7 父母收到体检表; 网上查询状态随后变成 7 (等体检结果)

    2007.3.20 父母在国内体检;通过CIC网页交登陆费

    2007. 4.2 网上查询状态变回 12 (审理中)

    2007.4.9 网上查询状态变成 17 (结果寄出)

    2007.4.11 父母收到签证 (实际是4月3日交发,快递)


    1. 从哪里申请:我的理解,CIC 的政策是,如果在提交担保资格申请时老人已在加拿大住满一年,而且在担保资格批准之际仍然住在加国,则移民申请表可以递交到Buffalo; 两者缺一,则要回国申请。我曾经也想争取在BUFFALO递表,未准。现在看来,也没有多大耽搁。

    2. 无犯罪公证:我父母几次来探亲,住了超过半年,所以我预先给他们做了 Finger Prints;在担保资格批准后,将Finger Prints寄RCMP,由他们搜寻后将结果直接寄北京大使馆(过程大概要几个月,不收费)。不过我从ROLIA 上看到,北京大使馆对这个在加期间的无犯罪证明现在要求得好像不太严,有人没办也OK了。

    3. 交登陆费:北京大使馆明确要求,是要由担保人在加拿大交费。CIC网络付费系统也只接受在北美的几个Case Centre 的档案,对我们而言即处理担保资格申请的Missisauga CPC ;办理付费后,在收据内Payer Information 处注明你本人的信息(姓名,生日,Client Number ,etc。),寄给Missisauga CPC。 CPC会给你确认,并知会北京大使馆你父母的登陆费已交。不过我以保险起见,在给CPC的收据上也注明我父母的姓名,生日和他们在北京的File Number; 交款收据也电邮给父母,让他们连同护照等一并寄给大使馆。

    回顾这一历程,我觉得大家当时团结抗争,维护父母团聚移民的权利,才直接促成了CIC重启审批程序。这其中 Sponsor Your Parents 居功至伟;我个人也非常感激Mr. Richard Kurland 律师侠肝义胆,主持正义的不懈努力。我将专门给他写封信表示感谢。

    祝朋友们早日成功,共享天伦!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 写得很详细呢,谢谢分享。顶 :)
    • how long did you receive the file number? My parents submitted their application on Feb 2007, but not received file number yet. thank you
      • Should be around 1 months.
      • 移民申请,mark
    • url168, GXGX! I joined Sponsor Your Parents too.
    • 也就是说现在材料到北京不到一年就成了?CIC的网站上还是写着要36个月呢。有的鼓舞人心的说。
    • GXGX, 三年抗战,很幸运了。 另外,url168, 能请教以下问题吗?1.CIC 在批准sponsorship 前要求你更新什么材料呢?2. sponsorship通过后,递北京 都需要那些材料呢?3.你有没有先申请递bufflo, 后来转的北京? 怎么转? 太谢谢了! 
      • Thank you! Here are my answers to you: 1) They just wanted you to update your information in case there was any change. I provided a recent employment certificate and tax return of the previous year.
        2) You will need to submit a list of forms and documents. You will be provided a detailed checklist.

        3) No, CIC instructed me to apply to the Beijing Visa Office. I asked a CIC agent before the sponsorship approval to send my case to Buffalo but got a "NO". Good Luck!
        • 非常感谢!
    • 感谢分享,请问那个集体诉讼CIC的官司现状如何?有结果吗?
      • Still in process. You can check this web site for periodic updates: http://www.sponsoryourparents.ca/lawsuit.htm
        • 好文章,很有帮助. 请教个问题 - 你父母在等待期间还可以办来加探亲签证吗? 移民倾向是肯定的. 谢谢!
    • 谢谢分享。请问,Finger Prints如何做在哪里做?如何寄给RCMP?
      • Check this web site: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/crimrec/finger_e.htm
        • Please kindly help if anyone was required the fingerprint when they applyed the CITIZENSHIP? Thanks
    • Thanks for sharing. It looks that sponsorship took longer time than immigration.
      • 谢谢分享。顶
    • 恭喜! 我父母是3月22日上海体检的, 现在从网站上查还是等待体检结果???不会是体检寄丢了??急啊
      • Don't worry. They said it could take up to 8 weeks before the embassy could receive the medical results. Sometimes the online status is not updated soon enough. So just give it a bit more patience. Won't be long.
      • 什么时候递交北京的?让补什么材料了吗?谢谢
        • 2006/3月底北京, 没有要求补充材料
          • Thanks. Good luck!
    • Congratulation! Thanks for the information. We are still waiting for our sponsorship... I guess we need more patience
    • 不好意思,这句话没明确,“如果在提交担保资格申请时老人已在加拿大住满一年,而且在担保资格批准之际仍然住在加国,则移民申请表可以递交到Buffalo”
      就是说,我等父母住满一年,再交sponsership申请,在sponsership approved之前,他们要求在这等待期间一直住在加拿大,才能递交Buffalo?
      还是这期间也可以离开加拿大一段时间?等sponsership approved之后再回来
      • Please don't quote me as I am in no position to speak about CIC's policy. It is just my understanding from personal experience.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Condition #1:
        When applying for the sponsorship, you need to answer where your parents currently reside. If that address is not in the country of their nationality, you have to state clearly whether they have been at that address for more than 1 year.

