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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Open letter to Amnesty International UK
Amnesty International UK
The Human Rights Action Centre
17-25 New Inn Yard
London EC2A 3EA
9th May 2004
The Embassy of Uzbekistan in London has been receiving appeals of the Amnesty International members on Huseyincan Celil.

According to the statement of the Interpol National Central Bureau in Uzbekistan, Huseyincan Celil was identified as Guler Dilaver of Turkish subject and native of Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. He had been on wanted list by the Interpol on terrorism charges.

Mr Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil) was born in 1955 in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China and citizen of Turkey. He was wanted by Kyrgyz law enforcement bodies for membership in terrorism groups, kidnapping, taking hostages and illegal weapon possession.

The relevant authorities of Kyrgyzstan have also identified that the arrested was Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil). According to information of Kyrgyz law enforcement bodies, Mr Dilaver (Celil) uses undercover names of Hussein Calil, born in 1968, or Calil Husan Siddikovich, born in 1970, or Huseyincan Celil, born in 1969.

He had been on the Interpol wanted list since 13 August 2002. The warrant for his arrest was signed by the Prosecutor-General of Kyrgyz Republic in January 2001.

Fingerprint tests of Huseyincan Celil proved that he had been arrested on 10 May 1998 and his name was registered by the National Security Service of Kyrgyz Republic as Guler Dilaver. This fact was confirmed in the protocol of identification presented by the Information and Analytical Department of Kyrgyz Interior Ministry on 29 March 2006.

According to the Kyrgyz authorities Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil) was involved in assassination of the head of Uygur society in Kyrgyz Republic on 28 March 2000 and terrorist act against the state delegation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China on 25 May 2000.

Uzbekistan continues to fulfil its international obligations and adhere to international norms of human rights. Uzbekistan's further steps will be taken within the framework of its international obligations.

Amnesty International is a respected organization and has contributed significantly to upholding the justice in human rights. However, recent appeals by the AI members in respect of Huseyincan Celil testify that the members are misleading by personality of Mr Celil, who was fugitive on terrorism charges.

The Embassy expresses its hope that the Amnesty International UK will spread the Embassy's concern amongst its members by calling upon them to be accurate and vigilant before sending appeals on release of persons who are lawbreakers in reality.

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in London更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Huseyin Celil 案件:哈帕有兴趣搞清楚他是恐怖主义嫌犯的基本事实吗?和Arar案件相比,是否存在双重标准?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛首先,Huseyin Celil 是一个无辜的被中国政府无理逮捕的加拿大公民吗?


    中国政府显然知道Huseyin Celil是恐怖嫌犯,他不仅涉嫌参与中国境内的恐怖活动,也涉嫌参加境外针对中国外交官的恐怖活动,所以他才遭到中国和吉尔吉斯坦两个国家的国际刑警组织的通缉。他涉嫌犯下的罪行早在他成为加拿大公民之前就已经发生了,难道加拿大就要为这样的人提供庇护吗?难道中国仅仅因为加拿大对恐怖主义嫌犯的包庇就放弃对其罪嫌的追究吗?



    相反,对于清白的Arar,加拿大是如何做的呢?他们甚至在没有恐怖犯罪证据的情况下,就让美国人把他送到叙利亚,明明知道这个人是会受到酷刑折磨。对比之下,为什么突然对Celil这个人大发慈悲,一会儿施压,一会儿狂怒,哈帕又对美国人这么干过吗?直到现在,Arar还在美国的黑名单上,除了拿出纳税人的一千万赔偿给Arar,哈帕有向傲慢的美国反恐机关表达他可爱的“震怒”吗?这种双重标准说句实话实在让人恶心!如果有人说哈帕和保守党对中国没有偏见,你相信吗?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 哈帕再叫也没用,他当一国的总理,至今没明白什么是"形势比人强". 好在他也没几天了,算是加拿大人民的福吧.
      • 对阿,加拿大人的脸让他丢光了!
    • 遭到中国和吉尔吉斯坦两个国家的国际刑警组织的通缉.....哪里可以查到这个?WIKIPEDIA上有CELIL的条目,但没说到这个....前两天他老婆还在电视上讲话呢.
      • 网上有很多消息可以查到,包括这个帮他老婆说话的网站都指出了

        “The man's wife, Komila Telindieva, said her husband was arrested on March 27 in Tashkent on the basis of Kyrgyz and Chinese Interpol warrants.“

