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信息不准确.还没有通过呢. 最新进展是: For the first time in May 2006, the DREAM Act passed the full Senate as part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (S. 2611).

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛■ Status of the DREAM Act
Support for the DREAM Act has grown each year since it was first introduced in 2001 during the 107th Congress. In past years it has garnered 48 Senate cosponsors and more than 152 Republican and Democratic House cospon-sors, more than one-third of the House. It has twice passed the Senate Judiciary Committee in bipartisan fashion, by a 16-3 vote in the 2003–2004 108th Congress, and again in 2006 by a voice vote without dissent as an amendment to the comprehensive immigration reform bill. For the first time in May 2006, the DREAM Act passed the full Senate as part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (S. 2611). It very likely also would have passed the House if brought up for a vote last year, but the House leadership could not be persuaded to bring it up. Most observers believe that the DREAM Act has a better chance of enactment this year than it has ever had. It con-tinues to attract bipartisan support and now for the first time also enjoys the strong backing of the House and Senate leadership and all of the relevant committee chairs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请教各位,我是加拿大公民,想带孩子去美国念高中,然后孩子直接申请美国的大学,请问我可以在美国合法打工吗?孩子的高中是免费的吗?需要在加拿大申请美国工签吗?孩子的牛奶金是不是照给的。
    • 可以在美国打Cash工,美国don't care,牛奶金照给,加拿大don't care. take care!
      • 非常谢谢你。孩子在那里读书跟加拿大一样免费吧?还有,我可以直接过美国去吗,带上物品?大家说的TN是什么东西?不好意思
        • 一样免费免费 (免费school lunch, dinner), Cash工 no need TN
          • cash工是不是黑工啊。我其实也只在美国呆两年而已,然后回国。另外,我过去后是不是还可以申请正式的工作呢?不好意思,都是很笨的问题。
            • Of course it is "黑工"
            • cash工并不都是扫地,洗碗,削葱,捕蒜,不少实际可比IT白脸工钱多
    • 如果没有工作,你如何保持合法身份在美国?再者,过边境时你如何对officer 说你的Purpose of the trip?
      • 那是不是必须先找到工作才能去美国呢?或者,我们先去美国,然后找工作,可以吗?非常感谢
        • 先去美国,然后找工作,可以吗?去美国对officer 说你的Purpose of the trip是旅游. 可以在美国住6个月.
          • 可以住6个月应该足够时间找工作了。我也正好是去美国亲戚那里。非常感谢!还有如果坐汽车过去的话,带很多行李是不是不太好呢?谢谢
            • most of the time they will inspect your suitcases at the border, no matter it's big or small.
    • 想法很有创意。
      • 是吗?希望这个想法可行。我也只是陪孩子在这里读书而已,因为我们一直想孩子高中毕业就直接去美国读大学,如果在那边念高中可能更有利于申请美国大学。
        • 在加拿大一样可以申请美国大学。反正都是要付国际学生的费用。
          • 在美国上大学不一定都要付国际学生的费用。
            • 嗯,不过选择应该比较有限。怎么也得进名校才对得起这样的辛苦吧。公立名校也挺贵的,私立就更贵了。
    • 欺骗政府的事不要干。
      • 我没有想欺骗,争取合法打工。
        • 俺的意思是不要听上面打CASH工不交税,牛奶金欺骗政府。
          • 谢谢你,知道了。
        • 合法打工是需要工作签证的, TN 或H1
        • 你怎么合法打工啊?你觉得能以什么身份合法打工呢?
    • 还有个问题请教一下,在SENECA读的会计文凭在美国有用吗?纽约的会计文秘工作机会是否多些?谢谢大家
      • 肯定不符合tn签证要求。
    • 孩子什么签证呀?B2是不可能免费上公校的.
      • 在美国,任何人的孩子都可以免费上公校(小学到高中),包括非法移民。
        • without SSN she can't even open any banking account or get driver's license. Unless she's renting a room, most apartment buildings would probably do credit check on her.
          • This is incompleted and incorrect information.
            • 美国好些州早几年对H1/TN都是这样了,现在管得只有越来越紧。你觉得B2没问题就去试试吧,也许会对你另眼相看。
              • 请教一下,哪些洲?
                • check pm
              • 不要想当然了.跟不跟开户,各银行规定不一样.我去年就在水牛城,以旅游旅游者身份开了户.根本没有SSN,地址我也留的是加拿大的.没问题.能不能拿到驾照,各州规定不一样,你不能说都是不行的.
          • 我是说楼主。搂主的孩子是什么性别,搂主没说吧。
        • In your dream only.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Restrictions on Attending Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

          Congress passed a law in 1996 that placed restrictions on foreign students in U.S. public elementary (kindergarten through eighth grades) and secondary (grades nine through twelve) schools. Secondary school is also called high school. The restrictions are given below:

          prohibits foreign students from attending public elementary schools or publicly-funded adult education programs
          limits secondary school attendance to twelve months
          requires secondary school students to pay the school the full, unsubsidized per capita cost (cost for each student) of education
          Go to Section 625 of Public Law 104-208 for the text of the new law.

