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觉得移民七年是一个错误,命运女神曾经给我(们)许下了美丽的诺言,但是现在,却留下我(们)在脆弱中,如一片失控的枫叶,飘落 -- How stupid could I be


Night lift up the shades let in the brilliant light of morning
But steady me now for I am weak and starving for mercy
Sleep has left me alone to carry the weight of unraveling where we went wrong
And all I can do to hang on, to keep me from falling into old familiar shoes

How stupid could I be
a simpleton could see
that you are no good for me
but you are the only one I see

Love has made me a fool set me on fire and watched as I floundered
unable to speak except to cry out and wait for your answer
and you come around in your time speaking of fabulous places create
an oasis that dries up as soon as you are gone
you leave me here burning in this desert without you

How stupid could I be
a simpleton could see
that you are no good for me
but you are the only one I see

Everything changes
Everything falls apart
I cant stand to feel myself losing control
In the deep of my weakness I know

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 为什么这么想父母?总是有见一面就少一面的感觉?走过了这么远的路,经历了这么 多的事,才知道,你可以改变一切,却永远也改变不了你的血液。
    • 走了那么多路,换了那几本护照。到头来发现,永远都是中国人。
    • 这个才知道?你完啦...从头来吧
    • 没错, 有很多时候觉得亏欠父母的太多了.
    • IT 叔叔, 你这是怎么啦? 干吗这么伤感, 今天是大年三十, 应该高兴才对! :) 如果想父母啦, 就给他们打电话, 给他们带来快乐和安慰!!!
    • 觉得移民七年是一个错误,命运女神曾经给我(们)许下了美丽的诺言,但是现在,却留下我(们)在脆弱中,如一片失控的枫叶,飘落 -- How stupid could I be

      Night lift up the shades let in the brilliant light of morning
      But steady me now for I am weak and starving for mercy
      Sleep has left me alone to carry the weight of unraveling where we went wrong
      And all I can do to hang on, to keep me from falling into old familiar shoes

      How stupid could I be
      a simpleton could see
      that you are no good for me
      but you are the only one I see

      Love has made me a fool set me on fire and watched as I floundered
      unable to speak except to cry out and wait for your answer
      and you come around in your time speaking of fabulous places create
      an oasis that dries up as soon as you are gone
      you leave me here burning in this desert without you

      How stupid could I be
      a simpleton could see
      that you are no good for me
      but you are the only one I see

      Everything changes
      Everything falls apart
      I cant stand to feel myself losing control
      In the deep of my weakness I know
      • You compose this poem???
        • 不,这是Sarah McLachlan的歌<<STUPID>>收录在专集<<After Glow>>。我只是重新 理解其中的广义含义。
        • 错了,又听了几遍,第四句应该是:It is all I can do to hang on, to keep me from falling into old familiar shoes(Internet也会有错误?)
      • Everything changes / Everything falls apart / I cant stand to feel myself losing control / In the deep of my weakness I know
      • 我也不喜欢加拿大! 可是我觉得这对我来说是一种经历. 生活里不可能都是美丽的童话......
    • 这是负面心理,要克服。多吃一口就是多吃一口,多见一面就等于多见一面
      • 我觉得是对的! 我也是经常受外界的因素影响, 就好象阴天的时候我就会莫名其妙地想很多伤心的事, 然后莫名其妙地哭. 但是人是要学会长大, 懂得调整......
        • 这是抑郁症的前兆和潜质。
          • 啊???? 没那么恐怖吧??? 不就是有时情绪不太好嘛! 反正我就是讨厌阴天, 随你怎么说. 不过这两天还真挺高兴!虽然天也不怎么亮:)
            • 开玩笑。要有革命乐观主义精神,也就是阿Q精神,就会笑口常开,无忧无虑。
    • 各家不同。我父母他们有自己的生活,朋友和社交圈,和我们子女过年没有什么大兴趣。除了想早点要孙子,孙女,我们去看他们纯粹是添乱,骗吃。
      • 父母经常用好吃好喝来诱惑子女。子女要抵御诱惑就要学会更精深的厨艺和倒掉胃口
        • 哈哈哈! 可怎么才能学会更精深的厨艺呢? :)
    • 估计最近这位老兄压力比较大,有些事情不太顺利
      • 这就不晓得啦.... 不过前两天刚被他教育了一下... 哈哈! :)
      • 没有什么不顺利的,只是打电话的时候,

        • Let u go home...... haha
    • 每当我要去看父母,他们都说他们很好,不用来,去年登飞机的时候,父亲已经住院,说等着我,等我走下飞机,父亲刚刚去世。我们这一代移民,真是牺牲了很多东西,换来了生活的巨大变化,珍惜,不做后悔的事。
      • "等我走下飞机,父亲刚刚去世"... 看到这儿, 我忍不住眼泪了... 我爸妈也老说, 不要考虑我们太多. 可我怎么呢?........... :(
      • 太同意了!
      • 以前我从没想过父母会有一天离开我, 可是现在有时候就会想那会是怎样的一种感受..... 无法想象! 也不敢想...
      • 父亲去世,使我明白我是个失败者,十年中,我只回家了两次,虽然他过来了三次,但总觉得既然他来过了,儿女情我也尽了。儿女远离的思念,做父母的无奈。
        • 唉, 每逢佳节倍思亲!
      • every successful story is built on the foundation of tears and bloods--- more or less same as one Chinese famous saying!