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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 只要证实出事的时候他们已分居, 张就不能按配偶的名义得到保险赔偿.向保险局举证
    Definition of “spouse”

    103.1 The definition of “spouse” in subsection 1 (1) of the pre-1997 Act shall be deemed to be repealed and the following substituted:

    “spouse” means either of two persons who, at the time of death of the one who was the worker, were cohabiting and,

    (a) were married to each other, or

    (b) were living together in a conjugal relationship outside marriage and,

    (i) had cohabited for at least one year,

    (ii) were together the parents of a child, or

    (iii) had together entered into a cohabitation agreement under section 53 of the Family Law Act. 2005, c. 5, s. 73 (28).
    • 你连中国的法律都不懂,还要讨论加拿大的呢。在中国,分局配偶可以拿保险,明白?找法律也要找对地方。好歹想我这样先套用一下“中国经验”也好呀。
      • 这跟懂不懂中国法律有关系吗?
      • “spouse” means either of two persons who, at the time of death of the one who was the worker, were cohabiting and,
      • check this law here.
    • 你可真是盲人摸象,请看周全一点。
      Separated spouse

      (7)If, immediately before his or her death, the deceased worker was required to make support or maintenance payments under a separation agreement or judicial order to a person who had been his or her spouse, the person is entitled to benefits under this section as a spouse. Despite the absence of a separation agreement or judicial order, the Board may pay benefits under this section to a person who had been a spouse of the deceased worker as if he or she were a spouse if the person was dependent on the worker at the time of the worker’s death. 1997, c. 16, Sched. A, s. 48 (7); 1999, c. 6, s. 67 (15); 2005, c. 5, s. 73 (14).
      • 法律真复杂呀,我越看越糊涂......ORCHID找的好象是以前,按照最新的定义(第一部分)张是SPOUSE但安去世时她已经出走了,独立了,不是DEPENDENT,是不是还不能算呀?
        “spouse” means a person,

        (a) to whom the person is married, or

        (b) with whom the person is living in a conjugal relationship outside marriage, if the two persons,

        (i) have cohabited for at least one year,

        (ii) are together the parents of a child, or

        (iii) have together entered into a cohabitation agreement under section 53 of the Family Law Act; (“conjoint”)

        “dependants” means such of the following persons as were wholly or partly dependent upon the worker’s earnings at the time of his or her death or who, but for the incapacity due to the accident, would have been so dependent:

        1. Parent, stepparent or person who stood in the role of parent to the worker.

        2. Sibling or half-sibling.

        3. Grandparent.

        4. Grandchild; (“personnes à charge”)
        • 我的这段引用,正是orchid提供的链接全文里的。
      • 我看是你没看清楚, 一是他们没分居协议, 二是张是自己跑的,有警察作证, 没依靠安生活.
        • 即便他们真正离婚,在经济利益上,她是dependent在安那里的,而且是3年。这是他们移民的时候签的合同。所以她才可以"正儿八经"的拿他的钱。况且他们只是“分居”而已
          • 还要把她举报到移民局去, 这样她才能死心.
            • 哎,真的是秀才遇到兵,有理说不清。你还是看看别的扫盲帖子,再出注意吧。
              • 9494, 这里感情用事的人太多,只会帮倒忙
              • HARD DISK 坏了,找八成谬。LEGAL ISSUES,千万别听八成谬的,呵呵 :)
            • 你真是的,如果她在法律上不算是依赖他的分居配偶,她就拿不到一分钱,安的家人的利益并不受影响;如果她是依赖他的分居配偶,她拿她自己的钱,也不影响安家人的利益;但如果非得让她把她应得的钱分给安家人,这不成欺诈保险了?
          • 我觉得算不算DEPENDENT,双方都有ARGUE的BASE.....做这个CASE的律师可得头脑清醒.
            • "这是他们移民的时候签的合同",还有啥argue的?
              • 担保移民双方要签这样的合同?三年那是担保人想政府做出的保证吧?......不过人死了,她要真申请福利,政府没法找他要,可能政府方面会倾向于从保险给她钱的.
                • 当然,所以“搬运工”不好当。
            • 只要证明她没有依赖别的男人,或有养活自己的工作,她应该就是dependent
              • 不是说帐上也没钱了,他找她她也不理睬,怎么能算DEPEND ON他的收入生活,并因为他的死亡而失去生活依靠呢?
                • 法律角度的分居,和分开住,有时是有区别的。不过,即使证明她没有依赖安钢,不该拿这个钱,其他人也得不到一分好处啊。
        • 你还是没有看周全,在没有分居协议或法庭判决的情况下,她仍然可以被认为是分居配偶;至于她自己跑的,无关紧要,担保一方或有能力的一方,依然要提供经济补偿,这和谁先离开谁没有关系。按你的说法,经济能力差的一方提出离婚就拿不到瞻仰费了?
          • 我别的没看,但就你引的这段来讲,是说如果死者生前被要求(分居协议或者法庭)支付其配偶抚养费,那么他的配偶就是dependent,就有权获得赔偿,不是说分居了就一定会有赔偿。
            • 看看这一句是说什么的呢?Despite the absence of a separation agreement or judicial order, the Board may ... ...
              • 后面条件别忘了if the person was dependent on the worker at the time of the worker’s death.关键还是dependent
        • 第一、你不知道他们有没有分居协议。第二、自己跑然后离婚但仍然需要对方经济供养的人多了去了,很多男人为此痛苦得要死(好在安钢不会感到痛苦),你难道从没听说过?