          Restrictions Are for F-1 Students Only

          The restrictions apply to these foreign students:

          foreign students in F-1 status who need an I-20 to study in the United States;
          foreign students in F-1 status in public schools who leave the United States and want to return to continue their studies; and
          foreign students in F-1 status who want to transfer from a private school or program into a public school or program.
          The restrictions do not apply to the following foreign students:

          foreign students in another visa status, such as J-2, L-1, M-2, or G-4.
          foreign students in F-1 status who attend private schools or private training or language programs
          foreign students in F-1 status who were attending public schools when the law came into effect (November 30, 1996)
          Students Must Pay the Costs of Public Secondary School Education

          Foreign students who want to attend public secondary school (high school) must pay the full, unsubsidized per capita (for each student) cost of education. This amount is listed under the item called "tuition" in the I-20. The full, unsubsidized per capita (for each student) cost of education is the cost of providing education to each student in the school district where the public school is located. Costs normally range between $3000 and $10,000更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 梦想法案
            • 谢谢你提供的信息....不过,这个梦想法案目前还没有被通过......Enrolling a child in public school while in visitor (B1/B2) status can result in the child's visa revocation and permanent visa ineligibility for the child's parents.
              • 谢谢你现在说话比以前客气了。再重申一遍,据我所知, 目前为止,在美国,任何人的孩子都可以免费上公校(小学到高中),包括非法移民。至于某些学区不可以或会产生不良后果是另外一回事。
          • In your dream only.
            剥夺在美国的非法难民接受义务教育的权利, 目前为止,just in your dream only.
            • 3527215@0
        • Yes if you are really ILLEGAL immigrants. But it is not that easy to be illegal. LZ will always be considered a LEAGAL visitor.
        • 谁说的, 看地方了. LA 的好几个好的school district 白纸黑字写明了B1/B2 的学生不要.
          • 谢谢!能不能把你的白纸黑字的链接贴出来以免我继续误导别人。多谢! 
            • #3527199@0
            • That's true. Although school allows illegal immigrants to enroll, public schools must report to INS based on 1996 law. Normally INS won't go to school to capture the students, but they will deny this person's entry at the border.
              If one goes into school with B1/B2, he will be denied the entry next time.
            • "Students with B1/B2/F1 Visas will not be permitted to enroll. " and the link shows one of the school districts.
        • Should Illegal Immigrant Children & Teenagers Be Educated in the U.S.?
          • http://immigration.about.com/od/ussocialeconomicissues/i/EduIllegalIss.htm
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Should Illegal Immigrant Children & Teenagers Be Educated in the U.S.?

            From Jennifer & Peter Wipf

            Whether or not illegal immigrant children should be educated at the elementary, middle school, high school and college levels in the United States is a hotly debated topic. Some lawmakers have pushed for prevention of children being educated even at the youngest grade levels. On the opposite end of the spectrum, other lawmakers think illegals should get special breaks so that they can attend college.

            Current Status

            Legislation is still pending on major proposals. Some states have passed laws allowing illegals residency tuition benefits.


