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我这种情况是不是有两个可选方案:(1)作为resident, married joint return in U.S,我在美国要报全年的收入(加拿大+美国)及401+RRSP;在加拿大作为Non- resident我只需要报1-4月份在加拿大的收入及RRSP

我这种情况是不是有两个可选方案:(1)作为resident, married joint return in U.S,我在美国要报全年的收入(加拿大+美国)及401+RRSP;在加拿大作为Non- resident我只需要报1-4月份在加拿大的收入及RRSP
by mobile668 (bird) at 2007.2.22 11:05

(2)作为dual residents in U.S,在美国报5-12月份的收入等,不能联合报税,不能用standard deduction,加拿大作为Non- resident只要报1-4月在加拿大的收入等

(1)无论如何我在加拿大的身份都应该是Non- resident,对吗?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请教报税的问题,我们的基本情况是:2006年1-4月在加拿大工作,5-12月在美国KC工作,全年只有我一人有收入,我是5月1号开始在美国工作的,我太太和儿子5月底过来的,中途我太太自己有回中国和加拿大共40天。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我太太和儿子现在还都没有ITIN,去OFFICE申请时被回答说:鉴于我们是第一次在美国报税,所以必须在报2006年报税的时候,附上W-7表,然后同时申请ITIN。我有打电话咨询美国的报税事务所,他们的回答是:我们是第一次在美国报税,而且我太太和儿子都没有ITIN,所以如果要以家庭的形式报税就不能网上报,要用邮寄的方式,ITIN要大约1个月的时间才能批下来,退税估计要至少2个月的时间才能下来;如果就以我一个人的形式报税,那就可以网上报,但不能同时帮我太太和儿子申请ITIN,而且退税的优惠也有很大的差别。我倒不介意那钱什么时候到帐,但是我怕耽误了加拿大的报税时间。






    非常感谢了!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • samilar to me and want to know the answer
    • 1, 错。加拿大报1-4月的收入,美国有三种election,要看具体情况挑一种最合算的,估计是resident, married joint return,最合算。2. ITIN 就是如你说的办,不知道跟你加拿大的报税有何关系。
    • My answers: First to determine the resident status in both countries, then, other issues.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Your understanding is incorrect. In either country, only when you have resident status you need to report your global income. According to timing given, you are US resident. And based on the fact that you are US resident, you can not be Canadian resident.

      Be aware the laws are not same in both countries.

      My suggestions are:

      US return: You claim you are dual residents in 2006 so you need to only report your US income. You do not need to report any of Canadian income. You are better to file family return because you can claim some rebate/offset from your wife and child. Forget about the details of where you wife resided during the year. It is not much related.

      Canadian return. There is no concept of dual residency in Canada. You will need to elect you are resident or non-resident. Of course CRA wishes you to be resident so they can charge tax from your global income. However, for following reasons you can claim you are non resident for year 2006 and onwards:

      1. Since you are US resident in 2006 and according to Treaty, you can not be resident of Canada.
      2. You resided in Canada less than 183 days in 2006.
      3. You are permenantly moved to US in foreseeable future.

      As a result, you need to file return that only contains your Candian income. No US income needs to report.

      You do not need to file any further Canadian returns in future, unless you do have Canadian affairs or you elect doing so.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 太感谢了! 让我清楚了很多,你的逻辑思维能力真值得我学习。我还有一个问题:我太太还是中国护照持枫叶卡,2006年4月底递的公民申请表,9月15号在士嘉堡考了公民考试,然后就一直没有消息,







