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法盲, 法盲, 法盲, 鉴定完毕


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 我只会捐款--给安家请律师打官司争保险费。有人想坐拥 80万,却要国移们捐血汗钱给安的老母亲和儿子作抚养费,这分明是转移公众的注意力,愚弄大众。呼吁有正义感的律师免费为安家打官司,此案影响如此之大,其广告效应可与“贺梅”案相比。
    • IMHO, I think you are jealous...
      • 我倒觉得是你jealous,anyway,如果你万一发生不幸的话,我们也会帮你的,你就别jealous 鞍钢和他们家了。
    • 要抚恤金是对的,但是告其骗婚是没有证据的。要告就只要求分钱!
      • 讲句挨砖的话,这样更助长了骗婚的嚣张气焰。以后这种事会更多。
        • 我的毛主席语录:抗日战争急不得,解放战争拖不得-- 夫妻事搞不清的,是持久战, 抗日战争。抚恤金不能拖,要请律师打官司,速战速决!我等等再帖出来,我们一 起学习
          • 我们做为网友,不会管你们怎么想,这事既然闹大了,就没有悄没声儿就了的。既然你们中间有授权的,就请把事情的进展贴出来,既然接受授权了,就有了责任和义务,不是你们想怎么搞就怎么搞的。
            • 授权书没有我的名子。只有七人小组。我只能给他们出出注意,写写文章。我也没有 权力发布目前的近战。我只能发表个人看法。但是我昨天晚上的毛主席语录,被人 给删了。网管没看懂,哎,没法,我老人家就再辛苦一下吧。
              • 再贴一次嘛!
                • #3534298
          • "抚恤金不能拖,要请律师打官司,速战速决!" Right !
      • 担保不足一年即分居的,移民局会考虑是否骗婚。已经是分居事实的,只要有人证,保险金的分配就有调整。很怀疑你们这些所谓的安钢的朋友,到底能否做好。或者你们就是居心叵测,跟女方很熟,在里面搞两面动作的。
        • No, as long as the documentation is legal and correct.
    • "有人想坐拥 80万", No, she is just dreaming, and she will NEVER AND EVER got all the insurance by herself, cause An Gang has a son in his full custody, and the son will get a portion of the insurance.
      • 按照正常的法律办,你们是输的,明白吗?邪恶的人也可以利用正义的武器。
        • You know nothing about the law, and let me tell you. An Gang will win. Wait and see.
          • 我所知道的是,如果请律师,这件事有很大文章可以做,甚至让对方输到血本无归。而你们如果不请律师,你们输的几率是99%,所以这件事不是对薄公堂,就是你们几个授权人的渎职。
            • My last reply to you. Again, you DO NOT KNOW the law in Canada, and 按照正常的法律办 An Gang will WIN.
            • "如果不请律师", let me tell you again, even if 不请律师, that woman will NOT NOT get all the money, because An Gang has a biological son in his full custody, and that woman is not DESIGNATED BY AN GANG HIMSELF as the sole beneficiary.
              • 你脑袋糊涂了还是怎么了?那个女人拿走一半,即使是一小半都是你们输。
                • That woman deserves part of the money, because she is the legal wife entitled to part of the money. I myself think she is indeed entitle to part of the money, but NOT ALL.
                  • Think it from a win-win perspective: the woman and the son both get something from the insurance, which is what I want to say.
                    • 都别说了,你,你们几个人在气势上已经输了。可怜安的老小。
                      • Wait and see.
                      • And Canada does NOT BELIEVE IN 气势. You make me laugh out and loud. :)))))))))))))) The end.
                • Again, I partially feel sorry for the woman as well.
          • Support you!!!
        • Read this case at #3533556. Thank God, this is Canada where judges make their decisions CASE BY CASE.
    • 这样想更实际一些:如果官司输了,你捐的钱当作善事好了;如果赢了,就从赢的钱里面,把你捐的钱拿回来,相当于暂时借给他们应急。这比号召某个律师做善事更实际一些。
    • "抚恤金不能拖,要请律师打官司,速战速决!"- 路谣, You are right !
      • then the only winner will be the lawyer.
    • 如果有律师免费代理此案,那他最聪明。这是一个千载难逢,扬名世界的机会!况且打赢了,律师费可以从赢的钱里面拿到的。稳赚不赔。
    • 法盲, 法盲, 法盲, 鉴定完毕
      • Why did you think so?
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛From the legal point of view, she is entitled to get the insurance money unless he wrote the will before he passed away becouse she is the closest kin of him.
        From the moral point of view ( according to the story of paper), a lot of people are not happy with her to grab that amount of money of her dead husband whom she doesn't care too much when he was still alive.
        But "Bad reputation" won't impact her rights to get that bloody money. Law is cold and strict.
        But I think SOMETIMES law is not everything. People need moral guidiance. Moral standards should play certain roles in a sociaty. We got to respect the majorty's opinion. When we try to emphasize our foundamental moral volue, we still cann't forget the law.
        She has right to fight for that money. It is human nature and her legal right. But we also can use the legal weapon to against her will.
        A lot of lawyers need name. The bigger name they can get, the more money they will make. If this case is famouse enough, some lawyer will do for free or a reasonable price. Then we can make this event big enough.
        Try to find evidence to prove this marrige is a fake one or at least her motive is only want to move to Canada. Judges will consider the circumstantial evidence. The more evidence we can collect to damadge her, the biger chance we can benifit him. E-mails are one kind of evidence, but I am not sure they will benifit which party.
        We need be cold too if we realy want to do something for the deseased party. Try to prove she is a cold bloody user, let lawyers make deal, if you don't want to be departed from Canada, you had better waive the right.
        She is an negative example and deserve to be punished in a certain way.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 通过证明“移民假结婚”就能证明她不能作为保险受益人,本身就是不懂法的表现。这是两个完全不同的官司。
          • Yeah. I agree with you.
            Maybe it is two totally different cases. I don't know law too well. My point is the roles of general public's moral judgement and law which one should and how to play in such kind of cases. We should guid our emotion on right track. By the way, I personally do not know the both parties, only according to the written on paper.