        • 谢谢!不认识Interpol 这个字,以为是说中国国内.
    • 主流媒体上充斥了对中国的偏见,这里是我对the globe and mail 的批评
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Harper again is making it a political show for the election. Does he know how many terrorist suspects are held right now in a little place close to Cuba, WITHOUT any evidence? Does he protest? No, nil, nadda. Why? because those poor fellas are held by the mighty Americans. Oh, not long ago the Canadian mounties tipped our lovely neighbour to send Mr. Arar on a trip without his consent to a place so far that he was only able to come back a couple of years later, not without torture. Did those mounties or the Americans behind this have any evidence that Arar might have being a little naughty? No, nil, nada. So the Chinese are damned, when it is their turn to retain a fella considered related to bombing buses full of innocent civilians and killing Chinese diplomat and wanted by interpol of two countries, and also related to a UN listed Al Qaeda like organization (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Turkestan_Islamic_Movement), Mr. Harper is really really enraged. What kind of world is this? Anything that happens in China will unset Mr. Harper and the Cons for sure. So should the Chinese really give a dime about this since they are so evil? Or the Canadian government is trying to make it heaven here for more terrorists as long as they make troubles in China? Celil is said to have already committed unspeakable crime before he came to Canada, but why was he granted a Canadian citizenship? Does anyone really give a dime about this? No, blame everything on China, that's easier. By the way, after Harper's lip services, Mr. Celil did not even see a Canadian diplomat appearing in his court. Should we blame the Chinese again for this???更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Dont' make Canada a home for any kind of terrorists
        I think the Canadian government has a mindset that Chinese can be bullied while the Americans cannot, just look at Arar and Celil and you will know what I am talking about.
        The Chinese believes Celil was involved with killing innocent Chinese civilians and murdering a Chinese diplomat, and such crimes were committed before he became a Canadian citizen. So they treat him like a terrorist and a Chinese citizen. If he were held for the same crimes by the Americans, would Harper say anything about Celil's rights? I doubt it. The Canadian government should feel ashamed for granting citizenship to a terrorist suspect like Celil. If American can ask Canada not to make here a heaven for terrorists planning attacks in the South Border, Chinese should also have the rights to request the same thing from Canada - Do not make it home for any kind of terrorists.
      • G&M上面有两个新疆独立分子在发帖,被我们几个中国人逼得有点胡说八道了
    • 原来Celil根本就是采用了假名字逃到加拿大并申请了护照, 乌兹别克斯坦有信为证,所以中国不承认他的加拿大国籍。哈帕为什么不把这些事实告诉加拿大人?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Tommy T from Montreal, Canada writes: The human rights of any canadian should be protected completely,
      however, any guilty action deserves to be convicted.

      Therefore, if Mr. Huseyincan Celil has not involved in terrorism, and hasn't deliberately used undercover identity while applying for canadian citizenship, then he should be inevitably protected by all means.

      I found a open letter online on this issue by Embassy of Uzbekistan in London, so I forwarded it to you as another point of view for your reference.

      According to this letter, Mr. Celil probably used a bogus identity to get his canadian citizenship, which seems not substitute his real original chinese citizenship.

      What's more, there are two other questions to be discussed:

      1) Should Canada be a shelter or heaven of terrorists?

      Do you know what they were interested in bombing public bus and murdering normal residents in China?
      'Protecting religious beliefs' always can excuse terrorists' cruelty, even in canada where any religious have been respected.

      2) His mother and sister criticized the government a lot and they are chinese citizens, have they been arrested and tortured? Why only Celil?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 连指纹都对上了,还有什么好抵赖的!看看乌兹别克驻伦敦大使馆的公开信全文吧,不要被哈帕的所谓震怒感动了
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Open letter to Amnesty International UK
        Amnesty International UK
        The Human Rights Action Centre
        17-25 New Inn Yard
        London EC2A 3EA
        9th May 2004
        The Embassy of Uzbekistan in London has been receiving appeals of the Amnesty International members on Huseyincan Celil.

        According to the statement of the Interpol National Central Bureau in Uzbekistan, Huseyincan Celil was identified as Guler Dilaver of Turkish subject and native of Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. He had been on wanted list by the Interpol on terrorism charges.

        Mr Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil) was born in 1955 in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China and citizen of Turkey. He was wanted by Kyrgyz law enforcement bodies for membership in terrorism groups, kidnapping, taking hostages and illegal weapon possession.