            Illegal immigrants, and what to do about them is an age-old issue. In terms of legislation about educating illegal children:
            - Although this is not a legislative issue yet, many illegal immigrants cannot register for college because they do not have a social security number.
            - In 2003, the revised DREAM Act (S-1291) was introduced in Senate, proposing that colleges and universities be encouraged to offer in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens residing in their states, and that certain students, after proving themselves through college, military and/or community service, could earn permanent legal status in the U.S.
            - In 2002, California passed a law granting in-state resident tuition rates to illegal aliens living in California.
            - Proposed in 2001, The Student Adjustment Act, (HR-1918) would permit any high-school student illegally in the U.S. but with five years of good moral conduct to qualify for college financial aid including Pell Grants. Furthermore, those students would be exempt from deportation and could immediately apply for permanent residency.
            - Prop 187 sought in 1996 to allow schools to deny public education to illegal immigrants.
            - The 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act prohibited states from extending tuition rates to undocumented aliens based on residency.
            - In 1982, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that undocumented immigrant children are entitled to free public education.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • In America, some 1.1 million undocumented students are enrolled in public schools.
        • 美国国会参院司法委员会2003年3月23日通过「梦想」法案 (DREAM Act),给予高中毕业,在美连续居住五年以上行为良好的非法移民永久居民身分,并允许州立大学免收其外州学生费用。
          • 该法案禁止遣返16岁以下,并已在美连续居住五年以上行为良好的非法移民高中生。
          • 鲁格参议员指出,目前非法移民可以享受免费公共教育,每年约有5万这样的高中生毕业。2005-11/22
          • 信息不准确.还没有通过呢. 最新进展是: For the first time in May 2006, the DREAM Act passed the full Senate as part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (S. 2611).
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛■ Status of the DREAM Act
            Support for the DREAM Act has grown each year since it was first introduced in 2001 during the 107th Congress. In past years it has garnered 48 Senate cosponsors and more than 152 Republican and Democratic House cospon-sors, more than one-third of the House. It has twice passed the Senate Judiciary Committee in bipartisan fashion, by a 16-3 vote in the 2003–2004 108th Congress, and again in 2006 by a voice vote without dissent as an amendment to the comprehensive immigration reform bill. For the first time in May 2006, the DREAM Act passed the full Senate as part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (S. 2611). It very likely also would have passed the House if brought up for a vote last year, but the House leadership could not be persuaded to bring it up. Most observers believe that the DREAM Act has a better chance of enactment this year than it has ever had. It con-tinues to attract bipartisan support and now for the first time also enjoys the strong backing of the House and Senate leadership and all of the relevant committee chairs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 信息哪里不准确?我并没有说这个法案已经最终被通过。原话是:“美国国会参院 司法委员会 2003年3月23日通过「梦想」法案 (DREAM Act)”。
              • 还真是不了解美国司法体系,我是认为Senate Judiciary Committee就是美国参议院的司法委员会.....我看到的是DREAM Act passes Senate Judiciary Committee on March 27, 2006...... 所有MAJOR ACTION没有一项发生在2003年3月.
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛DREAM Act passes Senate Judiciary Committee......Tuesday, March 28, 2006...... The DREAM Act passed the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday as an amendment by Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) to a much larger comprehensive immigration reform bill.

                Title: A bill to amend the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 to permit States to determine State residency for higher education purposes and to authorize the cancellation of removal and adjustment of status of certain alien students who are long-term United States residents.
                Sponsor: Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT] (introduced 7/31/2003) Cosponsors (47)
                Latest Major Action: 2/9/2004 By Senator Hatch from Committee on the Judiciary filed written report. Report No. 108-224. Additional views filed.
                Senate Reports: 108-224
                ALL ACTIONS:
                Introductory remarks on measure. (CR S10673-10674)
                Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
                Committee on the Judiciary. Committee consideration and Mark Up Session held.
                Committee on the Judiciary. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably.
                Committee on the Judiciary. Reported by Senator Hatch with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. Without written report.
                Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 415.
                By Senator Hatch from Committee on the Judiciary filed written report. Report No. 108-224. Additional views filed.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • 移民在美国是地雷区, 短期是无法有什么进展的。那些委员会的提案,很多是做给 自己的选区看的, 提出后还要经过国会立法小组审查, 能拿到国会全体投票的, 屈指可数。
    • 我和孩子都是加拿大公民,希望能象前面介绍的在6个月内找到工作,就应该算正式工作了吧。然后再申请TN(这到底是什么啊?不好意思)。因为想投奔亲戚去的。
      • 亲戚如果能全部帮忙,估计怎么也是可行的。
      • You need job which can support you TN visa. Otherwise, all Canadians went to states already.
      • 请先搞清楚:(1)你可以找到什么样的工作(2)这份工作是否可以申请工作签证(TN, H1)(3)没有工作签证的任何工作都不能申请SSN,都不是正式的专业工作,都不能报税,都属黑工,都是非法的。至于TN,H1,SSN是什么,自己网上GOOGLE,扫盲的工作自己是要做的。
        • 会计和文秘的工作可以申请TN,H1吗?
    • 如果孩子寄宿姑姑家,是不是可以被学校接受了呢?我自己倒是无所谓,只是不想孩子受委屈
      • 只要不是adoption,即使住在孩子姑姑家,他还是要有个合法身份在美国,加拿大公民不需要B2签证进入美国,但孩子默许的身份就是B2.
      • Don't think there is any difference. Only visa status counts.
      • 请直接给孩子姑姑所在地的学校打电话询问。 别人说的都不算数。
      • 让孩子的姑姑直接给所在地的学校打电话或上门去咨询,才是最有效的正确方法。别在这儿浪费时间了,大家都在帮你,可你自己有最好的资源都浪费不用,真是奇怪不解。
        • 是在请孩子姑姑帮忙询问.非常感谢大家.
          • 希望能够知道最终结果。 谢谢!
      • 寄宿本身很难会没有委屈。
    • 孩子读书免费没错,但你不能合法打工。。
    • 发现一个网站介绍教育问题的,好象如果有学校拒绝接收,可以告他们.http://www.cchc.org/uslife/newyork/education/index.htm