        To my understanding, this is to evaluate whether your case can be processed in a visa office outside of your parents' home country. I somehow remember I once verified this with CIC call centre. It was a while ago so my memory could be inaccurate.

        Condition #2:
        I am pretty sure about this one. Before approving my sponsorship, a CIC agent called me specifically to verify if my parents were still in Canada. I explained that they were in China at the time, but when they left they had lived in Canada for much longer than 1 year (also met condition #1). Unforturnately, she made it clear that in this situation, my parents had to apply through Beijing according to CIC policy.

        Please also note that if your parents once leave Canada and come back later, they would lose whatever time they accumulated during the first period (confirmed by an agent at CIC call centre).

        As I said, it is just my 2 cents. The best place to ask is CIC, and even so, their policies sometimes are not cast in stone; very often people got contradictary information from different resources. So my advice is take it easy and let it be. As long as they keep on processing the cases and don't stall the process again, things will be fine.

        Good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • GX,给我们点亮希望的明灯。收藏。
    • 为什么我在网上查询看不到这种数字的状态啊?象12,7等,我只能看到英文字In Process,你们上的是移民局的网站还是北京大使馆的网?谢谢!
      • only BJ's case can see that. for HK, no.
        • 我的case就是在北京的啊?
          • i guess u go to cic's website so u can In Process. u should go BJ's website and u will see what they see.
      • Try this web site with your parents' file number and birthdate of the principal applicant: http://visa.beijing.gc.ca/templates/bj-en-visa.aspx?id=1539
    • 谢谢分享,这真是好消息!
    • 问一下:我父母已经把文件递到北京使馆,也拿到档案号,但是用档案号从cic上输入他们主申请人的名字查不到,提示是exact same什么的。我已经exact same了;可是从寄给我的client号,输入我的信息可以看到还在in process,请问用档案号查是输谁的名字?
      • 应该是主申请人的名字
      • 请各位:【父母团聚移民】需要递交北京使馆的材料上要求的提交申请人户口页原件,结婚证等证件大家是不是就是递交的相关的公证书,而不是照check list上的要求全部递交的原件啊?因为处理时间长,递交原件似乎不大合乎情理啊。各位是如何操作的?谢谢!!!
        • yes, if you have
      • Try this web site with your parents' file number and birthdate of the principal applicant: http://visa.beijing.gc.ca/templates/bj-en-visa.aspx?id=1539
    • 多谢你给大家的信心。我刚才访问了http://www.sponsoryourparents.ca/, 感觉很多人,不仅是中国人都在为这个事出力,非常感动,我自己也捐了一点钱给这个组织。希望大家团结起来,为共聚天伦努力!
      • Very much agreed!
    • Congradulation! It is really encourageing!Are most of the cases in the same speed as yours?Or you are the lucky one?Is your case faster becasuse of lawsuit with Mr Kunland?I went to the petition I and got email about lawsuit.But I didn't join.
      • I feel my case was processed fairly quick but it was still normal. I believe the law suit helps everyone in general sense not just my specific case, but definitely worths the effort.
    • Just got Immigrant Visa and CPR half hour ago. Here is our processing milestone:
      Apr. 22, 2006 submitted application to Beijing office
      May 15, 2006 got file number
      Dec. 8, 2006 status to 12
      Mar. 8, 2007 status to 7
      Mar. 26, 2007 Medical exam in Toronto
      Today got visa in Toronto

      Good luck everybody!
      • 请教一下: 在北京交表却在在多伦多体检有什么特殊要求吗? 我父母今年4月初在北京交表,打算来加拿大住一年,按时间算会在加国期间拿到体检表,不知是否可以直接在这边体检和登陆。多谢帮忙!
        • My parents had their medical exam here in Toronto. You can have exam at any designated medical practitioner listed in the following link. It doesn't matter the country. You can have it in Europe if you want. http://www.cic.gc.ca/dmp-md/medical.aspx
          My parents had their medical exam here in Toronto. You can have exam at any designated medical practitioner listed in the following link. It doesn't matter the country. You can have it in Europe if you want.
          • 请问你父母在多伦多体检,体检结果是按信上要求寄回北京还是寄到渥太华?另外,需寄护照吗,还有,为什么是在多伦多拿到visa呢?
            • Doctor will mail the result to Beijing.........................
              When they require us to take medical exam, they also asked to send them the origianl passports. When I sent the passports, I notified Beijing embassy that my parents were in Canada. Before they mailed out visa, they called us and confirmed that we want them to send visa to Toronto.
              • thanks.
      • 请问,你父母给北京递表的时候,做了哪些文件公证?
        • Their Hukou, their birth certificate, my birth certificate, their marriage certificate, police clearance for both China and Canada (because they visited Canada twice before).
          • Is it doing fingerprint? How to do that if they are not in Canada? TKS
            • No. We were not required to leave finger print.
              • THanks
    • How to do the fingerprint if my parents are not in Canada. TKS