        The relevant authorities of Kyrgyzstan have also identified that the arrested was Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil). According to information of Kyrgyz law enforcement bodies, Mr Dilaver (Celil) uses undercover names of Hussein Calil, born in 1968, or Calil Husan Siddikovich, born in 1970, or Huseyincan Celil, born in 1969.

        He had been on the Interpol wanted list since 13 August 2002. The warrant for his arrest was signed by the Prosecutor-General of Kyrgyz Republic in January 2001.

        Fingerprint tests of Huseyincan Celil proved that he had been arrested on 10 May 1998 and his name was registered by the National Security Service of Kyrgyz Republic as Guler Dilaver. This fact was confirmed in the protocol of identification presented by the Information and Analytical Department of Kyrgyz Interior Ministry on 29 March 2006.

        According to the Kyrgyz authorities Guler Dilaver (Huseyincan Celil) was involved in assassination of the head of Uygur society in Kyrgyz Republic on 28 March 2000 and terrorist act against the state delegation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China on 25 May 2000.

        Uzbekistan continues to fulfil its international obligations and adhere to international norms of human rights. Uzbekistan's further steps will be taken within the framework of its international obligations.

        Amnesty International is a respected organization and has contributed significantly to upholding the justice in human rights. However, recent appeals by the AI members in respect of Huseyincan Celil testify that the members are misleading by personality of Mr Celil, who was fugitive on terrorism charges.

        The Embassy expresses its hope that the Amnesty International UK will spread the Embassy's concern amongst its members by calling upon them to be accurate and vigilant before sending appeals on release of persons who are lawbreakers in reality.

        Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in London更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不信。柿子专拣软的捏。愚蠢的哈伯为了显示加拿大对国际事务影响力的加深,就盯着中国了,他敢对美国说个“不”字么。
      • 他会搬起石头砸自己的脚!我已经写信给各大政党要求剥夺Celil骗来的加拿大公民身份
        • 吹牛吧, 我党怎么还没收到, 你署名了吗?
          • 你是什么党啊?没轮上你这个保守党的狗腿子吧?
            • 自由党. 你写信有没有写地址贴邮票啊? 我们这不发保守党的职位, 要不给你个自由党的?
              • 给MP和Playboy Magzine写信都不需要邮票。 :-)
                • 好消息啊!自由党是属于MP还是Playboy Magzine?
              • 小朋友,懂不懂议员们的电子邮件电话等等都是公开的?留给你吧,以后有个冤情可以找找他们啥的
                • 原来你是写的电子邮件啊。我多虑了。那你有没有得到一份或几份友好的自动答复呢?
    • 不管他是怎么得到加拿大国籍的,现在他就是加拿大人。如果我们认可中国政府不承认他的国籍,中国政府也可以不承认我们这些在加拿大入籍的人。
      • 你如果在中国犯罪,然后采用假名用难民身份来到加拿大并骗取加拿大公民身份,中国为什么要承认你是加拿大公民?遵纪守法的加拿大公民从来不需要担心这个问题!
        • 忍不住,讲两句。事情实际没有这么复杂,中国政府和加拿大政府完全可以找到解套的办法,只是两国政府的互信太差,HARPER意识形态观念太强,


          • 这话说的对,我觉得两国关系差只有加拿大损失的分。
            • 加一句,加拿大保守党讲起来挺奇怪的,一般西方国家的右派政府,比较务实,由于政治和经济的因素,和中国的关系相对左派政府要好,比如美国的共和党政府,英国保守党政府,日本自民党右派。


              • 支持一下,说得不错
              • 正解! 保守党对凡是分裂中国的个人,组织都给予坚决支持. 这就是我无法支持该党的原因! NDP则是一贯的在野党,在加拿大是凡执政党的提案他们都有意见,习惯成自然在中国问题上也如此行事,所以NDP也只能永远是在野党.
          • 不过在那人的公民权还没有剥夺之前, 他就还是加拿大公民.