        • It seems you can't claim non-tax resident at all, because you have family in Canada.
          • 我没有家人在加拿大,我太太和儿子都在5月底来了美国,只有银行帐号还有加币和FUND,这种情况该怎么办?请指教
            • I was told at least you should close all bank account, cancel all credit card, cancel driver license, can't have property unless it is for rent only. Better check office document.
              • 除了我没有房子的问题,其他的我都没有CANCEL掉啊,那怎么check office document?方便的话给个连接或电话什么的,我可以自己好好研究一下,谢谢! 那我到底应该如何在美加报税呢?身份又如何确定?
          • I misunderstood. LZ's wife is in states now. Please ignore my previous post.
            • 谢谢你!我知道了。 那对于我们的情况,你有建议吗? 或是指正一些我搞错了的地方,谢谢啊!
              • If you need to file Canada tax return, I don't think you have to wait US tax return (I mean wait utill you actually get the return check). Canada side just need the number you filed (or will file) in US.
                • (1)那就是不需要等美国的退税确认,按照我们报的需要退税的数填给加拿大就好了,如果有什么出入,可以等到2007年调整,对吗? (2)那我在美国和加拿大应该怎么报收入,报多少,身份如何确定?
                  • Actually there is NO 退税确认 (like NOA in Canada) in US at all. If you overpaid tax, you will get tax return check. That is all. If you cut a check, you will not get any confirmation letter.
        • 非税务的事不懂。3。加拿大的是。美国的不是,看你的election. 4)不是必需但是建议。5,你已经有专业的建议了,难道你更相信网上的发言?
          • 我在美国中部,问的是2家中国人的会计事务所,对于美国的报税,他们建议以家庭的形式报,那样可以多退一些税;对于加拿大那边的他们一点概念都没有,也不确定我们必须如何操作,我从他们那里得到的信息是断层的,不希望被他们误导。
            楼上有位朋友说,“I was told at least you should close all bank account, cancel all credit card, cancel driver license, can't have property unless it is for rent only. ”我的情况是我在加拿大还有银行帐号,还有加币存款和一些FUND,那不就是理解为我不可能是加拿大的非税务居民了?那我又该怎么决定呢?给点建议,谢谢了。
            • Hi. In any Western country as I know, the taxation resident status are of election, declaration and determination. It can not be granted. You do not need to apply for unless your case is very complicated and you choose to play savely.
              Bank account, credit cards and even property are not critical criteria. They served as reference when one's primary factors not exists. The critical criteria are the days you reside in Canada. Second, in my mind is the Treaty. If one does meet the first one, forget about the other factors.
              • 确定税务居民或非税务居民的唯一标准是:在这个国家的居住时间?而不是其他的了?
                • As I understand, it is almost the only factor. However, if this factor could not lead to a conclusion, other factors will be considered.
                  • Indeed I simplied the determination procedure. Actual procedure/consideration is very complicated, though majority people would never tough those parts.
                • I think you are Residebt Aliens in U.S.You need to file Form 1040.For Canada Tax return,you are Non- resident.so you don't need to add American income.
                  • 我这种情况是不是有两个可选方案:(1)作为resident, married joint return in U.S,我在美国要报全年的收入(加拿大+美国)及401+RRSP;在加拿大作为Non- resident我只需要报1-4月份在加拿大的收入及RRSP
                    (2)作为dual residents in U.S,在美国报5-12月份的收入等,不能联合报税,不能用standard deduction,加拿大作为Non- resident只要报1-4月在加拿大的收入等

                    (1)无论如何我在加拿大的身份都应该是Non- resident,对吗?



                    • You are right. In Canada you are non-resident for whatever status in US of you.
                      In US, if you choice resident you can claim standard deduction but you will have to include your global income, as well as global tax credit. If you choice dual resident, your US return has nothing to do with Canadian income.
                      • 太谢谢了!还有个关于报税先后的问题请教:在这2种不同选择的情况下,应该存在美国和加拿大报税的先后的问题,具体应该如何操作?谢谢啊
                        • If you would like to include Canadian tax credit, you may wish to file Canadian return first, only for the purpose of the accurate figures.
    • My suggestions are to file your tax as resident if your wife needs to get Canadian citizenship. Judger does care these kinds of materials for your wife's case. You may think it costs money. However, in long term, it is worth.
      Later when your wife becomes a Canadian, you could cut your connection with Canada and file as non-residence.
      • I am confused. One can not be residents in both countries according Treaty, even if you want to be. The result of your suggestion is not just paying more tax, but also illegal.
        Besides, the only criteria to be granted as Canadian citizen, is the days one residing in Canada. As I know, it has nothing to do with the your taxation resident status.
    • 我这种情况是不是有两个可选方案:(1)作为resident, married joint return in U.S,我在美国要报全年的收入(加拿大+美国)及401+RRSP;在加拿大作为Non- resident我只需要报1-4月份在加拿大的收入及RRSP
      我这种情况是不是有两个可选方案:(1)作为resident, married joint return in U.S,我在美国要报全年的收入(加拿大+美国)及401+RRSP;在加拿大作为Non- resident我只需要报1-4月份在加拿大的收入及RRSP
      by mobile668 (bird) at 2007.2.22 11:05

      (2)作为dual residents in U.S,在美国报5-12月份的收入等,不能联合报税,不能用standard deduction,加拿大作为Non- resident只要报1-4月在加拿大的收入等

      (1)无论如何我在加拿大的身份都应该是Non- resident,对吗?

      • I think you should use "joint return" in US. And you can file a NR73 to apply non-resident. Your ties to canada are weak enough. Don't count too much on the tax credit. It's not 1:1 ratio. So claim as much money back from US first.
      • 你把详细收入报上来,可以算出哪种报税合算。
        • 太具体的数字就不方便公布了,被人这么直接的问到收入,感觉蛮怪怪的。给个比例,你可以帮我算吗?加拿大1-4月的收入:美国5-12月的收入=1:2。5左右。