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Single mothes with a bunch of kids are cuter. Look at them.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 随便上来问问。。。大家对抽烟喝酒的不太年轻的单身女性怎么看。
    • DUMP her. No question about it.
      • 一定吗?Can I ask why?
        • Don't even know that is the hazard for everyone's health, not to mention future baby and kid. Irresponsible woman.
          • Smoking is definitely a bad habbit. But what about drinking? I'm not talking *alcoholic * type of drinking.
          • Also, I'm asking about the person herself - I mean regardless the baby plan.
            • if she is not a chain-smoker and substance-abuser, supposed to be OK. Nobody is perfect.
      • I am not your fan any more. Sigh.
        • I may respect someone in this forum, but I am not a fan of anybody. :-)....
          • Just joking, man.
        • fan?? this is virtual world.
      • I kinda agree you on this point.
    • it is very rare among Chinese female. I don't like that type.
      • a lady who's drinking and smoking is typed as "irresponsible", while men having the same habits are ok to the majority, or at least won't be typed the same way? sigh.
        A bunch of my female colleagues do smoke during every office break but it doesn't stop them being good mothers and great people to work with.
        • To me, no smoking or alcoholic habit is tolerable, no matter that is a man or woman.
    • 挺酷的
    • 如果颇有姿色的话也是很cute的。
      • Yeah, you're damn right. Smoking makes ladies cool. See the link.
        • Single mothes with a bunch of kids are cuter. Look at them.
          • oh, single mother, and 4 kids. where the kids come from? I mean the smallest one.
      • 我觉得cute这词儿只能形容男人和18-的小姑娘:-)
    • it is just part of the life style.
      • 真的遇到这样的女人的时候,还会这么想吗?会不会说得容易,其实做不到。
        • lol
        • that's depend on what you expect from her: borough a cigrate, share a bed room for a night, or share life span time together. U can't expect other people to cooperate without changing yourself a little bit.
    • 对这样的女人还是离远点好。
    • 不年轻, 就别再酒啊, 烟啊. 那样不好. 可能会让人误解. 不过, 只要人不坏, 时间长了, 别人会看到你的好的地方的. 还是把那两样戒了吧.
    • I don't drink as well as smoke. But before somebody told me that sometimes people under a huge pressure they might do so. However, personally as an opinion, I don't think women who smoke and drink a lot is a good thing. 还是劝你的朋友戒了吧!
    • sigh, 看来抽烟和喝酒很容易和“坏女人”等同起来
      • A woman who is smoking and drinking, is selfish, not health-concious, low self-esteem, having potential physiological and physical problem, and at least, dangerous to other people's health who are close to her.
        • hehe,这大帽子扣的。我只是说抽烟和喝酒,我可并没有说烟不离手,天天喝个烂醉,或者跟别人距离很近的时候不顾别人感受喷云吐雾那种。你的结论里假想成分太多
          • don't be too serious. :-) I am talking about the worst senario, which doesn't hurt to be leveraged.
    • 中国女人抽烟喝酒的很少见,这种女人太有个性,男人一般不会喜欢,因为他会觉得驾驭不了。中国男人一般都不能容忍比较强势的女人,其实说穿了也许和抽烟喝酒本身无关。
      • u just have a wrong id
        i meant u r right
    • 在加拿大能够抽得起烟,喜欢去酒吧喝点酒的,不管是男是女,一定有点经济实力的。
      • 你对...."一定有点经济实力的".....认识太肤浅了吧。。。:))))
    • 抽烟喝酒应该不能作为判断女人好坏的主要标准,就好像有的女人喜欢浓妆,有的喜欢淡妆,各有所好。看你喜欢那种了
    • 喝点酒是好事呀,对身体有益处。抽烟,戒吧。
    • 如果她抽烟喝酒的姿态不错看, 我也会好好欣赏一下, 甚至想办法搭讪一两句哩! : P
    • 怎么看? surely by eyes. but not this way
    • 远离....(感觉抽烟的女人说话声音都很难听,很粗,要不就莎哑)
      • not always #3562142@0
    • 就抽烟喝酒这点事也能搞出性别歧视,真是服了一些人了。
    • 都结婚了