            连基地老三的家人都没办法. 基地老三的一个小儿子在阿富汗与加拿大军队打仗, 受伤后就回加拿大疗伤.
    • 写的好!
    • 愚不可及。一点辙都没有的事儿,还不找个台阶下了算了,自己搬个梯子越爬越高。这不是找不自在吗?中国不理他茬,他能怎么的啊?好看那?一点儿政治智慧都没有,加拿大人真是瞎了眼选这个一个白痴上台。
      • hahaha "自己搬个梯子越爬越高" -- 这个要记下来
      • 提醒一下,不光是加拿大人选的,在这里给他唱赞歌的不在少数。嘿嘿
    • 双重标准?这个恐怖嫌疑犯是哪个党当政的时候给他的难民身份?是哪个党的MP要求政府去和中国谈判的?
    • 中国在等哈帕把话说满了再办他,有好戏看。
    • 最新消息:皇家骑警国家安全/反恐部门已经开始就此开始调查Celil!
      • 双重标准?这个恐怖嫌疑犯是哪个党当政的时候给他的难民身份?是哪个党的MP要求政府去和中国谈判的? URL -lionel(Lionel); 2.11 23:32 (#3491709@0)Reply
        • 本人已经说过,无党无派,眼中只有公义,没有政党,你们偏要扯上自由党,那是你们自己的事!
          • 人无完人, 相比之下矬子拔大个儿, 这也就是为什么保守党是少数党。选民都清楚,他不是好党, 但比其他党来说还是好的。
            • 这是你的个人意见,我未必同意。
      • 我本坛没有崇拜过任何人,你是头一个(仅限于此事)。
        • 跟一个.
        • 谢谢!我只是对事实真相很感兴趣,不希望自己还有朋友们被政客愚弄罢了。如果是自由党对此事大做文章,我一样会寻找事实真相。可惜哈帕撞上枪口了!
          • 事实上,自由党确实大做文章了。可是你采用了双重标准。
            • 现在RCMP已经开始调查,你要是觉得Celil冤枉,尽可以跟他们联系。至于你和自由党的心结,好自为之吧
              • 我个人认为,加拿大就不应该接纳这样有恐怖嫌疑的“难民”。
      • GOOD JOB!
      • 西藏活跃分子任幕僚 哈珀对华立场趋强硬
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛【明报温哥华专讯】总理哈珀及其核心决策小圈子的灵魂人物肯尼(Jason Kenney)在对华立场上,只有愈来愈强硬,令人不免猜想,除哈珀及肯尼一向关注中国人权状况外,究竟有没有其他军师?经过多番追查,本报发现一名加国西藏活跃分子、通道直达达赖喇嘛的藏人,先受聘於总理办公室「高级顾问」,在肯尼当上多元文化国务部长后,近日更成為他的幕僚长,这些关係,难免惹人有所臆测。
        该名藏族加人是丹增达吉坎萨(Tenzin Dargyal Khangsar,小图),中文刊物称呼他為丹增达吉,目前担任「多元文化及国民意识」国务部长肯尼的幕僚长(chief of staff),在此之前,他给本报的名片上,印更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 敢说敢干,中国男人的标杆。
      • 笑到叉气,RCMP或CSIS的回答是标准式的”你提供的信息很重要,我们一定一查到底”,这多是计算机的自动回复.和真正立案调查是两回事.
    • 谁让Arar含冤受雪 - 自由党! 谁换Arar清白之身 - 保守党。 (如果自由党还当政,Arar可能还在含冤中)
    • 我觉得哈帕有点250。因为头两天听收音机里说车厂裁人然后哈帕说各省应该寻求把车卖到亚洲国家去,明摆着又指着中国挑事呢。
    • 谁让中国的劳工人头税得以解决 - 保守党 (如果自由党还党政,人头税定时遥遥无期)
      • 人头税是少数华人炒起来的,那些老华侨的心里非常清楚,只有有些人后来的人容易被忽悠而已,保守党一贯做秀而已。
        • 自由党干了十几年也没做啊. They didn't get it done.
    • 毕竟他又加国护照, 是加公民, 对于Huseyin Celil 问题, 任何政府都会像加政府一样做作这样的姿态, 无论他对错以前做了什么都得出面为他说话。 这点问题都看不明白?
      • 这是当权人在赚政治资本,又是针对中国的,完全是故意高调的.每个加拿大公民遇到问题都做这样的姿态了吗?前一段有人说在中国受到不公正待遇,加拿大政府不管.那些政客只是政客,不是正义的化身.
        • 没错。Harper这些举动纯粹是political prostitution
    • 从法律意义上, 两国都有权过问. 加拿大向中国要人和是否认为他犯罪完全是两回事.不能说中国政府不承认他的加拿大国籍, 加拿大就也不承认了. 那很可笑. 加拿大可以剥夺, 但剥夺之前, 他仍然具有加拿大的公民身份. 这个问题应该不难理解.
    • 他只有一个标准就是: 是我们的公民, 我们就有权过问, 就要负责. 中国政府把很多有中国国籍的人不当中国人看.有比较才有鉴别.
      • 这末问法, 不如不问